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The Witcher: Kaer Morhen (2021)
Season 2, Episode 2
18 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers

You kill Eskel in a made up story that makes no sense, after you have already murdered his character.

You destroy Vesemir's character. He would never stand for a party orgy to take place in Kaer Morhen.

You destroy Kaer Morhen who is supposed to be secluded and unreachable by making some "friends from down the mountain " come for a friendly party.

You make important character , when he was only a side character mage who is only mentioned in the story with Renfri in the books.

Vilgefortz is the real villain not an unimportant mage.

You take away all the political intrigue,planning and machinations of the mages and Nilfgaard's with the elves and replace it with a ridiculous story about some witch of the hut (which doesn't exist in the books). One of the stupid writers probably remembered sth about the 3 crones and said oh it would be cool to have an ancient witch. It wasn't.

I won't even bother with Yen and Triss. You murdered their characters from the previous season with the actresses you chose.

The only reason to watch this is the amazing Henry Cavil who portrays a perfect Geralt.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Started good but slowly dissapoints.
23 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have read the books and played the witcher games. I understand that this is an adaptation based on the books so there will be some changes to the original story like Renfri prophesising about Ciri,or Stregobor being on the mage council in Aretusa,and even Fringilla being trained with Yennefer even though she was from Nilfgaard and had no relation whatsoever with the witches conclave and so on. But what i expect is for some key elements and the main story to remain the same.Especially when the original story is so good and the main reason the book was a success. Therefore i cannot understand why we have a Triss Merigold a main character who is not pale skinned and red haired as all the people wanted.I do not understand why the dryads use crossbows and not only bows as is described in the books.I mean really these are details that destroy the immersion.I won't comment on the skin because as mentioned their skin tones can be described as similar to humans, though often take on forest-like tints of olive, chestnut, red or green an at some occasions however they may appear entirely green.So there may even be black dryads as well who knows. Moving on why on earth kill Mousesack and then have Ciri move away from Brokillon. Main part of the story is how destiny makes them meet totally by accident in the forest when Geralt saves Ciri. It's all part of the law of suprise and how they are bound to each other. However the most disappointing part was the episode with the golden dragon.They totally destroyed one of the best short stories. They changed most of the story to make room for the romance between Geralt and Yen (in the original story Yen was still angry to Geralt,mostly didn't talk to him and towards the end attacked him and knocked him unconscious) there was no dragon fighting and Yennefer suddenly knows how to use a sword and killed hired mercenaries instead of using spells as a witch... As i said small changes don't matter but why ruin a succesful recipe and disappoint people . The lack of dragons fighting and spell casting may be explained by a lack of budget. But changing key elements like Triss or parts of the story seems to much for me. I hope it improves in the future and they do not change the whole story.
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The Witcher: Rare Species (2019)
Season 1, Episode 6
Good show bad episode.
23 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I can understand small differences in the story like with the striga or Renfri prophesising about Ciri.I can almost accept that they killed Mousesack and introduced a doppelganger,or the black dryads and so on. But in this episode they took one of the best short stories from the first book and literally butchered it. The real story: The king himself comes to the dragon hunt (he wants to be known as a dragon slayer and win a princess ) and Yen is with him. Eyck of Denesle is a virtuous, flawless, and spotless knight but highly prejudiced against witchers, sorcerers and non-humans, who has killed manticores and griffins in the past, as well as dragons. Yen is a witch.Enough said.Eyck tries to solo the dragon and gets wasted. There is constant intrigue between the 4 different groups constantly betraying one another (and Yennefer is mad at Geralt so they don't even talk ,so not even close to having sex) which results in Geralt,Yen and Jasker ending up tied up in a wagon and the golden dragon suddenly attacking the Reavers and the dwarves.The dragon easily defeats all of them but then the local militia arrives and the dragon is overwhelmed and trapped. Geralt frees Yennefer and she attacks the militia turning them into toads and destroying their carts (using magic you know as a witch and not swords...) saving the dragon and the newly hatched dragon baby.

What we got: Yennefer is in the company of Eyck of Denesle (the one who despises witches) who is presented as an imbecile who is murdered while he was in restroom. No fights with the dragons at all (maybe low budget?).No intrigue between the groups but just immature insults. And finally a fight between Geralt-Yen and the Reavers where Yennefer probably forgets that she is a witch and suddenly starts using a sword (when and why she is so well trained as to kill proffesional monster hunters i can never guess but maybe no budget for magic tricks again).

So instead of an epic story with dragons fighting and magic spells turning humans into toads we get Yennefer having sex again and fighting with a sword. I won't even get into the Ciri story.Mousesack dead? Doppelgangers?Black dryads with crossbows?Ciri leaving Brokillon where Geralt was supposed to meet her? I am ok with minor changes since it is an adaptation of the books but why change so many things and essentialy present a different story when the original is so good i cannot understand.
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Supernatural: Proverbs 17:3 (2019)
Season 15, Episode 5
16 November 2019
This is the best episode so far.This season seems fantastic.
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Supernatural: The Rupture (2019)
Season 15, Episode 3
On the right track.
1 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After the first 2 disappointing episodes we're back on track. I just wish they hadn't killed Belphegor so quickly.He seemed a fun character.I liked the deaths of Rowena and Ketch.They had been borderline evil at certain stages so a heroic death for both of them is nice as a kind of redemption.
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The First Time (I) (2012)
Not your average high school rom-com.
16 September 2018
Well where do i start.I just discovered this movie and it immediately became one of my favorites. Obviously not the best i have seen but maybe my favorite in terms of the feelings and thoughts it generated.At the moment i am 35 years old and male so I watched this movie from a more mature point of view.

The plot is not something extraordinary (girl meets boy there is an instant attraction and so on) but the real focus are the two characters Britt and Dave and their dialogues.It is not a story of the popular student who falls in love with the nerd or anything so cliche. Both characters are just normal people who dream of the future and of love. A random meeting in a back alley is enough to spark their interest.Although they already have love interests (Aubrey is dating someone and Dave is in love with his friend Jane) when they meet they immediately start falling for each other.

And this is where the REAL difference of this story is.Nothing really extraordinary or exciting happens.They just talk.But it's the way they talk.They way the get to know each other.The way they want to hear about the others dreams and what makes them happy.The awkward facial expressions and the stopping in the middle of a sentence or changing their mind and saying something different.It feels like a real conversation and not scripted and memorized. They are after all supposed to be high school students, they are supposed to lose their words sometimes, or regret or feel embarrassed and awkward.

And for the people finding it strange it all happens way to fast (from Friday night to Monday morning) have you ever heard of love at first sight?Have you ever experienced it?This movie reminded me of how it felt especially the first time. It reminded me of my first love and our first kiss.Our first fight and how i left the girls house but waited at her door and couldn't decide if i should knock again and tell her sorry or if she was doing the same thing waiting for me to come back and looking at her phone waiting for my call. The feeling of tragedy when you are young and something happens and you think you lost the other person forever exaggerating. All this nostalgia that brings back memories of youth and innocence .

Finally i have to say that i liked Dylan O'Brien's performance as he retains this half-romantic,half-awkward and indecisive character that you would expect by someone as inexperienced.However the highlight for me was Britt Robertson's performance.All these facial expressions,the way she talked - sometimes barely whispering- her gestures , her insecurity and sensitivity made the difference to create a real character you can relate to. And of course her stunningly beautiful face made it even better.

Last but not least i should mention that most of the songs used seem appropriate for the exact moment conveying the feelings the protagonists have.

I highly recommend this movie if of course you like romantic films and want a touch of nostalgia and to remember your youth.
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