
54 Reviews
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Ozark (2017–2022)
Almost made it through season 1
23 June 2024
I decided to give this another chance but it only confirmed my first impression years ago when I stopped after two episodes. Back then, something wasn't intriguing me to watch on. On my second attempt, I gave up after Ep 7 of season 1. I came to the conclusion that this show is highly overrated. Although I have no proof, there are a lot of powerful people behind the scenes that will manipulate a show's rankings and find a way to manufacture hype that isn't really the true intrigue of genuine public viewers like myself. Julia Garner's character Ruth is the only character that kept me watching. Many other characters were flat. Jason Batemen emotes as much emotion and character as a sports or news anchor. Add in the poor and sloppy script writing, and you have the reason why I abandoned this show before the first season could end.
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Painkiller (2023)
If you've seen Dopesick this will be disappointing
31 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There was way too much melodrama in this series that distracted from the true events of this story. I watched Dopesick about a year ago and found that to be way more tastefully done. Some of the scenes of the sales people partying and chanting Oxycontin was hyperbole and frankly really tacky. I watched this entire series but really wanted to turn it off when the legal team chanted "oo..oo...oo" prosecuting some of the members of Perdue. The acting wasn't alll bad. In fact I felt bad for some of the leads because my guess is the script was written with the melodrama intact and they had to execute it that way. But there were far too many moments of overacting by many members too many times making it really cringeworthy. Dopesick is far far better than this in so many ways.
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Depp V Heard (2023)
Sensationalist Tabloid Footage calls itself a documentary
24 December 2023
This was more about how people were reacting to this case and to what side they were taking rather than the case itself. No one seems to stop and ask why every major issue we're facing in our world today has become so binary, either/or now thanks to the requirement of these social media influencers to get followers. You can not be centralist at all. You're either anti-this or pro-that. We're back to the Roman circuses in tech form. The smear campaigns and the focus on the reactions of the public when the verdict was read focused more on these influencer's reactions. It didn't take more than 10 minutes into Episode 1 to realize that influencers stood to gain $$ only siding with Depp as fully innocent and Heard as fully lying. It was clear within the case without all the influencers' garbage, that Amber's "demons" were hyper-exaggerated and Depp's demons were underplayed. Ironically, Amber Heard did suffer extreme abuse - more from Depp's fanatic fans who strategically took his side for their own personal gains rather than Depp himself. Getting famous off of smear campaigning others is not talent.
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You are only as sick as your secrets
22 October 2023
This is a masterfully crafted documentary linking footage of MJF's acting scenes - the "make believe" to the reality of his life. I haven't seen anything quite like this before. It's uniquely done. MJF definitely has a story to tell and not at all for selfish reasons. I believe this is Oscar worthy because on so many levels this is a masterpiece. We could say that having to have lived and endured Parkinsons for so long is a tragedy but in my opinion thank God he can use his fame to reveal the truth on how he has learned to survive so long like a true soldier. His dad would be very proud. Like Terry Fox, Michael J Fox is able to reach and inspire so many. It is not surprising that his tenacity endures. That grit was there long before Parkinsons. It's inspiring to watch.
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Bully suddenly sees the light?
30 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It is just not possible for me to believe that suddenly rhis bully genuinely felt bad about her actions. I think had the video footage not been there she would have denied, lied and would have went on to find another victim. This is a major flaw in this film. Most people don't understand why schools have gotten so bad. Watch the scene in the principal's office more than once. Schools are no longer democratic institutions run by the state. They themselves are being harassed and bullied by parents who run the show. No one's being honest and calling a spade a spade. The principal is trying to protect his job so he's being far nicer than he wants to be. It's simply a pay cheque that's keeping him from telling it like it is. The parents are defending their daughter who displays nothing but rude behavior even in the home. Parents have been given far too much voice in the school system. Long ago schools were places where a person could be taught civil rights and respect for all religion and culture. The bias was and still most often is in the family unit not in the schools whose role was always to be non partisan. Teachers are now being harassed by students whose parents encourage it. The only way this can ever change is when parents learn that their children can and will do terrible things and that doesn't mean it's always a reflection on the parent. In the past, when schools had more authority there were a very small number of schools who abused their power. But turning over that perverse sense of power into the hands of parents who are MORE bias and emotionally invested is far more corrupt. The solution is to put more faith and power back into public systems of the state. If parents really want to run the show then they should home school their child instead of bullying the people who are trying to give every student equal opportunity and respect.
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Living with the Enemy (I) (2005 TV Movie)
Should be labeled an unintentional comedy.
27 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This story is absurd and so far fetched it turns into a comedy even though its intent is to be suspenseful. The bride acts upset that she doesn't know as much about her billionaire husband as his family members or those who work for him.

What's to be expected if you marry a guy you only went on a date with twice? Of course everyone knows more about him than you. Doubtful a billionaire software developer would have a password that's his wife's name for her to hack into. This is one of those films you'll have fun watching if you get a kick out of watching melodrama that's so bad it's laughable.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
This is a work of art.
4 August 2023
This is a masterpiece with little to no short-cuts taken on everything that makes a film great - writing, wardrobe, make-up, choreography, set, acting etc. The cast is incredible. Margot Robbie fits the role of Barbie so well. Ryan Gosling (IMO) steals the show as Ken. I found his performance to be the stand-out. I always love seeing Issa Rae anywhere and I think she should be everywhere because she's so talented. I can't say enough about America Ferrera's monologue rant - the writing of that monologue was spectacular but Ferrera's delivery of it was one of my favourite scenes in this movie.

I think Greta Gerwig's work here is incredible and I think this movie will be remembered for many years to come.
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The Dropout (2022)
Worth the watch
20 July 2023
I didn't really know anything about Elizabeth Holmes. I saw a lot of news headlines about her and just didn't read on.

I remember when I tuned into the first episode, I really thought I'd lose interest in 20 minutes but the opposite happened. I watched the series within a few days because it was very engaging.

Although I'm not particularly interested in the business-tech sector, this movie does have a flare like The Social Network because its theme is about a start-up that could potentially be revolutionary.

What makes this story most intriguing is that this start-up was related to making a medical diagnosis more accessible and affordable to the public but once it proved to fail, the person behind it all did not have the courage or integrity to bow out.
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Try again
29 May 2023
Donna Summer had a voice that could make any aspiring singer sit down. Her voice had a resonance that kept you listening. I found this documentary stretched to find a story outside her career that just didn't really do anything to make her legacy shine brighter but rather more of her daughter's search to understand her mother who clearly was exceptionally reserved and not fully connected to her children. Even her love affairs seemed shallow. I found this documentary more discrediting than inspiring. A lot of scenes were flat, lots of unnecessary home video that made me want to turn it off and just stream one of her live performances to remember the bottom line - great voice.
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Why watch this?
27 March 2023
It took me a long time to sit down and watch this because I never had more disrespect for anything on television than I did evangelical "pay us right or else you're not going to heaven" shows. I vaguely remember Jim and Tammy on TV when I was young. Sometimes it was hard not to watch because of how outrageous they were. We laughed at Tammy's tears - every time you came across this show middle or end she'd be in tears at some point with that infamous mascara running down. She seemed so fake. This movie strives to gain empathy in the viewer. Both characters are perceived to be naive, idealists who live in a bubble and who appear to genuinely believe all their success and fame was because of how much they loved God. It's a mindset that can be contagious for many people wanting to believe that prayers can be wishes to fortune. The movie doesn't portray this industry as intentional scammers. It portrays it in the eyes of the evangelist who can and will justify that what they do - profit by promise is their justifiable calling. The movie does an outstanding job of influencing the viewer to suspend negative or harsh judgement and see this from the perspective of the characters. That's impressive.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Very good with a few minor flaws
19 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm rating this with no comparison to the video game it is based on. I would give this a 10/10 for the lead acting. Pedro Pascal will never disappoint regardless of what character he's playing. I think Bella Ramsey is one the best young actresses I've seen in a long time. Her intensity in this role is mainly the reason I kept watching regardless of some of the story's weaknesses. While HBO went out of its way not to replicate the Walking Dead, it's very hard as a viewer to not recognize the similarities. The "infected" however pale in comparison to the "zombies" in TWD. The flaws are is in the story line. One major thing that bothered me was how quickly the character Joel went from his death bed to killing off several characters to save Ellie. It was also very hard to understand or believe why a character like David (regardless of his "faith") would have given Ellie so many chances to live before knowing about her immunity.
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Thunder Bay (2023– )
Great eye opener
4 March 2023
Thunder Bay isn't a place a lot of people from Ontario know about. It's quite clear that Indigenous youth suffer a lot of neglect and violence every where but in this area it's blatantly obvious. This is a tragic telling of so many indigenous youth whose deaths were not investigated. This documentary tells the truth about this neglect. That's the truth part. Reconciliation involves systemic correction of these failed cases. Apologies are not enough. This documentary is a necessary step to influence change in our correctional services to ensure that they don't jump to conclusions about tragedies like these.
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The Patient (2022)
Incredible Series
3 January 2023
Brilliant from start to finish. First few episodes are shorter which hooks the viewer in and as the acceptance of what is happening and what is going to happen begins to unfold the episodes get longer and the show focuses much more on who these characters are. As I watched I had many questions about what might unfold and the ending was still surprising. I would say the acting is outstanding but the script is also really well written. I always liked Steve Carell and thought he was a good actor but didn't realize how good he was until he did a role like this. It's hard to find good series like this nowadays.
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Fleishman Is in Trouble (2022–2023)
Good but could have ended sooner.
30 December 2022
Typically, all current series shows now tend to drag out their episodes including this one. There's no better actor than Jessie playing real life drama and he carries the show on a higher level which is good for what could otherwise have been labeled as bland content. There is a lot of repetition in this series due to the perspective flash backs. Claire Danes casted in this was not wise in my opinion because her character was very similar to the character Carrie she plays in Homeland. The narration is well written but also has a lot of repetitive messages. This show could have ended with one or two less episodes.
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
Great First Season
28 December 2022
My rating averages both seasons. First season was a binge watch. Great script, great acting and really captured the absurdity of what it's like to be in the hospitality business. The second season was significantly duller and less dynamic with a script that had far too many spaces in it. They start both seasons with the first episode hinting at how the season will end which reels the viewer in to watch. I found the second season wasn't as comical as the first and the 2nd season acting was unimpressive with the exception of Coolidge, Richardson and Fahy. Pros of both seasons is that they are filmed on location. In.
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11 October 2022
I got up to ep6. I often forgot it was even on but there's so much advertising I'd remember to give it another try. I think 6 episodes was a generous waste of my time. Consider this to be the crazy, lazy uncle of a classic tale and a classic trilogy that's best left alone without any lack luster prequels. Money doesn't ensure a magical cast. I don't really sense there was much connection among these cast members. I think expensive productions can get lost swimming in their own money to produce spectacular effects, costumes and other magnificent cinematography but when a story line is this weak, none of that expensive stuff keeps you tuned in.
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Mass (2021)
22 August 2022
It's rare to find movies like this. It had my attention from start to finish. The actors were magnificent. The space, timing, movement so well done. Best I've seen in a long time.
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Almost good
13 August 2022
Phenomenal acting. First three episodes are intriguing. Last episode whiplashes the watcher to the point of frustration. I felt like the time invested was wasted after watching the last episode.
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After Life (2019–2022)
The golden needle in a haystack
5 May 2020
Loved season 1. Loving season 2. Excellent script, excellent characters. Few people can do a show that's funny and sad at the same time. It is hard to find the show that's a golden needle in a haystack among the multitude of junk on stream services. This show is that golden needle for me.
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The good outweighs the bad
19 January 2020
Definitely some outrageous, exagerrated twists to the plot that are laughable but I think the good drama moments in this outweigh the bad.
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Very well done autobiographical reality series
3 January 2020
I'm sure Kevin Hart would know his reviews for this would give him a little whiplash but the haters who love to see people fail and fall would call this a narcissistic egotistical series. ANY autobiographical series is going to be a reflective piece about oneself so to call it narcissism is stupid as the genre is autobiographical. I think this series did a fantastic job of tackling real truth about what an apology really is. People expect apologies for things not even connected to themselves personally now as a power trip and not as a way to foster peace or reconcile. IMO this documentary is a full 360 about the importance of staying true to who you are, not letting other people tell you how to be and how to build relationships with the people around you rather than expecting people to be perfect "products" to selfishly fit your own personal narcissistic needs and opinions. I'm more of a fan of Hart's stand-up, not the movies but I have to say this is a very well put together docu-series. He says some really profound things everyone should hear and learn from.
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Interesting story at its core but movie wasn't well done.
5 November 2019
Only reason I kept watching was the fact this had a real life component. After that I was underwhelmed by the movie's fabricated characters. None of the actors came across like they really understood the true people they were portraying - many roles - the news media outlet - the shady CIA agents came across as one dimensional. Made for TV vibe throughout.
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White Chamber (2018)
Terrible 20
28 August 2019
The most wasted terrible 20 minutes of my time wasted on yet another bad Netflix film. Netflix is a sinking ship.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Great Show unlike many other Netflix series
30 July 2019
Season 3 is not the best, but it's really not all that bad either. Season 3 had a marvel-like style to it which should have bothered me because for the most part I hate the pretense in marvel. So season 3 has that but the strong characters, pulled off by some seriously outstanding young talent, continue to give this show serious credibility. These kids pour their heart and soul into every scene, every line. I rarely see this cohesion among a cast anymore. It is wonderful to see. What can I say about Winona Ryder other than that she fits this show like a glove - wonderful casting. Can't wait for season 4.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Season 3 is a boring disaster
14 July 2019
First and second seasons were good but moved slowly enough for me to give my initial rating of this an 8. However like one of the reviews I read on this site said well is from the get-go this show has a very anemic explanation of how the world came to be in the show. But season 3 is a complete disaster. Too bad shows like this continue on when they shouldn't. 7 episodes of nothing in season 3 makes you wonder how these producers can scam their audience like this. If you don't have any story pack it in.
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