
11 Reviews
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After Earth (2013)
I wish it could have been better
10 November 2013
It's hard for me to write this because I liked After Earth. The acting was good and the story was interesting, but everything else seemed inconsistent with everything else. The CGI ranged from really good to mediocre, which felt very off-putting at times. The overall post- apocalyptic survival is of course unoriginal, and the script was pretty cheesy.

I really wish it had been better. M Night. Shaylaman used to make great movies, but for the past few years they've been awful. This movie wasn't awful, but you can't say it was amazing or good. I wish it could have been better, as not to be another setback for the director's career.
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World War Z (2013)
Not nearly as bad as most Zombie fans say
9 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I know a lot of people who watched this movie because they were fans of previous Zombie shows and games (The Walking Dead, Dead Rising, and more) and hated it. However, they all said pretty much the same things: "The Zombies weren't scary enough." or "It wasn't violent enough." They didn't say anything about acting, writing, music, direction, or anything else. I'd guess that most people you know who have watched this movie have said something like this as well.

First off, I have to praise the writing and story of this movie. I don't know how well it adapted from the novel, but it was amazing nonetheless. It was more about people working together to survive, as well as traveling across the globe to find a treatment, if one even exists. It is fairly predictable at times, but that doesn't really matter because the characters are so awesome and lovable. Gerry may have seemed like this fearless guy, but you could tell by his performance by Brad Pitt that the whole time, he was as scared as everyone else was.

In terms of violence, I'm glad that somebody finally decided that blood doesn't have to drown the screen to have a good story. Not only that, but it still have a good amount of violence in it, so stop complaining, Walking Dead fans. As for the scariness of the Zombies, I can't say that they were up to par with their most stereotypical image. That aside, they were still just as scary by their actions. The way they run and attack at high velocity when they are near prey is just as frightening as a "dead" corpse slowly walking toward you, giving one plenty of time to kill it off before it reaches them. The score was good and fit the tone of a war-apocalypse setting. The CGI was top-notch (though I don't really like the part where the Zombies pile up onto one another in particularly crucial scene)and overall, was an amazing movie worth your time, whether or not you're a Zombie fan.
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Paves a Promising path for a sequel
21 August 2013
My expectations were very low for this movie. The reviews were rotten, I could tell it was nothing like the book from just the trailer, and it was cut from the ugly cloth of the Lightning Thief movie, despite both films being based upon source material with limitless potential. After watching this movie in the theater and bracing for Logan Lerman's flawless portrayal of dirt, I ended up getting thrown a real treat.

Not to say it was a really good movie. The acting ranged from good to sickening. The plot was already cursed to be soiled due to the the first film's failure at adaptation. Half the characters introduced in the first novel, but not the first movie, came up this time. It was nice to have Mr. D and Clarisse, and even Chris Rodriguez, make an appearance on the screen. Despite this, the script itself was full of corny lines (mostly uttered through the mouths of Logan Lerman and Alexandra Daddario). Some of my favorite script moments were Tyson's little comments here and there,("At least there's no line." and when he sings an all too familiar song...)and then Hermes(Nathan Fillion) was well adapted and written, and also portrayed well by the actor. Another thing to note was the film's overall humor. In the first film, the characters took the story so seriously, it was hilarious without their intention. In this film, the filmmakers, writers and actors, actually intend to have fun and be ridiculous, which makes the film more worthwhile.

I can't say the visual effects were the best, but they really weren't that bad. Many reviewers site "video-gamey" CGI. Well, if it's video game graphics, then it's the best video game graphics I've ever seen. They aren't super-realistic, but the special effects are decent.I have to point out that there was an awesome scene of CGI when the Oracle explains the story of Kronos to Percy. This scene was creative and well done, especially with it's stain-glass window style.

The film's score (composed by Andrew Lockington) was pretty epic, but not entirely memorable. It won't get much awards, but it was really well done and held the movie together.

Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters only settles for being an "okay" movie. There are constant deviations from the novel, only decent scripting, acting, visual effects, good music, and mixed acting. However, it is not a waste, especially for fans of Percy Jackson. I enjoyed the movie, and The Sea of Monsters is my favorite book, despite changes. Now that many characters and plot points have been set into place after being shattered y the first film, the makers of this film have paved a promising path for another film that may be even better than the first two.
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Sintel (2010)
30 June 2013
This film was beautiful in almost every way. The animation, the music, and the story was well. This short film shows how powerful the Blender application is with hard work and determination. With more work, more workers, and more money, this could have been a feature-length production. I was pretty surprised that the actual making of the film (modeling, lighting, and animating) was done by not that large of a crew. That is because it isn't feature length, but th quality is on par with that of animations by Disney and pixar. This film should have won an Oscar for best animated short. I hope the Blender foundation continues to work on amazing films like these.
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Tron: Uprising (2012–2013)
Excellently done
22 May 2013
Thi was an excellent show! The visual effects and animation were very well done. It was quite interesting as well. The character models looked like a mix of claymation and cartoon, and the environment seemed all Computer-Generated. The voice acting was great and the story, though it seems inconsistent with the films, was well-written.

This show managed to delve deeper into life and culture of The Grid, as the films used it as a side-story, just a world for the movie to exist. Elijah Wood did a great job of portraying Beck, and it was awesome how to guy who played Tron in the original film provided the voice in this show. Isure can't wait for season 2 and hope this show goes down as one of the greatest Disney shows ever created.
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Fire Emblem (1995– )
Worth it
20 May 2013
I am one of the few American fans of the Fire Emblem video game series, and those games are unbearably epic (Especially the latest, Fire Emblem: Awakening for the 3DS). This anime is based upon the first game game in the series, only released in Japan for the original NES, but rebooted for the Nintendo DS and released overseas (sub-titled: Shadow Dragon). The story follows the young prince Mars (Called Marth in the game), who had to escape his homeland of Atria(Altea in the game) after it was conquered by an evil wizard commanded by the Shadow Dragon, Medeus (same name as in the game). This is the basic plot at the beginning of the game as well. After escaping, Mars starts a life in a new Kingdom. This was an island called "Talys" in the game,but I don't remember the name in the anime. The story of the two-episodes loosely follows the prologue chapters of the game, and then follows the first, second, and third chapters of the game fairly well. Some of my favorite characters from the beginning of the game appeared in the anime, and the story was well-adapted, I think. Now, there are only there things about this anime that I didn't like: The plasticy hair, some of the voice-acting, and the fact that it was not continued. It ends very abruptly, basically just when the story was getting good. I was very sad that it was not continued, but I will give it nine stars, nonetheless, because it was still well-made and will appeals to all sorts of Fire Emblem fans.
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Without argument the greatest video game ever created
24 April 2013
It has been nearly 15 years since this game was released, and it still is the best. Not just by Zelda standards, but it is by far the greatest video game ever made. This was the first Zelda game I had ever played, and it has moved me more than any other game. I played it first as a six year old. I though it looked so cool when I watched by brother play it for countless hours. When I finally played it, I spent 4 and 1/2 hours trying to beat the first dungeon (showing how much of an idiot I was then), and couldn't figure out how to get into the second (I didn't think to follow the sound of the music in the lost woods, and couldn't fins Saria). After that, I flung the controller across the room, started bawling about how stupid the game was, and popped in Smash Bros. (in which I set link as the second player and beat him up in anger).

About seven years later after the discovery of Virtual console on the Wii, I played it again, wondering if I'd ever get past that second dungeon.

After playing through it the second time, I was blown away by everything in this game. I'd played many of the other, supposedly better, Zelda games before, but this topped them all, and every other game I'd played in general.

The graphics, of course, looked out dated, but still beautiful. Whenever I looked at the low-res polygons and blurry pre-rendered backgrounds, I gain this immense sense of nostalgia. For some reason, seeing the world in a more primitive way gives a much larger sense of realism. I felt more within the game than ever before. Also, considering this was released in 1998, these must have been the best graphics at the time.

The music of this game? A masterpiece of a score. Koji Kondo is the master of Video game soundtracks! (he also made the original theme for Super Mario). The instruments feel very computerized at times (actually, quite a bit), but the notes and tunes were so catchy, epic, and made me feel so alive and good about myself. My favorite tracks are Gerudo Valley, Hyrule Field, the Final Battle, and (quite strangely) the Shadow Temple.

The game-play is just perfect. Okay, not 100% perfect, but it has some revolutionary features. The Z-Target feature is outstanding. The camera work of this game works so well,it's like an Cinematograohy Oscar-Winning movie. The music puzzle and songs are really neat, and the different tunic colors that guard you from specific environments were also cool. All of the game-play elements were awesome! The one exception is the different boots. You have to go all the way to the equipment screen, select the boots, and exit the screen only to be asked the option to save the game. The remove them, the same process must be performed. This makes the Water temple very tedious, rather than difficult.

This game, like I said before, is the greatest video game ever created. The story, despite a little cliché and bland, still touches me to this day. Underneath the fairy-tale-ish fable is a truly epic tale of good and evil, greed, faith, and love for the country.

THis is definitely the greatest video game ever created. I actually didn't say that much, but I don't want to max my word limit. Everyone should play this game, and I hope people will accept that it's the greatest video game ever made. Shigeru Miyamoto is the master.
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Warning fans of percy Jackson
13 April 2013
This was an okay film, I guess. I read the Lightning Thief novel and did not expect the film to follow the book well at all. I was not too skeptical, and this movie would have been worse if the book had not existed. Mainly because people would have considered it a rip-off of Harry Potter (people still call it that, but not that much). I haven't even seen and Harry Potter films or even read the books, so I wouldn't know.

In this movie, the acting was okay and the special effects were pretty realistic. It follows the novel terribly, but that is really the biggest and only major complaint I have. I gave it a relatively low score more as a warning to other Fans of Percy Jackson. Believe me, you will probably totally hate this movie if your a big fan. If you've never read or heard of the books, then that is a more intermediate problem. It may be even worse to you or you'll like it better, a very 50-50 chance. Overall, there is probably about a 40 percent chance that the average person will like this movie, so I'm giving it a 4 out of 10.
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Downright Disturbing
13 April 2013
I really didn't like this movie. I didn't like the book at all, either. I am not in anyway saying that the Hunger Games was a bad film or novel. I just didn't like them. The movie disturbed me more than any other film I've ever seen (with maybe a few exceptions I'd rather forget). Yeah, I know it was supposed to be like that, convey the message that teenagers aren't supposed to kill each other, corrupt government, tone of the film, and blah blah blah blah blah. I just didn't like to see the slaughtering of kids portrayed in such a way. I was also very annoyed at how much people freaked out over how amazing the books were and all of these girls treating it like some sort of dramatic soap opera that just came on TV. I also hate how people now ask questions like "what would you do if you were forced to do this" or "what if the country ended up like this", because I'd rather not think about it. Also, I think that all of the die-hard fan-girls and fan-boys of this story had totally annihilated the true message and reason of this book and film. Kids ust focus on the love triangle and Peeta Vs. Gale or how awesome that katniss is a girl protagonist, rather than even give a second thought to why it was written. Not that I know the author's purpose, but i know it was not written to be some stupid soap opera.

Despite how much i hated the idea of the film, how it was made was outstanding. Thea acting was amazing (with the exception of Josh Hutcherson, who did not do so well as Peeta), the camera work was great, the CGI and special effects were great and nobody needs to ask about the makeup (how it was not eligible for the Oscar for best Makeup, I don't know).

Summing it all up: I did not like the idea of the film but it was outstandingly filmed.
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Sidewalk Wars (2012)
An outstanding tribute to an outstanding Film
11 April 2013
I found out about this movie a couple of years ago when it held it's premier in Port Angeles, WA, not far from where I live. I never saw it in the theater but it came online much later. My mind was entirely blown across the galaxy!! It was the way I felt when I saw the first original Star Wars movie when I was very young. The acting was amazing for amateurs (especially Master Annie, who was only 2 or 3 years old when they filmed), the camera work was awesome, and the Special Effects and CGI were the highlight of the film. I recommend this for any fan of Star Wars, because you will feel the way you felt when you watched your first Star Wars movie.
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The Best Zelda Fan Film yet
9 April 2013
This movie was just excellent! I have been a fan of the Legend of Zelda series, so that was why I watched this movie. I had initially feared it would be like that other Fan Film, the Hero of Time (a film I'd like to forget, other than it's music). This film was about a zillion times better! The acting was top-notch for a High-School production, the CGI was outstanding (again, for a High-School film0 and the screenplay was awesome! The action sequences were very well done. The musical score was not original, but plucked from other film and Videogae soundtracks. This really keeps the movie together and the Director placed the music in the perfect spots when editing! I recommend this film to not Just Zelda-fans, but nearly anyone who wants to see what a bunch of High-School fan-boys really can create.
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