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Rush-Job - the money must flow
20 April 2024
Sorry but no: This is a farce and a scam! Where as in Dune part 1 there was a story, a plotline visible, logic, and a clear path, in this part, there is absolutely not. It has been massively cut and shortened - or, if this is the script, it's lazier than a old fat cat.

Roles are comicaly unphased, no connection of rabaul or the arch-villain from the actor to its role. There is nothing that connects the two parts.

Yes, the image and coloring, effects and such are superb, but the rest is a waste of my time, a waste of everybodies time, a waste of ressources and a waste of talent.

Lazyness, pure lazyness.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
Not my cup of tee...
1 February 2024
I love tee, I like Statham-Movies, also movies with Jeremy Irons. This one is not one of those movies. Let me explain: There are 2 prime actors (Statham, Irons) and some actors with lower profiles and famousness. The story and plot is straight: Revenge with no remorse. There is nothing else. So, one could take that simple thing and go with that and put it in a half-decent, fitting story and script that. What does not fit that script is wooden dialoges, acting and lineup based on a scrummy script and casting. There is simply too much distance and non-fittance in the lineup. Then, there are the story elements after the beginning - again, too much rotten wood. And then, the finale, which is not understandable: Is it a comical, satirical garden party with kids hunting each other or does the producer think, this can be take serous?

All in all and unfortunately, a movie, that will be forgotten fast on the heap of kind of too cheap chunk... How desperate or well paid were Irons and Statham to hitch their wagon to this... ?
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Completely overrated, overnervous, overscripted nonsense
3 September 2023
One point for Ford, one for the Mikkelsen, but that's that. There is too much cliché and too much of everything, so that the real story is no longer part of the Indi-Plotline - the story is too thin with too much flimflam to appear complex.

About caracter-CGI, like "a young Indiana": this takes every ounce of credibility: which caracter is real, which one is not? It takes every bit of credibility.

The woman-caracter is non-sensical, we do not need another shorty. I hope, no I beg that this was the last ever Indiana.

As bad as the Crystal Skull was, this is much worse, but typical Disney: Milk the cow, until it's dead, then milk it again and again...
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Nice images and color, 1 star, thats it
8 June 2023
A highly artificial and fabricated story, wooden acting, wooden dialogs, nonsensical scene-cutting and all in all much too much artificiality.

No, sorry, where as John Wick 1 was a solid and highly entertaining straight forward fighting-flick, this all has declined rapidly to a waste of time and money.

The fighting sceenes are to fabricated, the stunt-acting centers around the main character and it feels absolutely "staged". You can see them waiting, so, bad timing. Images and scenes that.

Scenes that are composed with much pathos, that do seem to mean something are just meaningless and pathetic. It does not get better when travelling around the world and show non-story-related scenes of local points of interests ... if i want that, i'll watch tourism-TV - which this clearly is...
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Black Adam (2022)
Nope! To much talking boys and girls ruining this!
16 November 2022
The first 29 minutes or so: ok, very much action. Then, too much talking, everything gets somewhat to much talky, girl, boy stuff. I just had to stop watching.

Could have been a great movie, promising first moves of the rock, ruined by the ridiculous rest.

It seemed almost badly comical for some moments like unwanted comical (like the nose of that helmet) etc. I could go on, but it is not worth it as is this movie not worth the time watching in my humble opinion. I just have to fill another 100 or so chars to complete this review, i do remember, that the limitation was raised somehwat, so that people refrain from commenting.
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That was actually quite fun
17 September 2022
TLDR: Astonishingly, this one was quite fun and A-OK to watch.

Longline: Allthough jeremy was as usual, James was James and Ham ... well: Well done. Was fun to watch. Did not felt too scripted, not artificial, well done in sound and picture, story felt connected for once - well, bring it on, thisone was good - better than the last season all together.

And to fill the last 231 characters: you'd expect them to do the same over and over again, and this is for some sort not diffrent, but it does not rub it in "again and again" with artficialities - imho - and as long as do keep your expectaions on the lower end (like the season 4 scripties), then you will be positively astonished - for the GT.
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Prey (I) (2022)
Sub-Mediocrity and overly political correct - but the images and coloring were nice
8 August 2022
Well, to stay on the TLDR-side: The story is so-so, not overly exciting and not that much of a thril, the girl get her achievment, the imaging and coloring are nice, but that's about it.

TL: It could habe been an interesting view from a distant perspective, but the story falls short. And please: a "fumble to open a bag" try to make it more exciting is just a very apaling lazy worn off scheme. I'm not falling for that and thus: -6 for non excitement, lazy tricks, somewhat not real grasp of story.

4 stars for the image and coloring (and thats generous, because i like the girl). This could have been so much better with so little of deployment... but well, mediocrity runs the show these days.
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Too much CGI, too little interesting story, nothing retains
22 June 2022
  • Much to artificial and much much much too much realy artificial looking childish colorful CGI (on loads of unicorn-sugar).

  • Too little story, lots of too long connecting-scenes with non relating content
  • Nothing, that will retain this thing in my mind as something good to remember.

No, thanks, but no thanks. It could have been so much more, but Dr. Strange - a promising figure with a superb actor - just got burried with a unmotivated realisation of a storyplot, unnecesary and boring scenes and truly bad CGI...
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Too much cgi, to much boring backdrop, litte to no content
20 June 2022
I do not know, who the target audience of this strange and highly unmotivated remake of the quite worthwile '78 original realy is?

The backdrop - a highly artificial, much to clean, overly sterile and alien mishmash - seems to be the content, the narrative and the only message of this film - because it is not the story, nor the actors and acting.

Whoever wrote, planned and produced this: no, you got me bored about 99.999% of the storytime.
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Top Gear: Episode #32.3 (2022)
Season 32, Episode 3
Somewhat bloodless...
20 June 2022
Having watched all 3 episodes, sofar and to be on the TLDR side: Tasts like tasteless tea (or highly watery and cold coffee) - not my cup then.

Something went missing somewhere. Topgear in S32 feels sterile, bloodless, on the cheapside, rushed, of course scripted (thats normaly not that of an issue, but in this series, it ads up). The topics and stories are of the sort that for me do not retain, I do not remember S32 as special, not to be remembered.

Of course, there has been a lot of investment in it, but for me, it does not add up... To be of repetition - It did not feel special, but cheapish, and it's not the trio, it's all around the members.
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Top Gear (2002–2022)
2022 - Series 32 Episodes 1 & 2: Pure boredom...
13 June 2022
What happend? TopGears Series 32 in 2022 started with a promising preview/trailer - but nothing of that tension, fun or joy was to be found in Series 1 nor 2. It is, as if someone has sucked out all the blood there was and what anemic is left, is then topped with "the same same from yesterday".

Watched both episodes and no, definitively no longer my cup of tea. The waiting was not worth it, it felt like a repetition of old stuff, rushed and un-fun.

And please, don't get me wrong: I'm by far no fan of Clarkson, May and Ham (they are somewhat old, somewhat at most half fun but ruin everything with completely boring and scripted repetitive stories).

Won't long for next sunday evenening, and well, thats good: better things to do in future.
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All in quite enjoyable, exept last episode
3 May 2022
It's all in all a quite enjoyable 3rd season, exept the last episode (Jugement derniere/Judgement day) - which is a harsh lazyness on script (scenes are too long, predictable story, rendering the whole episode very boring even from the beginning). With a bad script comes bad acting and thus bad story telling. Hoped, "they" would take that somewhre in the middle, because it's not worth a season's finale... not at all.
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Enjoable series, very bad-made last episode
3 May 2022
It's a somewhat ok plot for this episode... but theres too much falling short of a end of series to remember - they should have put this in the middle, somewhere... The script, cinematographie and acting are incredibly flat, badly and lazy-written and very cheap produced. Way too long shots, which, near half of the time passing, makes everything boring, predictable and thus: That series ended realy back-broken and no way near the love to story, script and act as all the ones before...
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Rushed, Uncontinued in itself, felt like the homework of a ADHS 17 year old
24 December 2021
Yes, I know the content of Matrix 1-3 - no, i do not praise Matrix as such.

I do not feel compelled to write, but in this "case of a bad flick" I do.

This is ridiculous at best, this is not a parody, but feels like the homework of a undertalented writer or writing crew that has no idea, what they are doing. Like all the ADHS unboxing-crews on YT doing "somenting with that great Matrix"-thing, but lack the professionalism. Did not think, that I'd wirte that: It's a waste of time, ressources, money - and my viewingtime. Broken storyline with no sense, and well, Mr. Reeves and Mrs. Trinity way do outfit this bad moviemaking thing. Thanks but no thanks. Did not finish and left the theatre. Wont watch further.
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Red Notice (2021)
Mixup of old stuff, nerv-wreking Reynolds - no thanks.
18 November 2021
Well, I was unbiased before the movie, did not read critics and blogs here or elsewhere about this movie.

But, one thing is for shure: Reynolds is not near as fun anymore with his role and jokes in a regular movie as compared to Deadpool - allthough the same jokes are used - it's utter boredom and ennerving - repetition and a complete waste of time.

The plot is pretty obvious and the roleplay hollow, as are the under-paar effects and the pretty down mediocre CGI-stuff. Elements of well known movies are mixed togheter without any thought (Jumanji, DC-Verse, Indiana Jones, misc Heistmovies, DanBrownStuff etc.) - it's profanity in a loud and colorful sceme - Trash, with try-to-be classy wrapping.

All in all, it was a waste of time, hollow, shallow and well, I will gladly avoid any movie with Reynolds in the near and far future.
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Top Gear: Nepal Special (2019)
Season 28, Episode 0
Not bad
17 August 2021
Watched all specials, current and past (also of GT) and this feels not bad at all. Better at least than some of the newest disapponting GT-Specials of "the old folks".

Well edited (except sound: please, not all cars horns sound the same and you do not need a horn-sound ever so often, so: Soundedit, pleas mind your job), nice story, not too much scripted, hey, keep that coming....
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Predictable "humor" - wasted time
16 August 2021
Predictable pseudo humor in most of the scenes, repetitive, nonlogic - no, sorry, this is just a gory piece of nonsense for kids.

Expected better, actors (doing their job great) deserved better than this waste of money and time.
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Unmotivated repetition of boring old blokes
3 August 2021
Yes, well, you can go on about rubbish cars in diffrent ways - in a funny way or in this way: repated and warmed up stuff from way back, when TG was great... it can be good but this actually seems disconnected, unmotivated, too long-cut, scripted - and was there a contest or contests? Did not notice - i could go on, but it's not worth it.

Guys, time to wrap it up?

I never thought, i'd write that down here, but new Top Gear has become quite good, and funny yes scripted at some point, but more innovative than this... Think - no, I'm shure now, they've had it.... It could have been great, but this is just rubbish and a waste of time.
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Wrath of Man (2021)
Nice, but...
4 June 2021
Don't get me wrong, it can be a entertaining movie, and there are signs of the Richie-like plot development included, Picture/set, color, audio and cast, all ok - but theres my "but": The plot is somewhat obvious: "H" has a mission, something hidden - storylogic tells that, it evolves in the Ritchie like mannor - with time-inserts. Nothing against that. But when you learn, why he is on his mission, why H is, what he is, then you know, how its gonna end. So, its a construction that will end in a climax - or at least, I anticipated a much cleverer climax that what the movie shows us - which is, forgive me my opinion, just plain and flat and without creativity or the anticipated climax. You sit there and say to yourself: Is this it? Realy?

Well, it is, what it is: Entertaining action, nice quality, known and somewhat unknown actors/stars... and a rather "flat" Statham. IMHO yeat another revenge title with a mixed cast.

If you like it, hey ok - if you have not seen it: don't expect too much "finesse".
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Best Episode Ever!
18 December 2020
Saw it, still love it. Watch this! Story is genuinly cool, did not felt scripted or artificial or hollow, i never felt so "in it" and entertained, as with this episode - and i saw them all, including the newest one from Madagascar (which is quite the oposite of entertaining). Makes me wanna do the same in mongolia. How cool is that!
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Laks the soul, felt scripted, artificial, somewhat driven and boring...
18 December 2020
The good things: Scenery is fantastc, the idea of a treasure hunt warms the appetite, finaly, they are back - 3 Points. But then: This episode lacks the soul of past (even the mediocre) episodes, the sound effects (the bumps especially) and the music-scores are artificial, they do not fit and are too repetitive, they just annoy, Then, most important, is the story-line, that feels very scripted, artificial, too rushed, and yes, all in all, i was bored very soon. And: why, when there is low tide, 2 guys de-bark and one has to wait? Then, the secon 40ish minutes are just stuffed with unecessary stuff... Please, you can do better than that.. way better...
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Tenet (2020)
Don't try to understand it...
13 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As the other physician in the movie says herself: Don't try to understand it - but allmost all of the explanation happens right there. The rest of the story for me is just having the principle run itself in greater and greater circles - and Nolan does a great job of showing the possible implications of that principle throughout the story. From the point of acting, scenery, image and color, i'd give it even a 10star. Very much enjoyed it, wil enjoy it watching it again - even if i will watch it again yesterday evening...
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Criminal (2016)
Premium cast does not guarantee a good movie - on the contrary...
8 November 2020
Despite a premium cast, premium film location, seemengly halfdecent action scene and such: The characters are and stay shallow troughout the whole movie, the acting is quite a bit to forseable and the story is not kicking in at all with me. There is no tension and no deepnes, that's transponding. It's like all hasterly built, with no appeal at all. The point, where i had to click "close that ...whatever ist is" was that all to american and long worn out "Daughter" gets kidnapped, Jericho Jericho" thing - how dumb is that . All together made me click a 1 star here - This movie is a bad joke and waste of time.
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
Your kidding me
5 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Not bad of a sequel or part 2 or.. whatever this is. But it's well done for my taste. All the small references (the Office!) and then the climax at the end. Not Kubricks style, but different. I liked that - quite a lot.
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Hellboy (2019)
Don't know, what this is, but...
5 March 2020
...it's truly quite boring, loads of flat - like in flatted with a walz - jokes and a lot of gore around, that is not at all helping the story. Forseeable script and dialogs did not help either.
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