
10 Reviews
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An Okay Movie
26 November 2019
I feel like the movie had some really good qualities - the acting was good, the monsters were great, and the story was decent. I feel like they relied more heavily on atmosphere rather than jump scares which is something I enjoy.

That being said, I feel like the few jump scares in the movie were weak. The ending also just was so disconnected from the rest of the movie.
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Okay - Decent movie
11 March 2018
I wouldn't say that this movie is some cinematic masterpiece. The cast is amazing with a list of award winning actors and actresses known for incredible performances; I expected something much different than what was delivered in this film.

The beginning was great. It started out on a high note with some decent humor and action. Unfortunately as it packs on the mystery, what works on paper starts to play out a little awkward. Still the movie remains bearable right up until the end, when Poirot confronts the guilty party. The overacting ramps up ten notches and becomes cringe worthy.
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A Disturbed Individual
8 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I actually believe that there are other intelligent forms of life in the vast universe; yet there are no signs of intelligence in this 'documentary'. At first, the movie was comical; the videos and images obviously fabricated. I thought that this must be a clever mockumentary, very creative for it's content; yet, the longer the movie goes on, it becomes more obvious that its intended to be serious and that it is all centered around a man with some very serious issues.

Expecting us believe that he fought off some "black ops looking guys" who knew some "kung fu and karate moves" and who were talking about "alien stuff", he goes on to talk about his seven space children who call him on the telephone (you know, from space) speaking perfect English, his name is starseed and he thinks differently from all the other 7billion people on the planet and hes been chosen because he has a miraculous, never before seen way of looking at humanity.

Ultimately, this is either a very sick man or a long term hoax that hasn't been planned very carefully.
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Shark Week: Bride of Jaws (2015)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
The Dumbest Shark Documentary Ever
11 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know how legitimate the science being used in this documentary actually is but it certainly gave off the same vibe of those ghost hunting shows on the travel channel. So if you're a fan of those than I guess you'd probably like this documentary.

We open on two of the researches going on a dive, seeing a shark, and then absolutely panicking and fleeing to the boat as the shark ignores them.

One of their experiments consists of sending one of the team down into a cage in the water and then dumping blood and fish guts all over her for some reason. Than they send another person down in a separate cage of see if the blood attracts anything. Seems like it would make more sense to dump fish guts away from the person in the first cage so they can see what is coming towards them but I guess it needed some drama or whatever.

All in all for most of shark week I think a lot of the documentaries are geared at educating people about sharks. This documentary seems more like a group of people trying to show off how badass they are. A ton of "woohoo"-ing, bleeped out words, some death metal, and blood being dumped over a girl in a cage.

Another genius plan consisted of a amputee deciding to hop into a kayak to tag a shark, something that can be done from the side of a real boat - the kayak is immediately attacked by a shark and the guy loses one of his prosthetic limbs and because that didn't work apparently they absolutely NEED to dangle a man over the ocean by a rope to tag a shark and - surprise surprise - falls.

wow so much super cool drama bro.

The whole thing is ridiculous and seems fake.
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So Much Wasted Potential
5 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I would say that this movie started off great, but in all honesty, I don't think that it did. While the imagery was impressive, the characters were all unlikable.

It was nearly impossible to sympathize with a pretentious group of young people and their narcissistic 'holier-than-thou' teacher. We begin with a game about a hypothetical situation that our students refuse to play, because pretending about death offends their delicate sensibilities. With the dramatics that go on, including our leading lady attempting to walk out of the class, you would think they were being asked to actually kill people.

Sophie Lowe played our lead, Petra, who's character is apparently the smartest to ever attend the school. Her acting was atrocious. Absolutely awful. Her character was the second worst in the move, following only the teacher himself. The delicate rose petal of a genius is supposedly morally superior to everyone else, because her way of thinking is apparently the best way. This, by the end of the movie, is proved to be untrue.

Our professor is played by James D'Arcy. I've seen this actor in other projects and always thought he was decent, but his performance here was awkward and forced. Maybe he found his character as distasteful as I -and the other characters in the movie- did. Normally I love a good movie, but it was hard to watch a teacher bully a group of students under the pretense of "stretching their minds". The logic behind the game Mr. Zimit creates is flimsy at best and is obviously self serving, in fact, he creates for himself a player that wins out no mater the scenario. His obsession with Petra, and hatred for her boyfriend, is obvious from the very beginning.

The romance in this story is thrown in for literally no reason. It has nothing to do with the actual theme of the movie. Instead if just makes for poorly filmed make outs between to actors with no chemistry and gives the teacher something to be bitter about.

Whoever wrote this movie seems to have learned everything they could about philosophy from Wikipedia.
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Interesting Film
22 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Incredibly fascinating take on a subject that has been done before.

The story presented in this film is nothing new. It isn't original. There are countless numbers of Lifetime movies that follow along the same lines. Yet, as easy as this movie would be to just throw on top of a pile and forget about, there is some things about it that make it stand out.

Jessica is the victim, a sweet and intelligent girl who is relentlessly bullied by a group of girls. She isn't the true focus of the movie however as she spends most of the movie in a coma as a result of a suicide attempt.

At the heart of this movie is Avery's story. The bully, a former friend of Jessica's. As other students slowly start to reveal the what they know about the bullying that happened in the school, Avery remains firmly in denial. The 'filmmaker' gives Avery a camera to document her side of the story. You're introduced to a narcissistic, overbearing, clueless mother and a distant father who obviously just wants to escape his nagging wife.

Throughout the film, Avery is steadily forced into the limelight, and it is harder for her to remain in denial. She begins by asserting that she'd done nothing wrong at all. Then, as she is confronted, she insists that all she did was joke around with Jessica and it wasn't her fault that Jessica "couldn't take a joke". Finally, in an extremely powerful scene, Avery sees herself on the tapes that Jessica and her best friend at secretly recorded. Avery breaks down, repeating over and over again, "I can't even say I'm sorry".

The film was beautifully shot. The final ten minutes of the film is unforgettable and the 'testimonials' given were all moving. The acting was not without it's flaws but was overall good.

Is this movie for everyone? No. I personally cried my eyes out. This is certainly a film that should be shown in all high schools and maybe even middle schools as well.
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No movie is perfect, but this was close
15 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I was warned before going to see this movie by friends that it "wasn't what it was hyped up to be" and for them it was kind of a let down. While I agree that this movie wasn't perfect, I have to say that I absolutely loved it. I'm a big marvel fan and this met my expectations for the most part.

I went into the film, firmly on "team cap" and left entirely neutral.

Black Panther was amazing! He was the best part of the movie. I'm all the more excited for his upcoming film. He was a wonderful character, very well acted and the groundwork laid in Civil War for his movie is encouraging.

Adored Tony's character. I was surprisingly frustrated with Cap throughout the movie. Loved Sam and Bucky; please get these guys their own movie.

I could have done without the Sharon and Steve romance. Frankly, I was really grossed out by it. You can't kill of a guy's former love interest, reveal his new love interest is in fact related to the former love interest, and have guy and the new love interest get together in the same movie. It was just very forced and awkward. Actually, I got the impression that the writer's viewed Sharon and Peggy as interchangeable. "Sure,the girl who you loved just died but hey, no worries, cause here is her totally hot niece who is just like her". It didn't help that the actress and Chris Evans seem to have little chemistry if any, something that carried over from 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier'.

Needs some tweaks, but otherwise, great movie.
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Ouija (II) (2014)
Ups and Downs
5 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is by no means scary and I would go so far as to say that everything about this movie is entirely predictable. However, it does have some sort of charm that I can't put a name to and while it earned a few eye rolls, it was a good movie to just kick back and watch with my sister.

If you want a movie with genuine horror or thrilling plot twists, this is definitely not for you. However, it had the perfect campy feel to it that had my sister and I yelling "what are you doing? can you seriously be this stupid?' at the characters and sharing laughs. It's a fun movie.

Most of the acting seemed forced as if even the actors themselves, the movie takes full advantage of every cliché possible including 'the helper with a hidden agenda' and 'the spirit we vanquished because we thought it was evil was actually just trying to warn us oh no' and, my personal favorite, 'everything is calm and relaxed and we thought it was over but surprise! its totally not'; this particular cliché must have been fun for the writers because they use it TWICE.

Overall, not the worst movie I have ever seen but I wouldn't watch it again. The ending implied that they are, or were, hoping to do a sequel and I'm not so sure how I would feel about that lol.
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Heart Warming
16 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie came out when I was ten and I've loved it ever since. I'm twenty now and it's Christmas time, I just finished watching it with my sister and I've fallen in love with it all over again. Sure, the facial expression need a little work but everything else about it, in my opinion, is great.

It's a great Christmas adventure but it is a little creepy. These children, taken away from their homes in in the middle of the night. The hobo is creepy and I had many a nightmare about the scrooge doll when I was younger. To me, this just adds to the enjoyment because in the end, everything was okay. It added to the excitement and sense of urgency.

Of course, Hero boy won the first present of the year though I'm not so sure he deserved it. I have always thought, and still do, that the little girl deserved the first gift but the fact that he could hear the bell long into adulthood is heartwarming.

Overall, this movie isn't without its flaws and I don't think any movie is but it's great Christmas film.
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After Earth (2013)
Unbelievably Bad
30 August 2014
Y'know, I have felt a lot of things when watching movies that aren't good; boredom, anger, frustration. Never before have I seen a movie so bad that the second embarrassment was so awful that I couldn't shake it and had to turn the movie off. That is exactly how I felt about this movie and, to be more specific, Jaden's acting. Or maybe it was the cringe worthy fake accent that no one on set seemed to tell him wasn't necessary while also not taking it on themselves.

I've never been disappointed with a Will Smith film before and unlike many who said they knew it would bad from the commercials alone, I had no idea. I had high hopes for 'After Earth' and was let down when I couldn't see the movie in theaters. Even reading the reviews and listening to my friends I thought, "If I avoided watching every movie that got a bad reviews then I would never have seen half the movies that I enjoy".

Unfortunately, everyone was right. It was a waste of my money and the half an hour spent grimacing at the screen.
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