
1 Review
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Host (II) (2020)
Above Average Horror
5 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have to admit I put this movie off for awhile because generally this kind of horror movie for the digital age is not my cup of tea. After finally giving in and watching it though, I will admit it is generally an enjoyable and suspenseful horror. While you can see the jump scares coming, it's the claustrophobic suspense along with the five main actresses' performances that really make this flick. I say five main because my only real complaint about this movie is the character of Teddy. This obnoxious, man-bun wearing tool is completely unnecessary. He brings nothing to this movie at all save adding a few extra minutes. It really didn't even make sense that the spirit would be haunting him as he wasn't even in the zoom call when the actual seance really took off. The only cool thing about him was his creepy music box that could have easily been given to another character (namely Radina in my opinion). In fact his whole death scene could've been given to Radina as her death scene paled in comparison to the others. I wouldn't even mention his character except for the fact that it genuinely took me out of the horror mindset every time he was onscreen. Don't let that keep you from watching it though. It really is quite a good movie.
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