
11 Reviews
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Fat Guy Fall Down Go Boom, Ha Ha!
20 October 2017
Paul Blart is a fat mall security guard who falls down a lot and takes his job way too seriously. That is what this entire movie, no wait actually two movies, is based on. I guess we are supposed to find it funny every single time he falls down on the ground because he is overweight?

Also he has a silly little mustache so I guess that is also supposed to make us laugh non stop too. Every single character in these movies is unbelievable and annoying. The writing is garbage and none of the predictable jokes are funny.

Please stop making Paul Blart and please stop watching Paul Blart. These movies will kill your brain.
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Chappie (2015)
It's Okay
14 March 2015
This movie is okay. It is not nearly as bad as some of the reviews I have read in the papers and weekly magazines (or online movie reviews by critics) but it is also not as good as some of the glowing reviews I have been reading here on IMDb, written by "real people" who've seen the film.

Chappie is about a robot (in the future, robots are used to fight crime) who is being raised in South Africa by a gang. The robot of course becomes sentient and has to figure out what kind of robot it's going to be.

There's a lot of big screen action, some comic relief, and it's got the touching robot/human/emotional turmoil moments you would expect but it actually pulls off a lot of the heartfelt moments.

It's worth seeing but for robot/crime movies I prefer RoboCop and for heartwarming robot/alien movies I think District 9 was much better.
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You Can And Did!
6 March 2015
You Can't Do That On Television? Well guess what, yes you can do that on television and I know you can because you did. You did that on television.

What a fun show this was!

I barely remember it because I was so young but we watched it a lot I think and loved every minute of it. The kids on it were great and fun, not annoying and cloying and full of themselves like most young people you see on television nowadays. And the stuff they did was actually fun and funny!

This is a great example of how good television can be made on a budget in Canada.

A great lesson considering how many awful comedy shows are being made here now.
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Lifeforce (1985)
25 February 2015
This is a good science fiction movie, much better than I thought it would be.

I was expecting it just to be a typical science fiction exploitation movie that uses the whole "alien woman" cliché of having her be gorgeous to attract human men and run around totally naked for the entire movie.

Well, she is... but the movie actually has more to it than that and a pretty decent plot.

Probably because this movie is older it's the first in this kind of science fiction movie and the other ones following in its footsteps lost the "good script" part of the equation and just focused entire on the "T&A".
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13 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is a classic old science fiction slash drama slash thriller with even a bit of a mystery feel thrown into it as well. You can't say the acting isn't great when it stars two of the best actors of their generation in Sir Laurence Olivier (a personal favourite of mine) and Gregory Peck. If you like old-ish science fiction movies I recommend it highly!


The movie concerns the cloning of Adolf Hitler by a hardcore Nazi who plans to use the Hitler clones to start a new Nazi Reich and a third world war. Obviously our hero wants to stop him from succeeding in creating his vision of the master race and the domination of the entire world.

I want to read the book it's based on now! I am assuming it is a great read.
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Fugget About It (2012–2021)
I Wish I Could "Fugget About It"
5 February 2015
This show is one I was warned about when my friends told me not to bother checking it out at all, saying it just isn't any good and not funny.

I wish I had listened to them because they were complete right about this show.

The jokes are not funny and neither are the characters. The voices are decent for the characters but they don't have good jokes or stories to work with.

If "Regina sounds like Vagina" jokes are your idea of the highest form of humour you might like this show but I'm afraid most people will find it just stupid. The jokes all seem like they are about that level. In a way it is similar to Crash Canyon in how it looks and how basic and overused the jokes are, and I won't miss either show.

Also it is kind of ridiculous the level of Italian stereotype they stoop to in this show. Nothing good about this show at all. I would like to "Fugget About It."
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My Stuff (2013)
30 January 2015
This is a great idea for either a movie (comedy) or a documentary but to me the problem is that the filmmaker/star/subject just can not seem to decide which one of those genres of movies he actually wants to make.

The way the camera is set up, the way he "catches himself" at the beginning of scenes, the way his (and he apparently has only one) camera is set up inside a room before others/he enter, and then perform in front of the camera pretending it is not there... these things all tell me that this is a movie, which maybe doesn't have a script but at the very least has an idea where this is going and what they need to do in each scene.

On the other hand it's clearly not just a scripted movie or at the very least is trying so hard to present itself as a straight up documentary, so it's not as funny or enjoyable as it could have been in that regard either.

Great effort and an amazing premise but they just didn't pull it off which is a shame. If they tried it again as a real documentary or as the premise of a movie I would watch that in a heartbeat!
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Mr. Brooks (2007)
30 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Please be aware there are POSSIBLE SPOILERS below! You have been warned people! :)

This is a good movie. The story is good enough and the acting is very good.

There are a few big name actors in this and Kevin Costner is great in a part that is not the kind of role he normally plays. He's usually the hero but in this movie although he is still the star of the movie he is much more the anti-hero. He plays a murderer who just enjoys killing random people once in a while. He has been doing it for a long time and is very, very good at it. The other star plays a guy who also wants to be a serial killer and wants to learn from him, so Kevin Costner takes him under his wing.

Here be the spoilers!

In the end the acting is a bit better than the story which kind of drags and gets a little boring. Costner is great at covering his tracks and everything but once the younger killer learns all the tricks of the trade (or so he thinks) he predictably turns on Costner, who predictably ends up coming out on top.
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Meet the Family (2013– )
24 January 2014
This show has a lot of really funny moments that made me laugh out loud but others do not find this sense of funny to be funny at all. There are some parts where it is kind of boring and by that I mean there are parts where they are talking and then it drags on with nothing really happening and nobody doing anything other than talk.

But when it gets to the funny parts they can be very funny. One of the episodes had the boy friend put on the tightest little pair of shorts ever and then get in the hot tub with dad like within a minute of getting into the house. Right away after that dad is rubbing his back and chest and then gets him to do exercises where they shake their butts in front of the camera. Why on earth any guy would put on tiny little girl size shorts and then let dad rub there chest and do butt exercises I do not know :) If you like watching guys have pranks done on them you will love this show I have seen every episode and I love pranks and the guys get it very good. If it makes you squirm to watch guys freak out and get pranked then you won't like this show.

For example the one I already talked about at the end of the show the guy turns around and sees an old lady dead body back from drowning in the ocean and he totally freaks. Some people think that is funny but some people don't it just depends which kind of people you are for if you will like this show or not!
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Pretty Tough (2011– )
Average Soccer Show
24 January 2014
I like movies and TV shows about women's sports. I just do. For every thirty or forty men's sports shows and movies we are lucky if there is even one about women's sports, and that number is even worse if you look at how many of each gender's real sports are on TV. So I had big hopes for this show. It's not great like I thought Bend it like Beckham was but it's a good enough show to waste some time on. The acting is OK, not bad but not great, about standard for what you would expect of a show like this. The stories are obviously predictable like the other reviewer said but when is any young adult or sports show ever not predictable any more? Forget that just TV shows in general are predictable, so good luck finding a lot that aren't. I played soccer myself so I was eager to jump into this but the sporting action isn't very real and not a very big part of the show. But like I said that might be because I was a bit too involved with the sport. It's a fine show to check out if you can find it anywhere on DVD.
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This Movie Sucks! (2010– )
Good Mindless Fun
24 January 2014
This was a fun way to watch bad old movies. Usually they had old science fiction alien invasion type movies or monster horror movies from the fifties or whatever that were supposed to be scary but really these movies are just stupid. The movies were the low budget type of movies that would be forgotten and just laughed at when you watch them today. The hosts would watch the movie and make comments about them. Sometimes they talked too much which could get annoying but most of the time the show was better when they were talking than when they were not. It is hit or miss depending on the comments they were saying and how funny the particular movie they were watching was. This show was not as good as MST3k but that show is gone so it's nice to see this genre live on. The article says this show is coming back but I think it is dead because it would have come back by now.
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