
25 Reviews
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I appreciate the experience of this movie
4 September 2020
This movie is so packed , it's about life in it basics everyday things that can be so tragic and melancholic for some people, so deep that will make you lost on your own thoughs, make your mind work and fear time. A story of a weak lonely soul. Scars from the past. parents fight , misunderstanding, bullying, not having ideal appearance or personality, achieving nothing , lost love , lost years, lost self . Nothing to be proud of just the sweet taste of an ice cream , a happy song to hold on to , lost on the loud corners of his head in memories he made up, when there was time of a chance, when he young and he lost it ,the kindness of others hurt him more ,his kindness never appreciated or noticed. A peak of life he made for him self a lie to keep him going . reality can be cruel. getting old and lonely is even worse. A memory can be tough for an old janitor . When you reach that dark spot on your mind that spot you always ignore all your life the basement that you backed all yoh pain and sorrow when its open there is no turning back.
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Daisies (1966)
31 August 2020
For those whose sole source of indignation is a trampled on trifle
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Homicide (1991)
Real good movie
27 August 2020
This movie getting more deeper the more you think about it, is the story of self discovering, is a story of trust, is a story of races, dose we have to belong to a certain group to know our selfworth even if this demands the losing of our own believes and limits. We should belong to our own self not a group or people , every anti group have hate to certain individuals hate only leads to decay. The lead character is a good person but he lost him self on the way, he believes on the outer appearance of things getting deeper give him a dimension of life and choices that there is a secret hidden in the corner of our eyes.
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Hotel Pacific (1975)
Good coincidence
20 June 2020
One night I been scrolling through the classic movies on Netflix and I stepped on this movie that I have never heard before, I thought it was famous or something since it was on Netflix. I watched the whole thing in one sit without getting bored ,it's one of that feel good movies. It's have this unique personality that is not actually good scripted movie but the camera works and the hotel and the time it's all affected the mood of the movie in a good way , I very much recommend it and it's suprising that it's not famous.
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Whiplash (2014)
14 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I tell you I HATE la la land so much that make me not to watch any movie of Damien Chazelle again. I try couple of time to skip whiplash because of this. And finally I decided to see it based on the review. It's a GREAT movie it focuses in one thing it's like you trapped in one stressful state of mind through out the movie . It's simple yet very complicated with deep character building you can see it without going though every situation in details to make the point. I love the ending so much. How it's build the tension in everyone opinion matters but at the end noting matter except the moment we waiting for all through out the movie in weird time, place and situation ,earning the part is finally there the tempo is finally perfect, pain becomes pleaser after giving up hope in reaching perfection he can see what he thought was crazy.
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Close-Up (1990)
It's all real .
20 March 2020
A sinking self worth start when you apply to the fact that every time you want to start something close to yourself ,somthing Express your feeling or its maybe going to makes your life better .but you can't there is nothing but an Idea of fame. no education ,no money ,no creativity left alive under all the depretion of knowing you worthing nothing. it's not only being passionate in something that give you a hint of hope you want to to be that hope by any way even involving liying on your own self. the fact seeing this movie and knowing that the person Hossein is real it's give me pain in my heart .for once he see him self as the person in front of the camera. it's a sad story about poor sad man who wants to be anybody but himself something more then him self. sick and tired of falling and following pointless dreams. he saw something in movies that nobody else notice he saw him self in way he never known to exist he takes every movie so personaly it destroyed his life .I'm glad that the director give him this one life chance.
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Death is not bad after all.
12 March 2020
I think it's important for every women to see this movie. Women often take the subject of misunderstanding, judged only by There looks and always expect to be perfect for others to see, moody often and confused , they're sensitive wish everyone to understand her and care about her and it's impossible for her to do anything by her own, but when that moment of enlightenment comes and the veil of delusions fly away , thay figure out that there life is to short to Care about looks or people opinions. They drag them self out of this shallow state of mind and start to believe in themselves and take the Gradual way to reach to there understand of them self and accept life as it is and live it not only for the existence of our bodys or to be self consumed but to witnes the moment and live by our mind ,heart and soul, women brave enough to fight life ,disease and death.
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The Red Shoes (1948)
A work of art
10 March 2020
At the first of the movie my mind was busy with my life, my day, my future decisions, my wrong choices. it was so loud I couldn't keep up with the movie only glimpses here and there and suddenly the part where the the red shoes opera start. Everything comes to silents .all I can feel now is beauty filling the bores of my soul, I was shocked and stunned keeping track with those red shoes, how marvelous that scene was it fill my heart with joy for few minutes I was in a dream world lost my self with such art , it drop a tear from my eye how it was impossible to escape my head. I appreciate this movie for Succesing in disconnecting me away from this heavy life.
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Can you believe ?
23 February 2020
Death has no subjective meaning at all. It will come to other people, but never to me. people can say this with complete fear of death ,you can't accept death without accepting god.If you asked them who created the heavens and earth, they are sure to say, 'God.' Say, 'Praise belongs to God,' but most of them do not understand. but still you don't accept to believe without seeing I tell you do you see death in a vision of tall guy in black? neither is god because His veil is light. If He were to remove the veil, the splendor of His countenance would consume His creation as far as can be seen. without the existence of god there will be nothing. all you have to do is to believe to see things behind the normal eye then A light has now come to you from God, and a Scripture making things clear, with which God guides to the ways of peace those who follow what pleases Him, bringing them from darkness out into light, by His will, and guiding them to a straight path.
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La haine (1995)
18 February 2020
Why we hate? Is it because of one reason that we fear things that are different from us. Or because we're far away from our true self. Is it because we're selfish or simply we have nothing else to do. A movie make more sense every decade and forever how corruption destroys life's and wars make people refugee in hand of country's that dispyse them and leave them unemployment hungry on the streets. A rage of youth, The biggest luxury life affords young people is the room to make mistakes. The older you grow, the smaller the room to make mistakes becomes. So far so good is a young life slang ruckless and fill with fear
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Caché (2005)
Never underestimate.
15 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Movie for the thinker. The end where you can put your best answer. Does the danger hide inside all along ? Does the answer always in front of us put we to scared to see it ? Past never forget sometimes it's follow you good or bad. This movie make think behind the plot. It's want you to understand it personally. This movie want your point of view how do you see things and how does it affect you.
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The only movie I rated 10
2 February 2020
I can't put my hand on it why this movie I selected to be the best movie I ever seen. In some psychologist way it make me feel good and safe, weird ! I know. It's like this film make you feel a life in different space and time and also morale aspect of a psychopath. How evil is so easily done and the good only bring you pain. I understand completely that this movie Is dark in how it's describing youths of modern world to be tools of distraction if they know the power of losing there humanity. A lot of people criticizing saying it's chilling and frightening where in fact from I see it ,it's the perfect picture of art.
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Parasite (2019)
No plan !
29 December 2019
You know what kind of plan never fails ? No plan . No plan at all , You know why ? Because life cannot be planned . . . With no plan , nothing goes wrong . And if something spins out of control , it doesn ' t matter , Even if the country gets destroyed or sold out , nobody cares . Get it ? This line of this movie stuck in my mind. It's like saying if the destiny choice you to be poor accept it don't ever bend your destiny to go with your demands or else you lose it all even the good things that been shadows out by life minority like freedom and love.
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An experience !
26 December 2019
I watched this movie in very weird time. I was having a hard time with life I was leving with my sister and I suggested to watch this movie together it was final exam season week after Christmas . It was 7 in the morning and at the same day there was eclipse of the sun happening out side. It was perfect blue romance uplifted me. it's like I was unattached all along the movie and what ever makes me sad uplifted as the sun disappeared and appeared again a memory I will not ever forget.
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Joker (I) (2019)
We are the clowns.
24 December 2019
Story of corruption and mental illness , day dream your life away because your life is not going the way you want it to be. This movie has amazing cinematography , not great of punch lines , more sarcastic then scary which I preferred the opposite. Great acting form Joaquin I can't think of someone else now days to be a joker better than him.Good movie not that great. no scene or a line stuck in mind. Not a "masterpiece".
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The Witcher (2019– )
24 December 2019
Did anybody notice how Henry cavill talking through out this show. It's annoying ! He keep going with this heavy manly voice that seem so Feigned. The show is good though put this tiny minority it's have no place. we know you hot hunk of a guy no need to show it intensely everytime the camera on you. It's a bad acting in a very high budget good show. he's more focused in how he will appear rather then perfected his act.
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A must see
7 December 2019
This movie is quite different then the usual Quentin other movies. Is more smooth and sharper visual. And still have a touch of Quentin soul in it. It make you completely live the time and it's kinda sad with happy ending that never happened , I think this show us the more sensitive side of Quentin in some way. it's not bad at all but interesting.
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One of my favorite
22 October 2019
I graduated college a year ago I didn't get any job offers , no intimate life, nothing. And with coincidence I started to be addicted to woody Allen movies. He became my buddy in somehow, I get anxious every night for another story of his. It's just a secret effortless way to keep me going. He in most of his movies acts like a losser but with a wisdom who want to change something about his life sometimes it works sometimes not and I like how real this is . Never complicated always fun.
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Manhattan (1979)
A Timeless
16 October 2019
I always had the Idea of hating woody allen before watching any of his stuff. I thought his movies are long and full with taking. I got to tell you this movie changed my prospective and this doesn't often happen. The conversations, you can't get enough of it. Not boring at all it's actually uplifting movie and passionate . It's a perfect black and white.
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Falling Down (1993)
A human struggle !
10 October 2019
You know when you try your best to reach everything you ever wished. Try so much to get a perfect happy family. A job to support there dreams. But when your in need of help no one around you and In the end you don't get the love you deserve. A payment enough to pay your bills and keep you going. A break from life now and then, but No , you suppressin in what society want you to be. No help any way. What you do when you try all you best and you lose it all , when you see unfairness every where and you feel it and can't do anything about it ? you falling down deep. he is not a bad guy he's only a human being who had enough of this hot hell
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19 September 2019
I watched this movie when I was a child I remember a glimpses of it so I rewatched. I don't mind I good movie with a good actors but this movie was actually very difficult to watch. I been thinking through out the movie how young Matilda is ,it was really creepy and uncomfortable. It was basically a love story between a grown man and a little girl a more edgy version of lolita, not my cup of tea.
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May (2002)
Weird ?
14 September 2019
The human mind is a very scary thing. How can one memory or wrong glance in your childhood can affect you a life time. This movie is complicated if you want to see it that way and very deeply sad how a human can drag him self to that level on insanity. Or simply watch it as a horror movie.
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One of the best
4 September 2019
This must be the most honest movie I ever seen. The conversation is real . the emotions and the act is just on point, no one want to see a movie this honest it's scares them. How real death is how lonely life is how sad is it. This movie don't give you the usual storyline that you find most often. It's just real and true in every aspect that's unbelievable.
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Mary Reilly (1996)
Life changing
23 August 2019
I really don't understand why this movie have low rating. 6 years ago I had a really bad depression I tried to kill my self twice. I was living in complete darkness. That's when i stepped on this movie. It was magical. It was perfect to me. It lift me up and make me feel something after along time. This movie mean so much to me. That when I started my addiction to movies and cinema as a powerful healing method and fun way to understand my self and life.
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Repulsion (1965)
A flop
23 August 2019
I really didn't love this movie as much. It's boring. The character should be more insane. This just the same idea repeat itself. No back story of why she is like this why she hate men so much. The silent in this movie is just to overwhelming. I kept this movie for so long I thought it's going to be a horror masterpiece it was simply not.
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