
8 Reviews
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19 May 2024
I watched the Extended Cut last night and realized I hadn't watched that version since I first watched my DVD years ago! SMH I remember being upset, to say the least, when I learned they truly were remaking my favorite slasher killer! Just WHY?!? They tried... I personally liked some of the kills. Jason was crazy fast in this, impossibly quick at Trent's cabin with a quickness, when I know it took a good minute to get there and back from his. Jason's speed running was freaky in a scary way because it's like how could you possibly outrun him?!

For the other reviewers that mentioned him running, I agree - that's not part of his profile, but I think many forget that Jason INDEED ran in Friday the 13th Part IV, when he was chasing Trish! Even tho it was a dream, Jason also ran towards Chris at the end of Friday the 13th Part III, when she was in the boat. :)

All the nudity and language, especially, seemed forced! The Jason movies from back in the day knew how to show just enough and be discreet and not use f-bombs every time someone spoke. It adds nothing to the character speaking, and majority of the time, isn't even needed.
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Sins in the Suburbs (2022 TV Movie)
Glutton for punishment
20 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot believe I sat through this! It was in my History on my Firestick, showing that I had started watching it but didn't finish it. I do NOT recall it all so I had it start from the very beginning. That was my red flag right there! Haha there was a reason. Even if I started it and then fell asleep.... this movie was very boring. There was no plot! There's no explaining for why the neighbor acted the way he did and I was trying to make the connection of why he stole Heather's painting. It didn't seem like he even really liked her but was just trying to get something from him. Heather constantly talking to herself (I guess it was her Grandma... IDK) was annoying. If anything, I thought the painting of her Grandmother or her Grandmother in general would be part of the story but I guess it wasn't. I would definitely avoid this unless you're bored and hair want some background noise!
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Fatale (II) (2020)
I actually liked it!
27 January 2024
I'd always see this on the Netflix lineup but never really knew what it was about. I came on here to news the reviews first - non spoilers. Seems like many didn't like it. I didn't think it was slow-paced in the beginning or had some slow parts in the middle read needed to be faster. IDK. Everything has a nice flow to me. The plot isn't anything new for the most part. The ending was definitely a nice twist as someone else stated. This was a different role for Hilary Swank and I think she played CRAZY very well! It was interesting to see the tables turned on Michael Ealy when you think about his character from "The Perfect Guy". ;-)
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The Admirer (2023)
Nice twisted ending
24 November 2023
The movie kinda dragged before anything exciting happened! I will say, my suspicions were correct but there was a twist at the end that had me second-guess myself for a moment. I mean, it's obvious but the reason WHY could've been developed more. I give the movie 6/10 stars only because of the twist at the end. As much as I love technology, I wouldn't want my whole house operated by it because of the very issues Nancy was experiencing!

This is my first review since they've changed the required amount of characters which is beyond annoying! So, I'm just trying to use those up! I hope they change it back or make it LESS than 600!
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Secret Life of A Student (2021 TV Movie)
Familiar SL with a twist!
30 September 2021
There's probably about 20 minutes left in this movie as I'm writing this. The principal makes me want to fast-forward to get to the ending already! He has me doing plenty of eye-rolls at how quickly his disposition changed! Don't get me started on the red-head teacher.

In the beginning, I instantly thought I knew who it was. Then towards the middle, I became conflicted. But my second guess was right all along! I've been binging on LMN movies on SlingTV and this is one of the top few I've watched that's good! Yes, the SL is very similar but I think it has a twist because it keeps you guessing. This reminds me of the "old" Lifetime movie days!!
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Past Obsessions (2011 TV Movie)
30 mins in
13 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't written a review in a while so I decided to write one for this.

I texted my sister and told her how this reminds me of "Sleeping With the Enemy." Sad that I, and I'm sure other viewers were able to tell instantly! It was only a few mins and I noticed all the similarities! Also, "A Stranger in My Bed" with Jamie Luner came out in 2005. Same storyline.

I haven't seen many movies IF any where Josie plays the victim! I'm only halfway in but I'm leaving a review anyway based on what I've seen so far and others reviews. Unlike in SWTE, Shane didn't cut her hair or dye it. She looks exactly the same! The husband actor didn't seem to fit the part as a threat to me. Maybe if they chose a different actor....I did like the beginning as it immediately shows how Shane's suffering from verbal and emotional abuse. Josie acted those parts beautifully.

I give it 3 starts for that. If so much wasn't EXACTLY like Sleeping With the Enemy, it would've been a whole lot better.
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1 August 2020
Am I the only that knows this is a REMAKE of "Baby Monitor: Sound of Fear" with Josie Bisset?? It was a Lifetime movie. The upload may still be on YouTube if you can find it.

This may not be an official remake of that movie but the plot is pretty much the same! I like this modern version with the technology reference.
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Dancing in the Dark (1995 TV Movie)
This movie will make you angry
24 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I seldom write movie reviews but this one made me so angry that I had no choice. First off, the synopsis is way off! The main character is not raped but attacked by her father-in-law and she doesn't wait to tell what happen. The wife tells her husband immediately after it happens! The husband doesn't believe his wife and instead of dealing with the reality of it, he takes her to see a psychiatrist that his dad of all people recommends. This psychiatrist is a complete jerk and prescribes her with depression pills and after 30 minutes into the movie, she's taking like four different kinds of medicine. The husband goes so far as having his wife committed! This is the part that I had to fast-forward through because this part of the storyline seemed so far off track to what the movie is actually about. The wife is pumped with all kinds of injections and pills and treated with so much disregard that it made me more angry and frustrated about how the movie is playing out.

I love TV movies and do have a few I like which stars Victoria Principal. This is not one of them!! This movie has been in my Watchlist with Amazon Prime for a year or so and I decided to watch it early this morning. Big mistake. I would strongly encourage anyone to stay away from this film.

It takes the last 15 minutes of the film for the husband to "see the light". I would've divorced him after I got released from the mental institution. SMH
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