
30 Reviews
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Red State (2011)
Not very good but at least it wasn't as bad as it could have been
3 September 2011
I just got done watching Red State via On Demand for $9.99. I just heard about this movie today and it did sound very interesting, enough so that I did spend 10 bucks on a HD PPV to see it. Right off the bat, I gotta say that it really wasn't what I was expecting and it could have been so much more. Instead it felt very flat. I was also expecting much more from something written by Kevin Smith. For a Hollywood production that cost around 4 million dollars, I have to ask where the money went. I know by Hollywood standards 4 million is pocket change but I've seen plenty of amazing indie horror movies over the years that were made on hardly anything and managed to not only tread new ground in the horror genre but surpass anything on the big screen.

My issue is that as a life long horror fan, this wasn't much of a horror movie, let alone a very good one. It suffers a lot of genre problems, the most common would be not writing decent characters, the entire point of making a good horror movie is to have at least one character for the viewer to like because if you don't care about anyone in the movie then all you're doing is spending 90 minutes just waiting for random people to get killed off. This movie really didn't bother much with characters. It starts with three guys obviously in their early 20's playing teenagers who's entire motivation is having sex with a loose woman. As you'd expect from this kind of movie, it's all a trap set up by the villains of the movie. The villains are religious cult very much based around Fred Phelps and his church of hate, only these people are gun nuts who hoard military grade firearms and take it upon themselves to execute people who they feel God hates. There is one person in the compound that isn't evil but everyone else is evil. The direction of the movie shifts into the local police for a little bit and then the ATF is on the case and they become the focus of the movie. It becomes what you'd expect, they try and do the whole Waco Texas event with the cult standoff. There's a moral gray area in this portion of the movie and it's about the ATF guys being ordered to go in and kill everyone, well they know there are hostages as well as children of the cult inside. The moral gray area just doesn't really hold up as well, again no good characters and no real reason to care if the entire cult gets slaughtered or not.

That's a summary of the whole plot right there without spoiling anything major. There are a lot of things to take issue with in the writing, especially considering how it's Kevin Smith, this guy is normally good at writing entertaining characters. As far as being a horror movie goes, it's barely passable, it's more of a thriller type movie but with weak tension and not enough real drama. The violence was very tame, it's all gunshots and most of them aren't actually shown. That is all you ever see, just a few squibs and one somewhat gruesome gunshot wound. What I was expecting was something closer to the 1965 cult classic Two Thousand Maniacs where these people were totally nuts but they took the killings and made them into their entertainment, really having fun with it. Here it's just wrap them in plastic and shoot them in the head ritualistically. With the ATF element, I think they were going more for the George Romero film The Crazies but it just wasn't working, plus with The Craziest it was more about fearing the trigger men of the government and here it's cold g-men with guns vs a cult with no redeeming qualities. Another better direction this could have taken would be something more humor driven like Machete which actually told a much stronger political message than Red State did. Speaking of the obvious political aspect to the movie, it really doesn't show until very late into the movie and it doesn't even attempt to be subtle, it's just right out in the open. A very flat message that doesn't really mean much in 2011, why not say this when George W. Bush was president? Another point I want to make is that it really could have been much worse. I mean at least they didn't totally beat you over the head with the political message, well they did that but it was just one scene. But I have to say I was relived that it wasn't another one of these torture movies like the first two Saw movies, Hostel, Grotesque, and Martyrs where it's nothing but horribly written one dimensional "characters" getting tortured off camera for the entire movie. That's a trend I was sick of from day one, I mean if a movie made to shock people isn't as gory as 1963's Blood Feast (the original gore movie) then I think they aren't even trying. So maybe the whole gunshot thing isn't so lame because they could have easily went for lots of torture scenes that are 95% off camera. In the end it was a well made Hollywood production that does look good and sound good in HD. It didn't really work as a horror movie, it lacked the emotional spark to be a drama, and it lacked the tension to be a thriller. It's just a well made but very bland movie overall. I'm not saying avoid it at all costs but don't go in expecting too much.
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Grotesque (2009)
This was supposed to be gory and shocking?
18 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I just got done watching the uncut version of the movie. I went in knowing almost nothing about the movie and I kind of wish I still knew nothing about this movie. There is story or a plot of any kind but I marked this for spoilers because if you want to go in and be surprised then you'd lose some surprise and I will talk about the moronic excuse for an ending as well. To get started the movie the killer in his van with a hammer which he uses to knock out a couple. Then the couple is all tied up and the killer stabs the man off screen a few times and it shows a flashback of the man asking the woman out and then they get kidnapped not long after. That's all the back story we ever get.

The setting is your usual dark and dingy room with lots of surgical implements everywhere. The killer goes around torturing them off screen more and then he starts to cut the woman's underwear off where he starts licking her body and fingering her under her skirt in real time, probably to pad out the movie since it's only an hour and 13 minutes including the credits. After that we go back to the torture. Every so often the killer will patch them up so he can torture them more later. There's scene where he uses a chainsaw to cut their fingers off which also sucked because you really don't see much. All you see is a prop hand getting cut for like 2 seconds at a time and back to off screen. You do see him pick up the bloody fingers but it still isn't shocking, Beavis & Butt-Head and The Simpsons have had more gruesome finger removals.

I am leaving stuff out here and there but despite that I just saw the movie, there wasn't much to remember. It's just two people being tortured a lot and it happening off screen where you just see the body part bleeding. To add to the stupidity there is a part where he has them in some other medical looking area and they're all bandaged up. Before there was a scene where the guy gets an eye poked out, that was cool in Fucli's Zombie or Evil Dead Trap where you see the eye and it doesn't cut away until the eye is penetrated and bursts, here they cut away and when it's back to the eye it's an extreme close up of a fake looking eye. So pretty much everyone's been cut up badly like the guy lost his junk, in another very dull scene which had me yawning so here you see what his crotch looks like now, it's pretty much like Let The Right One In. I keep jumping back to previous stuff but OK so in this scene it's just the killer trying to play doctor only nobody making this movie knows anything medical. You know like after removing a hand or something you would need a tourniquet and after all the bleeding these people have done, they would need a blood transfusion to even survive the night. But not in this movie.

You do see some more talking but it doesn't make sense. So here they are all bandaged up and they seem way too calm. This killer guy isn't giving them anything for the pain or anything but here they are even cracking jokes and smiling while the killer is away. Yeah they're still chained up but they can find the humor in it, instead of screaming nonstop because this guy is trying to kill them. When he comes back, they're still submissive and they actually believe him when he says he'll let them leave. Next scene, guess what? They're tied up again and they're shocked the guy who tortured them lied. So now his big plan is he wants to cut this guy's rectum out and like any idiot in these movies he makes a game of it, he drops his scissors a few feet away and if the guy can get that far and cut the girl loose she can go free. They drag this out as long as possible, in the end it's a trick, the rope had a cable in it that couldn't be cut. So the girl starts smack talking the guy which comes out of nowhere. She's trying to get in his head by saying his mother is a prostitute and he stinks. I am not making that up. So naturally he gets mad so he chainsaws her stomach, then grabs an axe and here's where it gets totally stupid. He cuts her head off, her head flies at least 5 feet in the air with an over the top blood fountain, her severed head is self aware enough to find a direction and bite down on the guy's neck very hard. Then he pulls her off only to bleed badly while the dead guy (I guess in rigor mortise) stabs him in the shin with the scissors. You at least see that happen on screen but it didn't fit any of the tone this movie had until that point and it just felt incredibly insulting. They could have cut the movie ending out and shown 5 minutes of the lemon party image and it would feel less insulting.

How can you screw up this badly? I always say, if you're making a shocking gore movie and it isn't close to 1963's original splatter film, Blood Feast then you shouldn't even bother. If you can't match a very cheesy movie with laughably bad effects which did start the sub genre, then you probably have no business making movies.
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No plot, no character, no gore, no point, not one redeeming quality
13 November 2010
I decided to give in and watch The Human Centipede bluray this morning. I've been watching plenty of bad movies for fun lately, the last ones I've seen were The Worst Horror Movie Ever Made, Troll 2, and The Room. All very fun and entertaining bad movies but The Human Centipede was the opposite of fun and entertaining.

I went in with no expectations and ended up just screaming at my TV for an hour and a half. I haven't seen so much stupidity in a horror movie since Hostel, Rob Zombie's Halloween, Martyrs, Gutterballs, and Return To Sleepaway Camp. It's rare for me to hate a movie only minutes into it but this gave me no choice. It starts with an old German man who looks like Butt-Head with a little Beavis bone structure, he's sitting in his car early in the morning and looking at pictures of what appears to be dogs sniffing each other butts. Then a truck stops behind his parked car, the truck driver walks to a chain link fence (in a very public area with several dozen cars passing by the second) so he can go number 2. The German man takes a rifle out of his car, tries to conceal it under his coat, and nonchalantly walks behind the truck driver, shoots him, and we see the opening title. I'm not sure how there were no witness or anyone who heard the shot.

The main plot is about two obnoxious American girls on vacation in Germany who want to attend a party. They leave their room and drive through the woods in the middle of nowhere when they suddenly get a flat tire. They have no idea how to change a tire so they start bickering and crying for minutes while an old pervert who speaks no English pulls up to harass them. Eventually they wander through the woods while screaming at each other and saying their names in every sentence, because I guess that's how people talk. They do find a house so they knock and Butt-Head answers the door and invites them in. He then gives them drugged water, freaks out when one girl spills her glass, demands she drinks more water, and eventually he gets suspicious enough for the girls to worry but by then they're already drugged. They wake up in restraints only to find out that the doctor is going to kill the trucker because he isn't a tissue match. He leaves and comes back with a Japanese guy, that is the very depth of this character. The only thing he ever does in the entire movie is screams in Japanese at the top of his lungs. When he has the three people he needs, he shows a slide show of his evil mad scientist plan to create The Human Centipede. A medical experiment that makes absolutely no sense and has no practical application.

For a while not much is really going on aside from Dr. Butt-Head ranting and acting like an idiot and the three victims crying like babies that need a diaper change. On the day of surgery one girl tries to escape and it's one of the most pathetic escapes I have ever seen, it's logic hurdle over logic hurdle like refusing to leave through the front door and steal the doctor's car, eventually the doctor catches the girl and makes her the middle of he centipede. The surgery scene is incredibly boring. You see some teeth pulled off screen and there's a circular incision that is barely shown, that is as gory as this movie ever gets. 1963's Blood Feast had a ton of gore and while looking laughably bad almost 50 years later, it is much more gruesome than The Human Centipede. 46 minutes into the movie you see the actual Human Centipede, which is three people with stitch effects on their faces and tons of bandages. The doctor parades them around the house, tries to teach them tricks, makes the front guy eat out of a dog dish, screams at them a lot, and the three of them do the usual routine of crying and the Japanese guy screaming in Japanese.

There isn't any more plot I can reveal without spoiling the movie but it only gets stupider. By the end it just creates a void where any sense of logic or humanity should be. The movie is just very boring, nothing much happens, there is just barely enough violence for an R rating, little nudity, no real plot, no characters or development, and just a very dull movie. I think what could have saved this movie is just taking the idea and making it into more of a comedy like replace the German doctor with Tommy Wiseau or The Iron Sheik and replace one of the girls with someone like Paris Hilton. Just outright spoof your own movie and it could have some watchable content. There is just nothing in this movie that I can possibly recommend. It isn't the worst movie, Manos: The Hands Of Fate and Birdemic: Shock and Terror were much worse and a lot more boring. The Human Centipede just goes nowhere and doesn't even make any attempt at being an interesting or original movie.
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August Underground (2001 Video)
The most important horror movie of the 2000's
9 November 2010
August Underground in a lot of ways feels like an experiment. The idea is to create a "found footage" serial killer movie that really delivers the serial killer experience. In other words it isn't a slasher movie, it isn't like a lot of phony serial killer movies, and it isn't much like a traditional movie. It's all filmed on a handcam and it has the look of a home movie where you see footage that's been filmed over other stuff and lots of cuts with the camera recording much later on. For all of the chaos, it really does tell a very subtle story and there is a lot more thought to it than just a bunch of random murders. I'll admit that when I first saw the movie, I hated it. Something made me want to see it again and again anyway, eventually I started to understand it and the best way to watch it is with director's commentary because it really explains everything in great detail. The movie is shot to look like real footage of a serial killer and his friend with the camera so obviously they can't break character or talk straight into the camera over what they're going to do. It's not easy to follow the first time but it does have a plot.

It all starts off where the guy with the camera walks into the basement. The camera has a really awful picture which was intentional, the very raw look of the footage really adds to the realism and gritty nature of it. In the basement there is porn pasted all over the walls, filth everywhere, and a woman tied up, bleeding, and mutilated. She is alive and the killer (played by the director, Fred Vogel) and the cameraman are humiliating her in various ways. Those first 5 or so minutes really hit hard and are just a taste of things to come. Everything that is filmed has a point and there is continuity to that. A prime example is there's a scene where the killer murders an old woman in her home, it wasn't just for the sake of it but she was easy prey and they needed her car so they could blend in better in that town with local plates. Director's commentary really makes much more sense of the movie. That's pretty much how watching the movie is, you're just seeing a mix of home movies and murder on this video. These guys aren't Freddy or Jason, they don't kill 24/7 and they sure aren't the antisocial quiet types. The two guys are great friends, they like to party, go to concerts, drink, hang out with friends, and do lots of very normal things. Serial killers in real life are like that, Ted Bundy was quite the charmer and Albert Fish could persuade people to leave their kids with him.

As for the violence, it's not the goriest movie ever made by a long shot. The sequels were far more gruesome while the original feels a bit more reserved and some of the scenes they wanted were too difficult to film which actually kind of worked in their favor. The camera only comes on when these guys are in control so you never see anyone abducted, the killers chasing people, stalking, or taking any risk where having the camera on would be a hindrance unless they have a plan. When they do kidnap someone, they start recording when the person is tied up, bloody, and broken. There isn't a lot of on screen torture or mutilation but the special effects on the bodies of their victims are incredibly realistic looking and it's very sickening to see. It's hard to compare it to anything more well known because nothing else really has this style of violence. For example Hostel had almost all off screen violence but the effects you did see look incredibly fake. August Underground did plenty of make up effects before shooting the scene but the effects look like they could be real cuts, bruises, and dismemberments.

Overall it's not something for everyone. Realistically, a good 85% of the people who watch this movie will hate it outright. If you're expecting nothing but the craziest gore ever then you'd probably be better off watching something like Faces Of Death. August Underground is more of an art film without trying to be an art film. It's not really a total horror film nor does it feel like any movie you've seen, that's something that is a very acquired taste. It's really made for a very specific group of hardcore horror fans. Another thing is how much August Underground has been taken by mainstream film. If wasn't for AU then there wouldn't be this Hollywood fad of "torture porn" like Saw, Hostel, The Collector, and other torture heavy horror movies which despite their very high production values lack the realism of AU and the ability to go as far. Even major movies like The Dark Knight borrowed from AU, the scene where The Joker uses that handcam to murder the cop was heavily inspired it. It's a very love or hate movie with little to no middle ground. Another thing is that it wasn't made for shock value but it was made to give people something to think about. Even if you thought it was the worst movie you've ever seen, it will stick with you and make you think.
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Maskhead (2009)
Toe Tag really is the future of horror and this beats another Hollywood remake
5 November 2010
I'm a life long horror fan and I've seen thousands and thousands of horror movies from all over the world and movies that range from 1080p to shot on a cheap VHS camcorder in the 80's. Nowadays I feel almost dead inside because of crappy the horror genre has gotten and Hollywood really has ran out of ideas. The biggest mainstream horror movies are mostly stealing ideas from the underground, indie, other countries, or outright remaking movies. Toe Tag on the other hand makes horror movies for hardcore horror fans but seem to put people off who go in expecting just a gore movie. Maskhead really is the easiest Toe Tag movie to watch and it does feel like a nice merge of the underground and the mainstream.

As you've noticed on the main page, Maskhead is a collaboration between Fred Vogel (Toe Tag Pictures) and Scott Swan (best known for John Carpenter's Cigarette Burns.) Two young and creative minds getting together and really doing something unique. It's not another fake snuff film and it really isn't a masked killer or slasher film. The plot is about a modeling agency scouting for talent to make some soft core fetish videos. The movie is shot on two cameras, one is digital video hand camera which is mostly used during interviews and the other is a traditional steady camera. They film the movie almost like what you're watching is a mix of the footage the characters are filming but also it's like a movie where you see these characters off the set. The footage is mixed around so you'll see things out of chronology but it all makes more sense later on. The people that run the modeling agency are two lesbians and when they interview people (mostly porn stars and wannabe stars) they do throw in some really provocative questions to see how they react on the fly. Another major character is Cowboy who in opinion was one of the best movie characters of 2009 and this guy was just overflowing with charisma. He talks a lot and has all kinds of wild stories to tell. You just can't get bored with Cowboy because he really is a charmer. Then there's Maskhead, nobody really talks about him and he doesn't talk much but he appears very disfigured, he wears a horrific mask (which is probably just to scare the hell out of people) and he brings a snuff element to the fetish videos.

That's the main idea of the plot and characters without spoiling anything. The audition scenes were mostly shot unscripted and those provocative questions did throw some actors off guard. The people being auditioned and interviewed are interesting to hear from and why they want to get into porn. As you would expect the men are all very over confident. The next portion of their screen time is staring in the fetish video. One of the best scenes is the clown girl which actually has quite a cult following. She does things like a balloon fetish and other things until the she sees something she can not unsee, at which point Maskhead grabs her and kills her. Each porn star is in a scenario like that and often times it builds to something very awful happening to them before Maskhead steps in from the shadows. It's talked about that Maskhead is the real star of these videos. The murders are pretty brutal but it's not too hard to watch, I mean it's tame compared to the August Underground series which I think is nice because it's gruesome but it isn't too off putting. I'd say it would probably be a bit much for a casual horror fan like someone who loves the Saw series but if you've seen lots of ultra gory movies then Maskhead is a bit light, which isn't a bad thing by any means. Maskhead is more about the characters and it's way of telling the story than it is about hardcore violence. Also for a movie with porn as subject mater, there really isn't much in the way of sexual content or nudity, but then it is supposed to be a soft core fetish video. I really think Maskhead was the #1 horror movie of 2009. I'd recommend it to fans of gruesome underground horror as well as people who like horror but aren't looking for something that goes to the point of mental scaring or making you sick. If this is your first Toe Tag movie then I'd say this would be the best choice followed by The Redsin Tower and Sella Turcica, they really have came a long way from the studio making serial killer snuff movies.
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Antichrist (2009)
I didn't love or hate it but I really didn't get it
5 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First off I gotta say it's been a few months since I've seen Antichrist and I don't remember every last detail of the movie so this isn't going to be the greatest review in the world. I've heard the movie thrown around here and there and some people called it the best horror movie of 2009, in that regard I disagree big time because nothing came close to Maskhead. I first tried to watch it on IFC but the picture quality wasn't that great and the sound was so low that I had to turn my TV volume to 100 to hear most of it over my air conditioner. After that I ended up renting the uncut Bluray, I'd only saw 20 something minutes on cable but the uncut really did have stuff you didn't see on premium cable channels.

The plot is simple enough. It starts with a married couple having sex, very graphic sex to the point where it's pornographic. They even have a stunt penis penetrate the wife's body double in a close up. Was that really necessary? I mean even movies like A Serbian Film used a rubber phallus in place of the real thing, not a very tasteful movie but at least they had some limits. Don't get me wrong, I'm not afraid of sex or porn but there is a time and place for everything. While the sex scene is going on, they cut to the other room where their son escapes from his crib, climbs up to the window (which for reasons never explained was left wide open) and the kid tries to fly. During the orgasms they cut to the kid falling to his death.

What this leads to is how the couple deals with their grief. The husband is a therapist so he tries to treat his wife like a patient more than his wife. The wife seems much more affected by it and blames herself for the death of their son. The home therapy sessions take up the majority of the movie and as it goes on the wife tries to have sex with her husband during the sessions and tries to use sex to punish herself. Eventually they go to a cabin in the woods to help with the grieving process and that's where the weird stuff really starts to happen. There is a lot of weird stuff that doesn't make any sense like the husband finds a dying animal and the animal starts talking. This isn't The Lion King but I guess that's part of the pretentious symbolism the movie gets praised for. There are other scenes with talking animals that are more WTF moments than anything else.

The main thing is that the wife goes crazy and starts to torture her husband in really strange ways that don't make a lot of sense. In once scene she starts rubbing her husband's penis (again with the stunt penis) then she grabs a log of wood and smacks him right down on his penis. She starts to stroke him more until blood starts shooting out, kind of like a certain Cannibal Corpse song. He did pass out as soon as the log hit him but when he wakes up, his wife is still trying to torture him. She ends up getting the idea to cripple him by impaling his leg and sticking a weight into it, which is another scene where it doesn't make much sense in how you wouldn't get through the bones that easy and how would anyone think to try that? It leads to the husband trying to hide while the wife is hunting him down. In the end she goes from rage back to self loathing. She starts masturbating and then they close up to a body double's vagina and she takes a pair of scissors cuts a piece of herself out. Then you see the talking animals wander off and it's over.

What the hell did I just see? It's as weird as movies like El Topo, Gozu, Visitor Q, and other movies that are either extremely heavy on symbolism or just made to be weird and confusing. It's a not an easy movie to review because like I said, I don't have a problem with porno but I don't need to see that or pornographic violence in an art house movie and as for the violence, I also have no problem with gore, some of my favorite movies are stuff like August Underground. It just felt out of place, especially with Willem Dafoe and a stunt penis. Two things I never thought I'd say in the same sentence. What was good was that they did film it in a really beautiful and artistic way. The sound and music was very well done. The gore effects were pretty solid, not Toe Tag Picture realistic but sufficient. It was actually shocking, especially in an age where most people think Saw and Hostel are gore movies, which is a sad statement. Also the movie is spent with just two characters which isn't easy to make that work without being really boring. I like how it was made and the acting is good but in terms of story telling and the lengths they go to for shock, it's hard to say it was good or bad. In a lot of ways it felt like a cheap shock movie trying way too hard to be artsy, especially the type of movie that gets people on the internet to obsesses over what it all means and accuse anyone who doesn't like it of being a moron. Personally I'd say there are better artsy movies and if you just want shock and gore then watch something like Murder Collection. I can't really recommend or condemn Antichrist.
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The worst movie of the decade and probably the most preachy
19 September 2010
I just got done watching Birdemic for the first time, I knew it was made on 10,000 dollars and it is regarded as one of the worst movies of all time. This same day I also watched The Happening and The Crawling Eye (MST3K version) so maybe I was feeling masochistic. This movie was all around bad in every aspect. It looks like it was shot on a fairly cheap digital video camera and it's obvious that the sound was recorded from the microphone built into the camera instead of a boom mic. I know that because the sound is very awful, the actors have to be pretty close to the camera to be heard right, and there's way too much loud background noise which in post production they played a lot of public domain elevator music to drown out the background noise. The worst audio issue was when they film on the beach because the sounds of the beach are 5 times louder than the actors voices.

The movie itself is very slow paced, the first half of the movie is just the main guy meeting his dream girl and building their relationship. The problem is that nobody in this movie can act and the writing was pitiful so what we get are very bland characters, not even vanilla more like tofu bland. We get no reason to care about these people in any way and to make them less likable the main guy has to talk about solar panels, hybrid cars, global warming, and even the war in Iraq as much as he can. The script is almost a love letter to Al Gore. This feels like an eternity where it goes from his boring job that he is way too enthusiastic about, his obsession with a greener world, and his dates.

The second half of the movie is when the birds finally go on a rampage. Lots of 2D computer generated birds that fly around in circles and attack their prey by hovering in place while moving their wings up and down and making the same noise looped over and over the whole movie. Somehow these berserk eagles can set house on fire as well as kill people in one swoop. The couple ends up meeting another couple who lets them ride in their van, this van has everything from handguns and two AK-47 assault riffles with unlimited ammo (I'm guessing the van has Game Genie,) as well as medical supplies, and anything the plot requires. Most of the movie has these people gunning down birds and searching for survivors. The survivors they meet all have long boring monologues about how it isn't the eagles we should be afraid of, it's global warming and mankind's use of fossil fuels that is responsible for this disaster.

As far as the action goes, it's about as lame as the trailer makes it look. When someone dies it's just a bird hovering in front of the person and they fall down with blood make up on them. There's also some really pointless scenes there just to raise the body count like a man who pulls a gun on them (even though they still have an assault riffle that they seem to forget about for the rest of the movie)who wants their gas, which they say cost them 100 dollars a gallon. There's a whole lot of nothing interesting going on. At least companies like Troma can take a 10 cent movie and throw in lots of nudity, over the top gore, and comedy. The people behind Birdemic have the worst CGI effects since the old Star Trek movies and long speeches about the environment. If you watch it, bring some friends and laugh at it because it works in that regard. Other than that it's Duck Hunt: The Movie.
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It's not the sickest movie ever made but it does leave a lasting impact
12 July 2010
I've been hearing plenty about this movie, from good to bad. When I first saw the trailer, it looked like nothing short of raw exploitation and shock and I was seriously angry. Reading more from different forums where people are praising this Human Centipede crap and saying this will out shock them all, I was even more against this movie. I couldn't help but to still be curious, even after hearing people either talk about the ultra sick content to it being some kind of artistic movie that is relevant to modern day Serbia. I had my chance to watch it and it was so much better than anything I could have expected.

The review that really got me interested was on IMDb, it's called "A story of smut, shock, gore, rape, murder and psychological terror!." This guy had the right idea and spoke my language in terms of being a guy who has seen the sickest of the sickest. A hard part about reviewing A Serbian Film is talking about the plot without really giving it away. It's very well thought out and as strange as some of the characters are, they're really flawed and human. It's not the usual crap you see from guys like Eli Roth or Rob Zombie where caricatures are their idea of a fully developed human being. Simply put, we all know the basic set up, a semi-retired porn star gets an offer he can't refuse so he takes it so he can support his wife and son. Things get weirder and weirder by the day until he can't take it and quits. Well they drug him and he wakes up 3 1/2 days later trying to piece his memories together and figure out what happened.

This is all built up around the first half of the movie and in the 2nd half is more about the search for what happened which is not pleasant. Everything from being drugged up to the point of a raged animal and unleashed on strangers to more situations where they keep pushing him closer to the edge. The beauty of it is that you have this movie shot in HD and the flashbacks have this very fast paced style, it's almost like Crank or Oldboy. In terms of content, if you've seen the August Underground movies then you aren't going to be very shocked, I mean yeah it is horrific at some points but the violence is much more mild but the rapes in Serbian Film are much more graphic looking. It's not like Antichrist where they bring in nude body doubles, thankfully they just use rubber man parts in the scenes that would show a penis. It looks a bit fake but I think using a fake one is more tasteful. Let's say if the 3 August Underground movies are the ghost chili of horror, A Serbian Film is closer to wasabi. Not that there isn't more they could have done, it's all a matter of context. AU had it's subtle plot about these serial killers filming their lives and Serbian was more a character study.

My bottom line is don't watch this if all you want is the sickest and most brutal movie possible, that's the same reason 80% of the people who watch pirated versions of August Underground's Mordum hated the movie. Also don't watch it to expect some kind of world changing allegory because you aren't getting one, I mean yeah you see what a dump Serbia is from the war but violent porn doesn't carry that message, it just shocks you in ways most movies wouldn't dare to. If you want to enjoy A Serbian Film, watch it with an open mind and I'd say think of it more as a mystery story than you would as another "shock movie" of the overused and never relevant term "torture porn." It is sick, it isn't pleasant, but they tell a compelling story and they don't hold back on the raw nature of it.
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An amazing and unique horror movie but you'll love it or hate it
3 October 2008
When I first saw all 3 August Underground movies, I really didn't like the series. I think this is the one that stood out to me the most but the thing that turned me off was the parts where no one is getting killed. It took me until about the 3rd time when I really understood what the reasoning of this movie is and why there is more going on than just senseless violence. A big help was reading interviews with Fred Vogel and reading professional horror reviews which really helped me appreciate this movie.

It really is something that most people will despise and a select group is going love but there isn't any real middle ground. The style is something different since it's pretty much about 3 serial killers with a camcorder and they film their atrocious crimes and they also film themselves hanging out and showing what they do in their spare time. It's more about saying that these are somewhat regular people who like to party, smoke a little dope, go to concerts, and have fun but then you also see not only their darker side but you also see these people at their most vulnerable too.

A big part of the footage is seeing the relationship of these three killers and how the two guys are trying to win over the attention of the one woman in the group. The killers are also very interesting to watch as well and they all have their own different personalities as well as different things they like to do when killing. What works is that they show you all kinds of sick and disturbing stuff and they also show you how these people are in their every day lives and it feels very real and natural as opposed to most horror movies with a masked man who kills 24/7 and doesn't do anything resembling what a human being would do.

As far as the way it looks goes, it's not pretty. The quality is just a decent camcorder and it does get pretty shaky but it's only to add to the concept of making it look like real footage. The gore is just top notch and really some of the best I've ever seen, really in league with movies like Cannibal Holocaust. In the end it does feel very genuine and gritty. Nothing fancy, nothing pretty, but it sure does look like the real thing.

It's only a matter of if you'll love it or hate it. If you buy this movie only to see a lot of really gory stuff then you'll be satisfied with the gore but bored with the character development and the unorthodox way of telling this story without really telling a story. This isn't the type of movie to dumb things down and explain anything so it might take a few viewings to get it. But I'd say 80% of the people who see it won't like it but if you have a very open mind and a strong stomach then this really is a very unique movie to watch.
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War (2007)
What a waste of time. Massive plot holes, bad acting, and hardly any action
23 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
OK so I finally saw War last night and I had high hopes for it. I mean you have to great action stars facing off so how can that go wrong? How about for starters there is hardly any action in the whole movie. What little action you do get is very bland. Another thing is how misused Jet Li is, he only has one fight in the whole movie! It's just a few lame shoot outs and that's about all you get.

The acting is also very bad. Jet Li only knows a little English and he pretty much reads his lines like a zombie. The other actors show very little emotion. Mostly they just use the movies massive budget to show off fancy camera tricks and special effects to overcompensate for the lack of a decent story, good acting, and action.

The story is very generic. The good guy's partner is killed by a Yakuza hit-man and he spends 3 years trying to find the hit-man and get his revenge. The hit-man is this super warrior who can not even get hit once and you always know he'll over come all odds no matter what. The good guy has very little in his way in terms of danger, pretty much no one gives him much trouble except for the bad guy who never tries anything dangerous until the end.

Then to top it all off this movie has one of the stupidest plot twists since The Wizard Of Gore. The partner never died, he saw his wife and kid shot and he managed to kill the hit-man. Then he torches his own house and goes to Mexico to get plastic surgery to look exactly like the man who killed his wife and kid! WTF? Oh and it goes on, so the hit-man apparently put pressure on the good guy by threatening to kill his family if he didn't give up his partner. So the good guy is a coward and the bad guy is really a wannabe of The Punisher who got plastic surgery to look like the guy who ruined his life and in a way is the real good guy of the story. Does that make any sense? Just see something decent like Shoot 'Em Up or maybe that new Resident Evil movie.
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Another lame over hyped attempt at horror by Eli Roth
3 September 2007
I really never understood all the hype for Eli Roth. Cabin Fever wasn't a very good movie and Hostel was just a total bore. I saw Hostel twice and kept an open mind but it's 90% talk and when someone does die you don't see very much, and what you do see looks incredibly fake. So is Hostel 2 much better? Kind of.

So the characters aren't very interesting. Pretty shallow too, there is the main woman who is the better of the group, her slutty drunk of a friend, and the ultra winy friend who you would be tempted to kill too. It's almost like they just want you to see them die because they annoy you so much and give nothing back to redeem themselves. Then you have the people who are paying to kill these people, you get to see them and learn more about the kind of people who would pay over 60 thousand dollars to kill a stranger. But they aren't that interesting and very predictable.

There isn't any real tension in the "will she escape alive" area of the movie, you already know that if someone is being chased then they will just end up in the killing place. Everything is extremely predictable and they never try to do anything you wouldn't expect. Also the pacing is just as bad as the first Hostel, there is one off screen kill early on and one very bloody yet not particularly gruesome kill in the first hour. Not much happens until near the end of the movie just like part one. The kills are mostly very over the top, it's like the movie tries to take itself so dead serious but they use kills that would look too stupid for a Troma movie.

Also like Hostel 1 there is so much build up for the kills and then you don't get much out of it. Lots of really fast movements so you can barely tell what just happened, very hokey effects, unrealistic kills, and very bland torture scenes. Why not at least try and shock the viewer. OK so if someone is going to pay 80% to kill an American woman don't you think he would be sick enough to force himself on her before he kills her? And why is it that in both movies they have really stupid annoying kids that aren't really there for a reason. Why don't they kidnap children and have people pay twice as much to kill little kids? They have the opportunity to shock, offend, and disgust the viewer but they decide to take everything very soft and hype everything up. I wasn't expecting Cannibal Holocaust or anything but at least if you promise to have such a shocking movie style that the media calls "torture porn" then at least attempt to back it up. It's like going to a restaurant and seeing the thickest, juiciest, most tender steak you've ever seen so you order it and get a flat McDonald's looking hamburger pattie instead.

The movie is just boring and the kills just aren't even shocking. It's like they're hyping it to be like the main stream equivalent to August Underground's Mordum when it's really the most tame horror movie imaginable with the biggest hype and build up that they can buy. It's all sizzle and no steak. Eli Roth just seems like Uwe Boll with more credibility.
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Halloween (2007)
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse it did
28 August 2007
I saw the work print and the only really difference is that in the final cut they removed the rape scene, tacked on a little more blood, and changed the ending. Regardless of what they do "more blood" won't make this movie any less awful than it already is.

So it starts off with the young Michael Myers who is a fat, ugly, spoiled brat with not one likable trait. His mom is a striper, his dad is a drunken sob, his sister is a slut. And yes, that is as deep as his family gets. It's like Rob Zombie just watched Jerry Springer and took notes. Every character in this movie aside from Dr. Loomis, Michael's mom, and Laurie have very little dialogue and there is little to no character development. Everyone in this movie was written as a one note stereotype without any likable features. It's all promiscuous women, sex obsessed men, white trash, preps, and that's really it.

So you have a cast of people that you are never even given a reason to care about and you just wait for them to die. Also there is no suspense in the whole movie. You see Michael first and then you see someone put them self in a vulnerable situation minutes in advance. You always get a heads up way in advance before anything happens. When someone does die the kills are very lame like he just does the same 3 kills over and over again and it's mainly just stabbing or beating someone over and over and usually after the first strike the rest is either off screen or the camera is running all over place so you can't even tell what your looking at.

The music was very misused. In the original Halloween you can have a camera walk up stairs in the dark and then edit in the Halloween theme and it becomes creepy, here it's like they just used the old Halloween music at random and didn't even bother trying to make it add any tension. There are also some various classic rock songs that show up for no reason other than to say this is set in the late 70's.

The story is very boring and just drags on and on. The so called back story of Myers is that he was an obnoxious kid who could somehow over power and kill people a lot bigger than him. Instead of him stealing his mask from a store he kills a guy who was on screen for less than 5 minutes and takes the mask from him. Also as a kid he talks but then after demanding to be let out of the mental hospital and being turned down after asking 3 times in a row he never speaks ever again. The first 30 minutes or so are just him as a kid. Laurie doesn't show up until about the 2nd half of the movie and she just isn't even the slightest bit likable or charismatic. Also Dr. Loomis is very sympathetic for young Myers even when he stops talking but after the 15 years later gap he is convinced that Myers is the Devil in the flesh and must be stopped at all costs, they never really explain that plot hole.

So all you get are people who are disposable and only there as props for Michael Myers. In the original Halloween it was about the characters and John Carpenter said that Myers was little more than a prop to get the story across. So this remake just went in the complete opposite of the original. I really wanted to enjoy this movie but 5 minutes into I knew it was awful and I still sat through this mess and it only got worse. Somehow it's worse than Halloween 3-8, I don't how thats possible but it is. Do NOT waste your money on this movie, even if you can get a free pass just see something else. This movie doesn't have one redeeming quality and is a slap in the face to the entire horror genre. Do yourself a favor and rent the original Halloween.
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Doctor Strange (2007 Video)
Its like reading the first few issues a comic book
11 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Like the Iron Man movie they spend most of the movie on the origin story. The problem is that the only people buying this movie are fans of the comic book and the people buying will already know the story. There is very little action in the movie. Pretty much it starts with Doc Strange as an arrogant doctor who ends up seeing people's mind twisted by Dormammu. So of course he has no idea what is wrong with these people and refuses to help. He gets into a car crash and his hands are broken. He then travels all over the world wasting his money on phony cures until he goes to Tibet to train under The Ancient One.

By this point it's about half way into the movie, and this movie is only a little over an hour. So he ends up struggling with his training and thinks about quiting. Eventually he becomes the apprentice of The Ancient One. He goes on a Mission with Baron Mordo to battle Dormammu and naturally Mordo joins the bad guys. So when the movie is almost over we get to see Strange vs Mordo and some of Strange vs Dormammu. And like Iron Man, most of the movie is wasted on an origin story all Marvel fans know too well and you have to wait until the end for the action which there isn't much of.
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The Condemned (2007)
Its like Battle Royale and Cannibal Holocast without any shock value
5 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie expecting a bloody and gory action movie. But there wasn't much real violence or enough action. The fights were way too choppy, they pretty much have cameras on several angles and constantly keep jumping camera to camera and you can hardly even tell who's winning the fight. So let me get into the plot and try not to give much away.

So a TV producer creates an internet show where convicts across the world are sent to an island to fight to the death, the winner gets freedom and money. So they spend way too much time on the producer and his girlfriend despising him more and more over the show and his crew turning against him. The convicts have very little to no back story, pretty much a few of them have their crimes mentioned and that's all you ever know about them. They spend too much time away from the convicts, like they show what Steve Austin's girlfriend is doing despite her never doing anything useful in the entire movie except answer the phone twice and watch the webcast.

So again the fights were badly filmed. The kills were very lame. Every convict has an exploding ankle bracelet with a tab, if someone pulls the tab then it blows up in 10 seconds. All you see is a cheesy fire explosion without a single drop of blood or even a body. They also try so hard to be shocking and edgy by doing things like having an off camera rape scene where the film crew just sits there and does nothing about. They also do the whole Cannibal Holocaust thing where they try to send the message of "if we try to profit for such horrid things then how are we better than them." But they don't do anything shocking in this movie to hit the message home.

All you're really left with is just a mediocre ripoff of Con Air, Battle Royale, and Cannibal Holocaust. Not much blood, not enough action, very little character development, a very predictable plot (we all know from the start that the good guy lives and the bad guys don't.) They never even try to swerve the audience it's just a very predictable movie that tries to have a message just to attempt to make it look smart. So if you get a free rental at Blockbuster or get it really cheap then maybe you might want to watch it. But I'd rather you just get The Running Man, Con Air, Battle Royale, or just play the video game Manhunt. All of those will satisfy you in ways this movie never can.
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Hostel (2005)
Did I miss the part where it was supposed to be "gory?"
6 July 2007
I saw it first in theaters and years later the unrated DVD as a Blockbuster free rental. The movie feels like a con job, all you heard was how it's just way too violent and shocking but then when you see it all you really get is lots of talking, gratuitous soft core sex, and near the end of the movie some really bad gore effects. I've seen Troma movies that had a budget of what change they could find in their couch cushions that had far more realistic gore and of course much more creativity.

The problems with Hostel are that they took a decent idea and didn't even try and go anywhere with it. You have some American tourist who end up being kidnapped and tortured by wealthy Europeans. A big problem is that there is way too much talking and sex and not enough of the "horror" element. There aren't very many kills and what you do see looks insanely fake, like the blowtorch scene where all you see is the guys back and then they cut to the girl with red plastic glued to her face. You'll be better of just hitting fast forward through most of the movie since you won't be missing much, just lots of long conversations there to pass the time that don't add anything to the story.

There just isn't anything worth seeing in Hostel. Very little plot, badly filmed soft core sex for filler, and some of the worst gore effects you'll see in a major Hollywood movie. Do yourself a favor and get something good, may I suggest getting a Troma movie like Terror Firmer which has a perfect blend of horror, comedy, nudity, and loads of gore. All I can say is that Hostel has no redeeming qualities, maybe if it didn't take itself way too seriously it could have been slightly more watchable.
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Grindhouse (2007)
If anything see it for Planet Terror
8 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I love these kind of movies, there is just no greater thrill for me than to watch a great gory 70's or 80's splatter film pretty much anything from Death Race 2000 to Cannibal Holocaust. So the movie starts off with a bang, there is a trailer for a fake movie called "Machete" which I really think should have just been filmed to replace Death Proof. Machete was this really great cheesy and gory action story almost like a Mexican variation on the black exploitation action films.

Anyways Planet Terror really made it worth while. This movie is just a great action packed, gore soaked, and even humorous thrill ride. It's pretty much a zombie story and the body count is huge and there is enough gore to satisfy a hardcore gore hound (sure it isn't Dead Alive but this is an R rated movie after all.) The plot works well, the characters tend to be over the top but they have great charisma. Also the special effects are really well done, although to look like a Grindhouse movie the effects were a bit too good to really feel like a cheap 70's gore film. But it never gets dull for a second. I'd have to give it a 10/10.

After that we're treated to some great trailers that are really funny. The Thanksgiving trailer is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while, also the very great parts where people get beheaded at impossible circumstances is really funny to see. So again the trailers are just a real treat, I have to say some of these could work as great horror comedies.

Then Death Proof comes on, I have really high hopes for it. It starts with shots of some very beautiful women's feet and legs then you see a group of women talking about their sex lives. There is this weirdo (played by Kurt Russell) who is stalking them. So for a while not all we see is the women talking and some moments of the killer who we find out is a stunt man. All the talking really gets tiresome fast and I want some action. Eventually after way too much talking (and I'll also add that most of it has nothing to further the plot) they drive home. The killer has a passenger that he kills by doing sharp turns to bump her head into the car. He then drives in front of the group of women and crashes into them head on, it shows how the all die in the crash (pretty cool looking.) Then it cuts to the killer as the only one left alive (just a little banged up) and then our next group of women.

We meet a group of very obnoxious women, I swear I wanted to strange them so I'd never have to hear them speak ever again after just 5 minutes of them. At least I should be able to watch them all turn into road kill. They end up talking and doing some car stunt for the rest of the movie. Later on the killer shows up and starts ramming the women until the diver shoots him in the shoulder and he becomes a coward who all of a sudden refuses to seek any form of vengeance. The women become the road warriors and bump his car until the cars stop and the women beat him to death. That is Death Proof, a movie that has only one car crash and 89% talking. I give it a 2/10 because it was just so slow paced, boring, and nothing really happened. Just rent Duel, The Road Warrior or Death Race 2000 if you want a quality driving thriller.

In the end seeing Death Proof really took away a lot of my fun. But up until Death Proof I was seeing one of the best horror movies I've seen in recent years and I was having a great time. If it wasn't for Death Proof I'd give it a 10/10 but that just isn't the case.
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Hannibal Lechter, Patrick Batman, Jigsaw, and now Antonio Frau
18 February 2007
This is an amazing horror thriller. The only downer would be that there is really no gore, gallons of blood splatter all over but there is nothing on screen. What makes up for it is a script that is pure genius, great actors, a great set, beautiful women, and it's something different. Antonio Frau really is in league with Hannibal Lechter, Patrick Batman, and Jigsaw, I really see him as a mix off all of them.

Like Jigsaw he wants to weed out the people who ruined their own lives and don't deserve to live. He really is great with psychological torture. The tag line on the case was "The Spanish answer to Hostel." This was nothing like Hostel, I would call it the Spanish Answer to SAW or Hannibal. They story and the acting were enough to keep me entertained, which is very rare for me since when I bought this I also got 4 Troma movies so that really says quite a bit about the quality of H6. If you like independent and foreign movies that go places Hollywood wouldn't dare to go then H6 is worth your 20 bucks.
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Live Feed (2006)
Everything Hostel was hyped up to be and much more
17 February 2007
I hated Hostel with a passion, it was nothing short of Hollywood trash, it was a pathetic excuse at a shocking horror movie, it didn't have half the gore it promised, and it was all hype. Live Feed is not some generic Hostel ripoff, it's everything Hostel was supposed to be and it's 10 times better on every level.

There is a lot of sex and nudity and in terms of the sleaze factor it really delivers but unlike Hostel this movie doesn't just use sex as filler until someone gets killed too late in the movie, Live Feed has a perfect balance of suspense, story, sex, and gore. The pacing is just right, it doesn't waste too much time and unlike most Hollywood horror movies the characters are actually kind of interesting.

For a very low budget indy splatter film they really went all out with the gore, there were a few effects that I wasn't sure how they did (like the snake scene.) It isn't as gory as lets say Art Of The Devil or Evil Dead Trap but there is enough gore to satisfy a real gore hound.

The sets were also well done, it was supposed to take place in Japan but they did a good job of filming it in America to save money and use enough Asian actors to try and get the setting more authentic. This is just a really great indy horror movie, it's also better than anything I've seen in a movie theater in the last 5 years with the exception to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remakes, Hills Have Eyes, and Devil's Rejects. But this is a low budget film that can easily go toe to toe with the multimillion dollar Hollywood movies that are made just for a quick 10+ million dollars on the opening weekend that lack the heart, soul, and passion of an indy film.
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Irreversible (2002)
Apparently if a movie is horrible you can play it backwards and everyone loves it
9 February 2007
There just so much hype about how different and artistic this movie is and I ended up buying it. This movie beyond garbage, it doesn't even deserve one star. What you have is a generic rape/revenge movie that does nothing different from movies like Last House On The Left or I Spit On Your Grave. The filmmakers must have watched the finished movie and realized what a pile of crap it was so they decided to start it at the end and then have it end at the beginning of the story so that way it would have a gimmick to please the artsy crowd.

It really isn't as brutal as people make it out to be, there is some blood effects and some sound effects but anyone with a camera and some actors can do a better job with it. 95% of the movie is dialogue, there are two scenes that have major impacts on the story, one is early on and the other is later on. So you'll be sitting through a really weak story with characters that you don't have any reason to give a damn about. If you can stay awake through the movie you'll see a very gratuitous rape scene that goes on for what felt like at least 10 minutes, it was nothing more than shock for the sake of shock.

In the end there is no message, no meaning, and not a single redeemable quality. I can't think of one positive thing I can say about this movie, the nicest thing I can say is that it isn't the single worst movie I've ever seen, but it still would make my top five. It would be right down there with trash like I Spit On Your Corpse I P**s On Your Grave, May, Night Beast, and Hostel. Even if you found this movie for one dollar I wouldn't suggest buying it, after seeing this movie you'll want your time back. I wouldn't urinate on this movie even if it was on fire.
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Wow. I really was wondering if the could top the 1st movie but there is just no comparison.
23 September 2006
It's like the Jackass crew decided that they were going to go all and surpass Jackass 1 in every way. This has to be one of the sickest movies I've seen in years and if I was going to compare it to anything Pink Flamingos comes to mind. It has tons of slap stick humor and insane stuns, but there is far more in the way of gross out humor. You'll see human and animal waste, lots of naked men (more scrotum's than you've than you ever wanted to see), and enough vulgarity to make Marquis De Sade smile in his grave. I really don't want to spoil any of the stunts considering that it would really ruin the fun of it. But I can say that Snakes On A Plane has nothing on Jackass 2, and there are some great snake scenes in Jackass 2. It's like this is the kind of movie where you already should know if you'll like it or not just from seeing the trailer.

There just isn't much to say, if you have a strong stomach and love to be shocked then you will be laughing your ass off from beginning to end.
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Aftermath (1994)
Is it gory? Yes. Is it disturbing? No. Is there any substance? No. Any redeeming qualities? No.
2 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
OK so this is about 30 minutes of gore with no story whatsoever. There is no spoken dialogue, no subtitles, not even any real characters. You see three people in the entire movie (that are alive) and two are just there for very little reason. The main guy has no emotion and just mutilates corpses for no apparent reason. That is the entire movie. I love to see very gory movies, especially since in America real gore just isn't very common in modern movies. So yeah the gore effects were pretty cool. But it just isn't really disturbing. Why does everyone think it's so disturbing? There are no characters at all, there are just 3 living people and 3 corpses. No one has any personality or back story. You see three corpses being hacked apart and you can't really identify with it unless you just identify with death itself and how this could very well happen (despite the guy losing his job and going to jail very shortly after.) To be disturbing the viewer has to care and to care they have to identify with the victim. For example in a good horror movie you should really care about the main character. Here it's just a guy and a corpse. It's as deep as a puddle made from only a single rain drop. They never give you any reason to care about anyone in the movie. All it is a guy hacking up a few bodies, then he has sex with a body. Now with the sex scene here is an odd thing about it, he makes sure to wear gloves but doesn't use a condom. So he couldn't care less about catching some weird STD from having sex with a corpse but as long as his hands don't get messy there is no problem, now that is really logical. I don't really dislike the movie, I liked that it was very gory but when it ends there is no reason to watch it again, no reason to even care, and it just isn't a very compelling movie. I say if you can find it for under 10 dollars then you might as well get it but if it's more than that it just isn't worth it.
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The Descent (2005)
Wake me when it's over
14 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I am very opinionated about horror movies and I haven't seen a good (new) horror movie since the remake of Hill Have Eyes. I despise movies like Saw and Hostel and I saw this for free and had very low expectations. So early on this woman gets into a car wreck and her husband and daughter die and for some odd reason it in to way affects the story as soon as everyone goes to the cave. So they put than in to make you feel sorry for her I guess. The characters are all very generic and the movie has almost no story. There was way to much talk and very little in the way of suspense. They use boring conversations as filler and you just sit there waiting for someone to die. The monsters weren't even the slightest bit scary and they show them way too often so it really cheapens it even more. The special effects were beyond awful, you hear a sound effect and see the aftermath in most deaths and in the other deaths it's a monster pouncing on someone and fake looking blood shoots out. For example if someone gets stabbed you hear the effect and the camera will cut to the knife already in the monster and the make up already applied, anyone with 5 bucks and a video camera could make better effects than this. In one scene this chick has a leg injury and people were actually grossed out by this. There is a fake looking bone sticking from the pant leg, and when the pant leg is lifted the make up is already there and it doesn't look very real.

How about the lack of suspense? You know who will die next long before it happens, it's always when someone gets wreck less and you just know they will die soon. The monsters just magically pop up out of nowhere every few minutes. There is no psychology, no stalking, no nothing it's just BAM! And the monster just pops out. Damned pathetic. So if you've ever seen a monster movie then you will have this movie figured out long before anything happens. And like I said there is no real story, it's a bunch of women with annoying accents in a cave with a bad rip off of that thing from Jeepers Creepers popping out of nowhere every few minutes until the credits start rolling, oh yeah and according to my watch the monsters didn't even show up for about an hour (but then again there were at least 15 minutes of previews from when I went in.) So if you like your violence as fake as possible, your gore kept to a minimum, a movie that treats you like a fool, a movie that give you plenty of warnings too early (almost like The Grudge remake), and just fails on every possible level than this is the movie for you.

Do yourself a big favor and go to your nearest video store and rent the following movies: The Thing, Alien, Aliens, Jaws, Piranha, and Piranha 2. Then you'll be satisfied. Those are the monster movies that really will shock you and you just won't expect what will happen next. These are the foundations of the sub-genre that every other movie has been ripping off for the last 2-3 decades.
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Saw II (2005)
A movie that makes you feel stupider for just watching it,
18 February 2006
I hated SAW with a passion. There was no gore, no suspense, loads of plot holes, and "shocker" ending thought up at the last second, not to mention it damn near plagiarized the much superior Se7en. How can the sequel get any worse? Well I went to Block Buster to spend my free rental, I didn't see anything halfway interesting so I grabbed SAW 2 because it can't be worst than the first and it got so much praise and hype.

So it starts almost exactly like part one. This guy has an iron mask filled with nails that will snap. OK I know for a fact it won't be gory because it'll just cover his face, what's the point. So I was right, just a little cheap blood. It goes on very slow paced with characters no one gives a damn about and never a reason to care if they live or die. Eventually everyone is locked in a room with no idea how they got there. They get a message that each one of them can unlock a safe and each one knows a number. Wait, did you ever see the movie Cube? Wow, they just ripped off Cube this time. But Cube had suspense and some gory moments and Saw one and two don't have either. So everyone of these idiots blinds runs right into every single trap without thing about it. It's like an hour in a half of watching rats walk into a mouse trap for a chunk of cheese. Not to mention that this movie isn't anywhere near as gory as it's hyped to be. as far as gore and violence go this would be a 3/10, even that snooze fest Hostel had a little more blood than this dung heap. Oh yeah and this Jigsaw killer is the lamest horror villain since the Leprechaun. Jigsaw is just a poor man's John Doe (Se7en) and Hannibal (in this movie he blatantly rips off Hannibal.) So just like SAW one everyone is stupid, there's no gore, and you already know who's going to die and how. For example "Hey I should craw into this giant oven, nothing could possibly go wrong here!" The movie treats it's viewers like idiots, and you know what after all the praise both movies got maybe they have a point. And like SAW one this movie does another moronic plot twist that will either leave you laughing or just insulted. Not to mention like SAW one this isn't the slightest bit scary. I think it's made to freak out teenie boppers who think I Know What You Did Last Summer was scary.

How do people say this movie is gory anyway? If you thought this was gory I'll bet you wet yourself in terror at the very mention of The Little Mermaid. You'll be better of renting or buying something good, like Se7en or Cube. I want my free rental back.
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Caligula (1979)
My all time favorite movie
5 January 2005
I bought the complete unrated uncut DVD and it was everything I could ever ask for in a movie. I'm a huge fan of 1970's exploitation films and this is the best. There is lots is hardcore, XXX, full penetration sex. The gore was decent but I the story telling made up for it. It's one of those rare movies that I could watch forever and wish it didn't have to end. It gets it point across very well and it portrays Caligula as not a monster or a mad man, but as an average young man given more power than he knows what to do with. It show him as a scared young man and how the power gradually corrupts him and he gets more evil and becomes more of a tyrant as the movie goes on. As far as the sex it's very erotic and high quality. The only down side is the gore was a bit lacking. I don't know why so many people hate this film, I would guess there just closed minded, uptight, prudes that can except a movie that is daring and won't hold back to tell the true story as accurately as possible.
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Postal 2 (2003 Video Game)
One of the most underrated games in years....
1 January 2005
I like FPS's but there are so few with creativity like DOOM 3 witch was just great visuals and mediocre game play, it's wait for monsters to pop out and you shoot them. The critics praise GTA San Andreas but it's just GTA 3 with a few minor tweaks and horrible controls for walking and shooting. Postal 2 is a breath of fresh air, just make sure to get Share The Pain it has half the load times and online play. Postal 2 is so creative, you can use a shovel (first weapon in the game) and knock someone head off and the physics let you kick the head around and the body too. Liquid is also realistic with the, physics you can make a trail of gas and set it ablaze and pee anywhere. It's fun to whip it out in the game, women point and laugh, and men goof on you until you pee in their mouth and watch them run, puke, or pull a gun out. One thing I hate about GTA games are missions were you baby set some fool and if he dies you screwed, races, and other missions that are more stressful that fun, Postal 2 has none of that. This game is very free roaming and you do missions at your own leisure. All buildings can be entered (unlike most games) you can beat the game guns blazing or with stealth your call. The missions are humorous and there is no story and boring cut scenes are short and don't waste your time. You get a check list in each level, like pick up your paycheck at Running With Scissors (makers of Postal 1 and 2) but all hell breaks lose when anti video game protesters take arms and gun down the company for their cause. There are also mazes that keep changing in some missions, and the way you play (passive or madman) will change some missions. Like at the bank when you cash your paycheck there are about 20 people in line, if you wait and cash it bank robbers show so you can sneak out or kill them all. If you don't want to wait you can rob the bank vault and kill at least 40 cops. As far as replay value it depend on the player, I've beaten the game 4 times and I mostly just go on killing sprees and I've been playing for several months and it's a good time killer. I can't wait for the single player expansion in January 2005. The best thing is Postal 2 is $20.00 or less. I'd recommend this to Unreal and Duke Nukem fans! 9/10
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