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Barry: wow (2023)
Season 4, Episode 8
Acting: superb. Story: shrug?
29 May 2023
As always, the entire cast gave excellent performances.

And there was more than one scene that I watched more than once, because the acting and pacing were so damn good.

And even though all the characters got what they wanted (or what they deserved) in this final episode...

I dunno, I didn't find it satisfying.

Somehow, I didn't know that "Barry" was in its final season, though I was secretly hoping this would be the last episode. The last couple seasons have felt a little sparse on content. Likewise, it felt like this episode relied a little too much on the situations of season 2 without really doing anything new.

I never rate anything a "10," but this show had a few episodes that were very strong contenders. Some of them dropped my jaw to the floor. Others brought me to tears.

For me, this unfortunately wasn't one of them.
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Barry: tricky legacies (2023)
Season 4, Episode 5
I'm having a hard time dealing with this episode
11 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When the assassin came crashing through the ceiling in episode 3 -- a scene that I re-watched a half-dozen times -- I thought, "YES! Now THIS is Barry!"

And when the story leapt into a weird alternate future that was CLEARLY another bad dream ...

Well, at first, I was angry because I thought it was lazy writing.

So they painted themselves into a corner, couldn't figure out how to solve the problems they created, so they resorted to dumping everyone into another universe? What is this, Star Trek? (Except in this case, 8 years of time travel hasn't advanced technology, so ... uhh)

Anyway, I was having an especially hard time dealing with Sally's new future and began to wonder why I'm so bloody attached to these characters. Clearly the writers don't care what happens to them, and this is just entertainment after all. I guess I have to relax.

This show has always done an incredible job of exploring the range of human emotion and I suppose it has to explore life in the middle of nowhere.

And in the end, I can't wait to see what happens in the next episode, so ... I guess they did a good job?!
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Season 1: Eh... Season 2. WTF? Season 3: YES! OH GOD, YES!
22 April 2023
I'll cut to the chase.

I am so amazed and grateful for season 3.

Just exquisite. Superb. So fun. So many great moments rewinded and enjoyed over and over again.

And, despite the constant flood of new content coming from everywhere, I'm certain I'll watch season 3 again.

Season 1? Kinda neat, but comparatively, lacks gravitas.

Season 2 felt like an extended episode of CSI and, as it turns out, was entirely extraneous. It's like Paramount pretended it didn't happen when season 3 came around.

Whether they forgot to pay off the ending of season 2, or decided to reverse course entirely, getting the old band back together for season 3 was everything I thought "Picard" could be, and more.

Before watching it, I highly suggest a re-watch of TNG's finale ("All Good Things...") as it'll heighten your appreciation.

As with Strange New Worlds, I just wish Paramount had the brains to make this show available legally in my country, so I could financially support it.
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Everything about this movie is stupid
2 September 2022
I enjoy the occasional bit of suspending disbelief but this movie never should have been made. It is just so completely and totally stupid. But it's superbly produced and beautiful to watch!

(Required review length is 600 characters now? What is that?! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis eu pharetra massa, eget pulvinar nisl. Nunc leo dolor, rhoncus id nibh ac, condimentum efficitur massa. Vestibulum ut tincidunt risus. In at urna eu mi fringilla fringilla. Curabitur consequat vestibulum mauris a fermentum. Vivamus sit amet nunc consectetur, condimentum turpis in, et.)
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Prey (I) (2022)
Lovely movie, but they forgot one thing...
14 August 2022
The Predator always shows up during record-breaking heat waves. Having grown up in the mountains of Alberta myself, I'd have to say they're slightly less tropical. :)

Otherwise, I thought this was a fun movie! Gorgeous cinematography, a lovely soundtrack reminiscent of Mohicans, and likable characters throughout.

Of course, it's all HIGHLY improbable ... but this is entertainment after all.

Overall, I'd consider this a worthy addition to the Predator universe, somewhere around Danny Glover and Adrien Brody.
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Red alert! Entering sacred territory
4 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Random thoughts:

Captain Kirk was miscast. The actor just has no charm, charisma or personality. Kirk should not be a skinny nerdy guy in my opinion. (Unless ... alternate-timeline Kirk didn't fully blossom?)

A wall of Romulan ships. Now a wall of Federation ships. Again, and so soon, really? (Picard S1 E10, anyone?)

Breaking the fourth wall. Whuuut??

And this one's a nitpick, but future Pike's hair should be, if not all white, then more white. Yes it breaks continuity with TOS but he can't be just-as-grey. 😛

Overall, I felt it was way too soon for an episode like this. It'd be fine to do a future story some time around season 3. Pike's turmoil over his future can be an ongoing thing. Unless maybe "they" were afraid the show wouldn't last so they had to cram it into the first season?
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?? What is this movie even about?
1 August 2022
I love westerns, but I couldn't finish this. It's super-pretty to look at, and the soundtrack is kind of cool for a western, but I couldn't seem to figure out what the point of it was. Eventually I just turned it off... *shrug*
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Love and Slumber
10 July 2022
Unfortunately, this movie put my wife to sleep. When the house lights came on, I looked around and saw a few girlfriends/wives doing the same thing. This movie is a real treat for the eyes, there are plenty of chuckles and lots of famous Taika ridiculousness. Bale is great and I really enjoyed the bonus god (no spoilers).

Alas, this movie suffers the same thing that a lot of comedies do -- some jokes are just too long. I think it could work a lot better if it were a good 20 minutes shorter.
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Breach (IV) (2020)
I'm sorry. I couldn't do it!
1 July 2022
Fact: the most entertaining thing about this movie is the IMDb reviews. What a good time. I wish I could send thank-you notes here.

Tonight, I learned that Bruce Willis has been in about 40 movies in the last 10 years. I hadn't heard of most of them, and they've been getting progressively worse.

How is this possible? He's BRUCE WILLIS! He's amazing! What happened?

Anyway, if I had been watching this movie with a group of my friends, drunk out of my mind, I might have made it through the whole thing and probably would have laughed my ass off the whole time.

As it turned out, I made it to the 17-minute mark, then read the rest on Wikipedia. I couldn't resist watching the ending, and it was every bit as bad as everyone said.

Now to decide what to do with my newfound extra time!
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Alien meets Predator meets Star Trek? Hmm...
30 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert.

Going into this episode, I actually had the thought that maybe one of the essential crew would pull a Tasha Yar (die in this episode).

It's too bad it had to be the engineer, he was one of my favorite characters.

I kinda liked the creature chase stuff, as it pushed the borders of "what is Star Trek?" a little, though it was a mix of stuff I had already seen in Aliens vs. Predator.

Creatures with impossibly fast gestation periods... gah.

Plus, Gorn are supposed to have the ability to cooperate (build a civilization, have captains, etc.) and it seems like an unlikely jump to that from a chest burster.

But hey, it was certainly entertaining.
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Holodeck episode, anyone?
27 June 2022
Hey, guys. Just because it's Star Trek doesn't mean it can't be goofy. 90's Trek certainly had its share of silly moments in the holodeck.

The difference is that those episodes always had a side-story that brought us back to the sci-fi. While all the actors clearly had a good time playing alternate roles for this episode, I found myself mostly waiting for the silliness to be over so we could get back to the show about space ships.

But, gosh-darnit, they really tugged on my heart strings at the end.

Even then, I found the doctor's choice a little too quick, easy, and unlikely... but I was happy to see his story move forward.

Thanks for taking creative risks, Paramount. I remain a huge fan of this show.
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Crashing (2017–2019)
I couldn't stop watching!
27 June 2022
Strangely enough, I think I only laughed out loud once or twice throughout the entire series.

But man, I was hooked!

It must have been the innocence of Pete's character. He isn't exactly Forrest Gump, but his inexperience and constantly being out of his league made everything feel new and exciting, and it really pulled me into the story.

Through all the ups and the downs, I never really knew if he was gonna win or be defeated.

The dialog and acting were all so natural and candid, I always felt like I was really there.

Plus, the nice, short episodes made this one easy show for me to consume.
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27 June 2022
"What was Obi-Wan doing all those years?"

What he should have been doing: hiding in obscurity. But that's boring, and there's no story.

What he actually did: ran around the galaxy creating a number of Episode IV plot holes.

Even then, it was somewhere around episode 3 or 4 that my wife lost interest in this show. I almost had to force her to watch the finale, and unfortunately it didn't compete against her Instagram account.

I myself was questioning whether this was a story that HAD to be told. I felt it might work better as a 2-hour (or even 90-minute) movie.

Nothing really happens over the course of 6 episodes... and that's the problem with interquels (or midquels). You can't advance the story. We already know this and that person are still alive for later movies, and this makes it hard to create the tension and uncertainty required for a story to grab, and a character to grow.

In the end, I almost thought this show should be called "Leia" as her story was far more interesting. That kid is one hell of an actor, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if she got her own show.

As far as "Obi-Wan Kenobi" goes, though... great cast, great characters, great acting. There were certainly some cool and exciting moments throughout this series, but overall, I feel the story really missed the mark.
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Navalny (2022)
Russian bots don't realize...
21 June 2022
...that IMDb uses weighted averages, and all those low ratings don't actually do anything except to show obvious signs of attempted tampering.

So here's a review written by a real human being!

I loved this documentary. I thought it was amazing, I think Navalny is an absolute legend and it's clear that Russia is not ready for him. I hope he survives his incarceration and I can't help but think of Nelson Mandela at a time like this. I believe Navalny could be the most fantastic president the world has ever seen... if he only gets the chance. Time will tell.
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Voorhees? Kruger? Rambo's b*tches.
3 June 2022
This movie has almost as many plot holes as it does bullet holes, but if you enjoy seeing the human body mutilated in every possible way, this is the flick for you! Much like the previous Rambo, the first hour-or-so is largely optional. But that final kill ... oh boy, what a doozy. Thanks for the good times, Sly!
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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Spock Amok (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
I love what this show stands for!
3 June 2022
This episode brings me back to the days of watching TNG with my dad. We always loved the occasional easy and light-hearted episodes whenever they'd come on. It does require a little suspension of disbelief, but is so worth it because it's so entertaining.

Paramount: thanks again for making this show, and please hurry up expanding to The Netherlands so I can properly show my support!
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Barry: berkman > block (2019)
Season 2, Episode 8
15 May 2022
This episode, in my books, is the very definition of a 10.

I can't believe what I'm seeing. My jaw is hanging to the floor. This is not the episode that I wanted. But it's what I got. And I loved every second.

It just finished and I want to watch it again.

Spectacular performances all around.

I'm so lucky that I got into this show in 2022 and didn't have to wait 3 years for the next episode... damn COVIDs!
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Cheesy yet satisfying
13 May 2022
I don't know if this episode broke (or bent) canon at all, but I really enjoyed it.

And music! Brilliant. Why not? This episode made me want to learn music theory all over again.
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13 May 2022
I really hope the episodic storytelling continues. I was getting crazy-tired of the long story arcs.

And, Paramount+, please get up and running in The Netherlands so I can support this show legally!
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Metal Lords (2022)
All my teenage dreams boiled into 90 minutes
11 April 2022
I had never felt nostalgic for my high school years ... until I saw Metal Lords.

Suddenly the memories of all those hours spent in basements jamming, writing and fantasizing came rushing back.

This movie is everything I ever wanted my high school experience to be ... though these kids are 1000x cooler and smarter than I ever was.

Metal Lords is super-predictable but still a ton of fun. If I had a teenage son like the rest of my responsible friends do, I bet they'd love it too!
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The Batman (2022)
Certainly not the worst Batman movie ever. But possibly the weirdest.
28 March 2022
Story: pulled me in. Villain: brilliant. Acting: great. Casting... hmmm?

Aside from a couple quick fist fights, I never really felt like "Batman" was on the screen at any point. Just some quiet guy in a weird suit, playing the role of a private investigator that the cops hated.

Why was he even wearing the suit? Half the time, it didn't feel like it was necessary.

I know Pattinson has a lot more range than he was allowed to show here, but I felt the moody emo angle didn't really work. Bale's younger Batman was also a spoiled brat, but seemed to have a lot more depth.

But, it was fun watching the story unravel and the supporting cast was amazing, especially Colin Farrell, who was completely unrecognizable yet somehow likeable.

The music, especially Batman's theme, put me to sleep.

Overall, a mixed bag. I know what Matt Reeves was going for, but I don't think he totally pulled it off.
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C'mon, what do you expect? Oscar performances?
9 February 2022
Everybody knows the main event in these titan movies is to see massive CGI beasts having a battle. But you can't do that for 2 hours because it'd just be boring. All things considered, I think they did a good-enough job of making the silly human parts fun to watch.

This movie certainly has its flaws -- distance, time and gravity meant nothing to the writers, and Kong is way too smart -- but dammit! This is "entertainment," and the battle scenes are gorgeous and fun to watch. Just about every hit is rewind-worthy.

I always go into these Godzilla movies thinking they're gonna be totally stupid, but I end up loving each one by the end. Nicely done.
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21 January 2022
The first half was so excruciatingly uncomfortable. Cumberbatch's character was just nasty. Clearly something bad was going to happen. ... but then ...

Second half: I watched it at 1.5 speed.

By the end: uhrrr, can I have my time back please?

Yeah, put me in the list of people who didn't get it until I came here to read the reviews and learn what the F actually happened. (I still haven't done that by the way. Frankly I'm not sure I care to.)
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A proper epic
19 September 2021
I grew up watching the 1984 movie and had seen it a hundred times before I even knew the book(s) existed... :) so to me, this movie feels like "a remake" and not "a new adaptation of the book."

Naturally, I can't help but compare the films.

The pacing is much slower here, and I feel it gives the story a "proper epic" feel without going full Peter Jackson (The Hobbit/3 movies).

There are enough differences between the two to constantly keep things interesting, though I feel some things are better explained in the 1984 version (less confusion and explaining things to my wife).

Overall I was pleasantly surprised by this version, as I wasn't super-excited by the the first trailer.

Given the strange economics of today's movie world, I'm not sure how the studio will decide whether or not to go ahead with Part 2 ... but I intend to vote with my dollars by seeing this at the theater at least one more time.

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Free Guy (2021)
Super-fun mash-up!
16 September 2021
Today I randomly wanted to go see a movie, had somehow never heard of this one, LOVED the premise, didn't watch the trailer but saw Taika on the poster and was sold.

And I am thoroughly satisfied with my movie ticket purchase.

I felt there could have been a lot more risk for the human hackers -- they got away a little too easily -- but I loved the cameos and all the extra-universe references.

Truman Show meets Ready Player One meets Stranger Than Fiction ... with unfortunately some chick-flick ickiness thrown in, ewww ;) ... but it's enjoyable from start to finish.
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