18 Reviews
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Castle: Dressed to Kill (2014)
Season 6, Episode 14
Loving Beckett's new direction
16 June 2023
In season 6, with her engagement to Castle, Beckett has shown a softer, funnier, more girly side of herself and I really like it. I like that this is in addition to her smart, tough, focused side. They didn't dumb her down, they expanded her character and made her even stronger. The first seasons showed her as a unidimensional hard ass cop, and that's not as entertaining as the character we have now. This, with the added dimensions they've given to Ryan and Esposito have really cimented the ensemble cast making for a stronger show overall. I'm looking forward to future seasons to see how the writers deal with Beckett being married.
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Mammals: Episode 1 (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
A great start
12 November 2022
I have no clue why this is rated so low. It's a great start to a weirdish kind of show. It sets up the characters really well, and sets the tone really well. I'm definitely intrigued and want to watch the next episode.

The acting is fine, and the relationship is very quickly set up as being strong. Not an easy task to do.

The scenary is really nice. And nice to watch something that doesn't feel digital (I was going to say "not CGI" but for all I know the whole thing is CGI..)

In only a half hour we go through a roller coaster of emotions. Love, wonder, loss, betrayal, confusion...

Will the rest be good? I have no clue. So maybe the other ratings for later episodes are deserved, but reviewing just this episode, it's a great start.
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The Orville: Lasting Impressions (2019)
Season 2, Episode 11
Amazing episode!
22 June 2022
Sure, the technical assumptions require some suspension of disbelief. But the ideas and themes were fantastic! The humour was great too. Great job all around.
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The Orville: A Happy Refrain (2019)
Season 2, Episode 6
I'm not crying, you're crying!
20 June 2022
Just a wonderful episode. :-)

How this gem and the previous piece of crap (the astrology episode) came from the same people boggles my mind.

This was crafted, and thoughtful. Funny and hopeful. Poignant and insightful.

Great job by everyone!
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Windfall (2022)
It was actually good
28 March 2022
The movie was actually pretty good. It had plenty of good moments, and a good ending that tied up a lot of story angles.

Let me tell you what brought down the quality of the movie : the music. The music was off for most of the movie. In some places the thief was supposed to be menacing, but the music made him seem goofy. Other places were supposed to feel eerie and just seemed weird. I don't think the music was ever correct.
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Seinfeld: The Pick (1992)
Season 4, Episode 13
12 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wayne Knight is on screen for 9 seconds and completely owns the episode.😂

The only way to get the focus back to Jerry is to have him take his shirt off and show his nipples! 😂
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Better Call Saul: RICO (2015)
Season 1, Episode 8
10 for the trash can scene alone.
7 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yep, I came here to review the trash can scene.

We've seen it a hundred times, there's nothing new in the premise at all. Really, it's cliché.

But the exécution! Just wow! I laughed, I was grossed out, I held my breath! When Odenkirk spits out the smell, just genius! And it just kept getting worse. I'm not talking about more of the same, no no, it gets worse! (we've seen someone throw more trash in the bin while the protagonist is inside. But this was juicy, and ran all over him.) The scene just kept adding more and more.

And well, when he found the recycling bin, I lost it! Again, it wasn't a surprise, we were all expecting it (right?), but the recycling bin was SO clean, and perfect, and prestine. Comedy gold.

Great job on the writers, the crew (for making everything look SO gross), and Mr Odenkirk for his amazing acting as always.
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Murderville: Most Likely to Commit Murder (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
Terrible improviser
9 February 2022
For those who thought Marshawn Lynch wasn't good, what do you think now?

This guy is a professional actor and he continuously ruined the improvisation. Always saying to the suggestions, not bringing anything to the story, dude just give a fake name for the girlfriend!

I still like the concept of this show. But this was terrible.
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It's so bad.
8 February 2022
So bad.

The actors are ok. But the writing is embarrassing. Old clichés, Nothing is surprising. Everyone is dumb when they need to be to let the story go forward.
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Blindspot: Why Let Cooler Pasture Deform (2016)
Season 2, Episode 9
14 September 2021
What a silly program. Predictable and cheesy. The writers lacked guts, the whole team should have died.
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Titans: Dick Grayson (2018)
Season 1, Episode 11
I don't care about any of this.
12 September 2021
I'm watching this on Netflix, and I've never read the comics. I freaking loved the first 10 episodes. The previous episode ends with the season antagonist finally appearing, this episode should have been the big fight, the resolution, or at least a continuation of the previous episode. Instead we're propulsed into the future, completely bypassing what we came to see. We're shown the story of people "we don't know". We don't know Dick and Dawn as a couple, we don't know Kory as a straight FBI agent, we don't know this batman (and I don't care what happens to him). So I sat through this thing bored out of my mind. And no, the last 3 minutes do not redeem the episode. I gave this episode 1 star, which I never do, because I didn't care for anything that happened. So even if the effects, fighting, acting was good (or not) makes no matter because I just didn't care for what I was watching.

However, as much as I hated this episode the show as a whole was great and I can't wait to watch season 2 (which is already out on Netflix.)
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That's the point.
11 September 2021
I loved this movie, it made me laugh throughout. You found the pacing slow? That's the point! The characters are in an apocalyptic situation and hardly react. It's absurd, that's the point. You got sick on the song? That's the point! There's only one song in the movie, theme song, radio, CDs, it's all the same song. It's absurd, that's the point! You thought the message about consumerism was hammered home? That's the point! Zombies walking around with cell phones looking for wifi. It's absurd, that's the point!

These were not mistakes or omissions from the director, these were conscious humoristic decisions made by the director/screen writer.

I loved it, it made me laugh and smile. I hope you enjoy it too :-)
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Manifest (2018– )
I'm trapped watching a dumpster fire
7 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Long story short : If you haven't started watching, save yourself!

Manifest started with a strong premise that got me invested in the mystery. But it just went downhill. The writing is cliché, the acting is bad, I don't care about any of the characters. The writers will just change a characters character depending on what the need for that week's storyline. Important events are just ignored, or forgotten and nobody speaks of them again. I.e. Eden is shown to have callings while in the womb at the end of season 2, and then that is ignored throughout season 3 until at least episode 10 (that's where I am now.) I have a feeling that Eden is going to do something magical at the very end of season 3, and that is such terrible writing that it's not even funny.

At this point I don't care about watching the show anymore, I just want to know what the answer is. God? Aliens? Multidimensions? Who knows, I have no faith that the writers actually have a decent ending planned. But I'm stuck watching this dumpster fire if I want to find out.
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Manifest: Emergency Exit (2020)
Season 2, Episode 7
This episode was full of dumb.
19 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Nobody pulls the fire alarm, they knock two poisoned glasses down then stop, use the dj mic and tell people to stop drinking!! Doing tests on yourself is just plain (ha!) stupid. Especially after Ben tells her that they are screwed if she dies. Too much dumb.. That being said, one bad episode doesn't kill it for me, I'm still looking forward to the next episode.
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Blindspot: In the Comet of Us (2016)
Season 1, Episode 19
I'm trying to like this show, I really am. But...
25 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
HEAVY SPOILERS! There's just too much stupidity. There was no reason for Tasha to bring up the scores to Patterson. AGAIN they figure out the tattoo on exactly the right day at the right time. FBI agents running in the school with guns drawn without identifying themselves. Kids running towards and past unknown gunmen (the agents). Tasha finds the signal jammer but doesn't turn it off until she gives it to Weller. And for God's sake the amount of explosives would have brought half the school down but everyone in close proximity to the explosions is fine. Also, if the shooters are targeting two specific people, why did they shoot so many people? Why did they bring explosives???

I think I'm only watching this show because I liked Prison Break...
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The Office: Training Day (2011)
Season 7, Episode 19
The illusion is broken
26 June 2021
Will Ferrell is brought in as an imitation of Steve Carell's caracter and the viewers dislike him. It just goes to show that Steve Carell's over the top, out of control caracter isn't funny. Michael isn't silly, he's dumb. He's not impromptu, he's reckless. He's not sweet, he's selfish. His jokes aren't really to make others laugh, they are to fuel his narcissistic needs.

I never watched this show because of this caracter, I watched it despite this caracter.
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The Office: Golden Ticket (2009)
Season 5, Episode 17
I didn't even smile.
18 June 2021
How people can enjoy a show where the main protagonist is a double crossing back stabber is beyond me. "I want all of the credit. And none of the blame" isn't funny coming from a boss. The whole is just mean. It's not silly, or witty. It's just mean.
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Superlopez (2018)
A funny light-hearted parody
3 April 2019
It's a parody, I laughed a lot. There are many funny moments in the movie. I have to raté this à 10 to balance out the unjustified low ratings. As comedies go, it's a 7, worth watching :-)
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