29 Reviews
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Collide (I) (2016)
6 September 2023
Ok, this is not a great movie, to be honest. Not what you would expect when you see Sir Anthony Hopkins and Sir Ben Kingsley in the cast. You hope for something like Lucky Number Slevin. No, it is not.

But I don't understand why so many people are ranting about this. This is a rock solid film, a thrilling action movie with a working story and directed very well. And I must say, it is not predictable and free from twists.

It is a better Fast&Furious and those films have better ratings. Give it a try and watch it. Worst case is, you can discuss a polarizing film with other cineasts or wannabes.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
3rd season ruins it
15 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First I want to thank the writers, the directors and the actors for this great show. The amusement was and still is on a elite level, but I like most the emotional side of the stories. They helped me a lot through a rough time.

I was depressed, could't clean my flat properly (Lasso), spoke rudely to nearly everyone (Kent) and the characters who support the unproper protagonists helped me, too.

Yes, and it is *uckin funny, at least the first two seasons. Would we have to deal with just these two, it would be without any discussion a perfect ten for storywriting, acting, equipment and tech.

But unfortunately the decided to produce a third season. Ok, the topic of gay people in sports is big, but nobody knows why. Is it really important, what kind of sexual life a professional lives? I do not care. And yes, the 3rd season is generally sexed up. Keeley tries the other realm, Rebecca flirts with everyone, Nate is a prude yet plowing fields, etc.

It makes me double-sad. Whn you have seen the end of season 2 an d you realize there is more, you cannot resist. And you hold the gun to your temple and continue.

Please, do not do it.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
If Annoyance is great, this movie is awesome
30 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've just seen the movie right now and have to write this bad experience down. Sandler acts out an idiot whose only skill seems to be being of jewish heritage. He is spineless and gutless, gives a damn on his own children and beats up women. And he is constantly beaten up by everyone. Even the interior of his shop sucks. Cheap windowglass in the counters and a defective securitydoor which locks customers out.

He claims to sell fine jewellery, but the only good stuff he has (not owns) is pawned at other stores.

Then there is this stone. Ok I said to me, maybe it is some fantasytwist in this plot and he will become a superhero. But no. The film oozes slowly and constantly hits you in the face with second hand embarrassment.

Ok, the last 15 minutes are really good, so I recommend to either skip this film completely (you won't miss it) or watch the first and the last 20 minutes. The rest is painful and stupid.
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Hook (1991)
Still awesome in 2023
15 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I just read the bad reviews of this film and I cannot decide wether the authors are intellectually challenged or they just hate happy fantasy movies for children.

Oh, if you try to compare an historic comic 1to1 to a modern movie, you are not qualified to have an opinion on movies at all. Because that is plain dumb.

This movie is a legend. The cast is perfect and delivers honest emotions. The story was picked up seriously and got a creative redo which impresses me still to the present day. Especially the different scenic styles of design are impressive and contrasts like the grey and soulless office of lawyer Bunning and Wendy's house (Neverland is another whole dimension) make the movie to a cineastic event for people of all ages.

It is a childrens movie, so accept that it is colourful. Spielberg actually managed to give the viewer the same chance Peter Bunning has. Try to get rid of being an adult. Grow down and enjoy being a happy kid.

I love to imagine i could fly or can manifest food through the power of my dreams.

For myself this is a holy thing and I have goosebumps and wet eyes everytime i rewatch it. It encourages me to never lose the focus of the funny things in life and the care of the own soul. Only when you are full of positivity you can be strong for beloved ones.

If there is only grey matter and hate inside of you, I feel very sorry for you poor thing.
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If there is a show with a 10,0 rating, here it is
5 February 2023
There is just one thing that bothers me. The availability, especially globally. Here in Germany you just can see the shortened and censored episodes on youtube and that sucks.

This show is high end history education with intellectual entertainment, so it should be upped to some free accessable media servers that teachers can use this in school/university.

Everything else is just perfect. Sure, USA and Britain have more topics than Germany, but weirdly those German stories mentioned were mostly ignored here, so there is even in this sector real news for the viewer.

Thanks a lot to Mr. Oliver, HBO and the brilliant team of authors. Awesome.
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Freeway (1996)
Wtf riding hood
8 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has a huge weirdness bar. First, the acting is average at best, nothing to be proud of for Witherspoon and Sutherland. But it is worth to watch, the psychotic twists and the exponential uprising illogical comedy feel like a mix of Trainspotting and a trashy Bud Spencer movie.

Driving a Ferrari through a gooey Hamsterwheel.

A trippy and satiric fairytale of white trash, racism, stupidity, feminism and advanced violence.

The start of the film shows the way. "What does the cat do?" I always hat to ask myself if the parents of Vanessa are on meth or somehow I consumed absolutely unhealthy substances.
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Equilibrium (2002)
Why are people impressed by this?
26 August 2022
Sorry, the effects ar average for this time, the acting fulfills the expectable level and the story is a mixed ripoff of Brave New World and Minority Report.

Nothing new, nothing special.

Disappointing for every person with basic knowledge.
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Bel-Air (2022– )
3 April 2022
I was skeptic since I heard of the reboot. How can it be a good idea to change a legendary series with perfect cast, music and storytelling?

And now I've seen, they really failed that much, I sat with friends awed in shock on the couch.

We even dared to watch the secon episode, too.

But the whole thing is just a slap in the face of the old cast, pissing on the grave of James Avery and raping the legendary concept violently.

I have never seen anything worse.

It seems, Will Smith has to give more money to Scientology, that would explain the existance of this huge pile of disrespect.

Everyone, please do yourself a favor and buy the one and only Original Series.
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Rudy (1993)
It is pretty good
7 February 2022
I just wonder why this is called a "sports movie", but the story is just about American Football, the lipstick lesbian version of Rugby or the paralympics regular football, called soccer in the weird colony.

But apart from that it is a good and easy film, perfect for a slow evening after a hard day.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
Srsly a 8,0 Rating?
11 November 2021
This film is "not bad", but nothing more. Story errors are fired more than arrows, fast changing weather conditions on the same day an on and on.

The camera crew did an awesome job, but it is the worst DiCaprio as well as the worst Inarritu.

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Clickbait (2021)
Why this torturing soundtrack?
20 September 2021
Clickbait is a mini series with good storylines. The acting is quite good for a new Netflix production, but it would fail in any cinema production. And I honestly mean all of the main actors.

They did an exquisit job in the racial and sexual balance.

But who is the tasteless moron who was responsible for the selected music? Autotuned synthiecrap, facesmashed together with fruity loops? There is better music in Guantanamo, i guess.
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Nikita (2010–2013)
What was the aim of this?
5 August 2021
It is too violent for preteens, but every teenager must get that the technical aspects are crap.

The storylines are not near of straight and clean.

But: The chicks are hot, the sound management is impressive and the guns are solid.

Unfortunately the fight scenes are boring af (watch em without the sound).

So if you want to watch Nikita, go for the original and enjoy the movie. Otherwise go for something else, if you value your time.
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StartUp (2016–2018)
Just a Rip-Off
29 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
StartUp has a good appearance and starts not cuddly, but with a bang. Some of the actors are brilliant but for example Martin Freeman's role is just written badly. Starts super badass and then he is just a servant of everyone.

The technical storyline and the problems with investors are just stolen from Silicon Valley.

So it is pretty much the same. Without fun, but with ghetto violence und unrealistic tech.

Can someone explain to me, how you can transfer money from bank accounts to a currency which exists only on one computer system and is.not accepted by anyone else in the world?

But the first season is good to watch, after that you should get one of the thousands of better TV series.
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I accuse (1941)
It is a great film, why is it banned?
15 May 2021
This film has great actors and an impressive storyline. The topic of euthanasia on demand is not popular, but it is absolutely wrong to prohibit it.

It is the same like abortions. It is not good to mention on cocktail parties, but every day there are people who need it and imho this are very important rights for our entire society.

If someone has at least one very good reason to end his/her life, it should be possible to end the suffering. It is legal in several countries. In the Netherlands for example you have to visit two different psychiatrists and when both of them agrre with you, then you can die in peace and dignity.

In every old peoples home in the so called civilized world are a lot of human beings who beg for being killed. They are alone, sick, helpless and doomed to existence.

This film should be shown in every classroom, not only in cinemas. Discuss it and.give our humans the honor to decide themselves. To force people to stay alive is torture, give them the right to decide isn't.
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Just an insult to Jules Verne
2 January 2021
The book is an impressive classic. So is the movie of 1956 and even the TV-movie of 1989.

Jackie Chan's interpretation is like a combination of all disney-skills, just doing everything wrong and without style.
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It appears well
20 October 2020
If there wasn't the film from 1986, this series would get seven stars. But it exists. You start watching the series and yes, they built the right atmosphere and the camera-team did a very good job. Unfortunately is the acting worse than in the film. So the whole series is of no use. Read the book or watch the film.
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Weird Science (1994–1998)
What is this?
21 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First: Who can be that tasteless to claim this worse copy would be better than the film? The first episode is partly copied 1 on 1, the appearing of Chad is uncreatively crappy and the school dance is breathtaking bad. And the series should be longer than the movie, I guess? So why did they shorten down the process of creating Lisa?

Geez, two thousand years ago they would have nailed you to a cross for such a fail.
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Taste of Life (2017)
Half artsy garbage
18 June 2020
The interviews in this film are mostly honest and interesting. Unfortunately everything else is stupid, moronic and a massive load of trash. It makes me sad, that we live in such decadence that there is money for this crap.
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Worst Will Smith Flick
12 April 2020
This movie is not funny, it tortures the viewer with stupidity and the superweak story just has one goal, to introduce the next BadBoys-Team. This movie is that dumb, Donald Trump would understand and like it.
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Terminate the Terminator-series
17 February 2020
It is quite good for a modern Terminator movie, so I gave it a second star. But the story is awful, the acting would be better if they had taken junkies from the street , just the appearance of Linda Hamilton ist nice. And I feel really sorry for her. She must be in big financial troubles that she had to take part in such a humiliating mess.
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Fellinis best
16 February 2020
It is a perfect 10. Just watch it, if you can get the complete story, you must be amazed.
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Dignity (2019–2020)
Poor storyline
7 January 2020
Colonia Dignidad was a very dark chapter in the German and in the Chilenean history. We should handle this topic with respect, not as an interesting idea for a fancy fake story. It is filmed good, the actors play quite well, but still there is the sad feeling about endless fake facts smearing dirt on this serious history.
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Why are you throwing dirt to the Rambo legend?
6 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Last Blood isn't a Rambo-movie. It has nothing to do with the series. Every Rambo has its own genre. The first is the drama, the second is the romance, the third the comedy and the fourth is the pure actionmovie. The fifth is just a crappy cover of Taken. No philosophy, no honest emotions and even every part of the story is not trustworthy. And every Rambo has its political aspects. Political aspect here? He hasn't even tried to rescue any of the other girls. Why lure them to Arizona? Only family?! His family was the army, John Rambo is for sure not a family guy. The Tunnelsystem, built only to destroy it with explosives? He could have killed the mexican mobsters easier with a rocketlauncher and a solid machine gun.
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Dave (1993)
I don't get the low rating
5 July 2019
This movie is just perfect. The story is great, the cast is massive, it is still superentertaining, romantic and even full of deep political theories.
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Average Action movie
2 June 2019
It is ok to watch, the fight scenes are as usual in the John Wick films and there are at least four funny moments in it. Unfortunately the storyline is bad and after the movie it felt like you watched a placeholder between Part 2 and Part 4. There is no single discipline where Parabellum could keep up with the real John-Wick-Films. Never again.
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