
12 Reviews
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Zeitgeist (2007 Video)
Inspiring and educating but don't rush it.
17 March 2021
Watch these documentary series as three main episodes. First preparation it's like starts from very beginning. I mean Adam and Eve. First episode is The Preparing. viewer is being prepared through its real point of what this movie is really about. Second episode is the explaining. It tries to explain global order as it could. I think puts everything on the table to pick them up and to understand. All interviewed people have a master degree in their field. Considering the budget, none of them got paid to take a part. I mean they're totally sincere about what they're talking. All of them are known by the public with their academical degrees. So I don't think there is misleading the audience to make the point at least believable. But last episode is so arguable but it's never mentioning let's argue about this idea. It basically claims let's get rid of all modern systems only reason this world order exists is who we really are and what have we done to get to this point. It's never mentioning about human nature. Let's get ridsl of all borders, all prisons and money. Yeah Okey. Anything else?

But it never mentions the points that definitely is gonna make you ask the questions to make this documentary totally pointless.

Take first two episodes very seriously and learn everything you can. But don't be so excited about the last episode. It's the tricky part and don't surrender before making your own researchs to understand all social and economical systems around the world.
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15 March 2021
It was an entire cringe watching this movie. Sequences between scenes felt completely weird. I was just saying what is the director trying to say with all these sequences of characters looking at each other constantly. Especially at the final scene of the detective and the victim looking at each other. It only felt cringe. If story isn't well written, movies always end up like this one. Because producer starts to rely on actor's performance. But if there is no script, only thing actors can do is looking at each other standing still and very weirdly.
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Zombie at 17 (2018 TV Movie)
Simply love it
28 February 2021
Sometimes you're fed up with complicated productions and looking for simple things not sucking your attention. I'm fed up with expensive productions. I love this movie's simplicity. I seems childish. Obviously for teen-age viewer category. When you think a movie is bad, you should be sure everything about it is just had. But this movie isn't bad. It's just designed for a specific TV hour.
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500 pounds
31 December 2020
This movie is a finished work. Just consider do you have a finished work in your whole life when you decide to criticize this movie. It's made just for 500 pounds. Maybe they made just only for fun in a cold afternoon because they got bored. I loved the movie because it made me realize that we are so much under pressure of high budget over whelmed, whipping and over dramatised movies. Sometimes you want to feel simple. You just want to follow a story without being haunted by greedy producers. If you don't like this picture, make your own movie and have something in your life to be proud of. I'm giving 10 stars because of the reason.
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Lilya 4-Ever (2002)
I'm numb of drama
3 September 2020
I think this is too much for a drama movie. I feel severely overwhelmed by the story and the ending. She died full of sadness and her naif regret that she shouldn't ever have left home and her little friend. That's I'm speechless. I didn't expect it would be that much. Viewer discretion is advised. This may break your heart unexpectedly. Beware.
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Upside Down (I) (2012)
Creative story but excessive fiction
22 April 2019
I'm really impressed with the story and screenplay settings of this movie. But i don't think the same for its storyline. It's really twisting scientific facts. People in this movie are still like us but in a dual gravity field and and they got no problem with evolving just like us with single gravity field. Everything is just the same but they live in an upside down world. Nah man it's not fair. It shouldn't be that easy to waste a good plot with such a bad storyline.
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American Made (2017)
what a movie
23 March 2019
It's realistic as much as it's keeping fictional fun and adventure. It can be the only movie I'm glad Tom Cruise is always taking the part of playing himself in every movie. Because he is just fitting in this role. He is always different versions of Tom Cruise. He is definitely not a character player. He is the best double of himself. That's why he's doing most parts of his stunt actings.

The movie is doing a great job to keep less its cast because narco action movie can become very confusing with their very crowded character casts. Sometimes I get lost in characters and names.
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Beatiful movie
5 March 2019
I didn't expect it will turn to a drama from horror because its category was horror but this might be the best fantastic-drama movie I've ever seen in my life. it's making its way through smoothly and very gently for viewers to deliver the message. I'm really satisfied about that movie. made my day and left a permanent taste in my mind. Thanks for the feelings.
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Say You Will (2017)
sincere and authentic
27 February 2019
This movie felt me like it's real in every way. Story is fairly realistic. I was sick of youth movies that everyone in it is throwing parties and they are sure about the life and seem they know everything what's coming. The girl character made me feel so sad. I just wanted to hug her and he hugged her as well in the end. It's a tv movie but it has more in it than a regular tv stuff should have.
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very mature
23 February 2019
This movie is always disturbing to me. I have only watched twice in my entire life because I didn't get What was it really about so I decided and I watched again recently. No more againg in the rest of my life. it's all about a bunch of rich people Who are obssesed with collecting rare ancient books and in the other side a couple of people Who are trying to grab the ones That are for calling satanic powers. And those people are ready to pay any price to achieve this purpose. You may think Why would I care about this cold story and about the people Who are always hungry for unique tastes beyond money and everything. it would be acceptable if the story has included some normal life things. and by the way the sexual relation scene at the end was also very weird and satanic. Nothing is good, normal and humane about this movie. I hope you enjoy because it's above average quality movies.
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Eighth Grade (2018)
Just Cool
22 February 2019
It's somehow melting your feelings and you want to take a side of this young lady. Because she needs to find Who she really is. That's making you feel that way because actings are so goodç it's like exploding the fiction to reality. the movie has totaly no action no comedy even sarcasm. But you just keep watching to the last scene. You're wondering that no wonder boring middle grader's life. I can't describe how a good movie makes boring stories catchy. I just love good movies with boring stories.
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7 Below (2012)
Don't be mad
22 February 2019
We need this kind of pointless bad movies to remember what is really the meaning of a good movie. I feel pitty for the director or all technical stuff who contributed to complete this production. And I want to thank you people for making me remember. I only feel compassion for this motion picture. And the actors are as good as this story allows them to be. It's always good to see Mr. Kilmer or Rhames by any chance. This isn't your fault. Even man of Steel couldn't save this movie.
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