
15 Reviews
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The Expanse: Azure Dragon (2021)
Season 6, Episode 2
Best SciFi of the decade
6 January 2022
And this episode is another prove. It is not perfect with the overly cheesy moments and inaros Jr doing puppy eyes. But nothing else out there comes even close to the quality of story and presentation.

Hope they keep the standard at this level until the end of the season.
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Foundation: The Missing Piece (2021)
Season 1, Episode 8
I can't believe I really saw this thing
5 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Please tell me I was dreaming - is it that we have an Asimov's adaptation where a santient robot kills a human? In direct contradiction to the first of the three robtics laws?

Even if this was an exceptionally good space opera with fantasy elements - hard sci fi (which it is not!)that would be one bigistake too much.
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Absolute,round,decisive TEN
30 October 2021
This is science fiction. Not the cheesey, cliche stuff we get 90% of the big screen/TV attempts. A total experience, using the source material as it should. I read the book some thirty years ago and I find myself watching the movie and thinking of how close all is to how I once imagined it when I read it.

If this one doesn't get a 10 mark, I can't imagine what movie can.
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Foundation: Upon Awakening (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
Going downhill
17 October 2021
Something is terribly wrong with the pace of the show. I can't say it's bad, but it ain't good either.

This episode summary: Pro: Michael Burnham has less than 100% screentime.

Con:There is actually a Michael Burnham character.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
Mixed bag - All Kind of Episodes
25 April 2020
I recently reduced my rating from 9 to 8. The show is OK, but some exceptionally poor episodes made me press the "X2" speed button and no show that is watched on x2 speed deserves above 8 (probably less). Season 1 was good, then season 2 has 3-4 good episodes and that's it. The writing should really be improved, otherwise I'll drop it when season 3 starts.
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Peaky Blinders (2013–2022)
Totally Great Show
25 April 2020
It's not the show I am waiting for to watch, but when I do have the time - it's enjoyable and doesn't disappoint. Two exceptional points - 1. The music and soundtrack! They are really out of the box and contribute to the story and atmosphere. 2. Very short seasons with 1 hour episodes keeps fillers down to acceptable levels.
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Firefly (2002–2003)
So I am watching this almost 20 years later
12 April 2020
I remember I glimpsed a few scenes from the show when it was aired and it didn't catch me. I was just 20 then, it seemed overly artsy and I was into "hardcore" scifi. I've seen my fare share of TV shows since, including scifi masterpieces like BattleStar Galactica and The Expanse. And with CoronaVirus stay home binge party, i finally got to have a serious watch of Firefly. And I am totally blown away. This show is relevant 20 years after its production. I am so happy I can watch it now in full HD and enjoy all the details in the world build. And I don't get it - how is it that a show that has such high ratings and is critically acclaimed, didn't be rebooted?
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ZeroZeroZero: Miranda (2020)
Season 1, Episode 3
Movie grade producton
9 April 2020
Just another exceptional episode from this show. All the locations' story-lines are solid, but the Italian part was the gem of the episode.
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Jack Ryan: Strongman (2019)
Season 2, Episode 8
Weak season, even weaker finalle
7 March 2020
I was so excited through season 1. It had plot holes but it was enjoyable and interesting. Season 2 is plot holes only. Season 3 needs far better writers and directors.
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The Witcher (2019– )
The Best Piece from Netflix so Far
6 March 2020
I usually don't like Netflix productions. They are cheesy, cliched and not really target the adult viewers. The Witcher totally changes this (though there are still some weaker moments). The story is great and the storytelling is on par, served in non linear way. The Witcher's world is presented gradually. It requires the used to have some patience and look for the clues. Eventually everything is explained and the viewing experience is satisfying. Looking forward for the next season and I really hope the dumb comments here won't change the show's producers attitude.
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Fantasy Masterpiece!
2 March 2020
Haven't read the books, haven't played the game. When the series was released I wasn't trilled and could have missed it because I read some not stellar reviews. After the first episode I saw the potential of the series. This episode got me totally hooked.The fantasy elements are top notch, the script is fascinating, the directing is on spot. The content is delivered raw, it required the viewer to concentrate and figure out how the different elements connect. The fantasy world has its unique atmosphere (though there are many recognizable elements from other fantasy worlds). And this episode just get the pieces together. It really started on the previous episode, but now it's much clearer. Can't wait to watch the next one!
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Season 2 is better than season 1, yet MEDIOCRE
21 April 2019
As others have said , the season grande finalle is full of plot holes, some of them really unbearable. Acting is on par, at best mediocre. Mr captain is absolutely pathetic. I rate it as 5 since the series has improved compared to season 1. But it is not in the same league neither as sci-fi classics like TNG, nor the excellent The Expanse show.
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Better than the original!
26 October 2018
I saw the original some half a year ago, and it's a solid movie. But I really hated that woman agent, being so naive. This movie gets rid of her and to me the characters are more believable. All the leads are great and cinematography is outstanding. There are some plot holes as other reviews suggest, but the overall atmosphere in the movie compensates and I was not irritated. To sum it up, I really enjoyed it. If another sequel can keep this level, I'll go watch it in the cinema for sure.
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Some of the best drama on TV. Real high quality
5 May 2017
There's a lot of talk recently how TV is getting on the cinema. The Man in the High Castle is an excellent example - really well produced and directed series. Here are the points that make the series great: 1. The plot - there actually is a plot, developing over each episode. Very few clichés and some very original ideas out there. The pacing is just perfect. I read a lot of complaints here about "being too slow" and I totally disagree. This plot cannot be developed faster at the same level. All those looking for more action - go watch the next generic superhero series.

2. The casting - just go and open the actors list in IMDb. There are hundreds of actors on this show. The leads are doing great job and the supporting cast is great too.

3. The settings - the alternative reality of Nazi/Japan occupied US is mind blowing. The details really make you believe that it is the real thing.

4. The atmosphere- one of the hardest things to achieve in a show. It just gets to the viewer.

5. The supernatural elements - maybe the most undeveloped part of the show, yet it raises quite a few questions.

Read the book some 20 years ago, and I find the show much more interesting than the original.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
How to become a zombie in 6 episodes
17 December 2010
I heard of that new series as "the next big thing" and made sure to watch it. The first episode was all right, making the introduction to the plot and to the main character, it kept me glued to the screen. All the episodes after that go steadily down, till a point where one wonders "can it get any worse"?

There are a few plot lines that are outrageously stupid. Inconsistencies follow one another and decisions a retarded child wouldn't have taken are followed by the antagonists.

Acting is among the worst I've seen in a TV series, and dialogues are on par. Characters are having long and "deep" conversations for tens of minutes and then we get some zombie killing and it all becomes very schematic.

I was hoping to get a prolonged version of 28 days later, with a nice plot and directing, instead it was a mediocre series and empty promises. If second season goes on the same road, that'll be the end of it.
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