
4 Reviews
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Road House (2024)
Not great
23 March 2024
The script is thin. The dialog uninteresting and trite. It's a pretty shallow movie overall. Not sure there was one character that I was rooting for... except for the bookstore owner and his daughter. Also, the guy who talked a lot. The one with the red bike and the broken arm. He was funny. He felt like an actual character. I cared about those three characters. That's it. The rest were talking models, saying predictable, shallow, bull manure. The fight scenes went on for far too long. They got boring after a while. It felt flashy, clunky, and utterly uninspired.

I did like the Road House with Patrick Swayze. So maybe I'm biased. That version seemed to have so much more heart than this one. I definitely cared more about what happened to that Dalton than this Dalton. I was really hoping this was going to be better but nope! Oh, well.
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Cold Feet (1997–2020)
Really good show!
25 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Really good show! Great cast!

I REALLY dislike Rachel, though. She's so selfish. She expects to be able to get away with her horrible choices but if Adam breathes wrong, she gets bent out of shape. She throws temper tantrums. For example, when the ladies go bridesmaids dress shopping. Karen and Jen give their honest opinons about ugly things and she goes off the wall. "Maybe I won't have bridesmaids then!" She's childish. I'm all for women owning their sexuality but it doesn't seem like she forms any real attachments to anyone. There are times when Adam has behaved badly but he's often made to apologize for infraction so much more insignificant than the things she has pulled.

I like the rest of the show!

Karen is probably my favorite character, overall.
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Another Life: Across the Universe (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Waste of a good idea
16 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Trite. I don't believe any of the crew knows how to run a ship except for Niko and William. The rest look like they are ready for a fashion show in space, not on a mission to save Earth. How would everyone's hair be perfectly coiffed and dyed, everyone's makeup perfectly done, directly out of stasis? Completely unbelievable. Ellen Ripley they are not.

I don't care about any of the crew (except for Niko and William). Each one are utterly expendable and completely forgettable and unlikable. Not a good first episode.

It felt like they were trying to be hip, rather than telling an honest story. Majority of the characters feel shallow. They lack layers and complexity. And it felt most of the actors were "acting" rather than existing in this world they've been placed in. They're completely predictable and uninteresting.
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Star Trek: Voyager: Repression (2000)
Season 7, Episode 4
23 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What was the point of this episode? It didn't further any character or story development to the series. Especially, in season 7! I probably could have bought it more if it were included in season 1. When the Maquis and the Federation would have still had a lingering distrust for one another. Not after seven years of having each other's back and working together for their very survival. And the conclusion still didn't clarify why a Vedik would try to revive a long dead resistance, with former Marquis members, in an entirely different quadrant of the universe? What is the point? It makes no sense.
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