
33 Reviews
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Astral (III) (2018)
This is an honest review of Astral
23 February 2019
I am a horror fan writing to other horror fans.

Frank Dillane does a good job with what he is given.

Vanessa Grasse seems to have only one note as an actress, a slightly pensive look.

Feeling wistful about affection for a guy that is not being returned? You get the pensive look. In the middle of an intense supernatural event? You get a slightly more... pensive look. It does help that she is gorgeous, but thats about it. Just needs some acting lessons, or maybe reduce the Prozac dosage? Hard to tell.

Agree with some here that say there are things brought up that never get addressed.

The production values feel high, so its bothersome the script was so poor.

And as others have said, the last 10 minutes were rushed, like they a speech when you have 45 minutes of points to make, and you realized you only have 5 minutes left to make them because the introductions went on too long.

I slightly (not greatly) regret watching this whole movie through.
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The Predator (2018)
As bad as everyone says it is
23 December 2018
I am not the kind to pile on and torpedo a movie for some sort of personal gratification.

Until now that is.

Shane Black has managed to sink a franchise which was probably worth 500 million as an intangible asset in future movies, games, action figures, etc.

I am not sure the last time someone destroyed so much wealth in such a short time, unless maybe we ask the guy that opened the bomb doors on the Enola Gay.
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I really wanted to like it more.
4 December 2018
I am an expert horror watcher. I know what works and what doesn't.

It must be more difficult to write a horror movie than I imagine, because I think most people are not twisted enough to understand what makes a good horror as well as us horror fans.

I don't mind a bit of dark humor, but once you go down the path of parody, even a little, you are making a horror comedy, not a horror movie. This movie skirts that line.

Another thing horror writers need to understand is that we the audience need to feel there is SOME chance the protagonists will survive, and for a plausible reason. If the Big Bad can just kill anyone or everyone, any time it wants to, then the rest of the movie is just about thinking about creative kills, the intrigue of how to get out of it, how to survive, is gone. This makes for a bad movie.

The other thing you don't want to do in a horror movie is exposition. This movie is filled with exposition.

This movie flirts with horror, then does not deliver. It also flirts with sexy nudity, then does not deliver. Do the writers not understand?

All that being said, I still want to encourage people to make more of these independent horrors, but don't be NICE, don't be typical, its not going to work.

If you want a superior "trapped in an abandoned building", supernatural horror, watch Grave Encounters (2011). Its a movie that takes itself seriously as horror.
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Slender Man (I) (2018)
Trust me, its pretty good.
29 October 2018
I watch a lot of horror movies, I have an IMDB list called "Best Supernatural Horror Movies" you should check out for horror movie ideas.

In any case, I put this in the "solid effort" category.

Pros: The motives of the Slender Man are interesting. Acting was EXCELLENT for a horror movie. The girls were very believable. No giant plot holes or people doing unrealistic things.

Cons: Derivative work in some ways. Design of the Slender Man could have been better. CGI was just bearable. Needed more budget.

And a final note I'd give to horror directors, from a true fan. We like our supernatural critters to be discovered when people do things completely at odds with their normal behavior. It makes it plausible that the Big Bad could have been out there the whole time. I wish our introduction to the Slender Man could have happened a different, more intriguing way.

And we like our critters with inhuman motives, things SO DIFFERENT from what we might consider motives, that we could never understand them. This movie does a good job with that, but others do not.

I give it a 5 out of 10, with no markup to "balance" the low scores. 5 is a solid score for a horror movie on IMDB and this movie deserves that.
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Hereditary (2018)
Obey me and reap the rewards...
3 October 2018
I am a veteran horror movie watcher, see my list of "best supernatural horror movies", in the IMDB lists.

1) Turn the lights out. 2) Give this movie your FULL attention. 3) Take it very seriously, like you are watching a documentary. 4) Watch for what might matter later. 5) Be INVESTED, the dividends are amazing.

One aspect of a good horror is that everything else besides "the horror" is regular life, mudane, maybe even lonely. And by CONTRAST, the horror is that much more effective.

You want to feel real dread and shock, right? That's why we watch these movies, right? Obey and reap the rewards.

No matter how carefully you watch this movie, you will need to watch it again.
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Big Legend (2018)
Worth seeing, still a disappointment.
27 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
  • amazing first act, great camera work, production value and acting. As good as any big budget film.
  • beautiful outdoor shots.
  • low budget 'quatch mercifully kept off the camera most of the time.

  • the guy turns out not to be a great actor. He did well expressing love for his fiancé, but when he is supposed to look terrified, or angry, or exhausted... he is pretty well expressionless. Nothing a few acting lessons couldn't clear up.
  • This is the worst part - I have to believe a 12 year army Ranger trips on his face numerous times just when it matters to NOT do that. I understand we need plot devices for him not just shooting the 'quatch in the face and ending them movie, but then WHY MAKE HIM AN ARMY RANGER?
  • this is a guy tough enough to stitch up his own wounds with a pin, but runs like a little girl when he is 15 feet from the 'quatch and armed with a fully loaded .45 magnum. This was too much for me.

I would have given this a 7 if not for the unbelievability of the main guy's actions.

Writer, you should have made him just a big, strong ex football player that owns a gun but never really used it. And then you could have him holding his own against the 'quatch briefly because he is so physically strong.
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Broke Too Many Rules
13 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I love the Jeepers Creepers franchise. But Victor Salva made too many mistakes in this one that you don't do in horror movies. Victor are you reading this?

1) Brilliant to show the Creeper in broad daylight, but you show not more than 5 seconds at a shot. Otherwise it just looks like a fat guy in a mask. If you are going to have longer shots, you need to make the Creeper itself move in a non-human way.

2) You make the Creeper WAY too powerful. Based on the earlier movies, the Creeper's success is based on how smart it is (been around a thousand years), that it can hide in plain sight (like a scarecrow on a pole), super strong, able to regenerate. and people don't believe the stories. This would be enough for any monster, BUT NO, you need to put it in front of some kind of hundred caliber truck mounted machine gun and... not a scratch. Now that is just fucking silly. We had to have SOME hope the Creeper could be stopped, like they almost got him in Jeepers Creepers 2. You could have had him ripped in half by the machine gun, then the upper half crawls over to a dead body and swallows it whole - too much for the effects budget? You can't make the monster unbeatable, because then it DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER what the protagonists do, its not going to work, it had no chance of working. You just get to see them die like it was on a conveyor belt. You killed the suspense.

Finally the guy that plays the Creeper is a great actor, but he needs to lose some weight for the next outing. The Creeper should resemble a scarecrow - lean, desiccated flesh, fast, lithe - something that looks like it could fly. Not a fat guy in a shapeless red shirt with his belly sticking out.

Also, one of the things that is great about the previous movies is the FRUSTRATION we sometimes see in the Creeper. Probably in the past, the Creeper went unchallenged in its feeding spree, it is arrogant. But times are changing. There is technology the Creeper is not familiar with. This could provide some awesome frustrations and hurdles for the Creeper. Its harder for him to hide in the shadows now.

But overall the worst for me was putting him in front of the machine gun with no effect, and the mask for the creeper looks like it cost about $20. You need to pay for some special effects for the face and the movement of the creeper, not just the wings.

Oh, one more - the truck shoots out that spear, we see the spear travel something like the length of a football field to get to the guy on the motorcycle. Then when it starts dragging the guy back, we see he is not more than 50 feet away from the truck - silliness.

Victor Salva, do better, I am counting on you!!! I will pay to watch the next one, please don't disappoint me! Or send me the screenplay, I will give you feedback for free!
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A solid horror entry
26 May 2017
Like some other reviewers said, I could not understand how the IMDb score at this time is 4.3. but there were so many 1 star ratings in the written reviews. This horror movie deserves 5 stars, which makes it worth watching if you are a horror fan. IMDb users note, horror movies rarely get above 6 stars, its just how people vote in this entire genre. A 7 in a real horror movie, is like "gone with the wind" or "citizen kane" level classic (lol). Anyways, back to the review.

This movie has a good premise, good rules for the supernatural critter to follow, real unease and dread, even among the "authority" support characters, and a few good scares. The CGI budget is low, and it DOESN'T MATTER, as it might in some other movie.

And I don't just mean it is good for an indie, it is just plain good (if you are a horror fan).
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Star Trek: And the Children Shall Lead (1968)
Season 3, Episode 4
Better than some say
12 March 2014
I actually thought this was a powerful episode. Are there plot holes? Sure, but the emotions of the children, the creepy Angel, Kirk going off the deep end, Spock's contest of will with the alien...

I thought it made it worthwhile.

Also, there was enough tension because it was not clear how it would end.

I am also probably affected by having watched it as a kid, it stuck in my mind.

In any case, since I need to write more for a review, I would like to go stylin in that outfit the angel wore.
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8213: Gacy House (2010 Video)
Asylum Issues
3 January 2014
This movie put out by Asylum...

I cannot find the review right now, but one other reviewer said their were some problems with all Asylum movies, that they repeat the same lines over and over, because they have nothing to say. This observation nails it. Listen for people saying the same things over and over, and I mean within seconds, not just as the movie progresses.

Then there is this technique of "people chatter about nonsense until the lead character takes over the scene". This too was overused.

None of the characters say anything personal, except during their 10 seconds introduction on the film.

They also copy about 12 different stunts from Paranormal Activity - I don't mind a few, but seriously... I could come up with something different for the entity to do if I spent about 15 minutes thinking about it... but I won't, I was supposed to be entertained, not be the entertainer.

Even for a micro-budget, they could have done better.

The only thing I liked was the genre they are pursuing.
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Riddick (2013)
It's Riddick, that is what you need to know.
2 January 2014
This is a great movie. Is it somewhat a copy of what happened in Pitch Black? Yes. Does it matter? No.

If you like the character will like this movie. Vin Diesel plays the character with obvious passion, and it shows. Some characters are so icy that even casual lines they deliver can be chilling.

There is also a bit of humor among the suspense, Riddick being such a bad ass that even his rough antagonists give him some space! If you loved Pitch Black, you will love Riddick.

Read some articles on the making of this movie - Vin put his own money into this movie, he's been wanting to make it for 9 years.

Also benefits from being rated R, not having to satisfy the Hollywood types because of the deal Vin made.
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Best of the Horror Elements
23 June 2013
This is the best of the creeper series. The issue with all horror movies is - how does the Evil interact with the protagonists, without just killing them outright at the beginning of the movie? This film answers that question well.

I need to write an extra line in the middle here.

A few jump scares, lots of tension, and a unique baddie. One of my favorite horror movies of all time. You have to love this line: Every 23 years, for 23 days, it gets to feed(!) Awesome premise.

You really feel you are there and dealing with the threat yourself.

I cannot wait for JC3 to come out.
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Shadowland (2008)
All Eyes on Caitlin
29 March 2013
I give this a solid 4 out of 10, without any curve adjustment for being independent, so that is not a bad score.

I agree with one commenter that it is almost like watching a lost soul who is an addict, wandering around, looking for purpose.

Also, I think if women thought they could get biceps like Caitlin, they would volunteer for vampirism!! What is going out in the day compared to having guns like that to show off? I also think Caitlin pulled off the contrast between her feisty, pre-vampiric self, and her broken, insecure post vampire self. She is a good actress in that regard.

I fault the writing a bit. Some of the tension between the Hero and the black pastor was too contrived, they could have handled that differently.

Still, an enjoyable watch, glad I rented it. I hope she does more work in the future.

Caitlin! Flex for us! :)
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The Grudge 3 (2009)
Written by dumber people
1 March 2013
I would have given this a 6 out of 10 if it had not come from the rich tradition of the previous grudge movies.

I agree with some other posters that the one "cheapened" the tradition a bit by becoming a slam bang action horror, more absorbed by how people were going to die, rather than weave a complicated story.

It is much like people with a 130 IQ who created the Grudge concept, handed it off to some screenwriters that had a 98 IQ, and they missed all the nuance that made this franchise unique.

That being said, the camera angles and directing were pretty good, with what they had to work with.

Also, I dislike when a horror movie when there is no good reason why the apparent solution does not work. You need to do better to satisfy the intellect.
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House of Lost Souls (1989 TV Movie)
Bizarre retro 80s, but good anyways
22 October 2012
Do you have any nostalgia for those 80s horror movies that make no sense whatsoever? Then you will enjoy this movie.

The plot devices they use keep people in the thick of it are stretched beyond all imagining, but where would the movie go if all the characters just left? So we can at least be amused by this. Three people experience nightmarish visions? I know, let's investigate further! (lol) Then there is the hard driving amped up pop soundtrack, so different from the somber mood of the 70s horror.

I will not give away any of the plot devices, but late in the movie, something supernatural happens at the hotel to keep the people from leaving. When you see it you will think "if something can do that, why didn't they just drop a piano on them the moment they walked in the door? xD
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Better than some reviewers say
21 December 2011
I want to agree with the reviewer Jon Doe. They did a great job with what they had. Yes the acting could have been better, yes the script could have been better. But the music was great, the outdoor scenes were good, and if you are a hardcore horror fan, you should check out this movie - it is a good popcorn movie with friends.

I also want to agree that although these ideas have been used before, they are good ideas, and that is why they are copied.

The movie has a good climax also.

The bare midriffs on the girls is always a nice touch. The lead actress has a face to forget, but a body to love.
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Toby on the plantation
16 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Its been about 3 weeks since I saw this movie but I am compelled to write.

I would put PA1 as the best, PA2 as slightly less, and PA3 as slightly less than that in terms of quality. However, I think all 3 movies are far superior to other horror crap out there.

So even thought I loved the movies, I have to rant about PA3, but don't think I did not like it. I did.

In PA1 we had an evil entity that was completely unfathomable as to how it thought. It was a GREAT alien, evil character, living on a plane of reality we could not imagine.

By PA3 we learn that "Toby" is just a lackey for a witch coven. He is merely a step and fetch it demon for the grandmother. This takes away any kind of evil intelligence "Toby" might have had, and makes the entity a less impressive character. I am not as frightened of Toby, because now I know he is just "doing as he is told". What a horrible story idea. Also, now we have to ask - why summon the demon at all? Why have it torture your daughter or granddaughter if the idea is just to produce a male child? It makes no sense at all. At least with a smart and powerful demon, it becomes more chilling if it does things that seem irrational TO US, but not to it. Anyone agree with me?
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The Haunting (1999)
Don't believe the negatives
25 August 2011
I watch a lot of Horror movies, and this movie does not deserve the bad rap it gets from people. Note that there are 34,780 reviews, does that sound like a movie people think is worth commenting about? This is a movie I've watched many times.

Solid acting, atmospheric set, great location, deceit, terrific sound effects Catherine Zeta Jones. Did I mention Catherin Zeta Jones? At the height of her youth and beauty? And if Steven Spielberg had anything to do with it, he did not muck things up too badly.

The only thing I would have changed would be to make it a little more rough - more violence, more terror. This is why I do think Spielberg had a hand in it and tried to make an "ET" of it, but there is still plenty to like .
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Pontypool (2008)
Memetics Writ Large
1 July 2011
For a better understanding of this movie, search for this video on Youtube: Dan Dennett: Ants, terrorism, and the awesome power of memes.

Memes are like concepts that travel from one brain to another. They are viral, like a song you can't get out of your head, or if you say "don't think of elephants" you immediately cannot help but think of one. A word is a meme that can be spoken.

Humans are meant to survive, yet memes are so powerful they can cause us to threaten our own survival. Here are some memes people are willing to die for: Country, family, democracy, capitalism, socialism, Jesus, allah, individual rights, Jim Jones, love, etc.

Memes "infect" our minds, and the fittest memes survive. We used to have thousands of religions, now we are down to perhaps 6 major ones. Most songs only last a short while on the radio and are never heard again. Others survive and outlast the others "Love Me Tender" by Elvis Presley, that any of you could sing right now, yet it was written more than 50 years ago. Understanding what memes are makes this movie even more scary and intriguing.

Rock that video mentioned above.
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Good minimalist portrayal
13 May 2011
How do you take a 1000+ page novel and reduce it to the key events and discussions? Well, like this movie does it.

Let me state up front that I am an Objectivist, so you can factor in some bias you might suppose I have. On the other hand, Objectivists are famous for trying to remove emotional bias from their words and deeds.

I rate the story itself a 9, and the acting, production values, etc., a 5 resulting in my 7 score.

One of the things I liked about how the story was handled was the minimalist approach. Important ideas should not need a lot of fanfare, they need to be experienced for what they are. It kind of reminded me of Dances With Wolves. There is not tons of exposition, you have to glean to principles from simple events.

I think the acting by the principal actors was "good enough" for an indie production. I also think that is is good that the principal actors were physically attractive, after all, these are Rand's archetypal heroes.

Very funny to see Armin Shimmerman. As many of you know he played "Quark" the Ferengi on Star Trek DS9, who make a religion out of profit. Here he plays one of the looters, a nice tongue in cheek approach.

If you are afraid of the juggernaut that is the federal govt coming for everything you have, everything you are, I recommend you support these small voices of protest, because we might at least delay the complete takeover of our lives.

I strongly recommend the novel Atlas Shrugged, as well.
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Doctor Who: The Sun Makers: Part Four (1977)
Season 15, Episode 16
Funny and good
2 September 2010
Very inventive episode. The Tardis ends up on Pluto, which is run by a corporation that drains every tellmar from the pockets of the workers. The Gatherer and the Collector are absolutely hilarious, and I think they had a great time doing this ep.

The Collector, the guy in charge, is a greedy, hunched over scifi accountant. He always looks like he is on the verge of a smile, like he is letting the audience in on the trick of his character.

The Gatherer, his subordinate, is the perfect corporate toadie, willing to do anything to make another tellmar.

At the end of the ep, Dr. Who is a bit snippy. He tells people to SHUT UP!!
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Battle for Terra (I) (2007)
For Liberals who are undecided on religion
1 January 2010
Clearly this is an eco-propaganda movie, I get that. But, notice we had to go from an evil leader (who would have been Bush if the movie had been made a few years ago), to an evil white GENERAL with a good hearted, Obama-looking president. Could they have made their agenda more obvious? What is less obvious is the take on religion. The movie implies that religion saved the Terrans from destroying themselves with war. BUT, it is also clear that they react to the human's machines with superstitious awe, and are not able to defend themselves. So you can conclude either of these two messages: 1) Belief in god is good, and peace is preferable to anything else, even if you cannot defend yourselves. Also, love can win against violence in the end.

2) Belief in science and reason is essential because only with these can you defend yourself from an aggressor, and self preservation is the virtue that allows for all other virtues.

Truly I am at a loss to know which is the intended message, I leave the reader to ponder.
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Carriers (2009)
Teen angst overdone
11 December 2009
As a horror connaisseur, I hope I have a balanced perspective.

The dystopian world is almost always a good setting to see people pressed to their limits. They also did a good job in this movie of the plague being not SO contagious that people turn green before your very eyes. It was a very believable scenario.

That being said, they had to stretch too far to have the teens do the stupid thing where in this world of cause and effect would ultimately lead to their doom.

First you have the "hothead" teen that really does the right thing most of the time to survive. They needed to show him swerving around on the road to show the audience how "reckless" he was, but really he was making the hard choices the rest of the innocents avoided making.

The other teens were too naive to be believable. Like when the younger brother says to the car they just ran off the road "hey, we just need some gas." Also, how many of us would have a bleeding heart in such dire circumstances? Piper Perabo is still looking good. She is 33 years old now, and still can play a college girl. You know I'd do her.
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Battlestar Galactica: Daybreak: Part 2 (2009)
Season 4, Episode 20
Wow, Just Wow
21 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Never been a first commenter before.

You will have to wait for another commenter to describe all the nuance of this ep, I will just point out some few things from memory.

Similarly to Lord of the Rings, we are SO invested in these characters that we get a long goodbye, and we NEED it.

It struck me that they were never going to be able to explain "imaginary" 6, and Starbuck surviving the crash, but I think they do a good job.

My interpretation is that the imaginary Starbuck, 6, and Baltar, are servants of an incredible alien intelligence, one that kick starts the cycle of life again every million years or so. You will recall that Baltar, at the end of the ep says about God - "it doesn't like to be called that". This implies to me that the alien power knows it is not omnipotent, just powerful enough to create these avatars, and even create a perfect replica of ancient earth a million light years away from the original. I think Ron Moore has read the Hyperion series.

The only part that did not feel quite right, even though I understand it somewhat, is Adama is choosing to leave the group behind and just live or die by himself with Laura Roslyn's corpse, out there in the middle of nowhere. The eps clearly implies to me that Adama is just going to sit on that hill until he dies, unwilling to go on without his lady love. I suppose it would have been anti-climactic to have him just be the leader of the new ragtag group of humans, after all he has been through, he is too much of a mythic figure to go out with a whimper.

Good on ya Ron Moore, you are a genius, and nice with the cameo at the end of the ep. This story wrapped up the way he envisioned it. The skill to wrap up all these threads in good if not perfect fashion, would be beyond the scope of 99% of writers.
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Into the Wild (2007)
Socialist Idealism leads to death
14 November 2008
The six is for the cinematography, the moral of the story gets a one.

I am an Objectivist (philosophy of Ayn Rand). Let me make a few notes here: If the parents were such horrible selfish bastards, they could have just gone on with their lives.

The character, McCandless, has that "forced smile" that I see on everyone that is pretending to be happy in spite of the facts. I see the same look on the faces of Jesus worshippers, that they are DETERMINED to show themselves as happy. I am not talking about optimism, I mean a person that lives on a diet of spiritual poison (idealistic altruism) and smiles to convince themselves its OK.

Objectivists scorn the idea of sacrifice. The term must be properly defined. A sacrifice is choosing something of lesser value over something of greater value. With this clear definition, sacrifice is an immoral act. When he gives the old man his quarter rather than call his sister, that is clearly a sacrifice, and clearly immoral.

Nature may on occasion be beautiful, but it is ruthless. When McCandless is gazing into the sky, he is not seeing the face of god, he is seeing the dispassionate sun and clouds, which will watch him live or die with equanimity. The lesson? Don't count on the sky, except to recognize it is only your mind which is beautiful, with its ability to reason. Your mind is more beautiful and complex than water vapor, or even the sun.

Sean Penn is certainly the guy to create this evil little movie. Surrounded by material things himself, he idealizes the anti-material lifestyle (though not enough to give up his own investment portfolio). He asks "why can't we just love one another?" and then forces Obama on us, so that we can made to sacrifice to the irresponsible at the point of a gun.

For more information, please read 2 short books - The Virtue of Selfishness, and Capitalism, the Unknown Ideal, both by Ayn Rand.

Altruism rots the soul. Socialism kills.
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