
63 Reviews
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The Good Doctor (2017–2024)
An edit on last review.
21 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have binged season 1 on amazon prime over the last 5 days. Now on season 2. This show is just brilliant. So far... I am hoping it carries on this way as i am really enjoying it.

All the main characters that come and go, are all brilliant in their own way. Even if they are irritating.

It gives you an insight in to how amazing Doctors/Surgeons/Nurses really are. Obviously the main character is what its mainly about and that dude deserves awards if he hasnt already. His acting is seriously on point.

Season 1 to 3 is brilliant. After that I am afraid it is all going woke and political.

I am sick of shows doing this. But funnily enough, all the shows that do it, end up not getting the views and suddenly come to an end. It is like they dont learn from the others. But if thats the route they want to take, i will not miss a show that wants to try and preach to people. A series is suppose to be something entertaining and something where people can leave the real world behind and dive into something just for its entertainment value.
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Ive be lied to....again.
7 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What a load of dog toffee. I keep falling for the reviews. I do enioy a good horror movie now and again, but this was no horror. In a way, it was well put together and especially for the time frame they did it in.

I read reviews stating that it was gory, or too effed up to watch etc. I honestly found Jason X more intense than this.

Wasnt the worst film ive seen and not by a long shot but i am so glad it was only 80 minutes. I was so bored about 45 minutes in. I told myself to see it through. I could do it.

I am sure there are people like the guy in this movie out there but this was just like some non HD documentary you watch on one of those honking channels that just constantly shows trashy stuff from the US.
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The Rookie: Labor Day (2022)
Season 5, Episode 2
What the actual F
13 October 2022
I see where this series is going and I see it failing. This episode had qualities and negatives. I am still in between about the quality of this series. I definitely see some very unrealistic parts but then it goes back to its roots. So its sending mixed signals. This episode it yourself. Please decide and see what i mean. I did enjoy it and I wont lie, I do look forward to the next episode but i do hope it doesnt go down the silly route more often. It will ruin what the show standed for when it first started. Omg i cannot believe it asks for so much characters for one episode.
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Men (2022)
I want to unsee this.
30 June 2022
Firstly I love how it asks if this review contains spoilers. There is literally nothing that I could do to spoil it. There is nothing to this film whatsoever.

I have no idea what i just watched but I really wish I hadn't. Zero plot and just weird as hell.
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The Rookie: Day in the Hole (2022)
Season 4, Episode 22
Fun, but....
17 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What a weird episode. I am assuming a season finally. So if it is, then it is an even weirder episode.

A whole bunch of stuff that just makes the show get more unrealistic. The thing about this show at the beginning was that it was close to realistic. But now it is getting silly.

What the hell were all the bad guys doing at the diner? Playing whack a mole?
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Fun Film
17 April 2022
Very fun to watch. Contradicts itself a little but a fun film. Rhys plays a blinding performance. I didn't realise it was him at first and his acting was so good, i actually thought it was just some new Russian actor i didnt know. Fair play to the man.
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The Rookie: Real Crime (2022)
Season 4, Episode 16
Skip to the last 10 mins. Trust me.
14 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Only gets a 2 because you find out who the real killer is behind Thorsons false imprisonment. Finally nipped in the bud, so I hope all the in-episode drama about that disappears and we can move on to more interesting plots etc.

I hate those documentary/interview episodes. Ridiculous and boring. The one in season 3 was worse but please don't do anymore. They are not funny when you try to be and they are straight up shoving the values of the show down the toilet.

I could have written everything about this episode in this review and still not have given away anything people would have found interesting.
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Reacher (2022– )
A great watch
7 February 2022
I binged this in 2 days. Very fun to watch. Great story and actor choices.

I hope there is a season 2 to binge. If you liked Banshee, youll love this.

Highly recommend this if you love a good fight and a good story.
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Trigger Point: Episode #1.1 (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
So far, it is interesting.
24 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Onviously there are loads of professional mistakes but if you can look past it, then you might enjoy it.

Quite a tense episode with a cliffhanger...of course.

But Adrian Lester is now gone. :-( that sucks. Great actor who pulls me into his work.
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Very cool!
7 January 2022
Very cool film. Can't believe it took me until now to watch it. Hugo plays an amazing role! Highly recommend giving this a go.

It is an eye opener in some ways with how the media is these days.
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What the actual F!?
23 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First, where is Barry? Pretty iconic character in the franchise and he was just left out.

Second, this is just awful. Low budget and a huge waste of time. Yes there are some references to the film but thay doesnt make up for it.

They ruined a great opportunity on this. Leon is made to look an idiot and the story isnt relevant to the game.

Just like the game franchise, this is dead. Too many shortcuts are being made and they have ruined it and any trust from fans.
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Young Rock (2021–2023)
Nice and Chilled.
22 September 2021
Its just a fun show to watch about one of the best entertainers the world has ever seen. I mean the guy succeeds in everything he does. Hes a pure example of hard work.

Being by NBC and it has not had any political messages rammed down my throat...yet. Am only on episode 4.
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Polar (I) (2019)
Why is no one talking about this!?!?
2 September 2021
This was a great film. Has been on my watch list for a while and I am so glad i got round to watching it.

If you like John Wick, then youll love this.
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Spiral (2021)
Despite the reviews, i gave it a go
1 September 2021
People were saying Rock didn't fit the role...i disagree. I think he did it really well. Was sceptical at first because he's usually in a comedic role but i like it.

The series isn't the same without Tobin Bells voice but it still worked.

If you enjoyed the franchise before this then i highly recommend it.
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Banshee (2013–2016)
You wont regret it!
28 April 2021
This is one of my favourite series ever. It has it all. Every episode, something is happening and it is always brilliant!

Im sad it ended after 4 series but i know they have to end some time. You will not regret committing yourself to this. Only 10 eps per season so its not dragged out forever.
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Your Honor (II) (2020–2023)
Very intense!
31 March 2021
Im alwaya sceptical about starting a new series because the US are known to do twenty odd series with a midway pause between each one and i can't be bothered with that.

This is a very good series. I binged it over a few days. I highly recommend it because its only 10 episodes long. All really good actors/actresses.
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The Walking Dead: Find Me (2021)
Season 10, Episode 18
18 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
In a nutshell, Daryl says actual sentences and also gets laid.

Very very boring episode.
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RocknRolla (2008)
Excellent Film. But...
15 July 2020
It is an excellent film. I love the amazing cast it has. All are amazing actors/actresses. The whole film is so fun to watch but i have 2 maybe controversial points.

1. Mark Strong with hair is weird. He looks so much better with out it and playing a hard man, he looks better without hair. Lucky Man.

2. Tom Wilkinson as a gangster boss thing does not work. Hes an amazing actor but as a gangster boss, hes about as intimidating as a labrador puppy. Just doesnt seem right.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021)
Excellent Show!
5 May 2020
Seriously, i recommend this! Its not often where you watch a show and you like every character. Each one has their own funny unique personality and make you laugh a lot. If by the end of season 1, you do not like it...then you wont like it after that.
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After Life (2019–2022)
Just brilliant
26 April 2020
Ricky is just a genius. A British icon.

How can someone write something that makes you want to cry and laugh at the same time. Ricky is a genius and i hope to meet him or someone like him one day.
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After Life (2019–2022)
Just Brilliant
25 April 2020
Ricky is truly a gift. Hes amazingly talented in so many ways. He can write, direct and act!

This series (1&2) are just brilliant. Please watch this and enjoy.

Again, Ricky is a gift to Britain!
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I dont understand
16 April 2020
Why do they make so many films on this incident. Especially when rise of the foot soldiet was made 3 years prior, with almost all the same cast.

If you want to watch a decent film on this murder, then watch Rise of the Foot Soldier. This one is just a tame version with a lot less information and depth.
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Resident Evil 3 (2020 Video Game)
Good Game...But....(In depth)
8 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Res 2 was an amazing remake. Because it was the first of the remakes on current consoles.

Res 3 remake was also a good looking game. I recommend buying it if youre a long time fan. I enjoyed it very much and they did put more efforts in to cut scenes on this one.

But i think with all the confirmations prior to its release, it has peeved off a lot of people.

The whole game is tiny. They have taken too many shortcuts on this. More than Res 2. After completing the game i felt like it was half heartedly made. Its been in production for 3 years so i do not get the excuse to cut out a bunch of stuff from the game. I.e. puzzles, there is one. Certain segments of the game are not in it. Quite important parts too. The fact that these REmakes are made to be able to do speed runs and encourage it frustrates me. Why is this a thing? Who cares how quick you can be...absolutely irrelevant. Just means the developers have purposely made the game to be short. Yes your first run through will be longish because youre nervous but after that, it can be done withing 2 hrs and thats not exactly rushing it.

I have been a Res fan since the beginning. But overall, i dont think there is any coming back from this. Yes its pretty to look at, but can you really say that this is a great Res Game? I cant.
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The Gentlemen (2019)
Ritchie does it again.
6 April 2020
Great film. All the memories of Snatch and Lock Stock come rolling back.

All the actors (Actors is a gender neutral term for all you triggered idiots) in this do a brilliant job. Not a big fan of McConaughey usually but he does an amazing job in this. Colin Farrell is great in this and he also has that pikey fighter twang to him. Very funny guy.

If you liked Snatch, youll definitely like this. High recommend
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It is BadBoys. But it isnt.
25 January 2020
Fun film to watch. But if you have seen the other 2, you will not get the same vibe. Bay did not direct this one soi imagine thats why. Watch it for yourself and see what i mean
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