
46 Reviews
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65 (2023)
10/10 enjoyment
15 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First off I want to admit that this review will be biased but hear me out. I am an avid dinosaur lover, I loved them as a kid but the older I got and the less they were in film, I began to forget my love for them as do we all forget things when growing out of your adolescence.

As a youngin I watched EVERYTHING dinosaur associated and I do mean everything. I knew all their names, whether or not they were carnivore,herbivore or omnivore. Dinos were my life to put it midly.

I watched the likes of jurassic park, BARNEY, The Land before Time, journey to the beginning of time, the lost world(originial), planet of the dinosaurs and even a bunch of the cheap knock offs!

I say all this to wrap up by saying this movie was awesome! Alot of original dino designs that I've never seen before! The gun was cool, the crash, the meteor, the geyser, and many other things about this movie! Do not go into this and compare it to any other dino film and you will enjoy it more. The closest thing I can think of with a similar concept is planet of the dinosaurs which I think is still a good watch but this is much better execution along with better acting, plot, plot twists, character bonding and most obviously special effects.

In conclusion this movie threw me right back into 1997 when I was 5 years old without a care in the world consuming as much of this content as my parents allowed! That's why it gets such a high rate out of me! Love, love, loved it, and I hope you do too!
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Well made
17 November 2022
While I didn't enjoy this film enough for me to say I'll ever watch it again, I can't refute how good the animation is. The score is also well done, specifically in an earlier scene when the boar first arrives. That particular score is very original and unlike any other I've heard before. I am not a huge fan of much anime but I am a fan of movies in general(hence my intrigue in the film). If you enjoy anime that focus more on story and allegorical meaning(opposed to fighting) then this may just be the film for you. On quality of visuals and score alone I rate it a 7/10 and I didn't enjoy as much as I'm sure alot of you will.
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Kirk Douglas
14 September 2022
Shamefully this my first cinematic experience involving Kirk Douglas. Hearing him speak reminded me alot of his son(mannerisms, voice tone etc.) Michael who is an accomplished actor in his own right. Kirk was wonderful in this movie with his performance and I believed him every step of the way. This movie is very well shot and paced. The cast as a whole is very good and the villain character in this story is very easy to hate. This film doesn't have a Happy ending and will leave you with a sickly feeling in your stomach at times as the depiction of war is always ugly. I will be looking more into Mr. Douglas' filmography.

Very good film and I would say rewatchable.
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15 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts out decent but looses steam quickly. As the story and plot develops(lack of development really) the movie all of sudden starts going into many different directions. There are about 8 different plot points and most of them don't interest me. I don't like how the director introduced the cloned human in the previous film, and that characters plot carries over into this movie and is extremely boring and uninteresting. Most moments where there is supposed to be tension or suspense falls flat I will say on a positive note there are many different types of dinos in the film and that's always cool to see. Jeff Goldblum is great and Sam Neil and Laura Dern aren't bad either, everyone else in this movie is mediocre at best. .
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Will Smith
22 April 2022
Wow what an episode! If you can watch this episode without atleast getting a little teary eyed then you are dead inside. What a performance by Will! The rest is history!
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Finch (2021)
Tom Hanks
27 March 2022
The fact that Tom Hanks was able to keep me engaged for the entirety of this movie is why he makes the big bucks. This movie has little to no action, no mystery, and only a little bit of suspense. However I never found myself bored when watching this film bc of Tom Hanks performance, he is so good as usual! There are only a handful of actors out there with this much command of the screen and the character they are portraying. In summary this a good film to watch if you want to curl up on the couch and watch a simple story with a cute ending.
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The Outsiders (1983)
The cast
23 March 2022
While I wasn't blown away by any of the performances in this movie, I am however interested to see what this movie would be today. I believe if it were to be remade it would be a much better movie. Overall I thought it was just ok. I like the concept, but the acting wasn't there for me, (however most of them go on to have solid careers of their own, what a cast!)
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The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: Just Say Yo (1993)
Season 3, Episode 19
2 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The thing that stood out most to me about this episode was Will Smith's acting. Will breaking down and crying and the end was an early sign of the potential he had as an actor, and we all know how that has turned out. Great episode!
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Dexter: New Blood: The Family Business (2022)
Season 1, Episode 9
That's what I'm talking about!
3 January 2022
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This was by far the best and most exciting episode of the series. The acting was great as it has been since the beginning and let's be honest this is what all of us die hard Dexter fans wanted as soon as Harrison was introduced. I will close by saying that Kurt is by far the most sick and foul Murderer dexter has encountered! By the episodes end you will see why.
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The 100: Blood Giant (2020)
Season 7, Episode 13
6 October 2021
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Clarke kills Bellamy in order to keep him from giving the book away but fails to take the book with her into the portal? Come on now that's lazy writing. Stupid stupid episode. It is a lousy way to get rid of a character that has been apart of the show since the beginning.
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31 May 2021
The only reason I gave this movie a 6 is because of the acting, other than that I don't understand the point in this film.
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Castlevania: The Endings (2021)
Season 4, Episode 9
27 May 2021
This episode was the best in the series in my opinion. This is how you end a show and give the fans what they want. Of course like any other castlevania fan I want more seasons, however the quality of the final season has left me content. What an epic conclusion to the show!
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22 May 2021
This movie is your standard Hollywood blockbuster. It is very, very, very cliche and predictable.
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I love it
21 February 2021
There is just something about the action/adventure/comedy film genre that I adore. I like almost all of the different franchises. It may be the ridiculousness, the desert setting, or the wild and witty characters. I really can't pin point it. All I know is I can come back to them time and time again.
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I loved it
17 February 2021
Say what you want about the story line and some of the humans in the movie. It's hard to dislike this movie when the director put so much time in to make sure we got plenty of fights, that all of the monster designs pleased the fans and that we got an epic moment from Godzilla himself. I loved every second!
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16 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was one of my absolute favorites as a child. Going through watching all of the godzilla movies in order I would have to say that thus far it has the best action and fight scenes. It is also very violent in comparison to the films before it which I like. Also there is just something to me about the atmosphere and vibes that older films give off that I particularly enjoy. Such as the horrible fight choreography, the weird creepy music, and the cinematography. I truly love all of these things about older movies. The plot is your typical alien takeover which is a reoccurring theme in alot of Godzilla films. There are also some other wacky things about the film that you'll notice while watching, but as said before if you are a true Godzilla fan you aren't worried about the plot so much as you are about Godzilla's fights. Love this one and could probably watch it for years to come.
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11 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I remember watching this one at a much younger age and just getting extremely upset at seeing Aguirus and Godzilla be battered and bloodied. I hate that they recycle film from other Godzilla movies because that is so lazy but hey it was a different time. Also them talking to one another with sounds that I can only equate to a DJ mixing was weird and uneeded. Anyway this being the first appearance of Gigan and the first time Godzilla and Anguirus team up(solely) together makes this one near and dear to my heart. It has solid fight scenes which if we're being honest is the main thing you look for in a Zilla film.
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Not a horrible movie
9 February 2021
Its not a bad movie but its not a good Godzilla movie if you know what I mean, and if your leaving reviews on a Godzilla movie from 1969 then you probably get what I'm saying.
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Everybody Loves Raymond: T-Ball (1998)
Season 2, Episode 20
28 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
All you need to know is that Ray's rant at the end of the episode is hilarious!
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27 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I dont have alot of bad things to say about this movie. However I didn't like that weird noise Godzilla was making when he was trudging through the ice, other than that I thought it was a decent movie. I liked the story line, the acting wasn't bad and there was a long fight between Anguirus and Godzilla. Of course the special effects aren't the best but it was released nearly 70 years ago so its expected.
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Fight scenes
4 January 2021
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Even though superman probably should've been more of a focal point(considering this is the "superman animated series) this was still one of the best episodes of the series. The fight between sinestro and green lantern was the best fight of the series in my opinion!
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Alot of harsh reviews
30 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Skimming through the reviews quickly just to get an idea of what the consensus of the film is and I see a lot of people saying "unwatchable", or "worst bond film ever". Well I think these are a bit dramatic. I liked this movie because it shows a more intense, and driven bond that we aren't used to. Sure it has its flaws( like how he opened his parachute 20 feet off of the ground and lived) amongst a couple other things. Aside from that this was a decent action film. There are plenty of good action sequences, and fight scenes throughout.
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Longmire (2012–2017)
24 December 2020
This modern day western is one of the best shows I've ever watched. Robert Taylor really conveys the southern simple man to a T. His performance is outstanding and makes me wonder how he hasn't gotten more lead roles. The acting is very good all around from the supporting cast; to the characters with one line. The writing is exceptional in each season and because of that no season pales in comparison to the other. There are alot of dark and emotional episodes that make you feel for the characters and may bring tears to your eyes. One other thing I enjoyed was learning a little more about the Native American community and the differences in laws and such on reservations. The ending of the show will leave you content and satisfied because it all comes full circle in the end. Great show!
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23 December 2020
This is one of the better post apocalyptic movies of the last few years! The special effects and CGI are phenomenal. The "monsters" are so life like and creepy looking and they will make your skin crawl! There are a few likeable characters and I can see this spawn another sequel or 2!
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12 Angry Men (1957)
1 Room. 12 Men
23 December 2020
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Who would've thought that a movie that is set in one room for 95% of the time could be so intense! The acting is phenomenal by each individual. The characters makes you look at everything about the case thoroughly. Henry Fonda really sways you toward believing the accused is innocent. Even with the convincing evidence at hand his character really thinks about each and every possibility pertaining to the case at hand and makes a convincing plea for the defendant. The fire and intensity shown by the actors is what kept me tuned in to the movie and if its your first time watching it will do the same for you!
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