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Most Underrated Episode Ever
19 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is in the caliber of Time's Arrow, Free Churro but rating is interestingly low.

Out of its context, assistants on strike had one request: don't treat us like garbage. And they were refused. What a great point for business life. Also promotion of people actually depend on the use of the company management, never to competencies of people. What a good reflection of career management lies!

What makes it great lies under two facts:

1) It includes a two-minute speech of Bojack that summarizes himself and be enlightened about himself. Check the part where Therapy Horse drank in tha bar, middle of the episode.

2) We learn a lot about Todd's past more than maybe all episodes combined so far. Also Todd gave a speech to his father about what actually is a successful life for an individual.

Also pointing out that being a latino and regular white guy differs a lot needs some discussion.
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BoJack Horseman: Stupid Piece of Sh*t (2017)
Season 4, Episode 6
Literature Stuff
6 March 2022
This episode all alone can be demonstrated as an example of depression attack. How a person feels, what s/he thinks, how s/he acts.

And by the way, this is what I guess it may be called. Maybe what we saw in Bojack is something many of us have experienced and that is why it is touching, but an extreme measure of it is definitely a symptom or a disease, psychologically.
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BoJack Horseman: Brand New Couch (2015)
Season 2, Episode 1
Rewatching Is One Other Unique Experience
13 February 2022
Empathy with Bojack was something I felt before, but watching all over knowing enough about Bojack is.. Something different.

Not maybe all of us are like him but I am a definite Bojack myself. Broken in his childhood, did his best to put many efforts, being indeed talented on some parts of life but in middle ages, seems anything pointless or missing everything, sabotaging yourself any everyone you touch.

I especially write here because there is a part that Beatrice tells Bojack he cannot cure being himself. Very painful sentence yet life goes on and at one stage, has to go on.

Also for rewatchers I do suggest going slow because it's hard to swallow a big.bite once and keep eating.
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New Amsterdam: Why Not Yesterday (2021)
Season 3, Episode 6
Wandered So Much What Happened and.. Thank God.
18 April 2021
I started watching the show only a month ago. I work in HR and "how can I help" approach is a very good example of servant-leadership. It's inspiring even if my business have nothing to do with healthcare and even if as all movie-making, evey technical detail is not accurate considering normal flow of life and sector. If drama and scenario writing was not included, believe me you did not even glare a second. Watch how movies are made in "The Invention of Lying". Anyhow, I was not there for technical objections.

I was there because I did not want to believe such a great show, even risking to drive into "our new normal" unlike the majority, just messed it up. What I watched was relying on discrimination, especially about races. And I really wished IMDB to rebalance their evaluation system so that this show's handling the discrimination subject will not be confused with Game of Thrones like, Dexter like and Boardwalk Empire like messing up the whole.

I cannot say that every oppinion, every course that characters go is exactly the way it's supposed to be. But I have hope that it will find its way and there's time for it. For political botherers, your wishes for the show to be non-politic is like me wishing you never express your so-I*call "stupid ideas" around. But I try not to be a tyrant, a discriminator, a bully, etc. We are complete when every oppinion, idea finds its way to be expressed, limited with ethics and law. And these can change on time, look only a year ago which things were appropriate to do and look today which things are not. And maybe if humanity succeeds to overcome Covid and variants, in a few years, what seems mandatory today will look meaningless.

I want this show to express its oppinions on social matters, that's what makes this show great. But producers of the show must know that once they start to give judgments about controversial issues, it will become a problem. So far, I see conclusions where people accept involuntarily but also live with it. Or walk away from what they do not want in their lives. As long as different judgments are made by different characters, it won't affect the show's progress. But if we started seeing that every major character accept one of the choices in a controversial situation one day, I think it would be the moment that the show is supposed to end.
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Best Comedy Film I've Ever Seen
22 May 2005
Not airplane, not other ZAZ films, not Jim Carrey. there are two reasons that I see this film the gratest: This film reflects Turkish humour, It is horribly funny. At the beginning of the film, it says that this film was made according to a classic Ottoman Comedy Art branch. It may be the reason. There are many Kemal Sunal films. He's a comedy phenomenon, I laugh at all his films; but in this movie Halit Akçatepe is also much too funny. Not even mentioning all time Turkish comedians Adile Naşit and Şener Şen; they are funnier. There are some jokes that cannot be understood in other languages; but as a result, it is a "must see" film. Watch it wherever you can. See the golden years of Turkish Comedy movies; they would turn out to be dramatic later on.
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The Road (1982)
The Best Movie I Have Ever Seen
31 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Five prisoners have been permitted to visit their homes. Each has a different story. In this movie, you will see people that cannot decide how their lives will be, all limited by nonsenses. You will see, in each frame of this movie, a well-taken photo of an expert photographer of the mood of people after a revolution. What you will see, is the most handsome actor of Turkey, Tarik Akan, in a far different role from all fun movies he had acted before this movie. Watch the best directing ever in Turkish cinema. This is one of the best dramas the world would ever see. Don't miss it. See the facts that Turkish people still avoid seeing.
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the facts of Turkish movie
31 December 2004
I used to think that Cuneyt Arkin films are things that should be ashamed of. He is such a man that in every movie he flies up, saves the world, destroys an army or a kingdom on his own. Stupid isn't it? Bu what about Matrix? Transporter? Vertical Limit? Triple X? Mission Impossible the Movies? I do not think they are much too different. Watching a person defeating hundreds of people is great fun without thinking the logic in it. So I think Turkish producers have discovered this 20 years before Hollywood. Cuneyt Arkin's films have been paid great attention. This is the result of the producers' invention about people's likes.

Special effects? Surely a very low budget gives you this. Did you know that the monster costumes were all done by Cuneyt Arkin himself? It is a horrifying experience for movie as an art, but do you know that lots of actors and actresses that have acted in Turkish movies have been living very difficultly? Lots of them have died in misery.

As a brief, this may not be the worst movie but definitely the worst director I have ever seen. But if they had had the technology and the money that any ordinary Hollywood film, the thing may not have been that bad. If you want to laugh, watch it. If your stomach would feel bad when you see a bad movie, do not watch it. But this is not what the Turkish movie is. To have an opinion about expert acting and directing in Turkish movie, see Yol(1982-Serif Goren)(Best Movie Award at Cannes Festival 1982).
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