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Ashes to Ashes (2008–2010)
Fantastic but different!
6 April 2008
So i wonder that if as a girl I was predisposed to like Ashes to Ashes more than Life on Mars. I will grant that the original, is just that, the original, and so in a way it's the better. More original, more groundbreaking. But personally I love Ashes to Ashes more. Keeley Hawes took an episode or two to really gel with what was going on, but I think it really works now, and I feel for the character. She's trying to get back to her little girl, you know she can't just stay in the past... and to also try and save her parents. It's interesting, I want to know what's going to happen. And then there's Philip Glenister, who is always a good actor, but whose role as DCI Gene Hunt is a role he'll FOREVER be known as... and good reason. He's a man's man, funny, gritty, and in this series, occasionally vulnerable. Some don't like the way he is in this show, but I think it works. And the chemistry between Hunt and Drake really works, and it's interesting. I adore them. Finally maybe I like this because I love 80s music, and if you like that, this is a great series for you. It has a great soundtrack. Add that with the awesome quattro Hunt drives, and some fantastic cheesy, over the top moments (the boat showdown in episode 2 anyone?) and it's a show I find absolutely the best pure entertainment I've seen in years. Now all I need is for LoM to get released to DVD over here, and for this sequel to hit our shores so I can then get THAT on DVD and I'll be happy.
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Not recommended, Historically and literately inaccurate
7 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
It's not surprising that those who hate it know quite a bit about the period, or loved the book word for word. In both these areas the film misses. It is barely like the book at all, and of course GROSSLY inaccurate when concerning history. If one of these had been done right the movie might not have been so bad.

Lets start with the choice of actors. I won't even focus on my original issue that none of the leads are British... that's a bit picky I know. I will though ask this one question.. Couldn't you have gotten a lead actor with RED HAIR? Henry being famously red headed... I know it seems nitpicky... but movies that don't care about some obvious small mistakes, tend to also do BIG mistakes... Eric Bana is a good actor. He is, and he's very attractive. I give him that, he's strong and handsome. But as Henry... he falls a little flat. Though that I can blame more on the screenplay and direction. Natalie Portman is good, her accent is good. She plays her Anne Boleyn is strong and a presence on screen. Scarlett Johannsen though.... yeah, I gotta say she doesn't have much acting ability. Most of time on screen is spend staring and looking sad. Granted like Eric Bana, part of this is the screenplay. She's not given much to do... My shining light in this movie is David Morrissey, who is fantastic as the Duke of Norfolk, their Uncle. He's mean, creepy, conniving... Perfect. Kristin Scott Thomas is also good, I couldn't help but feel they made her so likable to make this movie into a feminist stronghold. All the women were poor victims of the men. Sure in history this was mostly true, but in the movie its done in overkill. And the rest of the actors... George was BARELY in it to even be noticed, which is atrocious since he's so important. And William Stafford... I won't get too much into that but the actor playing him was so badly miscast as to be laughable. Granted he's barely on screen 5 minutes so who cares? Then the other issue is the accuracy of the movie. Okay, this is based off a historical fiction novel, so you go in not expecting historical accuracy, which you do NOT get of course. But you don't even get literary accuracy. This bares so little in common with the book as to be laughable, one gets the idea they just named it the Other Boleyn Girl to make money off the tremendous sales for the book. They cut so much out, and change characters personalities and relationships that it makes no sense. One thing I enjoyed in the book was the relationship between Mary and Queen Catherine. It was touching to see a girl who truly loved her Queen ending up betraying her, but ultimately being forgiven. Even naming her daughter after her. In the movie though that is ALL gone, hell they even skip the birth of Mary's daughter. The portrayal of Catherine in the movie is terrible as well, they turn her into a weak women who's victimized by her husband. In the book at least you see a strong woman, who doesn't let people get to her and who truly loves her husband. And you see that in the beginning at least Henry cared about her as well. Its great, and the movie could have done with some of that. Not to mention the movie acting like Mary Boleyn was the FIRST girl Henry had as a mistress... that's as silly as it gets. She wasn't THAT important... Another glaring issue with the movie the lack of Cardinal Wolsey. Really what else do I need to say there? To leave out such an important character... And here's a quirky little issue with the movie... they forgot to kill Mary's first husband, William Carey!! He's in the beginning, and then he's gone. No mention, nothing. Oh well. SMALL forgetful error that...

And acting and accuracy issues aside, the movie didn't make sense for new viewers. They jumped time without letting you know. You're just supposed to assume time had gone by even though everyone looked the same. You see Mary ride off to the country, and two minutes later she's riding back and so much time as gone by... Anne gets exiled to France and comes back minutes later and its been months supposedly... She's been in France for a few months and suddenly she's completely changed and knows everything?? It made no sense. Add that to the fact that the director tried SO hard to make this movie dramatic.... There's a scene where Anne is coming back from France... it reminded me of Pirates of the Caribbean. Or that they kept using dramatic music, or outside shots of clouds moving quickly, or those camera shots from behind things making it look like someones watching secretly.

All in all this was a Hollywood movie gone wrong. Its tough to make a movie based off a fiction book thats based off a period of history. In the end you have to choose which direction you go, you either follow the book or the history. This did neither, and the nail in the coffin was that the movie wasn't even made well enough to make that all not matter. Sure Braveheart was TERRIBLE when it came to history, but you liked watching it. This one ain't so lucky. All it did was make me want to watch the BBC TV version of the Other Boleyn Girl. Supposedly that follows a bit closer.
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Coupling (2003)
5 March 2008
So.... The American remake of Coupling is not good, even if you've never seen the original. Granted in that case it might be a 3 or 4 star result, so a bit better. I read somewhere a British person asking why us Americans need to remake good (sometimes bad, Footballers Wives etc.) British programs, since after all they can perfectly understand and watch shows like The Simpsons and Friends without it being reworked and redone. The reason of course is simple actually. The problem isn't that we can't understand Coupling, or The Office. The problem is that the shows are too short to work on American television. Networks here need shows that are 22 episodes to make enough money on. They just don't see the point of a 6 episode season. Utter rubbish isn't it? I've always loved that some of my favourite shows end before they turn crap, but in America it makes less sense to us. Run it into the ground... I get this since one of my roommates loves British sitcoms, but he HATES how short they are. To him he thinks if its good they should just keep making more and more of it. Granted the other reason is also fairly simple. No new ideas. Need a new sitcom for your fall lineup? Well whats easier then taking a concept already made and proved successful, and just Americanize it and making it longer... Yeah our TV here is fairly lazy... remakes or reality. Every so often a remake does well, can even be better. The Office is fantastic with Steve Carell, just as good as the original. Granted that is due to some superior casting. Coupling though... Didn't work, and was miscast. Perhaps good actors in other roles ( I adore Colin Ferguson on Eureka) but in this hopeless.
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Hey, bad news... NOT better then Eragon
17 October 2007
I'm not sure what movie other reviewers have seen... but setting aside the issue of this being a bad book adaptation, it was also a badly made movie.

There were too many plot holes, and what plot there was made no sense and seemed rushed in the end. The worst part was that in their attempt to make this movie more accessible to a wider audience, they basically just made it too generic. It's a story of a boy with powers who fights evil. So what? Who cares? We've seen it done before, and we've seen it done ten times better.

Even Eragon at least made more of an attempt to do something... even if it was bad in the end.
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