
6 Reviews
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Taken (I) (2008)
Excellent thriller
15 February 2009
In general I tend to prefer foreign films, fantasy and romantic comedy. I was intrigued by the premise of Taken, and a friend convinced me to watch it. I generally avoid movies that are stressful because I watch movies to escape and relax, but I don't regret my decision to watch Taken. The beginning of the movie absolutely terrified me and I was literally shaking in suspense. Taken has LOTS of great action and fight scenes, that with a few exceptions are pretty much believable. The movie is very involving and many times I found myself cheering out loud when a bad guy got taken down. With the exception of one scene, the violence in the movie isn't terribly gory or disturbing, but if you're a parent concerned about exposing your children to violence, then this is not a good choice. This is a good date flick as there's a lot of tension and cliff hanger scenes. Liam Neeson steals the show as he is on screen the ENTIRE move. If you love Mr. Neeson, you'll enjoy this movie. I know I did!
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a very memorable episode
8 April 2008
As a child, the Greatest American Hero was one of my favorite shows. Much like the previous reviewer, this is the one episode that sticks out in my mind. My strong recollection of this episode is the very reason I sought it out on IMDb to see if my memory of the episode 20 years later is still accurate.

This episode, from a child's perspective was EXTREMELY frightening. (By today's TV/media standards, this may not be the case, however.) I had nightmares about this particular episode for years. Whereas most of the episodes from this series had a fair amount of lighthearted bumbling, this episode was very dark and creepy. Scared the bejeebies out of me. Actually, still does. Would love to see it again for the sake of comparison.
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Year of the Dog (I) (2007)
absolutely horrendous
3 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is bar-none, one of the worst films I have ever seen. The only reason I've given it 2 stars is because the actors in this film are very effective in their character portrayal. All the absolutely unlikable characters will remind viewers of someone they know. The neurotic parents, bratty kids, oblivious ditsy best friend, womanizer, smug arrogant boss and gay man conflicted about his homosexuality are all represented. As a fan of Molly Shannon and quirky off-beat movies, I was enthusiastic about seeing this film. As my husband and I watched this movie we kept waiting for something to happen. Nothing ever did. The movie just rambled pointlessly as the main character seemed to undergo a mental breakdown. By the end of the movie, most viewers will be convinced that Molly Shannon's character is a real fruitcake. Molly Shannon effectively conveys the image of a lonely spinster lacking in people skills who insulates herself from the hurts of the human experience by replacing them with animals. Despite her fine acting ability, she does not salvage this disaster of a movie. The final scene unconvincingly tries to convince us that the main character returns from the brink of a murderous mental breakdown and has an epiphany of self-discovering. It was pathetic.

(Also a minor factor in my dislike of this movie is the representation of animal lovers and activists as unstable and potentially dangerous.)

Synopsis- a complete waste 2 hours. Read a book instead.
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30 May 2007
I watch a lot of foreign language films generally enjoy them quite a bit. However, I had reservations about seeing this film because of the violence in it. However, I heard an interesting interview with the director on NPR and he offered some insight into his making of the film so I went ahead and rented it. I regret the decision to watch the movie. Although the movie gave me some perspective on the brutality of the Spanish Civil War (I used to live in Spain), the actual graphic violence in the movie was completely unnecessary. It was downright vile. Del Torro takes the visual representation of violence right down to cheap hack'em up-slash'em up levels. Disgusting. Furthermore, the incongruous interweaving of stories is unsuccessful in my opinion. The ending is as disturbing and unsatisfying as the rest of the movie. Del Torro tries to wrap the movie up and put a little bow on it at the end, but it just doesn't work.

My only positive comment is that the sets and costumes were well done and I encourage others to see foreign movies. If you like disturbing and dark movies, you will probably enjoy this. But I thought the whole movie just didn't click or justify the violence. The movie made me feel icky. Yuck.
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Creator (1985)
My all time favorite movie
12 January 2007
The above summaries really cover it all; I have nothing original to add. I will just reiterate that "Creator" is a painfully beautiful, funny, exquisitely sad, original film. The plot of the story is seemingly absurd, but is completely genuine and thus, engaging. A college professor harvesting ova in order to have the materials he needs to regrow a dead wife is certainly a bizarre movie concept. How this movie ever got made is a wonder. For some reason, with this cast, the movie just works. The characters in this movie are wonderfully developed. In particular, "Creator" is made extraordinary by Peter O'Toole's gorgeously rendered character Dr. Wolper. The film is further enhanced by the simple but haunting soundtrack.
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Renee Zellweger is the glue
12 January 2005
I'm not sure why so many people had negative things to say about this movie. I caught this movie on the Independent Film Channel by accident. Once I got watching it I couldn't stop. I agree with the reviewers who argue that Renee Zellweger is the saving grace of this movie. With a different actress, this movie probably would not have worked. This film really allows her depth to come through the way some other big budget Hollywood films have not. I'm not going to hash over the plot line here- plenty others have already done that. Rather, I would like to comment that part of what makes this movie so exceptional is the subject matter- Hasidic Judiasm's quasi-symbiosis with mainstream culture AND post-partum depression.

Neither of these are topics are exactly Hollywood material. I think it is more the topics rather than the movie itself that makes so many of the detractors uncomfortable. Quirky movie, quirky topic, quirky actors. It's not a bad movie though. It doesn't soar, but it's a good movie and I'm glad I saw it. If you like movies that are "different" like the Royal Tennenbaums, you'll like this movie. If you're looking for hunky men and doe-eyed starlets and insipid story lines, this movie isn't for you.
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