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The Boys: Beware the Jabberwock, My Son (2024)
Season 4, Episode 5
Cloudy with a Chance of Sheepballs
28 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is another great episode, but an uneven one by the uneven season 4 of The Boys.

While the episode has its great moments, it feels disjointed and the pacing is kinda off and they could've edited it more evenly. The whole thing with the Boys going to the farm feels dragged for the first half because they're just walking a mile from a barn to another barn, and Starlight's power is for some reason not working again.

I honestly don't even know what her powers even are. I don't remember a time her powers were actually helpful in a situation, except maybe for the last episode where she knocked Firecracker down. Also, you can't convince me that the part where she's looking at her old self with regret and sadness isn't a kind of meta joke from Eric Kripke. Because it's really funny and ironic how she's looking at her beautiful natural face she used to have. If not that, at least I bet Kripke was laughing by himself thinking how accidentally ironic and meta this scene is.

Anyway, I think most of the scenes, if not all, of the scenes from The Seven and Vought are kinda forgettable, though not to say important stuff didn't happen obviously. There are some semi-shocking and reprehensible scenes like that PA slapping that dude really hard, or Ashley going full evil and throwing the news anchor dude under the bus. But other than these two scenes, I just think most of those scenes were just par for the course at this point.

The scenes with the flying killer sheeps were iconic and really fun too, but as much as they tried to exposit us to how in danger they are via Starlight's dialogues, there was not much tension as you knew none of the main characters would die to a V-ed up sheep. But funnily enough, I actually was entertaining the idea of Hughie's dad killing him by ripping his heart out for some reason. I actually had more anticipation of Hughie dying than any of the other ones dealing with the sheep. And also, as others have mentioned, I'm not sure why Neuman didn't just blow up those sheep brains. They could've at least thrown a little line in there saying their brains are too infected or something or she ran out of juice.

But speaking of Hughie's little storyline with his dad; I think it was a really nice subplot, but I wish we'd spent more time with the dad. Those scenes with him are emotional and sad, but unfortunately I'm just not as emotional and sad as I should be watching those scenes. Because we haven't seen the dad since season 1 or 2, and that was like what, 4 years ago?! How do you expect your audience to be emotionally invested in Hughie's relationship with his dad when they lack proper scenes together and you start your season by just making him have a brain injury?

Again, those scenes are great and tragic and all, but I just wish we'd seen more of him to actually have an emotional attachment to him so the last scenes with him would hit harder.

So after half a season of just doing this and that, this episode gives the season a direction we can finally look for and know where this is going and what the season's overall plot is going to be; Butcher's shocking (but understandable, considering everything) way of keeping Shah alive so he could make a supe-killing virus.

Though I do think making a virus to kill Homelander with is kinda lame compared to having Soldier Boy annihilate him, it does make sense since Compound V was also created in a lab and every poison needs its antidote I guess. But I seriously doubt the virus thing is gonna go anywhere, especially this season since there's another season and there is no way Homelander doesn't survive this season. (Maybe Butcher will take out Neuman this season)

I also don't like Frenchie's giving himself up to the police. I'm not sure what the point is to take this character here and it doesn't make sense for him to do it. I know that he's had guilt from the beginning, but this is a really dumb way to deal with it. At least his little plotline with Colin wasn't enough to convince me that Frenchie would do such a thing over that. This whole 4 seasons it feels like the writers don't really know what to do with Frenchie and Kimiko and they just do random things with them every season.

I also find it ironic that they're taking a jab at MCU and its dozens of movies and shows, while doing the same thing with The Boys spin-offs and animated shows.

Anyway, the review mostly consists of complaints about the episode, but I genuinely enjoyed it a lot, it just felt disjointed and the pacing could've been a lot better.

I also wish they went back to actually killing supes instead of just laser-focusing on Homelander every season. Hughie used to be the main character in the first season and The Boys just wanted to kill one supe at a time, but now it's just Homelander and Homelander only. It took them 5 episodes to give a somewhat direction to where this season is actually heading, but it still feels like we haven't moved a bit since last season, or even season 2 in terms of the progression of the plot.
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The Boys: Wisdom of the Ages (2024)
Season 4, Episode 4
The Boys Are Back!
20 June 2024
While I found the last episode to be the best of the bunch next to two mediocre to just ok episodes, this episode just blows all of them out of the water. It's just really good. It's funny that my ratings for these 4 episodes have been gradually literally one-upping each other.

So as we expected from the final scene of the last episode, we get a really nice insight into Homelander's past and childhood and those scenes definitely don't disappoint. Those scenes will definitely go down as some of the most iconic scenes from the show.

I think even though this season started really weak, it's slowly becoming really enjoyable to me seeing the growth these characters are going to, heroes and villains, and confronting their pasts and getting over their past misdeeds.

I think this season will be the season where The Boys need to overcome the effed-up things they've done in the past and be ready for the final season. And I think I pretty much like all of their little plotlines about their pasts, though I wish they included that boss woman Frenchie had so we could have a conclusion to their relationship. But maybe they'll address that in the second half of the season of the next season.

Butcher's little mystery gets even more mysterious with what happens in this episode and makes it a little more interesting than just him seeing his dead ex-wife. Also, where is Negan? I was hoping we'd get more of him but he only briefly appeared in one of two episodes.

Starlight and Firecracker's beef really gets out of hand and I think they handled the social commentary focus of this episode way better and more subtle than the previous episodes. And like I said, it's nice to see them showcasing that our protagonists aren't good-guy angels and they've all done something to hurt others in the past. Well, maybe except for Mother's Milk, he seems to be the only dude in the group who didn't murder the entire family of his best friend or something.

So one of my little complaints about this season is that it seems like they don't really know what to do with MM's character. They could've - and should've - showed him at least talking to his wife or daughter about his wife's new husband. Everybody this season has something to do except him. Butcher has been out of the group for 3 episodes, (and it's nice that he's back again and the show feels like The Boys again), but he also had a lot of scenes with his wife or his son. Hughie has the whole thing with his dad, Frenchie with Colin, and Kimiko with her old "friend".

But somehow they couldn't come up with something to make us not forget he's also one of the main members of The Boys. I think all of the little subplots about The Boys confronting their past are interesting, and even Frenchie's clichéd little storyline which barely had any meat to it, had a nice and realistic conclusion to it this episode. But out of all of them, Mother's Milk is... just there.

Anyway, apart from my ranting about MM, the episode was really good and gave us insight into a lot of these characters, and most importantly, Homelander's. We finally get a lot of information as to how he was as a kid, and even a fetus.

Though I understand this episode is really good and so far the best episode of the season, I don't think it's a 10/10 and I kinda don't understand some of the other reviews claiming it's "the" best episode of the whole show. The episode has its moments and it's definitely one of the best episodes in terms of character study and iconic shocking scenes, but I just don't think it's on par with some of the best episodes of the whole show.

Overall, I thought the episode was great and the storyline is developing into an interesting showdown between Starlighters and Firecracker-heads and the next few episodes are gonna get even crazier and more chaotic. I just hope it can keep the momentum and gets better just like these four episodes got better and better, and hope that they don't disappoint us with a finale like last season's.
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House of the Dragon: A Son for a Son (2024)
Season 2, Episode 1
Great Start
17 June 2024
This was a great start to the second season, and even though not much happened in this episode apart from the ending, you won't even feel the runtime and the episode goes by so fast because it's so captivating. But you definitely need to rewatch the first season or watch a recap of it because it dives straight back into the story without hesitation.

One thing I need to give this episode firstly, is that you can actually see what's happening in the night scenes! It's like the film crew finally discovered light between the seasons!

This episode does a great job setting up new plotlines for the season and telling you what to expect. The episode overall was good and I was gonna give it an 8/10, but that ending made it a 9/10 for me because it went even beyond what I was expecting was going to happen.

The acting is great too and surprisingly I was getting emotional in some scenes even though it's been 2 years since the first season.

The focus in this episode was mostly on the Hightowers and King Aegon, but so far the show has been doing a good job of showing that both sides have their errors and sins, and far more in this episode's ending scenes. Though one is clearly more power-hungry and stole the throne, and the other is rightfully angry about that and their dead heir. But it's not as black and white and one side isn't a saint while the other is the devil or anything.

Anyway, this episode sets up interesting stuff about Aegon's relationship with Otto and Alicent's with her children, but more importantly, it complicates an already complicated plot with another disaster that will have dire consequences.

Pretty good start, excited to see how this "war" unfolds into an even greater mess of both sides killing each other's as revenge.
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Best One So Far
14 June 2024
This is easily the best of the three. Pretty much. This episode finally made me care about these characters again, and actually managed to create tension with that ice rink scene, unlike the scenes from the previous two episodes where they tried to be intense but failed.

The episode does a lot of great character work for many characters and character relationships and dynamics, giving more depth to them.

I really like what they did with Starlight here really driving the point home that these main characters we love aren't really that goody-two-shoes and they all have done horrible things in the past. And also surprisingly giving Firecracker more depth at the same time, and making her more than just a goofy new bad guy character who's just there for the audience to laugh at and just be the one-dimensional far-right mocking character.

Butcher and Ryan's relationship is developing in an interesting way too and pretty much every dialogue scene with the characters (even Hughie and his mom) is great to watch.

This is by far peak Boys for this season. It has a lot of funny gory scenes with people getting accidentally cut in half and mutilated, Homelander being scary again with another intense scene, great dialogue scenes between characters, and another iconic Homelander mirror scene which makes me more excited for where his plotline is going to more than the dawdling they were doing with him in the last two episodes.

It seems that the theme of this season is every character revisiting and confronting their pasts and the things they did in the past. From Homelander to Annie and Frenchie and Kimiko, it seems that we're gonna get more of their past this season and I ain't complaining.

Anyway, the first two episodes were fine, but this episode was a lot of fun and got me excited about the show again setting up interesting premises. Here's hoping the rest of the season is gonna get even better than this.
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The Boys: Life Among the Septics (2024)
Season 4, Episode 2
Peak Cinema
14 June 2024
The scenes with the nude duplicator clone dudes were absolute cinema and will definitely be on the list of top iconic scenes from The Boys.

This episode pretty much has everything you'd expect from this show; a fight between The Boys and a supe with a weird power, Homelander's training scenes going unsurprisingly wrong, Homelander being petty and talking about normal people as if they're pets, nudity, violence, gore, and all the things you want from the show.

And although the fight scene was pretty good, I found the green screen to be really noticeable which is unlike this show, because the CGI work looked pretty good in previous seasons, but that scene looked like a low-budget green screen work.

Also gotta say Ryan's voice is really funny and I can't take him seriously when seeing sounds like an 8-year-old girl and an 80-year-old woman at the same time. No disrespect to the actor obviously, I just think it's funny that they decided to go with the voice.

And as I guessed from the first episode, we now know a lot about Frenchie's past with Colin's family. I mean they outright say what you're thinking about, they don't seem to be subtle with the dialogue this season. But I guess it's nice that they don't seem to stretch at least this plotline and don't reveal what actually happened. Nevertheless, I am still not sure why we need this Colin character here and his backstory when they literally can give that runtime to Kimiko's past (which they seem to be doing now) after 4 seasons.

And like I said in my last episode's review, the only reason I'm giving these a little lower score is because the writing and the scenarios this season feel off a bit. The dialogue doesn't seem to be as subtle and well-written as before and some scenes seem to be suddenly cut off and we jump to the next scene, when they feel like they need more dialogue.

And the scenarios aren't as unique and creative as before. It feels like they ran out of creative juice and they should've ended the show with this season. I'm still not sure what the plot of this season is and it seems to be setting up for the final fifth season, which is a shame because season 3 felt energetic and alive from its very first episode because you didn't know if they're actually gonna kill Homelander or not. That, and Soldier Boy. This season doesn't have that energy, at least yet, and it feels like a filler setup for the final season. So I hope it gets better from here on out, because the previous seasons peaked at the middle to end episodes, so I'm not gonna say this season is disappointing and bad until we get the whole picture.

So so far, this is the better of the first two episodes elevated by the clone fight, but still suffers from weak dialogue and weird plot progression. But I have hope this is gonna get better as the season goes on.
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Civil War (2024)
30 May 2024
Alex Garland really fell off, didn't he? First Men, and now this? At least Men tried to say something while being bad, Civil War says nothing while being mid.

The movie is just a nice montage of post-civil-war America and basically a driving simulator, and that's it. It's just shallow without a substance. And if you're trying to tell me that I'm the shallow one here and I didn't get the point of the movie, good for you for finding a point even in these kinds of empty movies. That must be nice to even find substance in a film like this.

Alex Garland has never made a typical and formulaic film before and I don't want him to, but his first two movies were so interesting and well-done, and Civil War is just... there. The whole movie is basically a montage showing what the USA would look like if a Civil War happened without explaining how it started. I believe that's the point of the film to not explain the hows and whys, and to focus on the aftermath of people living in these conditions. And I certainly don't think it is necessary to explain about how it started, or that it would've even made the movie better.

My question is, do we even need that? Do we need a movie just showing us what would happen if there was a civil war in the modern age without any other depth to its story, themes, and characters? We've already had a ton of post-apocalyptic movies and shows depicting these scenarios. Hell, we even had 11 seasons of The Walking Dead and that show is basically people having a civil war of their own, and it basically did every scenario and situation in this war-torn US you can think of. Do we need more of that if you don't really have anything to say?

The movie looks visually stunning, and I really liked the direction and editing here and how they integrated war photography footage into the film. And I think it's a really interesting decision to make a war movie from the perspective of war journalists. But unfortunately, everything else is just meh.

The characters don't really have much depth to them, and the movie is too short to have adequate time to give depth to them anyway. But on the other hand, the pacing is not great and that makes the short runtime feel really long. The movie gets kinda boring at times and you keep checking to see how much of it is left. Garland's Ex Machina and Annihilation were really fun to watch in addition to having depth to their characters and themes. But Civil War only has the good looks. It feels like it was made by someone who knows how to film a movie, but doesn't really have anything to say. And the dialogue isn't that great either.

Overall I think it's probably worth watching it one time for the visuals at least, but I didn't really find the story or the characters that compelling. The movie is kinda boring too. I think the only good thing that came out of this movie is Meth Damon's "What kind of American are you?" meme.
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Amazing Concept Ruined by Bad Execution and Horrible Acting
21 May 2024
Sadly another great concept that was ruined by terrible execution and surprisingly really bad acting.

So this is one of those movies where the difference between the Metacritic score and the IMDb's audience score is staggering. I thought maybe it's one of those movies where the critics got it wrong again, but honestly, after seeing it I can kinda get why it's so low. (Though it is way too low and harsh in my opinion) Anyway, let me start by saying that this movie has all the ingredients for an amazing movie with a great concept, characters, emotional story, and a great ending (Director's Cut Ending specifically). So where did it go wrong exactly?

First of all, the first thing you're gonna notice that's wrong with this movie is the acting, and specifically the main character's mom acting. And pretty much most of the cast as the movie goes on. This is one of the main reasons why this movie gets such a low rating from me. The mediocre dialogue and the comedic deliveries make this movie age so badly and make it one of those over-the-top goofy 2000s movies that you laugh at the bad acting and the unintentionally funny serious moments. Even though the concept alone can make a movie or a TV show a timeless classic.

The other big problem is that the director just doesn't know how to handle the dark and edgy stuff in this movie carefully so as to not come off as if a 14-year-old boy directed and wrote this movie. This movie is surprisingly really dark and adult, but all the edgy stuff are just handled really clumsily with some terrible written dialogue at times.

The movie doesn't really do a proper job of making you care about the characters and the characterization lacks severely. So what happens when they try to do melodrama and have an emotional scene? Yeah, it becomes a really hilarious scene where you're thinking "Now cue the sad music" and then immediately the sad music plays to force you into feeling bad or sad and all that. But that only works if you actually care about the characters and these things aren't executed in such a goofy and corny manner. It's like someone with no directorial experience watched a movie and said "Yeah, sure, I can do that" and tried to emulate the movie he watched.

The movie is also boring at times, especially in the middle, and you just want it to end and keep checking the time to see how much there's left. Again, a better director and editor could've made this movie way more watchable. Though it's disingenuous to say the editing is bad here because the overall editing for the concept of this movie is pretty good, but the pacing needs better editing.

Again, the movie deals with dark and heavy subjects too, and pretty much every dark subject you can think of is in here. And the movie itself tries to take these stuff seriously too, but fails in that department too, and some of the dialogue they wrote for those sound so much like PSA commercials and so fake that makes you laugh instead of having the intended effect.

Again, the concept and the premise of this movie are amazing and I can see what they were going for. In the hands of a much more capable writer and a better director, this movie would've easily been a 9/10 for me and one of the best sci-fi films I would have watched. But unfortunately, the execution and the acting are so bad that they make this movie age badly and turn it into a 2000s schlock.

The ending is also really dark and sad and I love the ending surprisingly! I'm just a little disappointed that this ending and this concept weren't in a much better movie. Because it's one of those endings that can leave you effed up for days, but since you don't really care about the characters and don't really have an emotional connection to them, you're just gonna acknowledge that at least the ending was good and be more sad for the fact you really wanted to like this movie.

I usually don't really write reviews for every movie I watch, especially the older movies. Even for a lot of movies that I gave a 9/10, I didn't really have much to say. But I usually have a lot to say about the movie I hated. A movie has to be so good or so bad or disappointing for me to write a review for. And this is one of the "disappointing" ones. The concept of this movie was so good that it made me so frustrated that this wasn't done in a better movie with a better writer and director, that I just Had to write a review about it.

And it's not like this concept is a mind-blowingly new and original concept that hadn't been done before or in the past 20 years we didn't have multiple movies and shows with this concept. But the story itself and the characters seriously had the potential and deserved a much better movie. I love tragic stories and this is probably one of the most tragic and sad stories in a movie, but it doesn't feel that way because the movie itself, the dialogue, the acting, the editing and the direction was so goofy and corny and unintentionally funny, that it doesn't feel as tragic and emotional as it should be. This movie is more tragic for the fact that it wasn't a better movie.
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Sadly Did Not Live Up to Expectations for Me
13 May 2024
So Villeneuve is my favorite current-working director, and when I saw all the great ratings and reviews for this movie, I was excited about it thinking it must have improved on everything that was wrong with the first Dune movie. But unfortunately, the only thing that improved here was the visuals and the action, and they were fine even in the first movie too.

I rewatched the first Dune again before watching this because I didn't remember much from the first time I watched it 3 years ago. And I think I understood the story of the first movie better this time, but my overall enjoyment of the first movie and feelings about it were the exact same; it's a decent introduction to this universe and characters, but lacks the needed emotional connection of the viewer with the characters, and the characterization needs a lot of work. (And obviously, the story suddenly ending) When I reviewed the first movie, I said hopefully a second movie would be made to complete the story and give a better characterization to these characters. But sadly, this movie continued with the same shallow characterization problem as the first film.

These movies aren't short either, they are nearly 3 hours, so they have all the time in the world to make you care about these characters and flesh them out. But most of the time is spent on "cool" visuals and action scenes. And don't get me wrong, the visuals are amazing, absolutely 10/10 visuals and cinematography. But the storytelling and characterization here is 6/10 or 7/10 at best. So how can a movie be a "masterpiece" if only the visuals are good but the story is lacking?

Many people compare these movies to The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and that actually highlights the problems of this movie and also reinforces what a miracle it was that the LOTR trilogy turned out the way it was and no one has been able to reproduce the magic of those movies, not even Peter Jackson himself.

Comparing Dune to LOTR, you'll realize how much thought and work had gone into making LOTR and its characters relatable, easily making the audience familiar with these characters, and allowing them to form a great emotional connection to them. LOTR was written as an adaptation that the book-readers can enjoy, and the audience who hadn't read the books could also watch and still get the story and understand the characters and their motivations. You don't need to read the books to understand every character in the movie and why they did what they did, or having to read to make an emotional connection to them. The films already did those things masterfully.

But Dune? It definitely is a movie that's made for people who are already familiar with the universe and have already read the books. It's like a summary with cool action montages of the important plot points that leaves out the character-building and much-needed parts to make the audience understand the character arc of Paul Atreides.

Attack on Titan did that with Eren Yeager and you could understand the transformation of this protagonist throughout the story. But in this movie, Paul just changes suddenly toward the end of the movie and the movie does a poor job of justifying that. Instead of giving more time to flesh out this plot point and show what happened and show a gradual change in Paul, we are mostly shown cool visual effects and unimportant scenes with the villains that do nothing to help these antagonists become more than cartoonishly evil one-dimensional characters.

And I understand that Attack on Titan is a long anime/manga and definitely had a lot more time to make you care about its characters compared to two movies that are only over 2 hours. And I also understand that Dune is apparently a really difficult book to adapt to a visual medium, and that it's a miracle these two movies even turned out as decent as they did. But like I said, LOTR already proved that you can have the cool visuals, but also have the depth, good storytelling, and great characterization in your movie too.

Denis Villeneuve has said that he made Dune for himself, fulfilling his childhood wish. And as nice of a sentiment that sounds, that is the problem with Dune. It's made for himself and those who already know this story. It's not made for someone who wants to get to know this world and characters for the first time via the movies.

And like I said, it's not only the protagonists that suffer from a lack of good characterization so the audience can have an emotional connection to them. The villains even lack more. The introduction of Feyd-Rautha and the gladiator arena scene are definitely some of the most unique and iconic scenes in any movie I've ever seen. It shows you that "yeah, this guy doesn't eff around and is different" very well. But what happens after that? He just becomes another "bad guy who eats an apple with a knife and randomly kills his own henchmen because they said hello to him". Not to mention they don't show what he does differently than Rabban that makes him better and more dangerous. The only thing he does is shoot missiles at the Fremen, and Baron calls it "genius"? Really? If it was so easy, why couldn't Rabban do it before? Not to mention how disappointing Baron's character is too. You'd think he's an intimidating and powerful villain when watching the first movie, but you're gonna be unpleasantly disappointed by him in this one.

And it is sad because Villeneuve actually knows how to write good "human" characters and make the audience have an emotional connection with them. He's not Nolan. He's already shown he knows how to write good characters the audience can relate to with Incendies, Arrival, Prisoners, and many more. So I don't know if it was a deliberate choice or he was restricted from making the movie longer and had to cut a lot of scenes that fleshed out these characters more.

So I talked a lot about the negatives and I don't want to repeat myself and only talk about the problems I had with it. I still give the movie a 7 because the visuals and the music are too good to give it lower, but I could even give it a 6 because of the story.

So 7/10 is still not bad, but considering the rating and the raving, I expected more.

Like I said, the cinematography, the direction for the most part, the music, and the action are all 10/10 here and it's a quality blockbuster that more blockbusters should try to follow, but not the storytelling part though.

The movie is enjoyable and I didn't really find it boring, though some scenes could've been cut out or dedicated to better flesh out the story and characters. But it's a decent continuation of the first film.

When the movie came out and received all the great reviews and ratings, I kept seeing some people saying they liked the first Dune better and I was really confused about how they could like the first movie more if everyone was saying this one is a masterpiece and better in every way. But after finally watching it myself, I can honestly say that I enjoyed the first Dune more too, and I can't believe I liked this one less. Don't get me wrong, the first Dune also greatly suffers from characterization and better storytelling, but it was still a more coherent story than this film's.

Overall, it's not a bad movie, but massively disappointed me, especially after seeing the great ratings and reviews it received. It's a movie that's mainly made for the people who've already read the books and know these characters, and they can enjoy these movies more than your average movie-watcher who isn't familiar with this story and characters. I have the same emotional connection to these characters as I did before knowing them for the first time. 10/10 visuals and action, 6/10 storytelling and characterization.
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Fallout (2024– )
Another Gem From Jonathan Nolan
12 April 2024
First of all, I did not expect this show to be this gory and gruesome! I mean, with how brutal the world of this show is, it makes sense for it to be this gory, and PG-13 just wouldn't be as realistic. If it had more gory and bloody scenes, I would think I was watching a body horror instead of post-apocalyptic sci-fi.

And I'm not saying that as a negative, exactly the opposite actually. I just didn't expect it to go as far as it did and I'm glad because boy do those scenes look good.

So as kind of a Jonathan Nolan fanboy because of Person of Interest and the first season of Westworld, I had no doubt this show would be good. But it actually surpassed even my expectations as to how engaging and well-written this was.

I honestly hate that TV shows nowadays only have 8 episodes per season and you have to wait 2 to 3 years till the next one comes out, and you will have already lost all interest or don't remember anything by the time the next season is out. But thankfully, the writers here managed to not only tell a somewhat full story in these 8 episodes but the finale wasn't rushed like every other new show with under 9 episodes.

Nearly every episode is an hour, so you'll get enough time to get introduced to the characters, the story, and the world. And they do a phenomenal job with the world-building.

From the very first episode, you immediately get thrown into this world and you'll get so immersed in it that you don't want to even get up to go to the bathroom. And yeah, of course, I just binged the whole show for 9 hours straight!

The storytelling here is great. The hero's journey and what she goes through is really well done. This isn't one of those situations where the protagonist has plot armor and nothing bad ever happens to her. She actually goes through some sht here and the character development here is great. Lucy from episode 8 is nothing like episode 1 Lucy.

The show is also a great adventure show too. The journey of the protagonist(s) throughout the show is great as they get thrown into these post-apocalyptic and weird survival situations that they have to find a way to get out of. And they are all engaging and you just can't wait to immediately watch the next episode when you finish one.

The visuals are amazing here. The production value here is top-notch and they build a really believable world that feels lived in with a great variety of characters.

This show might not be as deep and philosophical as season 1 of Westworld, but if they keep up the quality writing and don't do another Westworld season 2 to 4, this might end up being even better than that.

And sure, the villains' motivation here is a bit cartoonishly evil, but I think it kinda makes sense in the context of this world.

The storytelling here is great. Flashbacks are kind of Nolan's forte when it comes to storytelling and Fallout is no exception. They give us more character backstory and world-building through these little flashbacks, and they have the intrigue of Vault 31 that keeps you guessing till the last episode waiting for the revelation. They know how to keep the audience engaged and not reveal everything in episode 1 so there wouldn't be any mystery or intrigue to keep the audience invested in the story.

And like I said, the protagonist here is great. She goes through some pretty gruesome stuff in her journey through the wastelands and has moral conflicts about the situations she gets into. That's how a great protagonist should be. A relatable and likable hero that gets changed by her journey and evolves.

And yeah, the overall story isn't the most original one or one that you can't predict its clichés or anything. But when it's well done and well incorporated into the context of the story and the world, who cares if there are some clichés here and there? After all, you can't have a story without clichés.

And I almost forgot to mention how funny the little bits of comedy they threw in here are. It's not cringey Marvel level of jokes and comedy bits that ruin the tension or the serious scenes, it's actual funny moments that happen in the context of the story that are just well-done and well-placed.

So overall, this is one of the best, most well-made, and most engaging recent shows I've watched, or even all the shows in general. And also, not to mention that it is another great adaptation of a video game. I might even like this more than The Last of Us show honestly.

So here's hoping the next season doesn't take 3 years to make, and also doesn't end up like the rest of Westworld.
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The Sinner (2017–2021)
One of the Most Excruciating and Painful Shows to Sit Through
12 April 2024
I have a lot to say about this show and how painful it was to actually sit through and watch all of it. But I try to be as brief as possible and not waste any more of my time on this show.

First of all, it must've taken me 4 or 5 months to actually finish this show. It took me nearly 2 months to watch season 3. For comparison, I finished Mr. Robot in under a month.

Secondly, the main character of this show, Detective Ambrose is one of the dumbest, most frustrating, and unlikable protagonists of any show I've watched. I honestly couldn't wait for this show to end so I could never have to endure his awkward interactions with everybody in his life ever again. Not to mention how annoyingly he grins and smiles all the time in every interaction and in any mood whatsoever. I thought maybe he would get better as the show proceeded, but his demeanor did not change at all. So there is that, the only constant in an anthology show, and he's unlikable and hard to watch.

The writing of this show is just laughably bad and cringey at most times.

Many say the first season is the best one and that it's actually good, and I guess you could say it's the best when season 3 was that abominable. But I didn't even like season 1 that much either. I could sense how shallow the writing is from the very first season, and it was obvious they tried to act like their writing was so deep and dark but it felt more like an edgy 14-year-old wrote it. And then they went and made that third season? Ooh boy.

If it wasn't for season 4, I would've given this show an even lower rating. Season 4 was surprisingly not bad at all and I was actually invested in the plot and the characters, to my own disbelief and surprise!

So season 4 is the saving grace of this show honestly. After the horrible season 3 (which I think the average of my episodic rating of that season was 3.6/10!), I'm glad they actually made a decent season and they didn't end the show with that awful third season.

Season 1 starts out with some pretty interesting stuff, but gets really mediocre and meandering in the middle. It just drags on and on for no reason other than to stretch the story to 8 episodes. But I think the ending was decent enough. The story drags for no reason and they could've solved the whole thing a lot sooner. But overall, season 1 is a decent watch but still made me want to drop the whole show and not watch the rest of it.

The only reason I decided to continue watching it was because of Carrie Coon in season 2. And wouldn't you know it, they made her the most annoying and frustrating character in that season! Season 2 was honestly infuriating to go through.

But nothing compares to the farce that was season 3. You can't believe how many bad decisions the detective and other characters make in that season. And the cringey pseudo-intellectual story of it was like it was written by an edgy teenager who just discovered Nietzsche and read some philosophy book for the first time in his life. I cannot emphasize enough how cringey and hard-to-watch those season's "deep" and "intellectual" scenes were to sit through.

Season 3 can honestly be used as a real method of torture. Alex was actually watching The Sinner season 3 in that scene of A Clockwork Orange!

Couple that with the worst writing of the whole show with characters making the worst decisions ever, and the story not having the potential of being 8 episodes, and the fact that there is no intrigue and no mystery to the story. And you'll understand why it took me 2 months to finish that season.

Now season 4 is another story. I actually binge-watched season 4's first 6 episodes in one day and finished it by binging the last 2 episodes the next day. Now the circumstances of me watching this season were different because I had no internet and all I could do was watch a show. So that's what I did and my God I couldn't believe my eyes. A The Sinner season that I actually want to willingly sit through, and am invested in the story? A season where there are very few bad decisions made by Detective Ambrose? Where the main characters aren't annoying like the last 3 seasons?

Anyway, I'd say I wouldn't recommend this show to my worst enemy, because that's how bad it is, but then again, I actually didn't hate season 4, so there is that too.

But overall, I really wouldn't recommend this show to anyone at all. Even seasons 1 and 4 which weren't that bad. But even if you're going to watch it anyway, just remember not to expect an actual well-written detective show or even a well-acted one. The pacing is also sluggish and the stories don't deserve 8 episodes, so it's gonna be a lot of borefests to go through. Watch it at your own discretion!
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Curb Your Enthusiasm: No Lessons Learned (2024)
Season 12, Episode 10
A Hilarous End to a Disappointing Final Season
8 April 2024
Even though apart from episode 3 of this season I didn't really think other episodes were par for the course with the first 9 or 10 seasons, I actually enjoyed this episode a lot.

And of course, this finale is full of member berries and "remember this?", but this episode also has its own plotlines that affect the final outcome and I think this episode is really funny from start to finish.

Seinfeld has been mentioned a lot throughout this final season, and even though I haven't seen it yet, you can really tell what its finale might have been and why it's considered bad. Since I haven't watched that show, I can't really comment on the references and how this show ended and all that.

But I'm personally satisfied with how they wrapped everything up here and did some flashbacks to a time when this show was the peak of hilariousness.

Something that kinda disappointed me was that I was kinda expecting a final scene where everything comes together as the result of a hilarious misunderstanding or something like that final restaurant scene where everyone was cursing. But we got a generic one instead. Nevertheless, it was still funny.

I wish the role of Cynthia was a lot bigger because I expected bigger consequences from that plotline, but oh well.

I don't really remember the old season of Curb that well since I watched them a long time ago, and I haven't even watched Seinfeld yet. So don't think I'm giving it a high rating out of nostalgia and the references. I genuinely think this episode was funny (still not as funny as the first 9 seasons), and yeah, some of the funny stuff were the references to the funnier flashbacks, but this episode had new funny stuff and hilarious lines of dialogue too.

So overall, this is definitely the funniest episode of this underwhelming final season (I gave it an 8 at first but then I realized I gave ep 3 a 9, and this is better, so...) and a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good finale to the show as a whole.

This show is still my favorite comedy show I've ever seen (even after watching Always Sunny recently) despite the last two seasons, especially the final season, not being even close to the funniness and the genius of the first 10 seasons.

Definitely watch this show if you haven't because it's one of the funniest shows ever, and don't let the low ratings of the last two seasons dissuade you from starting it, because the finale wraps up everything pretty, pretty, pretty good and it's worth finishing it.
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Invincible: I Thought You Were Stronger (2024)
Season 2, Episode 8
What a Villain!
4 April 2024
Talk about making an incredibly memorable, brutal, and complex villain!

At first, at the beginning of the season, I was iffy about introducing the multiverse in yet another fictional universe, but what they did with the villain and his powers here is amazing. I was also complaining about how little we saw of Angstrom Levy throughout the season, but I think with this resolution, it might've been enough.

Basically, the first half of this episode does the heavy lifting for Angstrom Levy's characterization and turns him into an unforgettable and powerful villain. I wish they did the same for that lion dude in the first season. I don't know why he wasn't a bigger part and hasn't come back yet.

But anyway, the multiverse stuff are handled pretty well here, and apart from some (literally) Marvel-level references and nods to other media, that were few and funny enough to not have a problem with them, they did a great job with the whole thing.

Angstrom Levy is what a well-written and impactful villain should be. He's not necessarily evil nor are his intentions inherently evil, he's the evil that our hero directly or indirectly and inadvertently created, and now he does evil things to do what's necessary for his good intentions (at least in his own mind).

He's a villain who will challenge the hero physically and mentally. He's a villain who'll have a long-lasting impact on the hero and will change him forever.

This episode and what Angstrom Levy does to Mark Grayson is a character-defining moment for Invincible, and I think it's just one of many that will come. Angstrol's actions and their consequences send Mark into an existential crisis and an introspection journey.

So even though Angstrom Levy's screen time in this season was short and I usually hate it when movies or shows (especially comic books) only show the villain in the beginning and we don't see them until the final conflict and basically don't get to really know them, I love what they did with Levy here and I can turn a blind eye to how little we see of him here. It was worth it honestly.

Angstrom is a villain we can totally see where he's coming from and sympathize with him a little, but also can see he is obviously evil and revenge has blinded him. They create such a deep and complex character in a short amount of time and it's really great. I wouldn't even consider him a villain villain, to be honest, he's more like an anti-villain to me.

So this a lesson in writing, especially for comic book writers and especially the comic book movies we've been getting these past couple of years. Make your villains matter. If your antagonist doesn't change your hero and doesn't change his worldview and your hero still feels the same after encountering them, what's the point? Watch this episode and see how to do a good villain who'll leave his mark and is impactful as hell.

And they don't even have your typical Batman vs Joker interrogation or Daredevil vs The Punisher rooftop dialogue scenes where they challenge each other's methods and worldview. This is a more punchy punchy and less talky version of that, but it's still as impactful.

So overall this is a really great finale and the definitely best episode of the season. In this review focused purely on the first half of the episode and how good the villain was, I usually talk about all the stuff that happened, but the first half was so good that I don't even want to talk about anything else. The second half is about the aftermath and although it was also pretty good, as a whole, the finale wasn't really a 10/10 at least for me. I don't think I gave any episode of this season a full 10/10 rating unlike multiple 10s I gave to season 1. But that doesn't mean it wasn't good, just not as back to back surprises and brutality as the first season.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm: Ken/Kendra (2024)
Season 12, Episode 9
Probably the Worst Season of Curb Yet
2 April 2024
So Curb Your Enthusiasm is my favorite comedy show. Even after watching The Office and Always Sunny, it's still the best one for me and if I had to choose only one show to watch for the rest of my life, it would probably be this.

So the show till at least season 9 or 10 (I still loved 10) was a masterpiece and on par with the show's peak. But season 11 and 12 are just not it. And I don't think I've seen so many meh and mid episodes in any seasons before, not even the previous one!

Not only the situations they've written for this season are not as funny and genius as the early seasons and those iconic episodes, everything feels fake and lazy. And I get it, "Weel, obviously it's a TV show so it's scripted!". Well, yeah. But Curb was at its best when they just outlined what the scene was gonna be about and the actors just went with the flow and improvised every line of dialogue. This season just feels phony and forced and just not as funny.

I chuckled at some of the stuff in this episode, but they weren't as laugh out loud funny like it used to be. I only rated episode 3 of this season highly, and everything before and after that have been meh. I think the overall rating of this season from the episodes for me has been a 6, even considering I gave episode 3 a 9/10. A 6/10 season is a pretty sad rating for a 10/10 show that I deem my favorite comedy ever.

Not to mention them using the same voiced lines again and again when Larry's mouth isn't even moving and adding lines in edit after they shoot the scenes. It's so obvious and forced. Curb was funny when it didn't feel so overly edited and scripted.

As for the episode itself, like I said, there are some funny lines here and there, but the situational comedy isn't really there. The amount of chaos Larry would create at the end of each episode back then were funny because how unexpected and ridiculous they were. Now, you won't even remember half the plotlines or the ending an hour after watching the episode.

It's just such a shame. Curb is still my favorite comedy, I'll have to rewatch to confirm that this is in fact the funniest show compared to Always Sunny at least. But it's just sad seeing such a genuinely funny show with genius writing and iconic ending scenes, end with such a letdown of a final season.

Don't get me wrong, this episode isn't unwatchable or totally unfunny or anything, it's just not like it used to be and doesn't feel as natural.

Also, what a waste of Jackie Daytona. Daytona would've been an iconic character of Curb if he was in previous seasons.
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Surprisingly Not That Bad
31 March 2024
When I first saw "Scott Gimple" credited as the showrunner and writer of this show, it immediately turned any interest or hype I had way down.

But I'm glad I am able to say that the show is actually pretty good, but still not that great.

One thing you have to keep in mind when going into this show, is that this show is a Rick and Michonne romance show first and an action zombie show second.

And I gotta say, at least for episodes 3 and 4 they do an absolutely great job with the dialogue and romance, and episode 4 is the only episode I gave a 10/10 in this series and that episode was mostly dialogue scenes. They do a surprisingly good job of having an entire episode be mostly dialogue and focused on Rick and Michonne hashing things out for an entire episode in a small room. It's hard to make these kind of scenes interesting and not boring, and they do a good job with it.

The acting here especially from Danai Gurira is great. Her reactions are way too good and the emotion she conveys without saying a word is powerful.

Another surprising thing about the show is how emotional they make the story and Rick's character, by including a character I thought they forgot (which I will not name) in a way that made the show instantly more likable to me. The way they incorporate that character into Rick's motives and the story is great.

The action is pretty good too and the production value and the budget feel 10 times bigger than 5 seasons of The Walking Dead combined. And I ain't complaining because it's visually stunning and the CGI looks great.

One major problem with this series and these kinds of 6-episode format mini-series in general, is how little everything is established and developed, and how rushed the whole thing, especially the finale feels. Thankfully, the finale isn't as rushed as I thought it was gonna be, but the story and the characters do still seem a bit underdeveloped.

The biggest thing here was the CRM. Other than a big exposition dump in the finale and some crumbs of information throughout the first few episodes, we didn't really get to see how they work. They don't really get into the lore of how this came to be, how they have so much technology, and they didn't really give Thorne or Beale proper characterization and they're pretty much forgettable. Don't get me wrong, they do have a couple of these little "show don't tell" moments that explain for example how they're producing electricity. But my point is that the CRM doesn't have a character here. You don't really feel their presence and how powerful they are in this show. The show focuses more on the romance than diving into developing CRM.

Another thing is that after the fantastic episode 4, it becomes way too melodramatic and the romance scenes become a bit cringey. I don't know if Danai Gurira's writing in episode 4 had anything to do with how natural and not cringey the romance was in episode 4. But it's way too soap opera and melodramatic in 5 and 6. I don't mind romance scenes, like I said, episode 4 is all melodrama and soap opera, but it's so well-written that I didn't really a complaint about it. But the stuff in the later episode is written way too heavy-handed and cringey and laughable.

And since the show only has 6 episodes, like I said they don't have the time to establish the villain and the CRM, and they inevitably have to rush the ending. And that leads to how easily Rick and Michonne dealt with the CRM in the finale. It's like the writers wanted to wrap everything up so quickly and be done with the story.

Ultimately, characters like Thorne and Beale never get to the same level as other characters and villains we've had in 11 seasons of The Walking Dead, even though I thought the motive for the villain was pretty good. But because we spent so few moments with them, they don't really become as iconic or memorable and are easily forgettable.

So I think I pretty much talked about everything I liked and disliked about this series, I might have missed some that I mentioned in my episodic reviews, but this is the gist of it.

So in conclusion, this show isn't a masterpiece, but it's surprisingly not bad either. It has some memorable and powerful moments and episode 4 alone makes this show a must-watch, and the show definitely is worth a watch. It is surprisingly emotional even for someone like me who doesn't really care about the TWD universe anymore and didn't even watch the other two spin-offs. The emotional stuff hit really hard and they're really well-written.

There are some meh stuff here and there, but I can't say didn't enjoy pretty much every episode, and some more than others. I wouldn't say this is as good as TWD's peak (Seasons 1 to 6), but it's up there.

So overall, it's a really well-made, well-written for the most parts, visually good-looking, well-acted, and enjoyable mini-series that is definitely worth checking out.
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Not Bad and Rushed as I Anticipated, but Not "Masterpiece" Great Either
31 March 2024
This finale was surprisingly good and was a nice although a bit rushed and "too easy" conclusion for Rick and Michonne's mini-series.

I am satisfied with how this finale wrapped things up, even though there were parts that didn't really sit well with me.

First the goods: We finally get the Echelon Briefing after all the teasing throughout the season, and I gotta say, I'm not disappointed with the briefing at all. I think they gave a logical and reasonable motive to Beale. Someone said he's just the villain for the sake of being the villain, but I don't think his reasons are any less complicated and nuanced than other famous villains of TWD's peak. Sure, they didn't really dive into his character, like at all, till this episode. But for me at least, I think don't he's that cartoonishly evil of a villain.

The ending is really emotional and for a second I thought they didn't actually hire the actress for some reason and it would've been disastrous, but thankfully they brought her back.

Overall it's an enjoyable finale that I can't really be mad at that much as it was a somewhat satisfying conclusion to the series. I can't really think of other positives since I just finished the episode. But I liked the finale.

Now to the parts I didn't really find to be that well done: It is after all rushed a bit since they need to establish Beale, give us the Briefing, and end the story in the same episode. Nevertheless, it is rushed, but it's not D+ MCU finale rushed!

I thought the fight scenes were well done but unremarkable, and they ended way too soon. Though the elevator one was pretty good, especially the ending. And I know these two are just killing machines at this point, but I think everything went way too easy for them in this episode.

The way they defeat CRM is way too easy and it's weird how there are zero guards or troopers in that tent. You'd think at least one would be standing outside of the tent maybe? The way they write these scenes is to just end the story as soon as possible. They threw the obstacles in the scenes before so they wouldn't have to give logical reasons as to why such an important tent would be so empty.

They didn't really explain how the Civic Republic gained the knowledge of what CRM was doing. I guess they found documents and stuff somewhere else, but felt way too quick like they fast-forwarded so we could move on from the CRM storyline quickly.

There are a couple of laughably cringey lines about love in here that I don't know how they wrote them with a straight face. I always hate this "love is good and saves us all" and all that stuff in the finale of movies and shows. Especially when they're written this way. So I couldn't help to laugh at the dialogue between Thorne and Michonne.

It's way too melodramatic and soap opera-y. They did a good job with the romance in episode 4, but after that, all the romance feels way too melodramatic and cringey.

Overall, it's a pretty good finale but a perfect one. It's not too rushed or bad-written to make you mad, it's just a fine ending that's on par with the rest of the show.
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Invincible: I'm Not Going Anywhere (2024)
Season 2, Episode 7
Pretty Good
28 March 2024
Most of the episode is still spent on Mark and Amber's relationship status just like the last episode, but I like the development here better even though it's weird to me they still didn't decide to give it a conclusion. I just hope they get over with it fast in the finale and not take up 60% of the runtime giving us another soap opera about these two teenagers.

Unlike a couple of other people here who apparently still hate Amber, I got over the Amber hate when season 2 started and they made her more reasonable and likable. And this episode is like the least you can hate her for anything she does or says. I understand not liking the way the writers are dragging this breakup thing, I don't like it either, but I just don't get how you can still hate her?

The only thing I didn't like about it was them not breaking up here. Like we get it, it was nice to include Amber in this situation too to make it more impactful. I like what they did, or they're still doing, with how Mark and Amber will eventually grow apart despite not wanting to. But not ending it here and dragging it into the finale is weird to me. I guess they want to give it a conclusion in the finale so we'd have a pretty solid finale with a lot of conclusions and new beginnings, so whatever. I just hope they don't drag it into the next season too.

Another thing that has been a disappointment to me this season is Angstrom. We only had half an episode worth of character development from him and he didn't show up for like 4 episodes and then occasionally showed up as the final scene of the episode twist or in the post-credit scenes. They made him out to be more important than he has been in this season. If they conclude his story in the finale I would be super pissed and disappointed, to be honest, but I doubt they'd do that.

One thing this season feels lacking is direction I think. Because in season 1, you knew what the season was leading toward and the overall story arc of the season was somewhat obvious. In season 2, I'm not sure what the big picture still is after 7 episodes. Mark and Amber's relationship status feels more like this season's overall storyline than anything else honestly. We haven't seen much from Angstrom after the first episode, nor have we seen much from Allen the Alien or Omni-Man that much either. So for me at least, this whole season kinda feels like half a season to me than an actual season. Not saying not knowing what's gonna happen and the unpredictability is bad or anything, I'm saying I'm not sure what the goal is here exactly.

Aside from all the ranting about things I didn't care for in this episode or the season, this episode is actually pretty great. Wouldn't've given it an 8 if it wasn't. The stuff with Donald is pretty good in my opinion, and I like how they make even the side characters or the minor characters you thought were unimportant in season 1 feel important and they have their own character arcs.

The last 15 minutes is pretty great too and the show still has the power to surprise you and make some pretty intense scenes where you don't know what's gonna happen next. Though I kinda expected the fight scenes to be more brutal than they were, they were still good. The episode is pretty good but I feel like the first season's 7th episode was way more intense and edge-of-your-seat. Not sure if it's fair to compare each and every episode and every little detail to the previous season, and I definitely don't want them to redo and repeat everything they did with that season, but this episode wasn't as impactful as the last season's.

Also, where the hell is Damien Darkblood? I thought he would be a way bigger character than he was. He was one of the coolest characters in this show and I'm not sure if they will even bring him back, like at all. It's a shame because I thought he was gonna be the one who first found out about Omni-Man (I don't remember if he actually did), and I think they did my boy Demon Detective dirty.

Overall, this episode is pretty good and has the usual intense last 10 minutes and endings you've come to expect from this show, but it still has some disappointing elements to it and we'll have to wait and see if they stick the landing like the last time or not.
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The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Become (2024)
Season 1, Episode 5
Could Not Care Less About Jadis
25 March 2024
First of all, the melodrama and the romance in this show are becoming way too goofy and bordering on being a soap opera. The last episode was the best episode, and I assume the finale won't top that either. But that episode knew how to do romance without it being goofy and cringey. This episode however, I don't know, I feel like it's too much.

Now the main focus of this episode is Jadis and the writers try their hardest to make us care about her and have sympathy for her. My question is, does anyone actually care though? As far as I remember, Jadis has been an obnoxious character with a bad haircut, and no amount of flashbacks, exposition, and sad music can make me feel sad for this character. Now some people might actually care now that they did some flashbacks in this episode, and with her speeches. But I would be shocked if anyone even thought her arc would go like this and even cared about her before this episode.

Not that focusing the episode on her was bad or wrong or anything that I gave a lower rating, I'll get into that later. I'm just not sure why the writers decided to do this. Though I understand that it's nice to have a villain with good motivation who thinks is doing the right thing. But the thing is, that she knew every step of the way that she wasn't really on the righteous side or doing a moral thing.

Nevertheless, I don't really have a problem with the writers trying to humanize her and give her some time to shine since she's one of the really old characters from the main show. I just think they went overboard with all the "And then she tells a sad story and we play sad music over it". The flashbacks with the you know who character (trying not to spoil) also did nothing for me. My opinion about Jadis is the same after watching this episode as it was before it, the only that changed was "Oh, I guess now we know why she did what she did."

I understand what they tried to do with this episode. Some shows do this where they dedicate an episode to someone you (most of the time) hated, and show you the other side of that character and show how tragic their past was and you change your mind about them, and it's kind of a nice twist where a hated character becomes tragic and beloved. This was not it. The last episode was phenomenally written. Everything worked perfectly and you actually cared about everything that happened there and the romance worked. This episode? Not so much.

Apart from that, like I said, the last episode did a good job of the romance stuff. But this episode just made the romance so goofy and over the top and unrealistic. It's like I'm not even watching a zombie show anymore.

All that aside, my biggest problem is that we're basically 80% or something in, and we still don't know about the CRM, and Beale hasn't had a proper characterization other than a cliché one-dimensional military general character. They're supposed to be the big baddie of this show, and we're already gonna wrap their story up in just one episode when we haven't even seen anything of them yet? Thorne's character is also underdeveloped and I'm actually not sure how they're gonna pull off this story if not by rushing everything in the last episode just like every other 6-episode mini-series we've had in the past couple of years from Disney Plus for example.

It doesn't feel like there's only one episode left. With the way the story moves, it feels like it's at least an 8-episode show and we still have 3 more episodes left. The pacing of the story in the first 3 episodes felt like your regular 16-episode season of The Walking Dead. So I'm not really sure how they're gonna wrap up a story that's only begun in just one episode with no other seasons.

Also, this episode felt like it had a lesser budget because of the tight locations they had, not much CGI, and not too many characters. I guess they blew all the budget on those helicopter shots and CGI stuff from the first 3 episodes. Not that I'm complaining though or that the episode looked bad, it's just an observation.

So overall this episode is not bad in any way, but still not on par with the writing of the previous episode, and I'm not sure how this story is gonna be wrapped. Hopefully not rushed and disappointing.
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Invincible: It's Not That Simple (2024)
Season 2, Episode 6
Good, But...
21 March 2024
This is a pretty decent episode and the lesser of the two new episodes of this second part of season 2. But why does the stuff with Mark and Amber feel like should've been in episode 4 or 5? Especially when there are only 2 episodes left and God knows how long we have to wait for the next seasons.

Am I wrong for thinking it's weird that 80% of the episode feels like something that would've been in the middle of the season of any other show, and the important scenes of the main story feel like post-credit scenes. Not just this episode, but a lot of episodes this season.

Don't get me wrong, I like seeing Mark finally moving on from Amber, they're setting that up and I'm glad. And they're doing a good job of showing they're both being adult about it, especially funny with Amber with all the nonsense she pulled last season. But it feels like a lot of the runtime is dedicated to this storyline, and I'm sure most people aren't gonna vibe with that much. They do a good job of editing the scenes together to make it more engaging, but I think they should've condensed it a little.

It threw off the pacing of the story. Not asking for more action, we already got a lot of brutal action in these past two episodes. I'm just asking for the plot to move a little bit more than this.

The pacing of the storytelling of this show is really weird. They introduce so many new villains and characters in one episode and kill them in the next or forget about them and then show them again 3 episodes later that makes it overwhelming with how many plotlines are happening at the same time.

I appreciate how this show handles its characters though. Like they introduce a group of goofy characters you think are gonna be a walk in the park for the Guardians of the Globe, and next thing you know they absolutely annihilate the Guardians and they may even die in the process themselves. So I like the unpredictability of this show and how it handles its bad guys. They're not your typical villain of the week. You don't know if this villain is gonna instantly die, or if he is gonna kill one of the main characters and become a regular villain, or maybe kill someone and die himself too.

The problem I have is just how many characters and storylines are set up in every episode. It's all too overwhelming. And with how important this show makes each and every character feel, even the characters you thought were one-offs and nothing, and they dedicate a good amount of time to every one of them, it makes you wonder why this show isn't 1-hour per episode if there are so many characters and so much story to tell. And why the hell do these seasons only have 8 episodes?

Like I said, I appreciate the fact that this show makes even the minor characters feel important and has character arcs and storylines for them, this show is unique in that way, and also shows how brutal and savage this world is that even the villains of the week can do real damage to our "protagonists". But at the same time, it's just too much. Too many characters are introduced and too many storylines are moving at the same time.

So, all in all, I think I repeated myself a lot here, so I won't say more, except that it's a decent episode that shouldn't've been put as the second to penultimate episode. With this pacing, I'm not sure if they can wrap up any storyline before season 8 or something.
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Very Much Needed Episode
20 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So after 3 episodes of Rick and Michonne trying not to give away their prior knowledge of each other and their relationship, and exchanging as little information as possible, we finally get this very needed episode of them hashing things out and finally talking.

I was already thinking this show wasn't really up to par with all the military and new world order nonsense we still don't know much about. But the episode solidified this mini-series for me as it showed me that surprisingly, the writers actually care about these characters, and they actually made me care about them again.

Though I will never forgive Scott M. Gimple for how what he did to Carl, and those awful 7 and 8 seasons he wrote, I actually appreciate him somewhat redeeming himself with what he did with this episode. Not only he made me care about Rick and Michonne and their romance again, but he also made this episode very personal and surprisingly emotional by incorporating Carl into the story, in a good way, which kinda makes what they did with Carl worth a little, if not just for Rick to break down talking about him. Though I am still made, after all these years, about what they did to Carl.

I wasn't really emotional in this episode until they mentioned Carl and left me broken. I'm not sure why I still get so emotional about Carl after all these years, to be honest. I don't even remember much of The Walking Dead in the later seasons, let alone the seasons when Carl was still there.

One thing I mentioned and ranted about a little in my review of the first episode of this show, was how Rick (or rather the writers) seemed to have forgotten about Judith and Carl altogether. Was really annoyed how only dreams or thinks about Michonne and the writers don't care about Judith at all.

But the way they actually address this issue and incorporate it into the story and characterization of the newly developed Rick Grimes is so good that it totally nullifies my gripe with that aspect of the first episode.

Apart from that, for some reason, this episode's structure and location remind me of the masterpiece episode "407 Proxy Authentication Required" from Mr. Robot, my favorite show ever. And I was actually surprised how many action scenes were here as I thought it was gonna be a whole episode of Michonne and Rick arguing in that apartment.

Although this episode could've done more with better more interesting cinematography, just like Mr. Robot's episode, I still think they did a good job with the blocking and keeping the dialogue scenes interesting and engaging throughout the whole episode. This is a really hard thing to do with these kinds of scenes and episodes, but surprisingly, they actually did it. I say surprisingly because later Walking Dead had action scenes less engaging and more boring than the dialogue scenes in this episode. So I'm surprised they upped their game and actually delivered a top-notch dialogue-heavy episode that got better as it progressed.

Though for at least the first half of the episode, the dialogue feels repetitive and it doesn't seem to go anywhere since they kinda repeat their arguments they already said 10 minutes ago, but after that and a couple of action scenes, it gets way better.

And the crescendo of the episode is when Carl is mentioned and suddenly someone teleported next to me chopping onions for no reason. It all makes sense and it's worth it when we finally get to know why Rick is behaving this way.

I haven't been engaged in Walking Dead characters and laughing and crying with them in so long honestly. They actually made me care about these characters again, which is all that matters.

Though obviously this couldn't've been achieved without The Walking Dead backing up most of the emotional weight and characterization. What I'm trying to say is, that this isn't like Better Call Saul making us care about Kim and Jimmy's romance, The Ones Who Live can't stand on its own without prior knowledge of The Walking Dead, unlike Better Call Saul.

But I guess you can't really do what 6 seasons of a 13-episode TV show did, in 6 episodes. Which brings me to a concern I have now about this show. With only 2 episodes left of this "limited series", meaning there will probably not be more seasons, I wonder how they're gonna wrap the CRM storyline in just 2 episodes?

We still don't know what the "grand design" of these military heads is or know about any of them, nor do they have proper characterization except for a couple of brief scenes with the main general. So they haven't even introduced these yet, yet we only have 2 episodes left to wrap the story. This reminds me of every single Disney Plus show (except Andor), Star Wars and Marvel, which also only have 6 episodes and basically, nothing happens until the last 2 episodes, then they rush the story in a pathetic 30-minute finale. I'm just hoping they actually have a plan with the story and aren't gonna leave it half-baked or rushed.

Another minor gripe I had with this episode, is that it feels like Andrew Lincoln is phoning in his Rick performance. It almost feels like someone else is playing this character and is trying their hardest to imitate Rick Grimes and his accent. It's mostly the accent though. I feel like Andrew Lincoln took a break from the show and kinda forgot how to naturally talk in Rick's Southern accent and feels really forced and weird now. Other than that, his performance in this episode is great though, and Danai Gurira has always been great too, it's just the accent that felt weird to me.

Anyway, I talked a lot even though I didn't want to write a long review. But overall, this episode was surprisingly really great had everything this show needed to solidify Rick and Michonne's relationship and romance again, and make us care about them again. Surprisingly action-packed and emotional too. (They also made a realistically intense zombie scene that didn't feel forced or have its characters struggle to kill a bunch of zombies in an unrealistic manner.)
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Curb Your Enthusiasm: Fish Stuck (2024)
Season 12, Episode 5
Weakest of the Season and Probably the Whole Show
4 March 2024
In contrast to the last two episodes we've had, this wasn't nearly as funny and it was overall meh. I only laughed like two or three times in total. That's really bad for a 40-minute episode, especially from my favorite comedy ever where I die from laughter every other episode.

I've noticed that usually the longer the episodes are, the more scripted and unfunnier they get. The funniest scene for me was Minnie putting her hand over her mouth, but that's about it, and the other two or three times I laughed was from Larry David yelling and swearing, which shouldn't be the only funny thing that happens in the show.

The plotlines just weren't as interesting or clever either. I thought that Minnie was gonna steal the script and become famous herself, but it didn't happen. I was also surprised they didn't connect Minnie to Leon's Tinkerbell fetish because I was sure that was gonna happen, but didn't.

And even though in the way of old Curb everything came together at the end and they all got connected, it was still underwhelming and not funny, because the plotlines themselves weren't really funny.

And the way Larry's girlfriend stumbled upon Minnie was just so forced and contrived and wasn't natural at all, especially the dialogue that led them to their realization.

Overall, a very weak and forgettable episode with the least amount of laughs I can remember, at least for this season so far. Even the first episode was funnier. And the storylines aren't as clever or engaging at all and felt like a really soft PG-13 and inoffensive version of Curb.
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The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Gone (2024)
Season 1, Episode 2
3 March 2024
This episode was more engaging, with better and more likable characters, and had more emotional weight to me. Even the same scene of them reuniting was more emotional to me than the last episode's (where I didn't really care much) for some reason.

I guess seeing Michonne desperately looking for Rick in this episode and what she goes through here was presented in a better way that made me care more.

This episode is surprisingly emotional too, and yeah, maybe they were trying too hard to be emotional and did it for the sake of shock value and an artificial way of making an emotional scene. But damn if it wasn't effective. I thought it was weird that in a one-hour episode, they still decided that all we needed to see from Michonne and that couple from season 10 or 11, was the interview she had with their leader. But after what happened in this episode, I'm sure this is way more engaging than whatever they would've shown as flashbacks. And it would be hypocritical of me to demand flashbacks when they can just show their journey and develop those characters through the story and not flashback, as I have said multiple times that I don't like flashbacks that much. Although technically it was still a flashback.

One thing this episode does a great job of is giving Michonne motivation and a reason to do what she did at the end of the last episode. We all know what this episode is gonna lead to, but we don't know why and how. So I think the reason they give Michonne to hate them this much is believable and warranted, and surprisingly personal and emotional. I liked it very much. I didn't think I would care about these new characters since we don't know much about them, but they did a good job of making you care in the span of a few minutes.

I also have to mention a criticism that I had from the last episode that this episode totally debunks and I probably didn't pay attention that much, so I stand corrected about that. It was about Michonne killing everyone with masks on, but only takes the mask off when it's Rick. It's way different here and I was wrong.

All in all, I thought this episode did a surprisingly good job of setting up conflicts (with the awful haircut lady), gave a good motivation and reason to Michonne, and instead of telling us why she is gonna hate all these people, they showed us and made us care. Usually TV shows drop the ball on their second episodes and not much happens and they're boring. But at least for me, this episode was better than the first one, had less nonsensical and laughable dialogue and writing choices, and overall did a better job of making me have an emotional attachment to the characters and care about them and what they're doing.
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Poor Things (2023)
Gourgeous-Looking and Surprisingly Hilarious
28 February 2024
So I was gonna give this movie a 9/10 because as flawed and not perfect as this movie is, I still thought it was a near masterpiece and enjoyed it very much. But after a little thinking, I don't think I enjoyed the third act as much as I did with the first two, but the movie is still pretty good.

This is probably one of the funniest recent movies I've seen and I did not expect to laugh as much as I did. The dialogue and the situational comedy here are gold. Nothing new or revolutionary, but it's executed perfectly and the actors' delivery makes it so much funnier. The comedy makes it much better for rewatches and you know damn well I'll rewatch this great movie again for the comedy alone.

The visuals are delightful and I don't think I need to mention it, as many others already have. But when you see the movie, you're gonna realize you're watching a movie from a very rare species of filmmakers who isn't horrified of colors and his movie actually has color in it. I know, it's sounds crazy, but this movie has actual colors and good lighting, and doesn't have the lifeless colorless mud-filtered crap look every modern digital movie has. I honestly get shocked whenever I see a movie that doesn't look like Napoleon or Peter Pan & Wendy with toned-down colors and terrible lighting where everything is dark and you can't see anything.

Aside from all the technical and visual stuff, there is obviously the matter of the themes of the movie about female empowerment and all that, and the apparently opposing ideas people have regarding their reading of this movie.

I personally think female empowerment was definitely the focus of the writer and director here, but I don't think it's as deep or as subtle as people make it out to be, nor do I think the filmmaker is trying to be too deep here either, and it's ok for me.

The movie isn't really subtle with its ideas and themes and is pretty straightforward with its dialogue about different aspects of society and the human race in general. I don't think it's as subtle and deep as, say "The Menu" or "Triangle of Sadness". (Not that those movies were really subtle either).

I just don't think the movie is all about female empowerment and sexual exploration (which is definitely the most prominent aspect and theme of the movie), and more about everything in society. It basically criticizes everything and everyone and I don't think it has a definite stance of which side it is on, and I don't think it necessarily should be.

Take the only two movies I've seen from Thomas Vinterberg for example; The Hunt and Another Round. Both movies criticize both sides of different problems in their culture and society. But neither movie does take a side and tell you what is wrong or right and they don't take sides. They're just exploration and observation of those societal ideas and I'm fine with the movie being like this.

And I believe this movie to be the same. I don't think the movie even portrays Bella's journey to understanding humans and herself and the way the world works as something nice or fun. Even the sex scenes aren't portrayed as something hot and sexy, they're portrayed as weird, disgusting, and ugly as you can portray a sex scene in a movie.

And while I said that I was fine with the movie not being as subtle or as deep, or thematically directionless as it is, I still didn't really care for the third act and the conclusion that much. The first two acts go past so fast because they're really well-edited and well-direct, and they're really funny. But you will feel the runtime when you hit the third act and I just don't think it was as good as the beginning and the middle of the movie.

The final subplot and conflict with the husband, while adding a lot to her character and her backstory, is concluded and solved in a very predictable and cliché way. It's also shocking how she got through all that without being in any real danger or harm whatsoever, especially if you consider the era this movie is set in. Most exploitation and harm she gets are monetary and psychological, and the poor people scene in Alexandria doesn't really come back or show how it affected her at the end, it seems like she's back at being wealthy and coasting through life and becoming a doctor for wealthy people.

So overall, I enjoyed this flawed but well-made movie. It is really funny and will recommend to definitely check it out if you're not afraid of your movies being a little weird and full of furious jumpings.
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The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live: Years (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
Would Rick Grimes Actually Do That?
26 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So the episode starts with Rick cutting off his left hand and we're supposed to accept it's because he misses Michonne. I suppose the writers decided to do this to finally get their Rick to match the comic Rick. But a couple of questions come to mind.

First of all, you don't show your protagonist cutting off their hand in the beginning, even if it's a well-known character like Rick Grimes, or even if you do, you go back and show how he got to this point. We never get that in this episode. They only show how he got to the glass to the throat scene, which doesn't really work either. When a show or a movie does this, they at least show a flashback or a flashback montage of that character throughout the years and how he gradually reached this level that he would do such a thing.

The problem here is that they do none of that. Everything we see is from after the "5 Years Later" period and not before it. And we're supposed to think that Rick Grimes would do this?

The question that comes to mind is would the Rick we've known from The Walking Dead do this after all the things he's been through? He survived far worse things, he even survived a cannibalistic slaughterhouse. And now his whole plan of escaping this supposedly advanced military force is cutting off his hand and just running? That's it? He lost his hand to a two-sentence plan of "1 Cut hand off. 2 Run away."? Why does Scott M. Gimple always find the stupidest and the lamest ways for a character to lose their lives or limbs? Yeah, cutting your own hand is usually pretty badass, and the Assassin's Creed hand he gets is pretty cool too, but in the context of this show and the mediocre writing, it is the definition of lame.

Even Daryl enduring the Easy Street on repeat torture wouldn't do this to escape that hell he was in for months. But Rick Grime would do this to go back to Michonne?

Scott M. Gimple being the showrunner for this series gives me way less hope of this show actually being decent, but I can't say the entire episode was bad though because that would be ingenuine and not true. The episode is pretty entertaining and it's nice seeing some glimpses of old Rick here after all the years we've endured TWD without him. The visual effects are great too and I can see why this show was reported as having one of the network's highest budgets yet.

Now apart from the story structure which I didn't like, the dialogue is also really lame too and way too expository. This episode was the definition of tell don't show, and they expect us to care about the side characters because they tell some sad backstory of themselves. Not that telling your backstory is bad and they have to show a flashback for every minor character, but the way they do exposition here is just awful. I didn't care about any of the characters here and I certainly wouldn't've cared about Rick if I hadn't seen TWD before.

I couldn't tell if Okafor's actor was bad at acting, or if it was a miscast or the direction he was given was bad. Either way, his way of talking and acting was the goofiest and most overdramatic thing in this episode. It was like he was trying to impersonate Josh Brolin's voice. The scene of him telling his backstory and yelling had me giggling instead of the intended reaction the writer was looking for, because of how goofy he talked. Though I gotta say, even though I had a feeling he would not be a permanent character in this show, I did not expect him to go out like that. So the ending of the episode is pretty decent too.

Another thing is the dream sequences. I don't think the writer of this show has ever had a dream in his life or knows how dreams actually work. The way Rick is dreaming throughout this episode is like he's watching a new episode of a show every night, or he's pausing a movie and watching the rest time he's sleeping. I know that sometimes you can continue the same dream if you immediately go back to sleep, but these dream sequences here have the nature of flashbacks and not dreams. I think the writer mixed up the definition of flashbacks and dream sequences.

So regarding those dream sequences, they mention at the end of the episode that when Rick was a child his father set their farm ablaze and somehow got himself burned too, but he thought it was lighting at first and didn't know his dad did it so they could get a better farm and basically saved them with this act of arson. But instead of having this be the main focus of flashback and dream sequences, they decide it's better to have Rick and Michonne sit on a bench in the park and talk about pizzas and work? Really?

How impactful and great would it have been if they started the episode with the flashbacks (or dreams) of kid Rick being terrified of seeing their whole farm and house on fire, and gradually showed how much of an impact this fire had on his mind and maybe have the twist of the episode be the reveal that his fire was the one who started the fire and how this changed his whole world-view? But no, instead we get 10 minutes of mindless and pointless dream scenes of Rick and Michonne talking about things I've already forgotten about, and have this impactful event in Rick Grimes' life be this 1-minute exposition.

You see what I'm saying about the over-expository nature of dialogue in this episode?

It's also really weird that they don't really mention Judith Grimes until toward the end of the episode as if they forgot that Rick had a daughter and he only thinks and dreams and talks about Michonne.

Another thing I didn't like was how clean and digital the show looks. Which is funny because I used to think the original show looked way too grainy and dirty, and now I miss the way it used to look. New movies and shows look way too clean and crisp for their own good, especially something like a zombie show that would definitely benefit from film grain. It just looks way too clean and this kind of camera should be used for nature documentaries, not for The Walking Dead. It's like you're watching a highly-produced commercial, not a TV show.

It's also really funny how liberal they are with using the F-word when they made the actual show feel like a PG-13 movie with how scared they were to use the word in their gory zombie-killing show. These TV execs should be punished for these kinds of stupid decisions they made for the original show.

The ending is also really wack with how Michonne outright executes every other soldier but takes her time to unmask Rick and not kill him. How thoughtful of her. I was actually expecting this same thing to happen when Michonne, but I was hoping it wouldn't be this cliché and the writers wouldn't do this in 2024, but they did. I was saying under my breath "Ok, that's clearly Michonne, please don't kill everyone easily while they're masked and then unmask the plot-armored protagonist for no reason. Maybe Rick unmasks himself or it just falls off or something... Oh no, she actually unmasked him before killing him for no reason whatsoever."

It might seem I'm just complaining and went into this looking for things to complain about, but I was actually kinda excited to see Rick back and didn't even bother watching the other two spin-off shows, and was moderately disappointed with how this first episode turned out. I don't think it's the worst thing ever, and I'm actually giving it a good rating here, but it's ultimately meh, lackluster, and full of clichés.

Like I said, when the famous Scott M. Gimple who killed Carl Grimes for no reason is behind a project, my enthusiasm for that thing goes all the way down and I don't really have hope in this show's future episodes, especially after experiencing the mediocrity of the writing and the laughable dialogue of this first episode.
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Superbad (2007)
I Guess It Didn't Really Click With Me That Much
21 February 2024
So I've obviously heard a lot about this one and even tried to watch it some years ago but I didn't for some reason. But now that I finally watched it, all I can say is "that's it?"

I've seen this movie being mentioned as one of the funniest comedies ever, even saw someone say it's even funnier than Tropic Thunder which is crazy to me. Because even though I watched Tropic Thunder so many years ago that I don't even remember much from it, I still remember it having funny jokes every other minute. But this movie is more like a teen movie with occasional funny scenes.

I guess with all the talks about this movie being a masterpiece and funny af and one best comedies every, I got my hopes up expecting to watch a really funny movie on par with Jump Streets and The Hangovers and the Tropic Thunders of this genre. But it just wasn't nearly as funny as any of those. I even watched the recent Curb Your Enthusiasm episode which was only 39 minutes, but I still laughed more watching that than I did with this movie.

This type of R-rated comedy is actually my kind of humor and I find it funnier than PG-13 and family-friendly comedies. But this one just didn't work for me that much.

There were definitely some laughs here and there, but I wasn't laughing till my sides hurt or anything. I guess I probably would've found it funnier if I was younger and had watched fewer funnier comedies, but it's not like I've grown out of this kind of humor. I can bet I can still watch Jump Street or even The Hangover and find it as funny as I did years ago. Maybe I'm just taking crazy pills and don't understand what others see in this, or maybe most people watched it when it came out and it was kinda novel in this genre, but for me, it's just a better directed and funner Project X.

Apart from the comedy aspect of the film, the plot itself is kinda shallow too and there isn't much to it. Like I was surprised when I realized the whole movie was gonna be about the alcohol and the party. They try to add some emotional weight to the stories and characters, but they don't really delve into this that much for me to care about any of it. Like I don't have the emotional connection to these characters for me to care much about the aspect of the plot of them getting distanced from each other after high school. Unlike in Jump Street where it works and has an actual well-written plot and characters, or The Hangover for that matter, this movie just isn't as funny nor does it have an impressive plot for me to say "Oh, maybe the plot is good so that could make up for the lack of laughs".

I guess this would be a good choice and a really funny movie if you're just starting to watch movies, especially comedies, and you haven't seen many comedy movies yet. And maybe I should've watched it when I was gonna, and I would've found it funnier. But after seeing so many good comedy movies and especially TV shows, this one doesn't really impress me much and is kinda forgettable for me, unlike some others I already mentioned here.

But, as much as I talked about the negatives, it's not like this is the worst movie ever. It's actually funny at times and it's not a bad watch. This movie is just the quintessential 2000s comedy and kinda isn't that funny anymore, at least for me it seems. It's just that since this movie, there have been so many funnier comedies that have better stories and plot structure that make this movie feel not as funny anymore. I probably won't be rewatching this movie any time soon, or probably never for that matter. Seeing so many people say it's one of the best comedies of the past 30 years or the funniest movie ever didn't help either.

So watch it and form an opinion about it yourself, it would most definitely click with you more than it did with me, but don't go there expecting to laugh every 30 seconds or see something funnier than Tropic Thunder.
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Larry Being the Worst in the Funniest Episode of the Season Yet
20 February 2024
This episode was funnier than both previous episodes combined.

And even though the runtime and the whole feel of the episode is still scripted and not natural and improvised like the couple of first seasons, this felt so much like the good old days of Curb in many ways.

Larry David being the worst human bean in serious social situations like a funeral? Check. Larry David having beef with a puppy? Check. An iconic hilarious scene of Susie interrogating Larry and Jeff and being mad at them? Check. Entitled people demanding Larry money he doesn't owe? Check. People blaming Larry for something he didn't intend to do or didn't? Check. Leon's balls? Check.

Lots of other checks too, but these are the most Curb things from this episode that remind me of the old Curb and why I love it so much.

I'm gonna be honest, the culmination of the episode's shenanigans isn't as mindblowing or hilarious as some of the iconic endings to episodes we've gotten in the past, and I honestly didn't know where the overall plot was heading. But the sheer randomness of the events of this episode and how chaotic this whole episode was, I can forgive for the few flaws it had.

This episode was probably funnier than the entirety of season 11, though I kinda don't remember anything from that season, but the amount of times I laughed watching this episode was throw the roof.

The only thing I can say that you could completely take out from the episode and make it a good old 30-minute episode instead of the runtime being 39 minutes, is the whole woman who wants to get pregnant side plot. It didn't really add anything to the episode overall and didn't build up to anything particularly funny or clever. We're probably gonna get some continuation in the next episode maybe like Jeff's hair dye from the first episode, but I think it was just bloating this episode for no reason. Same with the Sienna Miller thing, but at least that one wasn't dragged too much and only had two short scenes, which definitely will have a continuation in the future episodes.

It's also nice to see many old faces be back on the show.

But yeah, other than these and the weak ending with Leon's scene (which I don't understand the need for this plotline at all), and the fact that they introduce all these plotlines and don't really go anywhere clever with some of them, this episode is pure Curb and hilarious from beginning to end.

Anyway, so far this is the funniest and most rewatchable episode of the season.
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