
8 Reviews
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Black Mirror: Smithereens (2019)
Season 5, Episode 2
Good but nothing special and certainly not BM worthy
1 July 2019
The acting was top notch, I will give them that. The story is very attractive and can be projected upon a lot of people these days.

BUT it simply didn't have the BM twist to it ... it's just a drama episode which was performed brilliantly but that is it . It simply doesn't have the depth and twists we got used to for the BM series. The open ending also isn't complete and didn't give me the so called closure.
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Black Mirror: Striking Vipers (2019)
Season 5, Episode 1
Waste of time ... Looks like Black Mirror is past it's prime
1 July 2019
Again a VR inspired episode and this one is so uninspiring, boring and frankly a waste of time and bandwidth. The end is even worse as if it was put together by somebody who has no imagination at all and produced it without any care. Don't understand how this episode passed the quality control of Netflix.
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True Detective: Down Will Come (2015)
Season 2, Episode 4
Really boring and Ridiculous action
20 July 2015
This season is starting to get boring and even the Action shooting in this episode is pitiful. They are going to enter a building and they just cross a street normally and then proceed to walk along the street all the way to the place of business as if they are covered in some sort of stealth fabric ?

The whole problem with this season is that they are trying to hard to give it that mystical feeling all over again. That Pulp Fiction marinade so to speak and they try to hard. They try to hard to keep any insight on the main characters from the viewer with the intention of it all falling into place once the season closes.

Nah, i am sorry ... This season isn't really working for me.
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Ballers (2015–2019)
It's pretty good actually and VERY realistic !
20 July 2015
I really enjoy this series, i truly do ! Why ? Not because i want in-depth scripts and complex personalities and such but genuine laid-back real-life drama. A TV series that you can get into from the first episode and by the end you know what's up. No need to watch the first 5 episodes before it all starts making sense. It's realistic and therefore it appeals to a lot of people even though most people haven't lived that sort of life or know celebrities for that matter. We know enough through the tabloids, TV, news, internet, etc etc. to know how some people can't carry the weight of success and they end up on the wrong side of history. We've seen many examples and of course we have also seen people that handle it pretty well too.

Whether they are athletes, actors or singers or whatever, they are all subjected to all sorts of seductions, schemes, paparazzi, and of course freeloading people around them. In that respect the series is very realistic. It is of course laced with predictable outcomes by that's all fine as they still make it all very enjoyable and easy to watch.

The actors they picked are very good for the roles they play so i don't see the negativism that some people have. Maybe they expected Grammy award plots, i don't know ...

It's just great entertainment, beautiful people & cars, good music, tight dresses and tailored suits and no psychic bloating.

My only point of criticism is that each episode is too short. It should be twice as long (50 instead of just 25 minutes).
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Under the Dome: Infestation (2014)
Season 2, Episode 2
Losing it's steam fast ......
8 July 2014
This series is quickly losing it's steam. The acting wasn't top notch to begin with but right now the story starts to get more and more diluted and it drifts away from the actual core which of course is the dome itself. So far this season nothing has been learned extra on the dome, it's nature, it's purpose and it simply starts being a soap series that's limited to a little town.

Too many things happen and nothing gets revealed, just drama after drama is added and this quickly results into a boring series with drama and problems we have seen a thousand times in other movies/series over the years.
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Game of Thrones: Oathkeeper (2014)
Season 4, Episode 4
Time is of the essence ....
28 April 2014
Apart from the far from perfect storyline at this moment the biggest issue is Time ..... Each episode simply is too damn short to lessen the hunger that viewers have. We have several story lines and we all have our interests and favorite characters, but each episode only gives us so much, if they are featured at all. If you watch an episode now and think back you will realize that after 4 episodes so far ( and almost reaching half of this season) the story hasn't moved much nor have we seen any serious developments apart from the death of Joffrey.

The story now moves at low speed leaving a lot of viewers with a hunger. A huge story like this with so many characters should feature episodes of at least 90 minutes each. This would pick up the pace and add some depth to the story itself and of course the characters.
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Homeland: Gerontion (2013)
Season 3, Episode 7
slowly getting a bit more exiting, but ........
12 November 2013
Alright, these last couple of episodes have been better than the start of this season but still it's far from the excitement we used to know from Homeland. We have several angles that are not all very interesting if not pointless. The whole Brody family angle doesn't appeal to most viewers and there is no real attachment. Brody himself is a joke in this season as he just appeared in 1 episode and it makes us wonder why he appeared at all. Homeland pretty much turned into a classical CIA/Government soap series. An Iranian intel officer that is being turned is hardly moving us to the edge of our seat and Saul's relationship troubles as well as Carrie's pregnancy are hardly interesting.

People, forget it ... These last 3 episodes can NOT save this (probably last) season, unless they fire the story writers and make each remaining episode 2 hours long. There is no way this complete mess can somehow merge, make sense, and make up for all the disappointment we have seen so far.
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Homeland: Tower of David (2013)
Season 3, Episode 3
Still not picking up the pace
18 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The first espisode was disappointing, the second one a disaster, and this 3rd one is a bit better but still not on par with any episode of the previous seasons, period !

Sure, we finally got to see Brody but if you look at it objectively not much happened and it's not filling the gap between the 2nd and 3rd season. I think this gap is the big problem with this season, it doesn't fill in the blanks, and it surely doesn't do it with any tempo. After 3 episodes people are still not up to speed to what happened after the attack.

Brody finds himself in a very odd location that makes no damn sense. Out of all countries he's being held in Caracas/Venzuela, come on now. He has a $10 million bounty on his head yet he is being held in a crackhouse/projects where every dope-head will sell his mamma for a hit. He even moves around in the building and is surrounded by a lot of guards that seem to be extremely loyal. They must be making some serious money not to be tempted to turn him in.

The Carrie mental thing is getting boring and to make a long story short the main characters are losing their shine. They simply don't really appeal anymore, nor do they feel special in any way which results in a broken connection between the viewer and the actor/actress.

I am not sure what thy have planned for the remaining episodes but it must be something out of this world in order to cleanse the foul taste of the previous eps and reconnect with the audience.

1 positive side, the Brody family didn't appear in this episode if i recall correctly, which is a relief as they simply serve no function now that the truth about Brody is out in the open (end of season 2). They are simply victims with shame and issues and are somehow not interesting.
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