
543 Reviews
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The Boys: Wisdom of the Ages (2024)
Season 4, Episode 4
The real monsters
25 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I must admit reading the reviews of the people who gave this episode a 1/10 had me in stitches!

By far one of the best episodes in the entire series and definitely the best of the season so far. I thought the Hughie and Kimiko team-up was a bit odd creatively speaking, but it was still fun. But it's everything else that brought this up to a 10 for me.

The episode constantly kept me on my feet. Hughie debating on if he'll actually give his dad Compound V was a truly heartbreaking scene. Seeing him accepting his dad's death from natural causes was realistic, and a great character-building moment. Aaaaand then his mom gave the CV to his dad anyway. What a freakin' reveal. That's gonna affect their relationship for sure, and I'll be curious to see what does end up becoming of Hughie's dad now. And just how much more Hughie's own mental health and breaking point are around the corner.

I personally loved all of the stuff with Starlight in this episode and this entire season so far. She isn't a perfect person, she has made some mistakes, she's fighting for what's right, and here she has the oppressor literally right outside her door terrorizing her and then potentially ruining her entire reputation in just a matter of seconds. I'll admit it... I cheered when she gave Firecracker a piece of her mind. It was so satisfying. Erin Moriarty's acting was phenomenal. Seriously.

Was also completely shocked that Firecracker ended up being a you-know-what, and then getting all of her followers/supporters to believe she's actually remorseful about it and siding with her again. It's not a far cry from reality either.

A-Train's character is very interesting in this and it'll be interesting to see what becomes of him. Despite being such a jerk and being so pushy, he does seem to actually want to do good. I had anxiety the entire time he was in Homelander's bedroom.

Speaking of yeah Homelander was by far the best part of this episode. Crazy that the writers humanized him so much here, but still managed to keep up his unstable mental state and build upon his breaking point even further. I was scared every second he was on screen. I can't believe the writers managed to make something like a CAKE PARTY so anxiety-inducing! Insane still is that he probably actually doesn't "feel better" after all of the havoc he just pulled. I cannot fathom how much worse he's going to get this season and then the next.

Amazing acting from just about everyone this episode! Antony Starr IS a star, but I don't want to undermine Moriarty, Curry, Fukahara or Hayward either.

This was just an hour of anxiety-inducing insanity, but with great character-building moments, pacing, humor, thrills and all of the carnage you'd expect from this show. The best is probably yet to come too.
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Why am I not good enough for you?
17 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Been hearing much more criticism about this season already than I remember hearing about the others and was unsurprised to find out there were actual people that think Homelander is the actual hero of the show, and a lot of them are likely the ones responsible for all of the 1-ratings in these first few episodes. That and the homophobes and people who feel "attacked" politically...

There is thankfully actual constructive criticism in a lot of the top reviews though. I only say all of this to say it'll be interesting to see what viewers think of this season, seeing as it's already very satirical of U. S. politics and we're in an election season right now. I personally don't see the hurt? This series is poking fun at "both sides" and having a ball with it.

Anyway, from a narrative perspective, I thought these first three episodes were very entertaining and quick-paced. I feel like a lot has happened already. Every episode feels like an event. I will say the Frenchie and Kimiko arcs are taking a while and I'm not sure what'll actually become of them, but I don't know that that's a criticism. They were both excellent in Season 3.

Homelander easily has the best screen time and character work so far though. He's such a complex character, and I feel like he's gonna do something REALLY vile this season. Seems he's been slowly losing his temper (and his mind) for a while now, but he's definitely the worst he's been. How long will he keep it together? His chase scene with Hughie was insanely gripping and scary, and hearing him snarl and fly away in defeat was satisfying but also horrifying. I'm really excited to see what becomes of him in the next episode in particular.

It's crazy that Butcher, of all people, is the one who is actually being a dad to Ryan and treating him like a kid, whereas Homelander (not so surprisingly) is simply trying way too hard to do so AND trying to convert Ryan to his own ideals and violent ambitions along the way. I really don't know what'll become of Ryan in this season. I want to see him choose Butcher and maybe even stand up to Homelander, but I feel like the right word could get him to stay with Vought.

Hughie's arc is fine. By no means one of the strongest elements or characters in the season so far, but it's enough to make me feel for him. I love that guy.

Starlight's guilt makes a lot of sense in my opinion. Has she done worse than what she did to Firecracker? Probably, but she also knows what it's like to lose, be ignored, bullied and pushed around as well. Given where she is with the "Starlighters", it makes a lot of sense.

Also, Ashley a freak😂

Great episode. I'm so stoked to watch more.
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The Boys: Life Among the Septics (2024)
Season 4, Episode 2
Whelp... it is certainly still diabolical
14 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Another strong episode in a series that is still going strong all these years later.

One the best? Nah. Solid? Yeah.

Firecracker is an interesting character, if not just ridiculous and hilariously arrogant like most people at a #truthcon would be, but Sage is the one I'm most excited to see more of. I have no idea what her motivations are, but it's kind of scary to think about, especially seeing how she talks to Homelander. How much of this is he still buying? How blind is he to all of this? I'm anxious and excited, and have no clue what's going to happen there!

Black Noir is weird but I thought he was funny. It'll be really funny if he and Deep become friends haha.

In this episode we get so really great character moments. Starlight standing up at the end was cool, A-Train's scenes didn't feel totally out of the blue in my opinion, Frenchie's life is still ****ed up and probably going to get worse but it is interesting...

Hughie's family life is interesting. I'm not use to see shows portray the mother being the one to leave so that's a welcome change of pace and something that does happen! I love Hughie though. Excited for more of him.

Deep putting his foot down was great and it'll be cool if he keeps doing that for ONCE.

Homelander is still scary and just so, so hatable. What a pathetic, ruthless monster. His relationship with his son is sad to see, and the fact that his son seems to still like Butcher is making me very, very anxious. Who knows what's gonna happen there this season. Anyway Homelander is still hilarious and Antony is excellent so I'm enjoying all of his screen time!

I'm mostly confounded about Kimiko's arc. No idea what's going to happen there, yet I'm still curious to see what more we learn about her. Seeing her drunk was surprisingly funny.

Anyway, this was good. The last act was gross and hilarious and brutal and what you'd expect from this series. Can't wait for more.
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The Boys: Department of Dirty Tricks (2024)
Season 4, Episode 1
And for my first trick...
14 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm gonna make the entire court and attorney disappear!

I guess we didn't need to see that whole court case and all. Homelander was gonna win either way. And maybe we WILL see it in a flashback? Anyway the scene following it was really intense, realistic, scary and just great. The whole Starlighters v. Homelanders thing was satire some right.

The was an excellent season premiere in my opinion. The tone is still consistent with the rest of the series, the humor is seriously outrageous. Homelander is still scary, the violence is still visceral, and I'm still endlessly entertaining by all of the performances.

It also just set up everything perfectly. Hughie and his struggles with his family, Homelander's aging and boredom (which is horrifying in and of itself), and I love that Frenchie is queer. It just makes sense.

The introduction of the new supes was interesting and I'm actually excited to see more of them.

We are SO back.
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Arcane: The Monster You Created (2021)
Season 1, Episode 9
"I just wanted you to love me like you use to..."
5 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Well SHOOT! (pun intended)

This finale was stellar from beginning to end. The fight between Vi and Sevika was excellent. So gritty, hard-hitting and grounded. You feel every punch and swing and hit. It's one of the most satisfying fights in the series by far. Sevika was a surprisingly entertaining character and I can't wait for more of her, especially seeing as she'll likely take Silco's place.

I sort of sort of figured Silco wouldn't make it past this finale with the way things had been building up and happening to him. He was a pretty great character though. I understood his motivations and wouldn't necessarily say he was wrong, just violent and cruel with his methods. His final goodbye to Jinx was actually pretty sad too. She just lost, to her thinking, the last person that ever cared about her and treated her like family. The man really was a father to her, all the way to the end.

That final scene was brutal. Jinx was actually scary. I had anxiety every time I saw her on screen, rather it be her hiding in the shadows or just "casually" talking to people. I really did think she killed Caitlyn for a moment there too. It was such an excellent way the cap off the season, and I'm gonna go off a limb and say she'll surely be back in Season 2, right? Riot's promotion for the next season seems to imply that she'll be there to SOME kind of extent.

Either way, what a tragic way to end this arc. Powder killed her family and lost herself as a child. Here Jinx is, killing a lot of people and losing herself yet again. I'll be curious to see what they do with this character going forward if we are to see her again. Jinx was a fantastic character, fully realized and tragic even if she is a traumatized psychopath. I miss her already.

I'm also gonna go off a limb and say some of the council members are probably okay? Surely Jayce and Mel aren't gone just like that. I feel like there's still some room for character development there if they wanted to. It's hard-telling though. I genuinely wasn't sure how there's was going to end and I genuinely don't know all of the directions they'll go with Season 2.

I'm assuming we'll get Singed as the main villain in the next season but I have no clue. I still feel for Viktor and am most anxious for him and his HexTech line going forward.

Very much so excited for more Heimerdinger.

This was an excellent first season. The animation was gorgeous, the choreography, action and fighting was ALL really well made, the voice work was fantastic (easily one of Hailee Steinfeld's best performances), the world-building actually made sense and was fascinating, and best of all, it had fully-realized characters and consistent character development. I love a series that keeps me guessing and I'll be impatiently waiting for the next season.
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Arcane: Oil and Water (2021)
Season 1, Episode 8
The beginning of the end?
5 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Such a great episode. Sets up the pieces perfectly for whatever the heck is going to happen in the finale.

The scene with Vi and Caitlyn speaking to the council was excellent and a real revealed of how the two of them are so different despite (what's obvious to me) some strong feelings for one another. They both seem to want some kind of peace, but Vi wants to punch her way through things and to what everyone else is unwilling to do, and Caitlyn is perhaps too idealistic to understand that or even begin to comprehend what needs to happen for any kind of coexistence between the two cities.

Also loved the last scene, obviously. I have no idea how Jayce learned to fight as well as he goes here, but I'm not mad about it and I don't consider it a plot hole or anything. The scene was really entertaining and well-animated, and the child dying is truly heartbreaking for a variety of reasons.

Still feel so awful for Jinx, who can't seem to catch a break no matter what. I'm spooked for what's to become of her.

And I'm glad Heimerdinger is likely going to find a new purpose amongst the repressed. He himself is a tad repressed and outcast now. It makes sense.

And poor Viktor. I feel he was so misguided and is still so well-intentioned. I want to see that guy come out of all of this okay.

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Arcane: The Boy Savior (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
5 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Goodbye Marcus. I won't miss you.

I'm not sure how I feel about the stylistic choices here with the music. Or how I feel about all of the random needle drops. They don't totally break my immersion, but they feel odd. It's the only thing in this series I could have done without. BUT, the one in the last act between Ekko and Jinx was great.

That entire scene was great. Intense, gripping, anxiety-inducing and dreadful. It's easily one of the best scenes in the series so far, and leaves me very anxious for the remaining two episodes.

I also love that Victor isn't really a bad guy, just one who was maybe mislead or is trying whatever he can to live. Great character.

Great episode.
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Arcane: When These Walls Come Tumbling Down (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
And it's been a whiiile SINCE I'VE GONE AND **** THINGS UP
5 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Crazy that the reunion between Jinx and Vi already happened. I'm glad though. I'm glad we didn't have to wait until the freakin' finale or something. It was a great scene too. I was expecting bloodshed between them, but maybe that's to come... See Vi realizing how completely maniacal and unhinged Jinx is was actually pretty heartbreaking. I'm not sure I completely understand Jinx's actions in that scene, but maybe I missed something... Still an excellent moment for the series.

The scene between Caitlyn, Vi and Silco was short-lived but pretty great.

And what the heck Vickor? That was the realest surprise of the episode. I am anxious around him, yet I also care for him and STILL want him to get well. Very curious to see where that arc goes.

And I feel TERRIBLE for Heimerdinger. Bro is doing what probably is for the best in all actuality. I have a feeling he's gonna come back swinging. That excites me.

As usual, the fighting, action, pacing and world-building is excellent. What a great series this has been so far.
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Arcane: Everybody Wants to Be My Enemy (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
3 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I really loved this episode.

Vi kicks all sorts of butt. I really enjoyed the scene where she gave Sevika a piece of her mind. It was a really entertaining, gripping fight that felt surprisingly grounded for a fight that's in an animated series. Vi may not have won the fight, but it doesn't feel like she's a weaker character because of it. That's good characterization and writing. I cannot wait for more of her.

Caitlyn is also growing on me. My favorite in the series so far? Maybe not (not currently anyway), but I have a feeling there's something bigger in store for her. It's hard NOT to side with her in this whole conspiracy. Watching her and Vi buddying up was heaps of fun.

I'm leaning more toward rooting for Viktor as well. I still don't totally know what he's really up to though? Likely clearly he wants a cure for whatever sickness he has, but is there more? Either way, I've enjoyed him quite a bit.

Jayce is getting manipulated and toyed with and I can't figure out if he knows it and is intentionally being arrogant or if he's really so clueless. It makes for an interesting build-up to the lore and politics of Hextech though. I don't hate the guy either, it's just frustrating. In a good way.

And the scenes between Silco and Jinx were great too. It'll be interesting to see what becomes of this relationship. Silco does seem to genuinely care for her, but he's also way less reckless than her, and maybe a bit more calculating/collected. She almost seems to have conversation or remorse on killing literally anyone... a scary character and one I still kind of feel bad for. I really don't know what to expect with her going forward.

I will admit that I didn't love the Imagine Dragons cameo😂I don't even hate the band (they just aren't my kind of music), but it broke a bit of the impression for me. A great scene otherwise though.

Still a great episode that left me practically craving more. This is a really well written, directed and acted series so far.
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Arcane: Happy Progress Day! (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
A new start
3 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Very fascinating place to pick the season back up.

I actually think the plot with Jayce and the magic are pretty interesting. I feel his conflict as well as Viktor's (who I am siding with right now). The politics around magic aren't necessarily deep or anything but I am quite intrigued, and given the title of the show, I'm sure it'll be quite pivotal in the end.

Powder (now Jinx) was not at all what I expected. She's kind of a psychopath? Her going on a murdering spree wasn't what I pictured going forward. I think the random emotional shifts and trauma are interesting and I still feel for her. I'll be very curious to see what it's like when she meets back up with Vi.

Caitlyn is also much more interesting now, and the end of the episode has me pretty giddy.

Overall, a great set-up for what's to come. Every scene and character interaction mattered and I'll be most curious to see where this series goes, because I genuinely have no clue!

As usual, animation, action and violence is all executed and directed really well!
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The jinx
1 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Yup. I'm officially addicted to Arcane now. I can't wait to get home and watch more after work tonight. I'm still in shock of what I watched.

I thought I had it all figured out. I knew Vander was likely going to die at some point just going off of how things were shaping up in the first two episodes, but what a way to go. I liked him well enough at first, but I love him now. In just forty minutes, this episode made me care a lot about him and his backstory with Silco.

I was NOT expecting Claggor and Mylo to be killed off at all. What a horrible, shocking scene. Really gonna miss them both.

But of course the highlight of this episode is what happens to both Vi and Powder. I feel so bad for Powder. She just wants to fight and help out her sister, and now she has accidentally killed off two of her siblings and will likely be blamed for the death of Vander as well somewhere down the line. So reckless, but still so very sad. The show's depiction of her abandonment issues and panic attacks is sort of scarily accurate too. I can imagine her PTSD will only get worse as the show goes on.

And despite her yelling, I couldn't help but feel for Vi as well. You get why she wants to just protect her sister, that she is well-intentioned, but Powder also needs her sister and it's only going to get worse before it gets better. IF it gets better.

This episode did an excellent job of separating our two protagonists and, likely, pinning them against each other. I had no idea that would be such a crucial plot point. I'm both scared and excited for what's to come.

This was legitimately a phenomenal episode though. The action and fighting was legitimately gripping and hard to watch at times, and not a minute was wasted here. Every scene and interaction mattered or further developed a character in some way. It's also cool seeing a PG-13 level animated series. Yeah we've got our really brutal animated shows like Invincible, and Japan has a lot of violent anime, but I don't feel like we get solid bigger kid/adult animation much anymore that's this high in quality storytelling and style.

And yeah, the animation is excellent. Phenomenal episode, and it's crazy to think the best is yet to come!
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1 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The second episode has expanded upon the world-building and lore in a very interesting way. I went in to this series having not played a lick of League of Legends, having not even read a synopsis, so I had no idea magic would even be a part of this series. The entire storyline with Jayce and Victor was a great way to explain this world's current view on (and lack of) magic, but it also managed to introduce Jayce in particular in a compelling way. I really like him so far. You can't help but feel for him and maybe want to see him succeed, even if it could potentially be dangerous. I'm actually excited to see more of him.

I don't know what to make of Victor, he almost seems too good to be true, yet he also doesn't come off as a slime. I can to tell if he's mischievous nor if he has malicious intent. The writing for him has probably been left intentionally brief. I kind of like him?

I think the plotting around Vi, Powder and their other siblings was also done really well in just the short amount of screen time we get with all of them. Lots of really clever visual nods, hints and Easter eggs here. I care deeply for all four of them.

Great episode.
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Arcane: Welcome to the Playground (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
31 May 2024
My sister is obsessed with this. Season 2 comes out later this year so I figured now is as good a time as any to start it. I haven't played a lick of League of Legends so any lore, references or characters from that IP went right over my head.

But it IS quite the pilot episode. It goes without saying that the animation is beautiful, unique, consistent and really well-polished, there was never a doubt about that. But the two lead characters are really likable, and that's all you need in a series premiere if you ask me. The opening to this was just so heartbreaking. How DARE they open up with that😭

I am curious enough about the world-building, politics and the premise that I will more than likely finish the season. The voice work is excellent so far as well. Hailee Steinfeld can do no wrong, but everyone else is doing great so far too!

Great episode. I imagine the rest of them are only better.
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Star Wars: Tales of the Empire: The Way Out (2024)
Season 1, Episode 6
See THIS way out
5 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't expecting something more lore-heavy. I guess we have ourselves a light-side cave (or perhaps just a force-sensitive cave) that only lets you find the way out once you've found the light side again. I didn't tho n it was totally implausible either. Why not? The Force has always been strange, and the way it's been expanded upon time and time again just continues to fascinate me.

Anyway, I thought this was a pretty satisfactory ending. Barriss grew up feeling conflicted, hurt, lied to and betrayed. Of course she would become a healer of some sort. I do definitely agree that perhaps we should have gotten more screen time with Lyn and Barriss, but I still feel Barriss is the kind of person to bring someone back to the light side out of loyalty and honesty to her true self AND the light side of the force.

I am sad that she may have died. I'm not sure her survivor or dying from her injuries makes this episode any better or worse though. I also think it's cool seeong a couple of inquisitors realizing their false ways and coming back to the right side. I don't think that's been done before?

A good finale to an arc that was quite enjoyable.

And a great series of shorts as a whole. I'd love to see more. Who doesn't want a Tales of the Sith? Or a Tales of the Rebellion? Or a Tales of the Resistance?
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Star Wars: Tales of the Empire: Realization (2024)
Season 1, Episode 5
Realize THIS
5 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly not quite what I was expecting. Barriss joining the Empire, as she wanted to before her imprisonment, and now wants a way out. She finds it after realizing how brutal and unforgiving the Empire really is.

I don't think it's bad writing or anything, I just wasn't expecting it to go down that route. This was a great episode. Super dark and emotionally stirring like the more mature Star Wars content I tend to really enjoy.

Also, I liked the Obi-Wan Kenobi series, but I always was confused and slightly annoyed that they had a random inquisitor in it without a name. Now we know through this series that it's Lyn. She's an entertaining character so far and a good addition to this particular episode.

Great follow-up to the last episode.
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Star Wars: Tales of the Empire: Devoted (2024)
Season 1, Episode 4
Devote THIS
5 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah this was pretty great.

I had a feeling from the trailer that we'd be getting the introduction of the Inquisitor acquisition and this did not disappoint. I loved the direct tie-in from Revenge of the Sith, and there is some kind of sweet irony to Darth Vader training Barris, seeing how he bested her as Anakin Skywalker for following a path he never thought he'd be on as well.

I'm also glad we got more Barris Offee. She has always been one of those loose ends from the Clone Wars series that I wondered about flllpwong that series finale. I really enjoyed her in this episode and the rest of this arc as well.
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Hateful path
5 May 2024
As good of an ending as we probably could have gotten for this arc.

Was it one of the best in this franchise? Nah, but it added much needed depth to such a minor character who really was just sort of there for events (talking about the Ahsoka and Mandalorian shows). I can't say I didn't really enjoy this character here though. On the contrary, I actually liked her quite a bit. She was a "villain" that you sort of felt for and at least understood her motives.

But it's this episode that we see she's too far gone and so deep in to the Empire and her own hatred to turn back. I honestly feel like this makes her position and character on the live-action stuff much better. And her being in that stuff makes way more sense now.

A solid arc all around.
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Angry path
5 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Well I liked it.

This one was moreso something to fill in the gaps of Morgan's appearances in both The Mandalorian series and the Ahsoka series. I wasn't initially sure why Morgan Elsbeth was one of the main characters of this series, but I appreciate Dave and company filling in the gaps for literally just a supporting character in the other shows.

We learn how and why she becomes entangled with Thrawn and his crew (absolutely loved seeing him in Clone Wars animation-style), and we learn about her position on Clovis as well. I loved her fight with Ruhk too.

Another solid short from this series.
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Scary path
5 May 2024
A really solid pilot episode.

I really dug the Tales of the Jedi short series and was ecstatic when this was announced. Filoni and company managed to flesh out Elsbeth more in just this episode alone. You can't help but feel for her. She chooses a path of hatred and revenge, but you understand why.

Seeing the assault on Dathomir once again brought back fond memories of that Clone Wars episode. General Grievous isn't one of my favorite Star Wars characters, but he does have some effective screen time in the shows and movie, and he does here as well.

And holy moly. The animation in this episode (and the others) is seriously phenomenal. It's super clean, super detailed and still so fitting to the Star wars canon all of these years later.

This was a great short. It hit all of the right emotional beats and still felt in-line with this universe. I also really enjoyed learning even more about the residents of Dathomir.
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See ya around, kid
2 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Very good finale.

I will say that it did feel pretty safe. The title characters all made it to the end. Hunter, Wrecker and Crosshair get to live the remainder of their lives peacefully, Omega chooses to fight the Empire on her own terms, and Hemlock and all of his allies died. Aside from Emerie, who also gets the ending one might have hoped for and expected.

All of this being said, I don't know that I'm mad about it being such a risk-less ending. The Bad Batch got to finally put the war behind them, free of worries. I do love to think they likely just ended up passing away peacefully and together. Seeing Hemlock get what he had coming for him was relatively satisfying. He was such a great villain.

The show did leave some things open, either for interpretation or for another animate series that'll likely be announced on May the 4th. I would like to know what became of the remaining clones, not just Rex, Wolfe and Gregor. Like, when will we see Commander Cody again?

Honestly, I wouldn't even mind if Disney just dropped a special or a short movie about Cody and Rex and the loose ends here.

But it was still a pretty satisfying finale. The action was actually quite exhilarating, it was super well directed, Kiner's music is as excellent as always, and the voice work really is quite great. It was actually intense and really fun to watch.

And this isn't a complaint so much as just a thought, but shouldn't Omega actually look a bit older at the end of this? Aside from her height, she didn't seem to actually age all that much.

This season was good overall. Probably could have been a few episodes shorter, but I enjoyed it all the way through unlike the previous season. Next stop, Tales of the Empire!
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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Flash Strike (2024)
Season 3, Episode 14
Here we go
24 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Gonna have to agree with some of the reviewers on here; the past few episodes have been quite good (I actually thought this one was great), but a lot of it does feel like set-up for a finale. There's one episode left in the series and still feel like there's a lot to address, like...

What is the identity of that Shadow-clone?

What's going to happen to Rex's crew?

Where's Wolfe?

How force-sensitive IS Omega?

Will we see the end of the clones? Is there an unnamed fourth season or another sequel series to this?

I'm sure we'll get answers to a lot of this in the finale, which will surely be a long finale. I highly doubt it'll only be 25-28 minutes long, even if they did address a lot of this.

As for this episode, it was a really good time. I loved the action in the beginning with the crash-landing, I loved Echo's sneaking around and eventual meet-up with Emerie, and I really did enjoy Rampart and his dialogue with the Batch. It was another really entertaining episode.

I don't know that this season needed to be 15 episodes long though. I wouldn't call any of this filler, but longer episodes would have benefited and had me more excited for whatever is to come.

That being said, this has so far been a good season, and I am still very much so looking forward to the series finale. I'm sure it'll still be hard-hitting, intense and emotional. Filoni pretty much always delivers with his series finales.
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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Into the Breach (2024)
Season 3, Episode 13
Home stretch?
18 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Great episode, even better than last week's.

I find it interesting that Rampart has become so prominent all of a sudden. I get that they can't just let the guy go, but I wasn't expecting him to make it even this far in to the mission. It'll be interesting to see how that character is handled. I did love the humor and interactions between him and the Batch.

Also happy to see Echo joining them for this last mission. I mean of course he would. Omega loves that guy.

This episode has set up the finale really well and I'm surprised we aren't just getting BOTH of the final episodes next week. How intense and important will the next episode be? The final moments in this episode were legitimately really intense!

Either way, I'm glad they're finally getting somewhere. I feel like the finale is gonna be really sad and really explosive. I cannot wait.
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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Juggernaut (2024)
Season 3, Episode 12
The Bad Batch: Juggernaut Drift
13 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Not as good as last week's episodes but still a solid episode that isn't a waste of time. Thank goodness. We've somehow still got three episodes left and I couldn't be more amped.

This one was just a lot of fun. I thought the chase in the Imperial Prison Transports was really well animated and directed, and just really exciting. And the whole goal was to find someone who could lead them to Omega. It is a little annoying that we still don't get any sort of hint or indication as to what that looks like, but I'm sure it'll make for an exciting next episode.

I also thought Rampart was killed for some reason. Seems very Imperial of them to just take out the trash after the Senate hearing last season. I have a feeling he won't make it out alive regardless of what his motives are.

Good not great.
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Invincible: I Thought You Were Stronger (2024)
Season 2, Episode 8
Freakin' Levy...
6 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely loved this character in the comics and was particularly looking forward to this episode. I'm glad it was this good, and served as an excellent finale.

I can't say I much agree with the criticism I'm hearing. Isn't as good a finale as Season 1's? No, but it's pretty close for me. It was every bit as disturbing, hard to watch, unflinching, brutal and still pretty emotionally devastating too. There's certainly so set-up here for what's to come, but it still felt very conclusive. People need to lighten up.

I love what the writers did with Mark this season. Things are really about to change for him going forward. THIS episode really feels like the turning point for his character as well as the safety of his loved ones.

Also adored Debbie this season. Again, feels like things are coming sort of full circle for her. She's even better here than she was in the comics.

Levy's short time was excellent and I LOVED Sterling K. Brown's performance. Literally perfect casting, and if you're a fan or the comics, your probably super anxious about what's coming...

The multiverse stuff was scary but also pretty freakin' entertaining. I personally loved the Spider-Man cameo and am glad that was expanded upon from the comics. Seeing all of the different Marks was truly horrifying.

Not Mark smacking Angstrom Levy with a Fortnite gun😂

I'm very content with this finale. It did justice to the comics but I'd even argue that it did it even better. This whole season did a lot of things better than the comics. At this rate, I could see them easily doing this through at least season 5, maybe season 6.

I hope we don't get any more mid-season breaks though. It's so unnecessary.
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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Point of No Return (2024)
Season 3, Episode 11
No going back
4 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
An episode that was bound to happen, but still a welcome one.

This was really well made. The siege was devastating to watch, but the pacing and action were simply exceptional at times, harkening back to the better episodes of this series and The Clone Wars as well. The Empire is ruthless, as is that strange shadow clone that doesn't seem to want to give up (is this Tech? Or Commander Cody?). Things just got worse and worse.

I think they left it off on a good cliffhanger too. I genuinely thought for a moment that maybe Omega tricked them, that she may have a second tracker that isn't the one she just gave over. But the Crosshair missed his shot (yet again) so I'm really not sure.

So, we've got four episodes left. SURELY we're past filler stuff right? Surely the next episode isn't just gonna be the folks on Pabu recovering and not actually progressing the story further past that. I don't know, maybe they'll regroup with Rex's crew and prepare for a final battle? Maybe that'll be a later episode. It just seems a little odd that there's only four episodes left and not two or three. Maybe I'm over-thinking this.

Still, this was a great episode.
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