
10 Reviews
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Not for everyone
26 December 2021
I wouldn't say this movie is full out horror. It gives me some A24 vibes for the most part. A family is stuck inside a closed space with too many issues to list when they start to rip into each other.

There are some assumed supernatural elements and while there are some odd things that happen a lot of the danger is from real physical threats. I'd say instead of being scared of what's around the corner it was more dreading what was going to happen next.
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The Farm (I) (2018)
There was nothing good about this.
2 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is trying to be a social commentary film but it lacks substance. From the start you don't care about either of the "main characters" (In quotes because after the first half we barely see them until the very end). It seems everything they do for the first thirty minutes of the film doesn't matter. The overall plot of the farm is never fully explained. It's a place where they harvest meat and milk via humans instead of animals. But why? Is it cheaper? Easier? Does it taste better? Is there a group of elite people who are willing to spend more money for human than cow? We never get an answer. At one point there is a phone call placed from an unknown caller to the man who runs the farm with what seems to be an angry caller on the line. We hear an exchange about how they've found a tooth in the meat. The owner apologizes and offers excuses and free catering to the next event. This seems like the customers don't know it's human, otherwise why be so upset? If you are buying chicken wings you know there will be a bone inside it, I would assume if you were buying pounds of human meat you might get a tooth or bone. Characters are introduced that we never really have met before and we're expected to care about them. Things happen but there is nothing behind it so it seems like it is all for shock, but I'm not shocked. The baby scene could be seen a mile away and still doesn't make any kind of sense to me. I guess that's why people think this movie is so creepy, but it isn't. There are about a million other problems with this movie, I'm not going to micromanage. I just wouldn't waste the time watching it honestly.
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Don't even bother.
27 December 2020
I like to pick a random horror movie off free streaming services on the weekends and sometimes I get winners. Sometimes they are so bad they are good. This is just bad.

The acting was awful. What could have been a simple plot based on the story of Robert the doll (or a million other haunted dolls) was so confusing between bad editing and even worse camera work. Nothing is ever made clear, like why this whole thing is even happening to begin with. You never become invested in any character and it was about 40 minutes into the movie when I even figured out the main character's name. (That one was probably on me - but this movie does you no favors to keep your attention).

Skip this one!
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This many stars based on plot alone...and Acht.
30 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This wasn't great. The positives? So I really enjoyed the character of Acht and wished he was in it for much more of the series. The animation, while not good at all reminded me so much of a video game from the early 2000's so the fight sequences were okay for me. The bugs had a very interesting look and were done well. I liked the idea of the plot, it was different and not something I've seen a lot of.

The negatives. The plot, while good on paper had some cannon ball sized holes in it. A lot of motivations seemed unclear, then there were what seemed to be major characters changing their minds mid episode about big things. I am still not totally sure what makes a character change into a Cagaster. Is it a virus? Is it contagious? Is it something already in your DNA? A combination of all of that plus other things? Ilie says she can turn a person into a Cagaster, then says she can see who will turn into one, then says she is afraid she will turn somebody into one and not know she's doing it? I'm kind of letting that one slip a little because I might just be dumb. The AWFUL dubbing. Man. It's not my favorite thing. My absolute least favorite thing was the nasty love angle they were going for. It's well established early on that Ilie is young. I believe she says she's 14? Or something in that ballpark. She is mostly friends with children and even by her design alone she looks young. Kidow is not 14. If he is then somebody in the character design department really messed up. It's very obvious through flashbacks and other characters that Kidow has been in this gig for a while and he's an adult now. If he were more of a big brother character that would be fine. But these two go from hot to cold over and over and over again and it's just weird and uncalled for. Like she is a child. He isn't. That made my skin itch. Honestly if I didn't like the bug's look and Acht so much as a character this would get a lot fewer stars just due to these two and the romance (?) between them.
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Clownery (2020)
Clowns are the best part!
2 August 2020
The first 45 minutes go by so fast, it's like the blink of an eye. After that the movie drags. Whoever is playing the two clowns are the highlights of this film, without them I probably would have stopped watching sometime around halfway through.
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The Lodge (2019)
Solid Dread
27 February 2020
When I say this movie filled me with dread it is in the best possible way. This movie was terrifying in the way most horror movies are not. The scenes are shot to fill you with tension and suspense, the sounds bring you to the edge of your seat. The actors are convincing beyond a doubt.

If you wanted something classically "scary" this may not be what you want to see. You do not know who you want to "win" and yet somehow the end leaves you feeling like nobody has.

I feel if you were disappointed by The Turning you may find what you are looking for in this film.
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Looked pretty.
17 February 2020
This movie was really pretty to look at. I really did like the witch concept they were going with being not the typical type of thing. And I did love the passing it on angle they were trying to pull into the story.

That said there isn't much else to enjoy. This movie kind of drags by. The end comes all at once and doesn't make too much sense in my opinion to what we've been watching through the whole story.
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Death Note (I) (2017)
Made me re watch the anime
17 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The positives? It made me re watch the anime - and made me fall in love all over again with the original. The negative? Too numerous to list. Honestly I don't really mind the story as loose as it is, I feel like if all the characters were given totally different names it may have made more sense. As in it's still about a Death Note but just not Light vs L since these characters are not Light or L. I mean knowing they're trying to turn a multiple episode anime into a one off movie I knew going in they would skip over some things, it's just the things they didn't skip over had far too many changes, from character motivations, relationships, killing Light's mom? Mia is not Misa. Light Turner is just a little to pathetic and afraid to be the god of any new world. This L too emotional. Maybe he should have been E instead. One second they are saying things like "that's why I don't carry a gun" to literally chasing Light with a gun. L would never. Okay - so I'll take back my no positive things. I think Ryuk's casting choice was great. Dafoe makes an excellent god of death I think. AND (don't kill me) I do like the way the ending (not the very end - god no) but the end at the pier played out. Not in the terms of the plot, but rather the lighting and music and Mia's death scene. That was nice. Those are the two things keeping this from a total one star. Honestly ? I've read better fan fictions than this and I was so bummed. Maybe we'll get a better adaptation in another two or three years, since it seems like that's what they're doing anyway.
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Joker (I) (2019)
I really wanted this to suck.
17 February 2020
I really REALLY felt like I wanted this movie to be garbage, as selfish as that sounds. I just knew way too many people who were over hyped, seen too many things in the media, and I just assumed it was overblown. I'm not a DC fan by any means and find the Joker as a character overused, from Hot Topic merch to gamertags and everything in between. So I will be the first person to eat all my words and say this movie was amazing. This film hit home to me in a way that I can understand. This wasn't just a film about a comic book character, this was a case study about a man who has depression, who has mental illness, who is going through life like any other person out there and getting kicked when he's down. Phoenix was amazing. I felt this movie and I thought about it and the thought provoking messages. Does it have some goofy moments that felt a little too "out there"? Yeah - okay. Maybe a little but god damn was this movie a gut punch. I've seen it at least five times in theaters and each time I am on the edge of my seat. Knowing what I know of the film, the plot, the ending - it continues to pull me in. If you expect to see the Dark Knight of Aquaman from this you'll be left lacking. If you expect to see the Joker so often shown that thinks fifteen steps ahead of everyone - you'll be let down. But if you want to see a character study of a person who's been handed a crap deal in life and what happens (even knowing who he'll become by the end) then maybe you'll end up watching it once or twice.
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The Turning (2020)
Could have been WAY better.
17 February 2020
This film dragged on & on & on. I loved the cast (in theory) but upon seeing the movie I felt like none of the characters were well written for the actors. I imagined there would be a few different types of twists - none of which were what actually happened. There was essentially no tension, the few "scares" were jumpy. Some trailer scenes were cut out altogether. I would say just watch the trailer and piece together your own story, you'll feel better about it.
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