
26 Reviews
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Casshern Sins (2008–2009)
Bleak Post-Apocalypse Anime
21 May 2023
This anime fits alongside other shows like Wolf's Rain, Here and Now Then and There, and Grave of the Fireflies in terms of its pacing and its tone. A truly dark and emotionally uncompromising show that explores some of life's darkest aspects through a dystopian Sci-fi lens.

You can watch this show at face value, but I got more from this show by interpreting some of the shows themes not in a literal sense. Especially some of the episodic episodes in the first half of the season, which really take a life of their own presenting unique characters exploring wildly different themes. You could fit many of those episodes into the Twilight Zone.

It won't be for all audiences. It's pure tragedy and unflinching in depicting the pain and loss the characters experience.

For me, the only negative is that the show loses some momentum in the second half as the show starts to wrap up the story and the characters. Certain character beats are repeated as well. The story regarding Luna and her motives gets jumbled and can be hard to follow.

I still feel mature audiences should watch this as it shows the potential of anime to reach the emotional heights of live action.
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Fractale (2011)
Underrated Show with Engaging Characters
21 May 2023
This show would be my vote for most underrated anime show. Based on both votes and popularity, it is at the bottom on my "Best Of" list. In some ways its understandable and in other ways its not.

I'll start with it's obvious issues that I also second. A lot of its sci fi concepts don't get fully fleshed out, are half baked, and don't make a major impact to the plot. There are typical dumb anime moments seen in most shows that are cringe worthy. Some plot threads go nowhere and should've been developed more.

Now here is where I think despite all that, It has plenty good to offer and made my watching experience overall positive.

It has above average hand drawn animation that I miss in current anime. The action moments have some style and enhance the scenes. Great orchestral score that I still listen to. Characters you are interested in. Fast pace with constantly changing settings and plots.

The thing that won me over was the finale. Throughout the show it threw out unexplained sci fi concepts and plots that at first are head scratching. Then in the last two episodes, without spoiling, created twists and revelations that were both riveting and unpredictable. Its one of the few times my jaw dropped at a scene solely based on what was happening story wise. It catapulted this show from a slightly above average show to one of my favorites. Even to this day few animes I've watched have reached that emotional height.

I still look back on this show with fond memories of it even several years later. I don't look back on this show as some masterpiece or visual triumph. However, I remember it as one of the first sci-fis that got me both interested in the genre but also anime in general. For A lot of animes I first watched that I at the time enjoyed, I have changed my opinion on them significantly and in some cases outright dislike them now. Not for this show.

With all that said, I still understand the frustrations people had and I can see how the negatives will be too much to ignore. So please take my opinion with a grain of salt.
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King of Thorn (2009)
Fantastic Thriller with Twists and Turns
21 May 2023
Somehow this show ended up on the free movies section on Xfinity several years ago and I probably would not have seen it even now had it not randomly appeared on there back in the day.

I first saw the movie and then bought the manga. Some reviewers who had read the manga first were upset because it completely changes the final act which is an understandable criticism. Had I read the manga first as well, I probably would've had some sourness too. I usually despise when animes do this because I know the only reason they do it is because the anime is not long enough to cover the whole story so they make up their own ending. It drives me nuts.

However, this is one of the rare times where after looking at both versions, I am ok with both endings though I do prefer manga version more. The movie still managed do get the fundamentals of the manga and prevent the story from falling apart.

The movie creates some new explanations from why certain things happen in the movie compared to manga in order to stitch up loose ends that the manga covered but the movie had to work without it.

Also, this is one of the rare times where I actually prefer the english dub on an anime that isn't done by Studio Ghibli. The voice actors did a pretty good job and added life and personality into their roles.

The big part of the movie revolves around twists and turns that are revealed in the final act that I cannot spoil. However, that is what makes the anime rise above many others in terms of story telling. Just like Perfect Blue, it makes you want to rewatch the movie instantly in order to see the story again but with the revelations in mind. You pick up on several details and moments you miss that make a lot more sense upon rewatch. Its part of the reason why I haven't forgotten it even after several years.

I would show anime blu rays back when I was in college and this movie by far got the most watches and positive reactions from folks who didn't even watch anime.

As for negatives, the CGI elements of the animation really stick out like a sore thumb since a lot of characters and setting do have very nice hand drawn detail in them. It feels lazy and tired. Still don't understand why studios think we won't notice it.

Also, the story is not for everyone. People who prefer more structured stories, endings wrapped up in a nice little bow, and happily ever afters will leave disappointed.

I recommend this anime to most anime fans and people looking to get into anime despite its flaws.
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Kokkoku (2018)
Oddball Time Travel Story
21 May 2023
A mixed bag show that ultimately earns a high recommendation from me based on it being so odd ball and different.

It's very difficult to think of a comparison to this show. Its got a unique premise with interesting character dynamics and outlandish concepts.

It goes full steam ahead into the crazy, combining a time travel-like story with supernatural elements, and doesn't slow down on its pacing. It's also very rare you have a bad ass female lead in a mature story line which also made this show a breath of fresh air. Characters enter and exit the show very unpredictably and adds to the chaos.

The anime is nearly a shot for shot recreation of the manga, however the one thing the anime lacks is the zany art style used by the manga. A lot character expressions and actions look out of place in the anime but its mostly because they weren't depicted with the over the top facial expressions and drawings that complemented those scenes in the manga. The anime tried to make a more streamlined art style, but when you introduce these crazy moments, it looks awkward sometimes. The studio shouldn't have tried to meet it halfway.

Bottom line, if you are looking for something different and obscure, check this one out.
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Paranoia Agent (2004–2005)
Psychological Trauma Spreading Like a Virus
21 May 2023
This was the last show/movie I viewed from Satoshi Kon's work, but I still thoroughly enjoyed this show.

As always, Satoshi is a master of psychological thrillers and will likely never be topped. He once again explores the human psychosis as a supposed serial assaulter is on the loose with a crooked bat and golden roller blades. But as always with Satoshi Kon, things are not as these seem.

The first half of the show is by far the best. Once it becomes clear to the audience what is going on I was riveted. A genius way to tell an anthology of psychological stories strung together with an overarching plot that makes the emotions of the stories even stronger. Had the showed continued like this I would've declared this show a masterpiece.

After the first half, the show starts to expand on the concept and swings for the fences. Some of it was just as excellent as the first half, and some of it was more mainstream and cliched. None of it was bad per se , but it did slow the pacing and hurt the consistency in my opinion. Several people I know gave up on the show in the second half, so keep that mind. I didn't mind the finale too much, but I really wished the events in the show had either remained unexplained or had a more meaningful explanation.

The animation usual is TOP NOTCH from Madhouse who continued their hot streak. The closest any studio got to competing with Studio Ghibli's quality. I sorely miss this animation style.

If looking for experimental and obscure anime, this one is perfect for you. If you were a fan of this show you'll likely love all of Satoshi Kon's other works as they all have similar themes.
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Belle (2021)
Retread of Summer Wars
21 May 2023
If you were a fan of this film, I recommend you watch one of the director's previous films Summer Wars because this film was a massive retread of that film.

The first 3 minutes is almost exactly the same as the first 3 minutes of Summer Wars and the rest of the film follows very similar beats. The film also borrows several scenes and shots from other films the director has made. Some examples include the lake side conversation between the two main characters in the Girl Who Leapt Through Time, the imagery of large whales from both Summer Wars and Boy and the Beast.

It was a disappointment from this director as I've seen all his films and have liked or loved all of his films before this. This is his worst film.

However, with all that said, I can't say that this film is bad. In fact, there are several scenes that really work, and some imagery that was great to look at. The talent is still there. Anyone saying this film is garbage is talking nonsense. In the scope of all anime films, this film is still above average.

One aspect that really hurt the film for me is the execution of the 3D animation. This director really needs to do a better job showing this animation, because he's filming some of the scenes in the worst way possible. This ain't pixar level 3d animation, so he needs to be more careful with how he angles the shots and focuses on objects. Extreme closeups on characters faces and guiding shots make the animation look downright AWFUL and it made me cringe in my seat. I knew from the trailers it was going to be rough animation-wise, and sure enough it was.

This isn't something new for this director, he's never done a good job of making 3d animation look good. Another bad example was the motorcycle scene from Mirai.

Another negative is the final conflict with the Dragon and the humans related to him. Without spoiling it, you barely know anything about these humans and their situation when it focuses on them, which makes me entirely emotionally detached from what was happening in the last twenty minutes. They should've spent a lot more time developing these characters rather than some of the side characters that didn't really add much to the film like Ruka and Kamashin. Also the conflict with the humans related to the Dragon was handled very surface level and barely scratched the surface of the emotions they could've drawn out from the situation. It was cartoonish at times to be brutally honest.

As for positives, the character arc for the main character was handled very well and it was believable when she overcame her issues, plus it was emotionally satisfying when it was completed. It was the main drive what kept me still interested in the film to see what happens.

Also, there were many scenes and 3d visuals that did work. The wide shots and scenes were they used a lot of light effects in dark backgrounds were great and I wished it kept that style for the whole film. But, keep in mind I think you need to see it in a movie theater in order to get the most out of these visuals. Watching in low resolution through a torrent website probably won't look good.

Overall its a mixed bag. Its held up by a great journey through the main character and some visuals, but it is hurt by its abysmal 3d animation and poorly handled conclusion.

You should watch all of this director's films, but I would watch this one as the very last one on his resume.
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Blue Gender (1999–2000)
Old School Apocalypse with frustrating protagonist
21 May 2023
Blue Gender is an old school anime with a familiar post apocalypse story where you have insect monsters exterminating mankind. The main character is awaken from cold sleep after several decades and is needed to help save Earth from the creatures once and for all. Mechs included.

There's many positives to point out. The story is always changing things up and keeping the characters moving. One location to the next. Sometimes its man vs. Insect, and sometimes its human vs. Human conflicts. The show has a great musical score and sound effects for the guns, insects, and machinery which goes a long way in building atmosphere and weight to scenes. The violence is brutal and you feel the intensity of the action. The show was able to keep my interest for the entire run time and rarely hit pacing issues. If you love post apocalyptic anime, then you will probably enjoy this show despite its flaws.

The main issues that really drag down the show from potential greatness is the animation and the main character. The animation is very rough and was distracting countless times. Shots are reused, badly inserted animation on top of backgrounds, and other eye sores that needed polishing. Even for shows AIC was producing around the same time such as "Now and Then, Here and There", its below average quality. I'm usually forgiving when it comes to hand drawn animation, but even for me I couldn't ignore its issues.

The main character is hard to root for the majority of the show. At the first half he complains and screws things up way too much, and then he becomes unlikable for another section in the second half. To be fair, the show sets up the character to be this way in the story, and had the show handled it better i would have had no problem with it. However, the show takes way too long for this flawed character to change to the point to where you start to hate the main character and that is never good. They either needed to tone down the character, or have his arc flow more naturally. I want more flawed characters in anime, but he just did not work for me at all.

Overall, its a slightly above average anime. Even for those who do like this anime, I can't see that many of them claiming its an overlooked masterpiece or anything.
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Odd Taxi (2021)
Unique mystery show that will impress most
21 May 2023
Obviously this show could not be ignored with all of the fanfare proclaiming this show as the Second Coming, so eventually I went and checked it out.

Odd Taxi is a mystery story where you follow all of the characters interactions with the main protagonist taxi driver. At the same time, you also follow characters who are friends and foes of the main protagonist who eventually become involved in the main mystery.

I was nervous walking into this show due to some very misleading trailers and questionable reviews I read about it. Thankfully, the show was a surprise for me. It does shine and deserves some of the praise it's been receiving.

The show has a unique animation style and the creators were aware of its limitations for the most part. It emphasized detail in characters expressions and environments when it needed to and was able to mask some of its rough edges at other times. The 3D car animations were agonizing to look at, but they keep the shots to a minimum and used angles to make it look as best as they could, so props to that.

The best part of the show is that characters were so written well that you could relate and care for and understand their motivations. The show is nothing but dialogue, and it uses this advantage by fleshing out the characters as much as they can. They don't just spout exposition all the time, they spend time letting the characters express themselves and their feelings while at the same time progressing the mystery plot. The dialogue is snappy, sharp, and fast. It allows the audience to get sucked into the conversations and remain glued to the screen despite nothing "exciting" happens.

The show is very much against the mold of a typical anime. You can easily imagine this show as an Adult Swim show and not much would change.

The main problem with the show is aspects of the writing. While I do commend some things about it, such as keeping the pacing very fast and letting the characters bounce off each other so well, it does come with flaws.

Sections of the writing has a layer of self-impressed ego attached to it - like an emo middle schooler writing their first script. Characters will force in pop culture references, they'll talk about depression and insecurities like they are the only people on earth who've experienced it, and they'll give the characters quirks like rapping or a martial art and it makes you cringe in your seat. I rolled my eyes way too many times than I care to admit. Someone trying to emulate Quentin Tarantino without the talent to pull it off most of the time. The silliness overstepped its welcome and did more harm to the show than benefit.

The writing and logic start to suffer in the second half. There were many plot elements that didn't add up. The show started strong so it really did let me down when it lost momentum after the first half. Even in some of the best episodes in the first half there were massive missteps in logic that it took me out of the immersion. Characters losing data on their phone that would've normally been backed up based on what they were playing, characters only showing up at key moments even though they have the ability to track their enemies 100% of the time, and other plot conveniences.

Overall, I can totally understand the appeal of this show. It's a breath of fresh air for anime, and I do wish more anime would borrow aspects of this show. The majority will love this show, and If you are on the fence I recommend to give this show a try. You might be surprised like I was.
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Infinite Ryvius (1999–2000)
Half-Baked Lord of the Flies
21 May 2023
This show is essentially "Lord of the Flies" on a spaceship combined with mecha fights. Children are trapped on a spaceship, attempt to form their own civilization, and fend off unknown enemies for as long as they can. As time goes on, their morale breaks down, and their civilization begins to crumble.

This show has the pieces to make something special: characters, setting, animation, and story, but average execution affected the overall result.

There are themes of forgiveness, standing up for what you believe in, and redemption, but some characters often go way beyond delinquent into straight up evil. By the end, I thought some characters were irredeemable and could not stand them anymore, even when they learned their wrongs. Having to watch a few of these insufferable characters was rough.

The overall plot felt underdeveloped, with me constantly questioning the motives of the outisde-ship villains, the Sphinx, and the Geduld phenomenon. While aspects can be left up to mystery just fine, other parts I felt were critical to become invested in the story. Therefore, with those parts being barely addressed, it made the situation feel less urgent and meaningful.

I did appreciate many scenes and character arcs that happened throughout the story, which is probably why i continued to watch all the way to the end. The shows does make you care about the main characters as they are constantly pushed to their mental limits.

The story takes a while to get going. The real meat of the emotional drama starts around episode 19. Had they kept that level of drama earlier, it would've made me more invested.

Animation, while hand drawn well, had a severe lack of variety of the ships and combat. All the colors were the same, and made it very difficult to follow along with the action.

Overall, a decent watch for space and sci-fi fans, but I don't see it as an underrated gem. If it were available on blu-ray, it would have to be at a big discount sale for me to pick it up.
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Texhnolyze (2003)
Thought Provoking anime that is emotionally distant
21 May 2023
I've been looking forward to this one. Serial Experiments Lain is one of my all time favorites and I have enjoyed all of this character designer's other projects. However, despite the animation being just as strong as his other shows, this is the first show of his that I was mostly disconnected from the story and the characters. This led to a lack of immersion and boredom creeping in by the second half. While I did finish watching the show, I was partially forcing myself through it.

Several of his shows he is attached to, including this one, are avant-garde/arthouse that explore deeper meanings and themes beyond the core story. Other anime tell their stories in a similar way, however few are as effective and complex as shows like Serial Experiment Lain. The key though, is that you can entertained and immersed into Serial Experiments Lain even if you do not fully grasp all of the hidden themes, metaphors, and messages. That is the one ingredient that all of the best films and shows of this genre have in common. Then, once you finish it, you were so invested into the show that you want to re-watch it and do research to start understanding the themes and imagery. Its the icing on the cake. Texhnolyze is missing that key.

Once I finished in the show, I was not emotionally invested in the story or characters. As a result, I felt no desire to go the extra mile and do research on the overall themes. There's no point for the icing on the cake if the cake itself is bland and boring.

The music, the animation, the style, and the sci-fi elements; all the ingredients are there for something special. Unfortunately, the story quickly devolves into a generic mafia tale. It focuses on the battle between the three factions and their intricacies for far too long that it took away from all of the interesting aspects of the story and the world. All the other plot elements took a back seat to a mafia story I've seen told better in other anime. Once the story finally started to re-focus on the main story elements regarding the world and its themes in the final episodes, it was too little too late for me to care.

Even when the story focused on its strengths, I did not attach to the main character nor anyone else. All of them lacked character motivation for their actions. The details that made the characters interesting were only the purpose each one served in the grander narrative and message of the show. They all felt like soulless props where their only duty is to reflect the themes and statements of the show rather than be interesting on their own.

Perhaps I'm being too harsh on this one due to my high expectations. Like I said before, there is a lot to like from this show. Fantastic atmosphere, trippy animation, and thematic music is what kept me going to watch the entirety of the show. Sadly, I was disappointed with this one, and highly recommend watching all of the other projects Yoshitoshi Abe worked on.
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Death Parade (2015)
Thought Provoking, Thrilling, and Visually Immersive
21 May 2023
Death Parade is comparable to Hell Girl both in terms of structure and concept. Humans are judged on by arbiters over who goes to their version of heaven and hell based on their actions and behavior while undergoing severe psychological stress.

Each episode is a different tale with different characters. In my opinion, Death Parade improves on the formula on Hell Girl by including a series-length plot with the main character that connects the episodic stories together.

Hell Girl's weakness was repetition. Each episode focused entirely on the humans under evaluation by the arbiters, so each episode ended with the same themes and outcomes. In Death Parade, half of the episode focuses on the human subjects and the other half covers how it changes the main character.

This leads to an extra layer of depth and variety in the stories.

The look of the show is mind-blowing at times. The set design and backgrounds is top notch. Each location has a different atmosphere so the visuals don't get boring. The musical score is nothing special but is a key to contributing to the immersion.

It appears they opened up the possibility to a continuation of this show and its world based on what they set up. Unfortunately, that did not materialize. Thankfully, the majority of the character arcs and critical story beats were resolved, so it's not that big of a deal.

If you are a fan of horror or thought-provoking anthology shows like Black Mirror or Cabinet of Curiosities, this is the anime to check out. Even if you are not a fan of shows like this, I highly recommend giving the show a try just for the visuals and the entertaining scenarios the humans are subjected to.
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Cowboy Bebop (1998–1999)
Still hasn't been topped.
21 May 2023
Cowboy Bebop, to this day, remains my all-time favorite anime regardless of its universal acclaim and its consistent appearances on top 10 lists. It deserves it.

I often credit this show as the gateway to anime. If you have someone who has never seen an anime, this is the perfect show to introduce them to the genre. It crosses the line of escaping its own genre and becomes something that has widespread appeal. To put it another way, you are dipping your toes into the anime genre with this show.

Iconic characters, iconic music, jaw-dropping hand drawn animation, an old school film noir tone, and filled with memorable episodic tales the I've revisited many times. The quality of episodes ranges from good to masterpiece. My personal favorites are 5, 11, 18, and 20. There's something for everyone across this 26-episode series & film.

Normally I do not like episodic anime often and prefer a linear experience. However, when the tales are this incredible, I can easily watch shows like Cowboy Bebop, his later project Samurai Champloo, and Michiko & Hatchin for example. It takes something special to make a semi-serious anime entertaining for me in an episodic format. That isn't to say the show is 100% episodic. There are multiple story arcs that carry over the entire show for each character to look forward to, however the main crux of the show is an "adventure of the week" pattern.

The English dub by the fantastic voice actors also raises the quality of the show. It's rare for me to prefer the dub to the original Japanese voice, but they knock it out of the park with this one. This show would lose a piece of its identity if not for those voices.

If you were hesitant about watching, Ignore the hype and view it without rose colored glasses or any expectations. Give it a try, get to episode #5, and see if you want to continue watching after that tense cliffhanger.
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91 Days (2016–2017)
Solid Prohibition-era mafia revenge story
24 April 2023
While this Prohibition-era mafia revenge story is simple and seen many times, the execution is what makes this show stand out and worth your time.

Solid animation, great atmosphere encapsulating the 1930s, and the plight of the main character is what will initially pull you in to continue watching. While the theme of "revenge being a dish best served cold" is blatantly the point of the show, the show introduces interesting dynamics between the main character and his targets that make the final decisions impactful and emotional. I appreciated the effort of the character development of the villains to make them unique rather than bland heartless killers.

The show is fast paced. It is either raising the stakes or changing the situation to keep the audience and the main characters on their toes. Also, morality is sometimes blurred in situations to avoid boredom of having a simple good vs. Evil battle.

There isn't much else to discuss. Simple story, great execution. Pick it up on blu-ray to enjoy in high definition to really make the animation really pop off the screen. The disc is cheap right now.
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Aggretsuko (2018–2023)
Office Dramedy with endearing characters
24 April 2023
This will cover all 5 seasons without spoilers. A sweet, extremely relatable dramedy about office drama and common social issues with endearing characters.

Each character reflects a common coworker personality almost everyone has and puts them into zany yet grounded life office issues. The main draw is how close to home the scenarios these characters are in, and how it looks at the situations under an optimistic and realistic lens. You will feel all the emotions the characters are feeling: stress, despair, hopeful, confident, etc.

The show does its best to keep things fresh and moving to avoid being boring and repetitive. The show is constantly introducing new characters and developing the preexisting characters by giving them new dynamics to the main character. The show balances between goofiness and drama perfectly.

That is, until the 4th season. I recommend leaving the show at the end of the 3rd season. At that point, the main arcs of the characters have mostly been completed and leaves the characters on a high note where you can gauge where their lives are heading. The last two season lost a lot of what made the show special, and I struggled to finish them. Watch them at your own risk.

I overlooked this show due to the animation and assumed it was a generic comedy. Mistake.
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Berserk (1997–1998)
Thought Provoking & Nightmare Fuel Imagery
24 April 2023
Berserk surprised me even with its universal acclaim and reputation. I was expecting a well-done but typical medieval hack and slasher, and what I saw was a profound and thought provoking story combined with some of the greatest horror visuals ever put to screen.

Berserk follows an aimless soldier who has no dreams and purpose in life be recruited by the only person able to outmatch him who has an uncontrollable dream of ruling the world. As they fight alongside each other and a bond forms, both begin to question their own dreams and what they truly want in life. At the same time, they are unaware something sinister is being plotted behind the scenes.

The show plays out like a Shakespearean or Greek tragedy, with themes of chasing your dreams and what are you willing to do to accomplish them; how some can be blinded by their own aspirations and not see what is truly important right in front of them. That only scratches the surface, their are many ways to interpret what the characters and their actions represent, which is not what I expected from a show like this. There are other themes explored such has whether you have control over your own destiny. It'll make you think about it for many days afterword.

I have read about 200 chapters of the manga, and so far I still prefer where the anime ends. Like I mentioned before, the way the anime plays out from the beginning to how it ends creates something more significant with the characters had the show continued. The main character arcs I cared about were mostly resolved at the last episode and have not been added to much in the manga.

Lastly, I want to give a huge appreciation to the visuals of the show, specifically the supernatural elements. Without spoiling, it is unlike anything I've ever seen in anime, and this is coming from someone who has seen a lot of horror anime. It is pure nightmare fuel; something you hope to never see in your dreams. The visuals look like something you would see painted on the walls of the Vatican to depict Hell.

I highly recommend this show, even if you are not the biggest fan of hack and slashers. This show has way more to offer than that, and I regret not watching this sooner. I hope it gets a proper blu-ray release, not the garbage CGI releases.
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Akira (1988)
Classic Anime
24 April 2023
I re-watched this movie for the first time in over a decade and it still continues to hold up for me.

Put simply, very few anime have matched the level of animation this movie achieved, and that is saying something for a film that is 35 years old. Entirely hand drawn, filled to the brim with detail, it will make your jaw drop while viewing in High Definition. This film is worth your time just for the visuals alone. If it weren't for this film, anime would not be as popular in the West as it is today.

The story is chaotic with non-stop action and explosions while at the same time one of the characters is slowing gaining out of control fantasy powers that can destroy the world. The story is not complex, rather it is the pandemonium vibe the movie creates that really engages the audience in the fully realized city of Neo-Tokyo. The story is somewhat vague, culminating in an obscure ending that may frustrate some. However, this movie is more about the journey than the destination, and like I said before is about being entertained by the vibe and atmosphere of the world and its visuals.

The definition of a classic anime. A must watch for self-proclaimed anime fans.
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Feels Like A Long Lost Ghibli Film
24 April 2023
A Letter to Momo is a sweet coming of age story where a child becomes introverted and frozen by grief over the death of her father. She is visited by 3 spirits to overcome this pain, become social again, and move on in her life.

This feels like a long lost Studio Ghibli film, as it has a similar to vibe to their chill films like Whisper of the Heart, Only Yesterday, Totoro, etc. The animation is also a similar style to Ghibli in that it has great detail on the facial expressions of the characters and the backgrounds. The story is like a fairy tale that kids could enjoy and get attached to, even if the subject matter can be emotional at times.

You do care for the main character as everyone around her attempts to help her recover. She is also adjusting socially to a new environment that all audiences can connect to.

I'm only docking points because it is still a standard story that has been told many times both in anime and live action. Also, if you are not into films geared towards general audiences and only like mature shows, you can skip this one as well.

I'm glad I checked it out, and its merits a watch if you are a fan of these types of Ghibli-esque dramas.
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Angel's Egg (1985 Video)
Anime Avant Garde Visual Wonder
24 April 2023
Angel's Egg is an arthouse short film that is almost entirely all visuals with next to no story. However, unlike other "all style, no substance" short films, there is a lot of stuff to interpret from this one that I can recommend it at least one watch.

The animation is also leagues above average compared to the other hyper-stylistic short films I've come across. Hand drawn, packed with detail, and an ominous score immediately grabs the viewer and doesn't let go until the end.

When the film ends, you immediately want to do research on the symbolism, themes, and the meanings that can be deciphered by the film. Thankfully, there is a lot of information out there on Youtube and forums that, without spoiling, have reached a general conclusion about the main themes of the film at least. So, if you are entirely lost on what the film was trying to convey, there are resources out there to help with that.

Not a masterpiece, and only a short film, this film will likely remain unseen by the majority. However, if you are looking for an obtuse, challenging, and different anime, this is one to check out, especially if you are into directors like David Lynch or Darren Arronofsky who make similar films like this.
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Men in Black combined with an Anime Shounen
24 April 2023
This review will cover both both the first and second season as a whole. This show is comparable to "Men in Black", where New York City has both humans and supernatural beings interacting with each other. The main character, with a useful ability given to him under tragic circumstances, joins a group dedicated to maintaining order and balance in the city by taking down the baddies.

This show to me is the perfect balance of the stereotypes of an over the top shounen with stylistic action, while also grounding the story in a somewhat realistic setting. The action is not the focus of the show, it is the unique characters that make up the group. The action is the icing on the cake done brilliantly by Studio Bones as always. It also features one of the best scores in all of anime, featuring appropriate jazz tunes you would think were straight from Cowboy Bebop.

Every episode expands on the city they inhabit and also the characters' background and motives. It is mostly episodic, but has a feel of linear storytelling as the characters change and evolve. The show goes back and forth between comedy and drama, depending on the situation a character is in. One episode (#5) is one of my favorite stand alone episodes in all of anime.

I wish this show had continued, as this is the type of show that could have 10 seasons worth of material. They set up a world filled with possibilities. However, it's not like the second ends the characters on cliffhangers either.

If you are a fan of shounen, looking for a fun watch, or like bombastic action, you'll likely enjoy this one.
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Canaan (2009)
Solid Action Thriller
24 April 2023
Canaan is an action thriller where three main characters converge in China as their previous baggage with each other become intertwined with an overarching terrorist plot.

What grabbed me immediately were the visuals and the unique setting of China, which is rarely seen in anime. The action is spectacularly animated creating white knuckle tension, a sense of stakes, and a feeling of brutality. While their are fantastical elements involved, the action still plays out similar to what you would see in a Jason Bourne or James Bond movie. The character animation is colorful, crisp, and full of complexion.

What is interesting is that the audience has to piece together the history the three characters have with each other as the show goes along. This story is a quasi sequel to events taken place in a visual novel to my understanding. Therefore, the show immediately launches into the plot assuming you know the characters already. Thankfully the show provides enough tidbits of information of the characters' past that I could follow along with the story even though I had not seen the visual novel. It was refreshing to see a show with next to no exposition dead-weight at the beginning and gets straight into the action. It makes you pay close attention so you don't miss crucial information.

While this show does not reach top tier in any of its elements, this is still a solid action anime that I believe is an underrated gem. I'm glad I stumbled onto this one by chance.
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An underrated show buried by Netflix.
24 April 2023
This show was buried in Netflix recommendations. I wished I had seen it sooner because this was a pleasant surprise. The world building is top tier and the clash between the main characters' civilization and their oppressive villains is incredibly engaging.

This show is similar to other shows and movies where you have a civilization that knows nothing of the outside world and then are brutally brought down to earth and forced to not only acknowledge the outside world but also combat those who wish to harm them. However, the execution of this story is striking and original; I was never thinking of a similar show during the entire runtime.

Right out of the gate, the civilization is pushed to their emotional limits after experiencing tragedy. Seeing them take a stand was so powerful and emotionally satisfying. The action did not shy away from the psychological brutality of the violence and sense of loss. The civilization acts with their hearts on their sleeve which in turn makes the audience emotionally invested in the characters. No main character stands out, rather the combined social structure of the civilization is what draws the audience's investment. At the same time, there is a long mystery associated with their civilization and their past that comes into play as the story plays out which adds an extra layer of interest.

The animation is unique with backgrounds that look like water colored still images. The facial expressions and outline of the characters is intricate to make them stand out in the crowds of their civilization. The buildings, environment, and magic effects are gorgeous to look at.

Unfortunately, it looks like Netflix did not continue the show. Its a shame since there is 5x more material afterwords in the manga. If you did like this show, I highly recommend continuing with the manga. It's worth your time.
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Still my favorite Shinkai film
24 April 2023
Hot take: this is still my favorite Shinkai film, and the one that made me explore the rest of his filmography. While this film is flawed, this is the one from him that emotionally resonated the most for me.

I've called it the depressing "Spirited Away", since it takes the concept of that movie but focuses on heavier subject matter of loss, grief, and regret. Some of the plot elements are half baked or incomplete, but this show has a vibe that has stuck with me upon first viewing.

I also believe this has the best animation of all his films. His later films have a modern and glossy look to them that rely more on CGI. His earlier films on the other hand were janky as they were still working with new technology and a lower budget. The animation for this film is right in the sweet spot of fully utilizing the technology without relying on it as a crutch. It looks amazing on blu-ray.

On top of that, this film contains the best score from his films. The scale of this world they enter feels so grand and large with the music soaring it'll give you goosebumps every time. Half of the credit for the emotional scenes should go to the score. I wish he continued working with this composer.

As mentioned, the biggest flaw is the story elements. While you do connect with the main character the entire way and understand her motivations, everything around her is somewhat underdeveloped. The ending is abrupt; I wish the resolution was expanded on a little more.

If you are not a fan of Shinkai at all this likely won't win you over. However, if you are a fan of Shinkai, I would not overlook this one.
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My all-time favorite Ghibli film, endlesslessly rewatchable
23 April 2023
I have watched this movie dozens of times going all the way back to watching the VHS at age 5. It remains my favorite Studio Ghibli film and will remain a masterpiece that is endlessly re-watchable.

An all-ages Indiana Jones action caper combined with Ghibli's unbeatable animation and Miyazaki's obvious love for aviation created one of my favorite films of all time. The movie runs at a breakneck pace and is constantly moving. You are on board with the characters who know just as much as the audience does. As the film continues, the villain becomes a ruthless menace to the main characters, culminating in one of the best action climaxes you will ever see. Every ounce of tension and suspense is utilized placing characters in harrowing situations in every action set piece. The animation is so fluid and colorful it is a feast for the eyes.

The score is John Williams-esque. The characters are a treat to watch, and the movie keeps a fantastic level of lightheartedness to keep things enjoyable and fun. The villains are foreboding that you love to hate. I can go on and on.

I recommend watching on VHS if you can find a copy. For some reason, a lot of background audio was removed when it was carried over to DVD and Blu-ray and streaming. Also, the Disney Dub is the superior version by far. They recruited a lot of talent from famous actors to make it so I never want to go back to the Japanese version.
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Cloverfield (2008)
Before Found Footage Movies Got Out Of Hand
28 February 2016
Cloverfield takes the Godzilla formula but with the found footage style. Director Matt Reeves and Drew Goddard took something that should have been terrible, but gave it enough style and substance to make it a fun and entertaining thriller. You don't go to these films for Oscar worthy acting or ideas. You go to these films to shove popcorn in your face and have a fun time. That's why it deserves a 9 out of 10, because as a standard monster thriller, it is a well above average movie. The action is intense and not lazily filmed, you are never bored, and thanks to the Cabin in the Woods writer/director, has some humor in it as well. This is not a horror film, which some think it is. The acting is good enough to not take you out of the movie immersion. This is an excellent rental.
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Just watch Episode 4
25 November 2015
The 6/10 represents the series as a whole. The show is a bunch of shorts loosely related to each other. Know that going in. Because of that, some shorts are going to be better than others. This is definitely the case here. I strongly recommend watching the fourth episode only, as it never gets better than that. I could barely finish the last few episodes. Points to soundtrack. The editing and pace of the show is a very strong plus. I wish more anime was like this, as most anime shows draw out dialogue and character and camera movements are really slow and stale. I hope more shows adopt this formula in the future.
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