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Shōgun: Tomorrow Is Tomorrow (2024)
Season 1, Episode 3
It just gets better and better!
5 March 2024
This show is just so damn good! I love these characters! They do such a great job at building things up, where you can really feel we're going somewhere epic.

Seeing how two types of cultures clash and work off each other is really exciting. Every episode has been a lot of fun with plenty of intensity. The whole world is so enriched. It's never been so easy to melt into a world or period in history.

In particular, a piece from the score that kicks in at the end of this episode left me demanding the next chapter!

I can't help but hype this show up to anyone that would listen. I'll eagerly be sitting in the Hulu app awaiting next week's episode.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 22: Guns for Hire (2023)
Season 3, Episode 6
A Narrative Momentum Speed Bump
6 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
We know that The Mandalorian has episodes with their own independent arcs, which is not the issue. With the ending of the previous episode, we are finally getting some long needed momentum this season to begin the path to retaking Mandalore!

The reasoning for detouring Bo-Katan and Din Djarin feels very, very thin just to complete a mundane and childish feeling investigation into malfunctioning droids.

Guest stars in this show, typically, really shine in their performances. If the characters are acting way over the top like Jack Black and Lizzo do, it's very jarring! You get completely taken out of the story because of the over the top and colorful cameos.

I am just very frustrated how long it has taken to truly get the overall story of the season to get moving, and then right after that we get a massive story roadblock. This whole episode feels like a huge waist of time. Very messy!
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Wildcat (2022)
A Heartfelt and Inspiring Story
30 December 2022
This story is told so well and is perfectly structured. You really get the chance to get close to and understand Harry and Samantha. You can truly feel each of their perspectives and emotions. You get a great sense of what it takes to work through the lowest of lows that someone can feel.

This story is full of emotion where you can't help but feel connected to their story and struggle. Seeing their devotion to what they're passionate about and care so much for will undoubtedly lift you.

The music flows perfectly with all the visuals, being inspirational and beautiful. The visuals and cinematography are stunning, not just a result of the breathtaking jungle scenery.

An easy recommendation!
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Andor (2022– )
A Welcome New Tone
21 September 2022
First of all, wow! The show immediately grabs you with its first couple of scenes, letting you know that this show is going to have a more adult tone. Seeing the workings of everyday people in the galaxy, the perspective of an imperial loyalist, and a thief making his way through the galaxy is so thrilling and exciting. The big and little details you get out of all the varying cultures on different planets allows you to completely melt into and engross yourself in the Star Wars galaxy, which is what many of us love so much.

The show's cast stands out. Every smaller and supporting character has a chance to shine. You can easily feel a deep history between characters from each cast member's stellar performance. The writers truly give you something interesting and griping to hold on to! The set design, costumes, and visuals are all stunning. It is a welcome new change of tone used for this Star Wars story. I can't wait to see more!
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Was hoping for a bulkier first episode
29 December 2021
In the midst of this recent Star Wars content drought I was hoping for a longer episode, which we didn't get. Instead get a quick 30 minutes.

That being said, you can't deny how cool of a start this felt. I'm loving the tone! I'm glad they're able to maintain as much of the brutality of Boba Fett as possible despite being limited by Disney's family-friendly restraints.

I can't completely jump on the train of, "Oh my god, this is going to be awesome!" quite yet. But hey, that new theme at the end credits... I love it! I'm optimistic for the future of the show because I trust the creators behind it.
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What If... What Just Happened?
12 August 2021
I can't be the only one who felt like the entire episode was on 3x fast forward. It is paced waaaaaay too quickly. I guess I don't know what exactly I was expecting since it really is them condensing an entire movie into 28 minutes. It most definitely feels like it.

I like the concept for the "What If...?" show, its fun. The animation looks great and I love the style. I couldn't help but laugh though at every moment they show the goofy lipped, goblin looking Steve Rogers. He is very distracting!

I love Captain America and the story between him and Peggy, but I couldn't help but just feel compelled to roll my eyes every time they mention dancing.

A disappointment, but I still remain hopeful for the other episodes...
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Old (2021)
What Just Happened?
24 July 2021
The concept is interesting enough to draw you in. Once you view it, it's a different story. The start is promising and interesting and you can tell the atmosphere is off and that the bad things are bound to happen soon.

As the core of the plot unfolds, dialogue that makes sense, is thrown out the window. The cast delivers robotic and unintentionally funny lines throughout the movie. The characters should be questioning the strangeness of their environment more and seemed far too calm. Moments that are supposed to be the height of tension in the movie are a lot of the time funny or feel goofy in their delivery. You're clearly meant to feel creeped out and discomfort in those moments. This movie needed more time to breath upon each major development in the plot, but instead your left noticing how disjointed the movie really feels.

The script needed another once over or M. Night Shyamalan needs to start reading his own dialogue out loud and realize it doesn't make sense! All I can really say is, what even happened? This movie is mistakenly named a thriller and horror, when it's clearly lands as a comedy.
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Great Chemistry!
25 April 2021
This is a type of movie that I wish we'd see more of nowadays with strong writing, a concept that's both simple and complex, and a great cast!

The awkwardness of the characters lands perfectly with its comedy and covers a topic you don't normally see. Ed Helms and Patti Harrison both shine equally and play off each really well! The movie also has really memorable side characters.

Great movie and worth taking a chance to go see!
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Josstice League Begone!
19 March 2021
I gotta say that I am not a fan of Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, and the 2017 Justice League, but this feels like a huge step up! I'm still baffled, but also glad, that Warner Bros put forth the money to finalize the Snyder cut. You can tell that there's a lot more care here relative to the 2017 film.

First of all, I'm fine with the great length of the movie. The chapters help give you that subtle reminder that you can just simply absorb this movie in chunks if you don't want to commit to that 4 hour runtime in one sitting.

I appreciate and enjoyed the stretched out screen time and development we got for the Flash, Cyborg, and Steppenwolf. Steppenwolf felt competent and slightly more interesting. The brief dive into the lore of Darkseid and Apokolips was interesting and left me wanting more. I foresee the casual DC fan leaving kind of confused on a lot of the concepts looked at in this movie.

One of the problems in this film is something that plagues the others, is the weak and cringe worthy dialogue at times. I found myself laughing at the movie when a character would say something that simply doesn't sound right. I still get annoyed with this type of cinematography! I found myself getting a headache at one point during the battle outside towards the end.

Overall, I'm surprised that I liked it so much and it left me being curious to see where the Snyderverse goes next...
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Helstrom (2020)
Surprisingly Decent
16 October 2020
I admit I don't know much on the original source material, so I can't speak to its overall accuracy. In general I think the show has its moments. I appreciate that it doesn't shy away from the brutality of its content and stays relatively true to the horror and fantasy elements of it. The show is pretty simple in its execution which I think is fine. The Helstrom siblings are interesting and seem to give a decent performance with the mostly average script. The side characters feel pretty two-dimensional.

The real quality in the show lies in the members of the Helstrom family themselves who, thankfully and rightfully so, carry the show. I know the show won't be renewed and this is a one time thing, but it's mostly decent and I think worth your time.
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Hunters (2020–2023)
A Show That Can't Pick a Tone!
23 February 2020
I really liked the premise, the cast, and the trailers and was looking forward to seeing what the show would offer. The show is rampant with awkward dialogue and repetitive references to comic characters which gets very annoying. Every other piece of dialogue seems to only be exposition and no real character development. The show feels to constantly be in battle with itself on its own identity. The show feels disjointed while trying to deliver comedy right against constant flashbacks to the Holocaust. The show relies too heavily on those flashbacks which feel very lazy in an attempt to fill those unanswered questions. Pretty disappointed with the show. Logan Lerman and Al Pacino are entirely underutilized.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 1: The Mandalorian (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Calm and Compelling Start
12 November 2019
Like many I've been looking forward to this series, while definitely having more excitement for this than Rise of Skywalkwer. The first episode gives us all a brief introduction into the Mandalorian character. You get a sense of what state the galaxy is in at this point in time. Enough said. We'll see how it goes from here...
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Midsommar (2019)
A Visual Pleasure Fest
5 July 2019
Wow! If I could sum up the film in one word to display how great it is, it'd be "cinematography"! I don't want to describe to you the specific shots that I'm talking about, because all I'd be doing is suppressing your FILMGASM when you actually see them. There's a vast array of beautiful transitions and establishing shots, along with unique camera movements splattered everywhere.

Each character is interestingly twisted and broken in their own unique ways.

In many films that take a weird and non cohesive route with their story tend to fall ill of losing itself towards the end like Midsommar does. There's seems to be no over arching narrative that pieces it all together. It's lacking a true narrative like Hereditary.

The average movie goer will most likely not enjoy or appreciate certain aspects this film or will enjoy it simply because it's weird.
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Jessica Jones: A.K.A. Everything (2019)
Season 3, Episode 13
Whole Show Ruined by One Character...
17 June 2019
To sum up the primary problem in this last season of Jessica Jones, is that Trish Walker is the worst. Her character nearly single handily brought this show to its knees. The main villain is also really dry this season. Compared to Killgrave, this sideshow boring dummy doesn't even compare.

Trish is insanely annoying, obnoxious, buts in when she's not invited, and the show focuses way too many large segments of episodes on her. The writing for her character is bizarre and one of the worst storylines and arcs I've ever seen. I literally was yelling at the screen because of how annoying she is. In this season her idiotic antics were even worse than the previous season.

As a whole, I'm sad to see the character Jessica Jones go, but the show really did need an end to itself. Hopefully we'll see Jessica return again, with Daredevil, Luke Cage, and The Punisher.

PS: Please stay gone Iron Fist ;)
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Black Mirror: Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too (2019)
Season 5, Episode 3
Black Mirror Turned Kids Movie
6 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So, hmmmmm, where do I begin? In the beginning I was partially intrigued and curious where the story would go. I found it interesting with the younger sister's obsession over the Ashley Too and I thought they were going to go more in depth on what happened to the sisters' mother, but they never do.

The writing throughout is riddled with cringe worthy dialogue and stupid one liners. The entire episode sounds like it's the plot of an awful kids movie:

"Two girls meet their pop star hero as she's trapped in a toy. They help the star defeat her evil aunt who's using the singer's mind to generate new songs to make a fortune off of them."

Just purely awful! This episode doesn't even feel like an episode of Black Mirror. Easily the worst episode of the entire show.
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Our Planet (2019–2023)
Terrible Editing and No Story
30 May 2019
It feels like one of the BBC's docu-series which is great. The footage and shots are all beautiful. David Attenborough is obviously great. I almost can't watch a nature documentary without his voice narrating.

Here's the problem. Despite the fact that we see such a wide variety of animals and environments it's all cut away from way too quickly. Instead of any real small stories of an animal caring for its young, Attenborough might just say "There's the rarest species of frog jumping to a leaf to gather its daily nourishment." Aaaaaaand BOOM *cut to new location* And this plagues most of the series. We barely get a chance to absorb what we are seeing or really get chance to understand such wondrous creatures. I'm not sure if this comes from a lack of footage or simply just overall poor editing?

Major props to the film crews who spent all that time to get just 30 or so seconds of footage of something!

Overall, an unfortunate disappointment :(
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19 June 2018
I have always been a huge fan of the Total War franchise from the older historical titles to Warhammer 2. I liked the idea of them releasing these smaller titles focused on a smaller period in history. I also love the setting for Thrones of Britannia, since its a very interesting time and it revolving around the events so close to the tv show Vikings.

-My issue is that the games campaign feels very slowly paced, some mods can help make up for that, but they are not enough. -There is very little variety in the units in each of the factions. -Another thing, is that even the models for the units almost all look the same across all factions. >All elite units have the same look between the Gaelic, English, Viking, and Welsh factions; all bearing just chainmail around them >Nearly all units models sport the same helmet design, there being no difference between Vikings and Englishmen besides their beards

The only thing I seemed to enjoy was the multiplayer this time round. The game feels more of a $20 value add-on to Attila. In my opinion I would save your money and not purchase this game. You won't miss out on anything important in skipping this one minor title. If you are really interested in getting it, wait till it's 50% off on Steam.
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