
14 Reviews
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The Canyons (2013)
One of the worst films I've ever seen.
26 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I recently saw a Thanksgiving play put on by a bunch of 6 year old kids and I would rather watch that a thousand times before I ever watch this horrible movie ever again. Where do I even begin with this big poop pile of a movie. The acting is HORRENDOUS. Just when I thought no one could be more worse than Lindsay Lohan, James Deen appears! He's absolutely terrible. He should stick to the other movies he makes. I didn't recognize any of the other actors but they weren't very memorable anyways. At least not in a good way. None of the actors were all that great. It's not even worth seeing once. Just don't. It's a complete waste of time. I barely made it through to the end. I feel like I should be compensated for my pain and suffering (just kidding. Well actually maybe not...). It has a 1.3 rating on Netflix which is the lowest rating I have personally ever seen on Netflix. I think with a whole different cast and crew the movie might have a slight chance of being somewhat decent. The idea itself is okay I guess it just was not put together to well. I still can't give it more than 1 star.
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It Follows (2014)
A new concept of fear
6 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
After hearing many people say how lame this movie was I dragged my husband to the movies to see it. I usually never listen to other people's reviews. I like to see things for myself and I'm glad I did this time because it honestly wasn't all that bad. It definitely wasn't the best movie ever but it wasn't the worst. Maybe I'm just a chicken but I thought the movie was pretty scary. The opening scene at the beach terrified me. The concept is pretty cool. Everyone knows the people who have sex in horror movies are going to die. It's the easiest clue. This movie brings that rule to a whole other level. You basically get the worst STI ever. This thing starts following you and kills you. It looks different every time and can be pretty scary looking. The acting was pretty good. I didn't recognize any of the actors but they whole cast did a great job. The storyline was well written. I really liked how they didn't explain why or how this started. Does it only follow you if you have sex as a teen? The guy who passed it to Jay was 21 but we don't know when he lost his virginity. Does it only follow you if you have premarital sex? What even is it? A ghost? It's completely up to the audience to figure out. The ending was a cliffhanger. I hope they make a sequel!
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Cinderella (I) (2015)
Above and beyond expectations
2 April 2015
Cinderella is one of my favorite fairy tales. I especially love the Disney cartoon. I had very high expectations for this movie and was not disappointed in the least. I wouldn't say it was better than the cartoon but the cartoon isn't better either. They're both fantastic in their own ways. The live action wasn't a remake of the cartoon. I loved all the colors!!! The step- sisters were very annoying but their dresses were so beautiful. The clothes had so much detail. Even Ella's rags were pretty! The costumes people (I don't know their official title!) definitely need to get some sort of recognition. Cate Blanchett was AMAZING as the step- mother. She was pure evil but I liked her at the same time. Lily James was phenomenal as Ella. Helena Bonham Carter was brilliant of course. Honestly the whole cast was wonderful. I highly recommend this movie to everyone. After this I'm really looking forward to the live action Beauty and the Beast.
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Ghost Adventures (2008– )
It's pretty good
20 March 2015
I love the paranormal. I don't know if it's fake or not it just interests me. I've been watching this show on and off since 2008. I love all the stories and experiences. The show does a good job with the history of the places they investigate. They always get a good amount of "evidence" which is cool. I've seen some other paranormal investigating shows and they never get any evidence. Of course when something happens they get freaked out a little. It's fun to watch them get scared. I don't know if the show is fake but even if it was I think it's still entertaining. It's like going to the movies to see a scary movie. You know it's all fake but you still like it. The only thing I do not like about the show is Zak. He's a total d*****bag. He thinks he's so cool. He's one of those guys who wears tapout and affliction (yeah one of THOSE guys) and honestly he can be really rude sometimes to the people they interview. He's even rude to the ghosts! I think if the show dropped him it would be so much better. Nic (nik?) and Aaron could definitely keep the show going without him.
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Kind of disappointing
12 January 2015
I had such high hopes for this movie. I love Abigail Breslin so I figured this movie would be good. It was definitely NOT good but it wasn't necessarily the worst movie ever. The acting wasn't very good at all. So overly dramatic. Im not sure if it was the actress though since she is actually very talented. Maybe a bad director? The other actress was just plain bad. I don't even remember her name. I believe she was the little girl from Narnia but I'm not sure. I really liked the plot I just couldn't get pass the horrible acting. I'm giving this movie 4 stars because even though the acting was awful (except for the actress who played the mother she was excellent!) I really liked the storyline. The movie didn't feel dragged out or rushed. It was put together nicely. It's worth at least one watch. Don't think I'll ever watch it again.
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Just plain bad.
11 January 2015
This movie is HORRIBLE. The acting was so bad. If I could give it negative stars I would. I was pretty excited about the plot at first. I love movies about forbidden love. I was extremely let down. The love scenes were so awkward and totally fake. I know it's all acting but come on at least try to seem interested. I've seen elementary school plays with better acting. I'm so glad I watched it on Netflix. If I spent any sort of money on this movie alone I would have been upset. Don't waste your time! Watching paint dry would be a better use of time than watching this movie. The only character I liked was the boyfriend in the beginning. He was actually really funny. He wasn't supposed to be funny though so he did a terrible job acting as well. I don't know how (or why) but I managed to sit through the entire thing. I guess I was hoping it would get better? It didn't.
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Dawson's Creek (1998–2003)
Mediocre acting awesome storyline
25 July 2014
I like the show. I don't love it but I don't hate it. It's pretty cheesy even for a teenage soap opera. The acting isn't all that great. Really the only acting I could stand was Joshua Jackson's and Michelle Williams's (sometimes). Katie Holmes wasn't too bad. She's not very good though. James Van Der Beek was pretty bad. Maybe it was because he was young. You could tell he was acting which I know sounds dumb because he is in fact acting. It just isn't believable. He's really awkward to watch. It kind of feels like he's in a corny school special about the dangers of drugs or something. Overly dramatic. But then again it is a soap opera so maybe that's why? The thing that keeps me watching is the storyline! It's really good. The writers did an awesome job. It's relatable and catches you Now if only the actors were just as good.
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Unspeakable Acts (1990 TV Movie)
Good story but hard to watch
31 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start by saying this movie was really good. I like movies that are based on true stories. Now it was very hard to watch. It's always difficult to listen to little children talk about sexual abuse and what was done to them. The thing that really irked me was the acting. It was terrible! I felt like I was watching one of those cheesy after school specials. You know the ones that tell you not to do drugs and stuff. The acting was so corny. And the guy with the stupid pony tail was the corniest of them all. The only decent actors were the small children. They do however warn you in the beginning that the movie is a dramatization but I still wasn't prepared. Overall I did enjoy the movie. I'll probably never watch it again though.
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Gimme Shelter (2013)
18 April 2014
I was very excited to watch this movie. I read a lot of reviews and thought this movie was going to be amazing. It was the exact opposite. Vanessa Hudgens is a horrible actress in this movie. Her fake New York accent is horrendous. The only actress that did a good job was Rosario Dawson. I forced myself to sit through the whole movie hoping it would get better. It didn't. Although it didn't get worse which was the highlight of the movie. I'd give it 0 stars if I could but I can't so I guess 1 will suffice. I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone. I really don't see how it got so many good reviews on here. It's one of those movies that look really good in the previews but turn out to be a big let down.
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One of my favorites
1 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I love this movie! It combines everything I love. I love witches and this movie isn't your typical witch movie. It shows the good and the bad sides of magic. Magic causes death but it also causes love. The cast is fantastic. It's probably the only movie I like of Nicole Kidman's career. Sandra Bullock is always amazing. Stockard Channing and Diane Keaton are my favorite. They have great chemistry with each other. I don't think the movie would be as good without them. I really can't see how people don't like this movie. It's funny but serious; it has love and magic. It has a really good soundtrack too. What's not to like?
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One of my favorite movies
18 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
If I could give this movie a million stars I would! This is the best Cinderella story ever (besides the Disney one). It's very realistic but still a fairy tale. Drew Barrymore is an excellent actress and Angelica Houston is just perfect. My husband watched it for the first time when we were just dating and he thought it was really good. I think he might be a little tired of it now though since I watch it all the time. I haven't really met anyone who doesn't like this movie. It's hard not to like it. It's a romantic movie with comedy and action. When Henry goes to rescue Danielle from that bad guy (I can never remember his name) and she basically rescued herself LOL I love it!
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The Host (2013)
So glad I waited to see it
18 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was so excited to see this movie but wasn't able to see it in theatres. I was about to buy it when I saw it was on Netflix. Whoohoo! My husband and I watched it and we were both very disappointed. It was incredibly corny and some parts were just plain dumb. If it was an action packed movie about aliens and human beings trying to destroy each other (I think this is what they were trying to portray but it wasn't done very well) it would have been an awesome movie. Since it was based off the story Stephanie Meyer wrote it was pretty bad. It was just like Twilight but Aliens instead of Vampires. I did however like the love story. It was very sweet and easy to understand. The movie had a few good scenes but overall it was horrible. Don't waste your money on it.
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Not worth buying on DVD
10 August 2013
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I watched the first GI Joe and loved it! This one didn't even come close. The acting was cheesy and the plot wasn't very strong. It didn't have a funny guy in it like the first one. It's like they tried to be a serious action movie and failed miserably! I'm not a fan of Bruce Willis so when he popped up on the screen I knew the movie was going to be horrible. I actually looked at my fiancé and said "can this movie get any worse?" And then Bruce showed up before I could even finish asking! And when Channing Tatums character was killed in the first 15 minutes that ended the whole movie! I really do like Dwayne Johnson, I've seen all his movies and really liked them (yes even the tooth fairy one ) but this one was just bad! The only reason I didn't give it a one was because like two of the action scenes weren't too bad. If you must watch it rent it from some place or borrow it from someone. Don't waste money on it. You'll regret it.
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It was actually really good!
10 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I read some reviews on it and wasn't too excited to see it (even after a year long wait!) I was so surprised! I thought the acting was good and the plot was excellent. It was really funny too. I wouldn't suggest bringing young children though! Its not really your run of the mill Disney movie. I don't usually watch movies about cowboys and Indians but this one was really good! Johnny Depp was amazing as always and Armie Hammer was fantastic too. I went with my brother and fiancé and they also thought it was really good. I thought the plot twist was really well played. I didn't even see it coming. I will definitely be buying this on DVD when it becomes available. Bravo Disney Bravo!:)
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