
11 Reviews
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Chicken Chronicles with Steve Guttenberg. Unfairly judged.
17 September 2019
First time I saw this movie, I have been out of high school for at least five years. Rented in local video store on VHS. Years later I was laid up with my pregnancy and saw it on TV again. I wanted to order it and I couldn't find it anywhere on DVD. It's a great coming-of-age movie. With 60s music I thought this movie was done very well, with an award winning cast. Phil silvers last movie. Please release this on DVD but honestly this movie has been unfairly judged. !!
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Mystic River (2003)
Mystic River, starring Sean Penn, Lawrence Fishburne, Tim Robbins, and Joan Cusack
11 June 2019
Sean Penn is one of my absolutely favorite actors, writers, producer and director. All star cast, riveting and suspenseful. When it's a really good movie, such as this, I don't have any spoilers. Pop the popcorn and get ready for a great film !! If you seen it once it's worth watching again!
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Arlington Road, never know what to expect next!
11 June 2019
Absolutely love this movie. Action-packed and you never know which around the corner. Jeff bridges, and Tim Robbins, both play riveting parts.

The first scene, starts out on the edge. It will keep your eyes glued to the screen. Never wanting to miss a moment. I give this film an 8. Enjoy!!

No spoilers
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Acrimony (2018)
Acrimony A must see!!
24 March 2019
I loved this movie. If I watch it again today it'll be my fourth time in three days. Terrific cast as usual Tyler Perry pulls it off in a way nobody else can! Any woman out there and your man's cheated on you, watch this. This is the darkest part I've ever seen Taraji Henson play. Great job done by all. I rate this and eight.
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Deadly Delusion (2017 TV Movie)
Great movie for a change, lifetime!
10 November 2018
I absolutely loved this movie. It had me on the edge of my seat. Never saw the movie like test with this type of story line. Terry Paulo played an excellent part, and so does Hailey Duff. I think from the beginning of the movie when you see her with that expression on her face that's all you need to know. Well thought out of Motive. I think Haley Duff is perfect for this type a part
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Titanic (1997)
summery of movie by psywizard880
2 June 2008
A lot of movies have been made about the "TITANIC". However, I do not think that there will be another. James Cameron did a fantastic job of bringing the TITANIC back to life so we all could see. Wonderful cast, wonderful story. Very sad ending, as we all know. I have seen all the TV movies with Barbara Stanwick, and others. No other movie tops this one. Kudos to Mr. James Cameron for having the sight to bring this movie back to life in the 1990's. A 10 for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that Rose and Jack were added for the love story, and wonderful acting between them. The ship was identical to all the documentary's I have seen, especially the state rooms were the first class were staying. Again, this movie is a must see for all that have not watched as of yet.

by psywizard880
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A Great Movie, that ranks up to one of the best horrors, by psywizard880
18 November 2006
I saw this movie when i was just a kid and on a black and white TV. It was so eerie. Between the voices in her head or her talking to herself in her head was eerie. I remember pulling the pillow to my face. I have seen it maybe 3 times, and I would love to get a copy of this. It first starts out as Jessica is getting out of loon bin, her husband picks her up and they move into a house that was owned by the Bishop family. I remember the Bishop girl showing up and Jessica did not think much of it. She did not like her. But besides Jessica and her husband, there was another guy that was on the tractor a lot. I remember seeing him dead and the tractor was operating by it's self. A truly great movie, i just wish i could see it again, and again. They need to bring back some of these movies in black and white, no color. The way it used to be, even though useda is dead. Get it? Useda is said this way, u-sta.
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The Perfect Husband The Laci Peterson Story
18 November 2006
This movie was released before the trial was over. I could not believe they were going to do that. I was glued to the TV from the beginning of this mess started on Christmas Eve 2002. I thought the movie was good, and Dean Cain kinda looked like Peterson. A little creepy! But we all now know, you can't kill your wife and unborn child here in the USA. Scott got what he deserved, the death sentence. I would rather seen him in prison, with no chance of parole, but in the general population. I watch this movie a lot. Good acting and i give this movie a B+.This trial went on and on as we know, but I think the whole world fell in love with Laci. She was just a beautiful girl in looks and spirit. All she wanted to do is have a normal life and have children with a man she could love and trust. But there were so many affairs with him, shortly after they were married. I only wish she would have left the marriage and Laci would still be here. I think of the family often.
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Rush (1991)
A Great Movie to see again and again!
8 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this movie was excellent. I loved Greg Allman in this. He really should make more movies. I remember the first time I saw him in the movie, walking into the bar, checking out people, clad in black with his long blonde hair, he was the bar owner type. He really did not have such a big part but I think he played a great Gains. My husband and I each have two different takes on the end of the movie. I say that when Jennifer Leigh is in court on the stand, when she looks at Gains, he takes his finger and runs it down his nose very slowly, while he is staring at her. The same thing that happened when the double barrel gun came through the window when she was laying on the couch. Now, I think that Leigh was the one in the back seat and blew Gains away. My husband says that police chief, or Sam Elliott killed him, I say it was Jennnifer Jason Leigh. Who was it? One of my all time favorite, one of many.
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A great movie from the 80's
8 November 2006
I was lucky enough to see this movie and actually was able to go to the house where it was shot. A huge brick mansion. If I remember it right, it used to be the old summer home for the people who owned either Hecht Company or Holchild Khone stores in Maryland. A huge house and grounds, with a huge built in pool. This place was beautiful!!!! Land everywhere, you could not see any main roads at this location. The movie is one of my all time favorites. Something to watch on a rainy night, or just anytime. Of course we all know who Eileen Davidson is from The Young and the Restless. Yes she does show some skin in this one. There were other soap-opera stars as well. Harley Jane Kozack played a great part. I have this movie on VHS and I would love to see it on DVD. Does anyone know where I can pick it up on DVD? A great film to see once, or many other times. I just love it. The house now is still standing, however, it's been sold off as flats. People purchased them and they live there. I would love to see it now.
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Bitter Blood
17 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie a while back. I wish they would air this more than they do. This movie is such a great movie. I do believe this is a true story. The ending is very sad though, so have your tissue ready. Great acting by all actors, makes you think about our court systems and how Justice is not always served to the correct people. In this movie, a father played by Keith Caradine, the mother played by Kelly Mcgillis, couple is estranged, mom picks up with undesirable cousin, whom thinks he is a doctor, and who is a madman. The father wants the children back because they would be better off with him. Instead, the mom gets them and they all die in the end, except the father, played by Keith Caradine. Like i said, make you wonder about the court system, and is it all about who has the best lawyer, the most money, or what. I would like see Justice in this story.

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