
2 Reviews
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Exaggerated but funny!
2 December 2005
I'm not Spanish, but I'm well aware of Spanish culture (or cultures) and very curious about the themes that tend to divide this country in two since the civil war! "Buen viaje excelencia" tries to depict the situation of Spanish government during the last years of Francisco Franco, when the dictator was showing strong signs of mental and physical illness, although until the day of his death he was presented to the world has a strong and in perfect shape leader. It's a satirical piece presented by one of Spain's most celebrated comedians "Els Joglars", a Catalan group that started on the sixties, and that tries to take to the cinema something that seems it would work better on stage, as a play!... Although funny at times, the film is unbalanced leaving a sense of broken pieces glued to each other. A curious document that portrays an age of changes in modern Spain, in the tradition of Italian political 'satyra'... Exaggerated but funny to watch at least if you're aware of Spain's 20th century history.
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Dramatic comedy in Mexico - Romantic comedy in Brazil
15 February 2005
Brazilian adaptation of the Mexican Box Office hit "Sexo, Pudor y Lágrimas". If you saw the original it's interesting to compare how the same story evolves in such different places has Mexico City and Rio de Janeiro. The film is well done and keeps your attention, having a faster pace than the original, being a honest try to do a modern light-hearted screwball comedy. Besides that, the more dramatic situations are deleted from the original script, so that you don't think to much and get to the end with a smile on your face. Try to see both (although not masterpieces they both deserve 90 minutes of your time)... You decide, which one is best.
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