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Rick and Morty: Fear No Mort (2023)
Season 7, Episode 10
A great homage to The X-Files "Field Trip" episode S06 E21 !!
8 February 2024
I immediately recognized this was based on that X-Files episode, which was a favourite of mine.

The execution here is flawless, the comedic timing priceless and the suspense it provides is top-notch.

This might be a top 5 Rick and Morty episode and it will be really hard to have it go out of that rank. This season was a mix of ups and downs, but they sure waited for last to provide the gold. What a thrill! I was amazed, from start to finish. You could also just show this only episode to a person that has not watched Rick and Morty ever, and they will enjoy it as it is.

Please, more of this creativity.

If you have to take more ideas from The X-Files, DO !!
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Atlanta: The Most Atlanta (2022)
Season 4, Episode 1
Hilariously silent
8 July 2023
What a marvelous episode. I loved all the europe episodes because they still exported the afroamerican surrealism to the old continent, but it was time to go back baby!

Smart from start to finish. Hilariously silent, I would say. The Seinfeld refference on the parking lot was gold Jerry, gold!

This is one of the best 10 shows I´ve watched in the last 10 years, and man, I´ve watched a lot.

Good news is, Atlanta´s format allows this shows to last long for several, several seasons without loosing interest. Why? Because the creativity is the limit. When you are slave of a main plot, you are compelled to solve and make the characters to "evolve". We don´t want to have that here. We want everybody stay like they are...like the Seinfeld´s characters.
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Black Mirror: Loch Henry (2023)
Season 6, Episode 2
Beautiful landscapes and a scary plot twist.
16 June 2023
For a moment, I felf genuily terrified. I loved the story and the photography. I don´t want to spoil anything, so I´ll keep a lot of comments to myself.

If you get to see this, try to do it with a +50 4K flat screen and the lights out. Also, the balance between what´s its implied and what is shown has been careful designed. For a moment, it felt like a really good adaptation from a really good short story from Stephen King.

Since Black Mirror has random episodes, I choose this to be the first to watch and the season, and I didn´t get disapointed. I´m looking forward for the next ones.

This episode 8/10.
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
"Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear"
31 January 2023
The episode will, at first, look like a gay story, but it's actually so much more than that.

  • It's a story about loving a person completly different than you.

  • It's about light and darkness.

  • It's about harm and kindness.

  • It's about Joel starting to stop t's "clicker" attitud towards Ellie. This love story will function as an Airbus 380 gas tank to motivate his future actions. He is gonna start seeing love in the world again. It will co-exist with his fear. It will drive his motivs.

"Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear" Just go back to that scene.

They just nailed it.

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A lot of us
16 January 2023
I was afraid, like a lot of us. Knowing who were responsible for the project provided some sort of safe net for nothing less than an approved, 7/10 kind of show.

But lets face it, this is Sony's legacy, this is HBO's bar level, this is Neil Drukmann masterpiece in videogame, this is Craig Mazin's chance to prove Chernobyl was not an accident, this is a very well assembled cast, this is Gustavo Santaolalla, 2 time Oscar academy winner, soundtrack. And it shows.

Hopefully, this will get more people into realizing how superb a storytelling can be in fully playable, action videogames. This show should only help the whole industry into getting its long due respect.

The pilot hits every box, and I can't wait till next Sunday.
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The One in Charge (2022– )
A smart, funny and very well acted black comedy of human miseries
3 November 2022
I was expecting quality stuff, but not at this level. It literally surpassed all (my) expectations:

  • Plot
  • Cast
  • Music
  • Comedy level

I've enjoyed Only Murders in the Building but never got super addicted to it. With this one, instead, I couldn't stop watching. Guillermo Franchella is an outstanding actor. He was part of the cast of the Oscar-winning The Secret in Their Eyes. The director makes an incredible job with not only the shooting but also with keeping the pace of every episode. The constant mini-ost helps a lot in this regard, engaging every thought, look, action, and drama...it´s just gold.

Do yourself a favor and watch this. It's worth it.
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House of the Dragon: Second of His Name (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
+30 min of redundancy + an absurd battle
5 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first 2 episodes were really good, tbh. I enjoyed them very much. The first is an excellent pilot.

Here...this episode starts fine, but then we get into +30 min of boring conversations about the same succession topic, with the difference that this time is way less interesting.

The battle? Let me point out a few things:

  • The enemies approach Daemon 1 at a time. They are hundreds, but they go one at a time. I mean, c´mon!

  • The archers are, until the end, stormtroopers. They only hit him when he is about to be saved by the dragon. So convinient.

  • The dragons burn the archers...yes, but why couldn´t they do that before? Pause the image and you´ll see they were spread and didn´t have a quick path to caves.

  • The ending, is just fast food to establish the importance of a character. Don´t get me wrong here, Daemon is great and could become one of the best characters in the whole George Martin Universe, but he deserved better, something less artifitial.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
It´s GOT without the "feeling of adventure", but still with a lot of political twists, dilemas and adult content
29 August 2022
The first time I heard about this show coming in, I was more than skeptical. Prequels are hard, and less than 10% can get them to be attractive. After finishing Better Call Saul (the best series prequel of all time!) I didn´t want to be disappointed by this.

Nonetheless, yesterday I wanted to watch a movie, but I wasn´t sure if I had enough energy to be awake through a whole film. Failing to find a nice thriller, I thought "what a heck, let´s try the pilot of HOTD".

Not only did I saw the first two episodes without getting sleep, but I was willing to watch another one.

+ Good Production + Great Plot + Good acting + Interesting characters + It´s really for adults

  • The feeling of "adventure" is lost because most of the time you are in King´s Landing.

  • Mediocre CGI.
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Better Call Saul: Saul Gone (2022)
Season 6, Episode 13
Saul Goneman
16 August 2022
A superb episode with memorable flashbacks. It felt real, with an authentic and realistic conclusion. A few absences brought my attention, even in the dialog. Since this is spoiler free, you'll have to see for youself.

This series has been a work of art.

What a ride.

Can't wait to see what will Vince Gilligan next project is..
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Better Call Saul: Nippy (2022)
Season 6, Episode 10
Gene based episode that shows that Saul Goodman still exists
26 July 2022
This is a much needed episode. We had to go through a transition story to fully catch de vibe of his current life, anxieties, fears, dangers...but also his Saul Goodman still existing soul. Everything was a small, beautiful little puzzle.
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Incantation (2022)
Creative format for a disturbing experience
18 July 2022

  • Ambience.

  • Sound
  • Image quality
  • Direction
  • Acting
  • Format (normal + two found footage)


  • Structure
  • Too much screentime for the girl makes it lose, sometimes, pace.
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Better Call Saul: Point and Shoot (2022)
Season 6, Episode 8
Prequels normally means there is a lot of content underground a main story
13 July 2022
And gosh, this episode takes that and goes the extra mile. This has to be one of the top 5 most dark episodes of the whole Breaking Bad universe.

If you want a good prequel, Better Call Vince.
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Better Call Saul: Plan and Execution (2022)
Season 6, Episode 7
Climatic mid-season with thrilling suspense
24 May 2022
This episode has tried to hide its outcome, a plan, and an outcome. And it does it, pretty well. While doing that, it´s able to deliver some good scenes and memorable shots.

Still, it´s not the best Better Call Saul can offer. We can get at least 10 episodes among the seasons that have a slightly better suspense + art. But then again, how many tv series deliver such a very good mid-season episode? Very few.
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Better Call Saul: Axe and Grind (2022)
Season 6, Episode 6
They are showing puzzle pieces, I don´t have any idea were this is going...and I love that.
17 May 2022
It´s so good to feel the suspense during seamlessly boring episodes (for the untrained eye) without knowing where this is going, other than what we almost know (you know, the steps in the dark).

You know there is a moon over there, a bush, and a small house on the horizon, but you don´t know what´s the rest of the landscape in the puzzle.

Let´s enjoy this!
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Better Call Saul: Black and Blue (2022)
Season 6, Episode 5
Any series needs a build up episode here and there
11 May 2022
But the most important thing it's if they are good ones. This is actually a very good one. Slow, but meaningful. Full of visual story telling, smart details, forwarding (and "Howarding") reasons to view it with a glass of wine. Sometimes you just need episodes like this, here and there.
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Malcolm in the Middle: Malcolm Babysits (2000)
Season 1, Episode 5
Perfect episode and a perfect Breaking Bad style ending
6 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Just watch this hidden gem and thank me later. What a good character representation, plot and adult themes. You just can't miss it. A marvel. That ending, gosh, Breaking Bad vibes all over the place!
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Midsommar (2019)
Ari Aster was smart enough to avoid making something like Hereditary
1 May 2022
You have to watch this movie and then watch some YouTube analysis videos. The whole picture is not easy to see and appreciate. This is a special masterpiece.
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Better Call Saul: Rock and Hard Place (2022)
Season 6, Episode 3
What an amazing peace of TV history here
28 April 2022
I was expecting a 9/10 episode, but not a 10/10. My gosh, it was intense from start to finish. What will the next Vince Gilligan project be? In the meantime, we need BCS like air. Top quality and among the best you can see on the screen right now.
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You: The Captain (2018)
Season 1, Episode 4
Boring and dull
10 November 2021
After a great start, this episode is a big let down. Her thoughts makes Joe less interesting, it is a mistake.

I will continue watching the series, because I know it gets better, but man, what were the writers thinking with this one....
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Chucky: I Like to Be Hugged (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
I came for Chucky and I got Chucky plus some extras
5 November 2021
Chucky is one hell of a character. One of the charms of the 90´s movies was to wait and see what did Chucky had to say about any particular situation. This is like that but with steroids.

The main character is a good actor. I normally don´t see "teen" series, but he is really good.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 99 (2017)
Season 5, Episode 9
Amazing episode
19 October 2021
This episode reminds me of those hilarious road trips movies of the 90´s but condensed in a 20 minute episode. A few scenes are pure gold. I would even say it´s one of the best in the series.
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
I don´t know how much better the series can get after S01E01, but the pilot was a torture
11 October 2021
The dialogue is childish, a lot of scenes are pure cringe and the acting is sub-par at best.

The pilot made me quit the whole series. It´s a shame, but I need something more adult and with more quality.
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Time Trap (2017)
Creative ideas ruined by horrible acting and dialogue
23 June 2021
The premise is good. The movie itself has a few good sparks of brilliance. But the characters take too much "wondering time", which it doesnt have to be a bad thing if the acting and dialogue holds up. But it doesnt. Not even close. The acting is not good. They casted a bunch of hot teens and it lowered the quality of the movie so much it hurts. The only decent actor was Hooper, who, oh surprise, is the only no teen actor. The movie wasted a good premise, but it may still be worth watching, since it's short.
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Resident Alien (2021– )
I´m really surprised how good it turned out to be!
18 June 2021
This series hits so many checks:

  • Dark humor
  • Some good photography too
  • Silly funny humor
  • Mistery
  • Drama
  • Above average acting

It´s a geniously entertainer piece of Tv.

Don´t miss it.
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Invincible: You Look Kinda Dead (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
Boring episode for an amazing series
6 June 2021
This is just a bad episode. All the over romantic scenes are just annoying. Hope they avoid making another one like this in the next season.
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