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Fantastic Special Effects, Funny Movie
14 November 2017
AFMV - Addio fottuti musi verdi is a grotesque/demise-type movie, works before a group of youtubers: the jackal. The cast includes an actor with illustrious curriculum Roberto Zibetti (Radiofreccia, Non ho sonno) , a new promise like Beatrice Arnera and several star guests (see Fortunato Cerlino and Salvatore Esposito of Gomorra).

The film works fine, the jokes are funny, the atmosphere onboard the alien ship is very successful and remembers a bit "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". Much of the merit of this goes to Zibetti, who interprets Brandon, the boss of aliens.

The special effects are really great and we notice a fantastic super-robot built perfectly without CGI.

In some moments perhaps the film loses a bit and the finale seems to me to be quite discounted, however generally I find it a successful work! 7/10
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I rec u (2012)
Old-style fantasy movie
17 July 2016
A film that unfortunately you can only discover by chance: "I rec u". Italian film that has had very bad luck in the distribution but despite not being able to arrive in theaters is worth at least 4/5 of the Italian films that come out in the hall. The Rec U is an Italian independent film made with no budget b and using "classic" special effects like latex monsters and animatronic puppets. Also movie which faces a very original theme: love as "destructive force". Made by Federico Sfascia over three years, Iit does not have a well-defined genre: a little grotesque, a little fantasy, a little horror, a bit romantic, a bit dreamy and even an appearance by Terry Gilliam! I advise you not to miss it!
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"The night of Full Moon": a possible starting point
14 October 2015
I would never recommend anyone to start a series by half, but in this case I would say "why not?". I understand that when one is in front of more than 700 episodes to begin with you can be crushed by the impressive number.

"Detective Conan" is an anime that has changed a lot over time, slow and imperceptible developments, which I have, however, a crucial turning point in "Two Mysteries of the Night of the Full Moon". This film captures the idea of ​​the series so far and launch its long followed. If someone just before starting "Detective Conan" wanted an episode "type" to realize what the series has to offer, for all its potential, or if anyone was disappointed from the start of the series ... I feel strongly recommend this movie! I truly believe that anyone would fall in love with "Conan" looking at this part of the story, and believe me if you really do not like then you can be certain that "DC" is not the series for you. I will not mention anything about the plot to avoid anticipating and ruin one of the many surprises found: I tell you by a big fan of the series, who has watched all those more than 700 episodes, I recommend you watch it
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Psycho-Pass (2012–2019)
number far from trivial
12 October 2015
Psycho-Pass is set in the near future, in which the ability to detect the "state" people's mental through simple detectors it has effectively eliminated the crime.

Any thought "turbid" is detected by the so-called "sibyl-system" which in theory is then able to detect in advance any criminal action, and to put an early correction

The "arm" of the system is the body of "public security" of which we follow the events. The "perfect" society will prove deeply flawed and very "sick" (as you might expect). However one of the strengths of the series is to not demonize this "idyllic society" is not without its flaws but it is not the worst possible.

Of each of the changes bring you an "sibyl" fact They are finally well weighed the pros and cons, perhaps leaving the viewer to judge which I assure you is not unanimous.

As in other works of this kind "science fiction" provides the ideal base for philosophical speculations and psychological. Psycho-Pass proves a number far from trivial, as you may It may think its plot, a really good job 8/10
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Planetes (2003–2004)
I felt the lack of an anime of this type
18 October 2014
planetes is an anime very particular.

the genus to which it belongs is sometimes referred to as "hard sci- fy " a fiction that has no scientific errors and inconsistencies , and then describes a possible world and in the case of planetes would say even likely. The series is about a near future, after fifty years, the central theme is the colonization of Earth's orbit. some details are very interesting: devices to be able to spin in space taking into account the center of gravity, propulsion with liquid helium, lunar installations etc. ...

I must say that I really do not understand why it is a genre so little explored, for once, you can even do without aliens headless demons of death and time travel. I felt the lack of an anime of this type, I was very impressed 8/10
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good movie, full Japanese style of the 50s/60s
18 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
good movie, recommended

the story is that of a concubine of a Japanese lord who after giving this an heir is denied and given in marriage to repair a young samurai from a small family.

despite the reluctance of the mother and the initial suspicion of her father, the couple create a strong union and conceive a daughter. throughout the union and the feelings of the couple, however, were described to me better, because despite being one of the most important points of the film is analyzed shortly . the father (played by a consistently great Toshiro Mifune) is struck by the love that binds the two young and decides to commit to defend the union from the lord of the manor that after a few years back the claims .

I must say that the film develops slowly, the story is well told. actors have a very formal acting and theatrical mold, as usual in Japanese cinema .

are mentioned some thoughts on Japanese society of the time, such as the position of women, but more than a critique would call a gash on Japan at the time of the shogunate.

in short, good movie, good actors 7/10
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Ratatouille (2007)
A pleasant surprise
17 October 2014
I approached this film with a little of skepticism but I have to say I was very surprised.

the story is slight but pleasant and very original, something that is appreciated especially in the end of the film.

the characters are funny and quite distinct and even the dialogs are very deep and non-trivial. the quality of the images is very good.

I must say that for me the film has earned a special mention thanks to all references to the world of cooking, which I really appreciated.

in summary, good story, very good characters and dialogs, excellent animation, a pleasant surprise, 8/10
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9 October 2014
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the sequel to "hunger games" seems almost a remake, a bad remake, of the first movie. Major part of the film has many, too many points in common with the prequel.

the rebellion , the dictatorship, are things that deserved to be told more comprehensively , but The film focuses on boring (and very long!) fights already seen in the previous chapter. Better not to speak of the feelings of the protagonists!

Pretty disappointed, however it has some good points. In my opinion are appreciable performances by Donald Sutherland and Philip Seymour Hoffman. 6/10
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Stargate SG-1 (1997– )
I grew up with this series
9 October 2014
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on stargate I could say hundreds and hundreds of things . I grew up with this series and I've always adored .

If I had to push someone to watch this series I would not know where to start ...

Maybe I 'd start talking about the concept. A series sci-fi , but with some differences compared to the other (Star Trek at all). Stargate is set in the present , not a future or in a distant galaxy , they are our contemporaries who are confronted with aliens.

Then maybe I would speak of the change of the series, the first series in which the main theme was the exploration of worlds to the later seasons , when the individual episodes become more a succession of phases of a larger story .

I'd also note the various xenology, with goau'd : parasites at the head of a feudal system galactic, ancient, superior beings of energy alone, the genius of the Asgard , the peaceful but powerful Nox, and so in addition to these main dozens of other species are very different and well characterized .

How not to talk about the characters, made ​​really well, never too overdone , with real human relationships and not forced. I've always loved Samantha Carter for his strength and genius knows, and Daniel Jackson, cause be so idealistic and good - guy . Of course I also have a soft spot for McCay , the main character of the spin-off of SG1 ... and then Jack , the hero may not always loyal to the military hierarchy but who fights for what he believes right, and Teal'c, the classic Allienus of series sci-fi that is fighting for the rebellion of his people.

Finally, I also enjoyed the science behind the series, from a basic idea that was inspired by the bridges of Einstein-Rose, to the extra dimensions, the blacks holes, the collapsing time, and also the elementary particles, hyperspace, a good mix of scientific concepts and science fiction concepts enough depth in the series and always highly appreciated

Just one last thing, look at it, it will not be a masterpiece but I see all at least once a year with pleasure! In my opinion ( of course is just a subjective judgment) 10/10
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Divergent (2014)
interesting ideas
9 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The story takes place in a city-state in an alternate world

the city and its population is divided into five factions based character of each person . These communities also have different tasks, but they all contribute to the welfare of the city. The idea of ​​this company "pseudo-Platonic" is cute and interesting, perhaps not too developed.

The story centers on a girl who can not be framed in any of the groups in the city ( defined divergent ) . This aspect explains in a transfigured a critique of conformism , lack of individuality.

Ultimately I would say the themes and ideas of starting interesting but perhaps not fully in-depth as I wanted. However cute. 07/10
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La Jetée (1962)
I was shocked after seeing him
9 October 2014
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The film is best known for being the basic idea of "12 Monkeys".

"La Jetée" is one of the more special that I've ever seen.

A short film (30 mins long) that is in reality a series of images with a narrative voice in the background.

It tells the story of an experiment in time travel after a nuclear war, but The story at the end is not so important in the overall picture

The relentless succession of frames with the thrill of having to wait until the next scene change makes it really effective.

I must say that in a sense I was shocked after seeing him. I consider this film a masterpiece 9/10
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The Legend of Korra (2012–2014)
I think it deserves to be seen
9 October 2014
Since the end of " The Legend of Aang " I have often wished you could see how it would become the world of avatar.

One of the biggest surprises of "the legend of Korra" is that the world, that during "the story of aang" seemed stuck in hundreds of years ago, now it is very similar to the last century (cars, radio, sports stadiums ... ).

The themes treated ranging from the comparison with this modernity (revolutions) to ancient legends, the spirits of light and darkness.

The new Avatar Korra is quite a character, I really liked the other, perhaps more different from last series.

However, I must say that I find "the legend of Korra " one step below "the legend of Aang." Overall I think it deserves to be seen, 7/10
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I have no words That can describe this movie, wonderful
9 October 2014
a true work of art by Shinkai , the director of which I also enjoyed his other work. I have no words That can describe this movie, wonderful.

the main themes of this anime is the fear of the future, fear of relating to other people and the profound ties that can arise when you let go.

everything is treated with a certain lightness never dull but it creates a certain empathy between the viewer and the two protagonists. the whole story told in a way so gentle flows, however, in a final at the same time very strong, very full of meaning but not over the top.

the video quality is excellent, and there are often shown great landscapes.

overall I would say a very nice anime of a director who in my humble opinion is destined to become one of the leading exponents of this genre 9/10
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Ninja Scroll (1993)
lot less than its reputation
8 October 2014
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I watched this film because it is an anime very well known outside of Japan and considered very important, "the founder of anime ninja in the world".

in my opinion is much less interesting than other anime like "Ghost in the Shell" and "Akira" (to name two well known abroad)

the story is fairly trivial , the hero, the girl, the love between them, the old Japanese wise, the (supernatural) enemies.

the images are very beautiful, very raw and shocking, the most important part of the movie.

In conclusion I would say a lot less than its reputation. 6/10
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Quite Comedy
8 October 2014
Nice movie , simple and straightforward.

A comedy is not too difficult , but Monicelli has certainly done much better film. The story has no real evolution, but this is the classic nice epilogue. the film provides some information about the uses , customs and beliefs of the time. These features , however, are always caricatures , and shown in a grotesque fashion . This more than accentuate the criticism of the society of the time reduces greatly , making the film a quiet comedy. The film will appreciate the skill of the actors , ( Vittorio De Sica and Marcello Mastroianni ) . The rest of the cast , as well as history, are fairly anonymous. 6/10
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Attack on Titan (2013–2023)
a fantasy/heroic anime with great characters
5 October 2014
Shingeki no Kyojin is a great anime , very unique in its type , which can be described as a fantasy / heroic , although there is no lack of gender elements of war / strategy. Curious about the progress of the story , which takes place through various "pieces" of several episodes interspersed with periods that can last for years. Interesting are the (many) characters, with a great a large variety of different personalities. Best part of the anime are human emotions with which the characters are almost forced to confront often finding themselves in extreme conditions and for this, the emotions are much more accurate. Finally, I would recommend it to anyone , really nice work. 8/10
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Interesting movie about a complicated theme
24 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The story is about a girl who, not out of necessity or any particular reason, he began to engage in prostitution. In this ozon's movie I especially appreciate the "lack of expression".

I find it remarkable to be able to deal with an issue such as prostitution in a totally amoral, without judgment of any kind. Interesting is the character of the mother, of course, once discovered that the activity of the daughter tries to fight it in every way. The mother's attitude suggests that she believes her daughter's deplorable attitude not for some particular reasons, do not move never actually a reasoned criticism, but simply thinks that her daughter feels wrong because it should be so and that's it.

Between the lines, I think you can also see an exaltation of the present generation and a critique of the past, especially in the final scene but do not want to anticipate. The film is not a masterpiece but still got me interested, 7/10
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Good debut movie
24 November 2013
The director Andrea Segre has much experience as a documentary filmmaker, especially in capturing beautiful landscapes.

"La prima neve" is a good debut for him also know how provided the best moments of the film are the various views of Trentin well painted by the director.

A positive note is that the film deals with the issue ofimmigration, I think fairly mild, non-intrusive, but effective. The film, however, is not mono-thematic, treats, although to a lesser extent, issues such as life in contact with nature or the education of children.

The story is poorly told, however, especially in the beginning, this is no other is the major flaw of the film.

In conclusion, I consider it a good debut movie, 6/10.
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Solaris (1972)
Science fiction becomes Metaphysics
25 October 2013
Great movie, worth seeing. I recommend to see the original version and not in the other versions, orphan of nearly an hour of film.

Tarkovsky's film is one of those works that can not be appreciate fully the first run, all the hints and images, often of a philosophical nature are gathered only after a certain number of visions. And of course, even after all these visions, the interpretations of many of the messages of the film will be questionable and subjective.

To conclude, we can summarize the essence of the film with the concept that science fiction is the genre most effective to treat and deal with some themes of philosophical and metaphysical, 9/10.
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