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The Beast (I) (2019)
Turn on some damn lights!!!!!
24 January 2024
Okay first we have characters that are mediocre at best, camera work was at times really irritating. A preponderance of darkness, assuming budgetary reasons. Plot was full on wtfness. Dialog was sooo bad. The character of Spencer ( I think ), was so whiney he really needed some cheese. Also never seen a murder mystery or whatever this is without actually not seeing the crime scene!!!! Who does this? Someone said the ending makes it all worth it. NO it was just as dumb and it even tried to tie lose ends but failed miserably. Kind of saw " the beast once but as usual, to damn dark. Something told me that Mallory the production Co and as you see in the beginning credits also an actor in the film was a red flag and I was right . Just do so so glad I didn't pay for this tax right off. AVOID!!!
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I'll take the wild girl....
20 December 2023
This is a really interesting film, to bad Mary Pickford never saw it, she thought itl was lost.

Seen other of her films but this one really shines for her. She is a beautiful lady. In so many scenes she radiates. The story is a adult fable of sorts. Wild girl gets the handsome gentry kind of thing. Not all is good though. Not going to spoil it but it gets interesting. So I watched the digital restoration it very well done. But I hate the added soundtrack. It reminds me of a sort of Grateful Dead fever dream. What should it of been ? More grandiose but in the spirit of the time period of the film. So really watch with the sound down or maybe your favorite stk. I even tried Cocteau Twins and it kind of worked.
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The Black Book (I) (2023)
Wow is all I can say...
25 September 2023
Bravo Nigeria for an incredible film. The plot , the actors, the scenario and also the soundtrack. Just a top notch film . I really like the lead actor who played Paul and also the supporting cast. The way it was edited and continuity was excellent. The pace was perfect . Also there are some twist and turns also in the plot line . So why a ten? It kept my interest the entire film and since it's in Nigeria there is an element of curiosity. I mean it starts with a man holding a gun to who later you find out is very important to the plot line. Then almost immediately after you see a kidnapping and shootout right in the middle of the day in traffic in Lagos, Nigerias capital city. No spoilers but that's the start . So you want to watch a great, film with a really interesting plot, enjoy. This will be in my top ten of the year.
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Ty Australia this was a pleasure
23 December 2022
Now the pleasure I speak of is the acting, the story, cinematography and just the presentation wow!. The story itself is mega poignant. It's definitely a tear creator. But tome this is on my top 20 movies I've ever seen. Pacing can be slow but not really because there is reason for everything you see. It takes place in Australia and is based on a real person. Leah Purcell is the director and has a very wonderful sense of story telling. There are several " no no no " moments that really tears at ya. No spoilers here but man it's a great film . Enjoy one of the best modern original westerns in a long time.
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Three stars and that's being nice
8 December 2022
Ok first didn't know that this was in Swedish, which is fine. But the story of a boy in love and his musician girlfriend w a oppressive father, ok then he leaves and becomes a famous musician. Then you remember the trailer what is the unthinkable and finally after a long and I mean long build up the attacks happens but by now it's just been too long and then the slowness again and that's it I gave up. Maybe I'll finish it later, I do like the music in this film. The acting is good the film is nice to look at but waiting for the unthinkable well was just too little too late.. As others have written the trailer was the best thing of this film.
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Texas Red (2021)
Yup to me a 10
5 November 2022
So I'm looking for " westerns " my wife was in the mood for some. Ok is it one not really but who cares !!!!Damn from the opening of the juke joint your interested. This movie is excellent in all its raw tones of 1930s and 40s race relations, the Blues of the mississippi as a musical back drop along with great acting and dialog and man Cedric as Red is a great choice. This is a piece of relatively unknown history a you'll never forget it believe me . It really makes me want to check out the other 11 westerns for 12 months. Was it a western not in the traditional sense but in the posse , horses and guns sure but like I said who cares.
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Corona (II) (2020)
What a microcosm of a situation of humanity
29 December 2021
I'm writing this as I watch it. Havent rated it yet. The plot is a diverse cast of people are stuck in a elevator during the beginning of the Corona virus. The elevator moves slowly down due to being in need of repair as the cast loads in. The buildings owner and his pregnant wife w the repairman in the elevator. Then a YouTube influencer 16yrs of age, then a ex vet in a wheelchair w a swastika on his forehead and a guy that came from the gym and last a Chinese woman named Han With ( yes an unfortunate name at that time). After a time we find she's a nurse. But before this, one can only imagine the race, nationality, moral underpinnings etc. Plus something extra happens and thats not all. All I can say is read the IMDB info on this almost play being that it takes place in one place the whole time. The acting is good , the twists and turns of being human and the Corona virus is excellent. In some ways this movie reminds of the movie where different are people abducted standing in circles and thru a sort of selection the people are eliminated causing the same sort of justifications etc.

This will play very interestingly in the future as the pandemic is just a memory.

As for the film it's now over and it was a excellent piece on humanity and the mindset created by the virus.
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Pyewacket (2017)
Sometimes gore is not missed in the slightest
21 November 2021
Two things first the acting dine by both Laurie Holden (TWD)and Nicole Munoz(Defiance) is excellent. The scare factor is all basically done with atmosphere and clever camera work. There's really only one real jumpscare. The plot mainly follows a card that Munoz saw in a store, " Be careful what you wish for.." The family dynamic goes thru some rough and tumble time because of a recent death of her father. So because of this her mother uprooted the family to a house sort of near the woods two hours away. So Nicole is bitter and you get the picture. The pace is a little slow but for good reason it all builds to the climax .

So have patience it will be worth it.
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The non native is the disease
15 November 2021
When the ore is dug then the disease comes from the ground. So it is in their creation story of two brothers etc...Almost prophetic in what happens to these tribes on the Amazon. Gold drilling and digging brings mercury to the water supply and so we have the skeleton of this film but there is so much more. Everyone should see this.
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So the tech is advanced but the people, situations, conundrums and love interest? Exists.
8 November 2021
Okay so my daughter loves Scooby Doo but what in the he'll is going on. I mean its always been kinda goofy with the canned laughs and all but now we have a Scoob who talks even more, Fred who all of a sudden has a great talent of creating conundrums and Daffney wants Fred by which Velma likes Shaggy. Oh and there is a Seal also named Scoob or maybe Scub, being that he is friends with two boys who leave on their oxygen helmet on land! When later the whole gang is in a whale shaped sub, leave on their gear too..smh . I mean really did they dumb down Scooby Doo? In the old one it was always evil Mr.so and so who fakes the scares for some motive but now some things get solved others continue. There is a african American woman Cassidy who when they speak in passing it sounds like their saying Daffney. Her story is interesting but really why? We also see Fred's parents sleuthing also but sometimes in a questionable circumstance. I realize they were trying to update and keep this franchise from dying but this writing is horrible.
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Karen (I) (2021)
Karen, is really Karen and is a Karen.....
20 October 2021
So man before I even talk of the film I gotta say something about the bulk of reviews. How is this cringy? Maybe to those who aren't black, wow and Im a Caucasian/Pacific Islander . I'm kind of curious how some of these people would review Do the Right Thing.

So now this film, I really like it. Is it preachy? Yes and rightfully so. I have literaly heard everything Karen said thru my life. When we go to the cell phone recording Karen and the confrontation of IDs that was exactly how we saw some of these " Karen " videos. The acting is fine. Dialog is interesting at times. This one line " you have a Karen living next to you called Karen ". Could you imagine if this causes a new genre of Karen horror films , anyway this movie is actually pretty good. In the veign of US or Them. So enjoy this foray into a different kind of horror and reality. If saying Black Lives Matter makes you cringe then that explains the problem.

The ending was excellent!!!!
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It's a 5 because it's half good them wth happened?
10 April 2021
The beginning was really good, creepy grandparents always a good start along w old book and the a abudction of Aydrey, very pregnant. You see here it all sounds great. Plus the satanic cult all good. Creepy Ian the dark weird guy, good. Its all coming together then it becomes a mess and the story sort of goes.
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Other Space (2015)
Feeling some forgotten feels of Quark
20 February 2021
Wow so cool to have found this. If you liked Space Force then you'll like this . The jokes sometimes bomb but the quirkiness is great. This makes me want to find Quark, the scifi comedy w Richard Benjamin. Also a tiny bit of Red Dwarf. So ya check this out . Ty dust for carrying this lil gem.
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The Barrier (2020)
Spain had a dictator 39-1975 + pandemic
9 February 2021
This is a great, unique and why is there a constant drum beat of handmaids tale comparison. Nothing like it. This is a pretty original dystopian series. Ty Netflix a nice discovery. Give this a try acting is good, even the dubbing is good although you really want the full effect watch w subtitles. Oh why the mention of Spain's Francisco Franco? Because the government is definitely facist in veign of Franco w a tinge of Naziesque imagery etc.
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Global Meltdown (2017 TV Movie)
I just need to add.....
19 January 2021
The disaster just happened houses all abandoned , nobody checks the houses for food, already resorting to humans as food? Two " we're almost out of water" they say in new snowfall....and so this mess continues. The Asylum has made much better films....and that's sad. Poor Michael Pare'.
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Alien Worlds (2020)
Aliens certainly possible, look at what we have..
3 December 2020
This reminds me of the episode of the classic Cosmos w Sagan about Alien life, it even had a similar one as one of these. But this series justifies the alien possibilities w our own creatures and their habitat. That's really all you need to know. The CGI for the alien setting is really good . The Earth creatures are sometimes a wth moment but always interesting. One fascinating truth of the universe is that there is at least one planet to every star . Wow. So enjoy this series and to those who are saying it's boring. Watch some more Tiger King...
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Horror and Jim Crow
1 November 2020
First : this is no PC exercise, it's a honest depiction of Jim Crow. Second : the acting is excellent esp the character of Atticus. But all the other cast also superb. Third: the soundtrack is almost it's own character. Fourth: the story may seem convoluted but it all melds in place. Fifth : see 4 ur self really great series.
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The Ray Bradbury Theater: The Crowd (1985)
Season 1, Episode 3
" A face in the crowd"
27 October 2020
Excellent idea I dare say it could be in this 2020 a creepy pasta. A man has a accident late late at night on a empty road, his flips. He tries to get out and in no time before his tires stop turnineg, a crowd appears. Now yes this from the late 80s early 90s so a little dsted looking but a great episode none the less, not going to tell you the ending but lets just say not ambigious .
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About the voice
25 October 2020
Many reviews mention the voice. You do realize the voice effect is only on her voice not any of the people in the room of even Father A North. I think this will open your eyes to possibilities . Is it real ? probably . just enjoy and don't close your mind to this, it's interesting.
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Tsunambee (2015)
Oops this is Mess
2 September 2020
It's a biblical catastrophe movie, it's a giant bee movie, it's a zombie movie and has social consciousness messages . All encapsulated in the end of days w very amateurish filmmaking, odd dialog and a story that seems to change w the characters. An occasional zombie and there's the very inconsistant story. Now the camera work is sometimes like it was done w some ones phone. Which I found out the budget was 370,000 ok, for what? The cgi is bad, some of the camera work boggles the mind and is ludicrous. So if you want the modern equivalent of plan 9 yup theres that but not as much fun. Its just a very bad movie. The ending is also another moment of smh.
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Snowpiercer (2020–2024)
Why is diversity bad? Do we want the 50s?
1 September 2020
First the continuous pc whine is getting old. What do you want ? Want Daveed to be James T. kirk? All the women subservient, all the rich as some loving affluent people. I mean even in the original Brave New World the Alphas and Betas were privelidged and a bit arrogant. This series is totally set up in the scenario of class structure like Hunger Games etc. Isn't that really what a dystopian society is. Those who follow like sheep and those who rebel against a cold, privelidged system? So boo hoo about this PC whine. Even in Star Trek there were diverse characters, some even green. Now this series now on the 3rd ep seems to be very good. Is it science? No. But the side story of the murder is being handled well in a Murder on the Orient Express way. Jennifer Connelly is always a joy to watch. The sets and plot so far seem good. Is this a monumental show? Maybe not but it's very entertaining . Will it rise to Defiance per se? Not sure but that's a tall order. Wgen this season is over then I probably will edit this but most likely for the good.
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Mandy (I) (2018)
Cage,LSD,awesome director and gore and Cage
30 August 2020
This was a visual treat. It was pretty gory but all in the context of which it happens. Now this might not be everybodies cup of tea. But I urge to try it. The actual story of a couple taken by a cult isn't new but the execution of this story is perfect. It's like mixing Hellraiser w Bikers and pick any zealot cult w elements of art film, psychedelia and good ol Nicholas Cage and you have it. Vague yes this is because you need to try this director's vision, you won't be disappointed.
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Kuso (2017)
Wishing it were a bit more like salad fingers
3 August 2020
And now the review: David Frith real life salad fingers would've been better but I digress. Now really the review: Disgustipated, an amalgam of yuk set after a earth quake in L.A. A thoroughly original vision of it's poor, puss filled, ejaculate( in one area of this) , surreal yet cosmic gross fest. Hmm, interested ? Yup I knew it much as well peruse this brain vomit. Just because it's like anything you've ever seen esp on "Shudder" . So pleasant 🤢 dreams
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"Abandon all hope all ye who enter here"
25 July 2020
First Wow! So worth the ok voice dubbing. Which sometimes adds to the homogeneity of the characters. Since Japan is a very homogenous society. But anyway the plot is a cursed house, not a person or family And the effects of those who lived and even visited or went there. This is Japanese horror, predictable? Nah interesting ? Yes. Scary at times , great ambience , lots of cringyness too. The character the author is a 😎 one. He's a cool one. Because he's a bit odd, not mr. expert, super scientist etc but a pretty normal guy who writes books based on the house and its stories. He doesn't really know why he writes these books. So at times this is scary,gruesome and cringy( you'll see ). But over all satisfying can't wait for season 2. A great origin story for The Grudge.👍
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Cool ol' scifi
29 June 2020
Short and sweet...here ya go Premise pretty cool. Some cool sets and design. The future is short skirts never a bad thing. Interesting scene: Trirene can read minds, reads his - " slap ", then she turns around w a big Cheshire cat smile. Kind of cool twist for our hero. Then a twist again for him. So not bad at all. A cool unknown film from the past. Enjoy. Would love to see a remake.
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