
5 Reviews
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Bitten: Summons (2014)
Season 1, Episode 1
Didn't Bite
12 January 2014
I watched the pilot because I like the main actress and saw the 8,2 rating, quite high for a series. Watched the beginning, got disappointed by the cheap FX (I would rather see wolf-like dogs than the CGI ones), then the plot -or just the "more of the same" feeling- closed the deal. Tried to fast-forward to see if something was going to save it, watched some more here and there. Nope. Not for me, and I guess not for anyone that enjoys a good TV show. From the ones now on air on this same "genera" I could recommend True Blood, Lost Girl, Haven, and others but not Bitten. I was hoping to get "bitten" by Laura Vandervoort and get hooked by the series. Sadly, even with the gorgeous lead actress, it just didn't happen.
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Castle: Get a Clue (2013)
Season 6, Episode 6
Great fun, classic Castle with sour end
29 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the episode until the very last minutes, it is a funny one, with a bit of Dan Brown, some National treasure, and lots of good old Richard Castle. In a few words, dead body, symbols that lead to riddles that lead to a treasure? wow sounds great entertainment. Well, yes! it has action, fun and you see Castle fencing lol. Now, the ending, awkward moment between dad and daughter, and here I am thinking unless the writers are planning something big (like turning hideous-unbearable Pi character into a serial killer that has been deceiving everyone to get close to Castle or something like that).. well, they are ruining the beautiful relationship we have enjoyed between Castle and Alexis. It is understandable that she rebels a bit, or a lot, as she's 19, but the last scene was too much. He was too soft, ridiculously submissive. Man up Castle! She is not 30, only 19 but lectures dad? nope, I don't buy that. She is a spoiled brat (ok, his fault), but she used to be the "rational" and "mature" here. She also questions Beckett now? and Beckett could not be more indifferent regarding Castle's problems. Not supportive at all, come on they are engaged! Again, I had great fun watching this episode and the end left me with a sour taste, almost ruining the whole experience
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Bones: The Sense in the Sacrifice (2013)
Season 9, Episode 4
Disappointing episode
8 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched the show from the pilot onwards, with its ups and downs, this is one goes downhill. The story arc involving unrealistic savant Pelant ends here, in the most stupid way. The episode starts quite well, with all the good forensic-related stuff we are used to and a great plan to catch the hacker-killer-genius-supernatural almighty omnipresent-whatever this Pelant is supposed to be (here writers are really testing one's intelligence.. anyway..). Angela went from forensic artist to mega hacker, how did this happen? dunno. Bones went from ultra rational, martial arts expert to damsel in distress entering the lion's den ¿what? Booth did everything wrong, as sloppy as possible from the tactical - procedural point of view at least; and ends Pelant's life in a non spectacular, non dramatic, non nothing way. What a waste! is this how you end a story arc that you have been stretching for so long? BANG. Guy died, the arch-villain at the very end was only in love, poor thing. Now, in the same location, seconds after executing a man, would you marry me? Disastrous, insulting my intellect (I say, and I really loved the show!)
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BloodRayne (2005)
B movie with some great actors ¿why?!!
30 September 2013
This is a movie that you can either enjoy or hate (or both!), but in a nutshell it is the combination of terrible direction, mediocre script and a surprisingly good cast. Some scenes can make you laugh (despite the intention of the filmmaker), other shots are good, aerial ones for example. Others are a joke. Acting can go from decent to terrible. There is something that keeps me wondering and that is having people like Kingsley and Chaplin here. I think it is perfect for a group of young men, an afternoon with friends, having bowls of popcorn, screaming and laughing, if only to see Kristanna as Bloodrayne (there is also some -most welcomed- nudity). Still wondering what Ben Kingsley is doing here, maybe paying some bills? yeah, we all need to work for a living.
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Escape (2012)
Visceral, well-timed survival story
26 September 2013
I am extremely surprised by the low scores of this good movie in IMDb. I never heard of it until today. Watched it without expectations but without preconceptions as well. Big surprise, this movie was well-timed, didn't lose time with unnecessary dialogs, didn't stretch situations. It is plain, you live or you die. Acting was remarkably good, photography and cinematography impeccable. The most important: was entertaining, and very engaging (you side-up immediately with the good ones and want the bad ones to die, because they are good actors, the really make you believe they are bad, bad people). In less than an hour and a half, you have a good movie, a good story well told. I wonder why the hobbit needs 9 hours to be told... (yes that was sarcasm). Watch Flukt, it is a very good movie.
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