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Mediocrity eventually creeps in
26 June 2024
I adore owls, and I'm also fond of narratives that allegorically incorporate real-life affairs into their fictional setups. Still, "Legend of the Guardians" felt mediocre since it failed to leave the impact I was hoping for!

The visuals are nice, the characters are likeable, albeit too many in number, and there are some moments that truly shine, but on the whole, the storytelling comes off as generic, or perhaps 'cliche' would be a better term to use here.

Even though the predictability did not bother me as much as its tonal inconsistencies have,.

The trajectory of the writing wasn't smooth, as a result, the structural integrity of the screenplay was hampered; coherence was gone, so much so that in a few moments it started to meander, at times almost cluelessly!

I wish Snyder had done better, he should have!
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Not your typical courthouse feature!
23 June 2024
Although the premise conspicuously hints at a monotonous courtroom drama filled with cases and arguments, trust me, it would be a grave mistake to consider it one.

Why? Because the narrative stretches beyond the four walls of the courthouse, I would go as far as to say that the whole setup involving the judge, jurors, and attorneys was a backdrop to convey its real message, which is really about human nature.

More so relevant, when you look at the current state of our society, where everybody is blindly chasing fame and money without ever thinking about what's right and what's not!

It teaches about the consequences of greed and over-ambition. The lessons are uttered through events that transpire in Lomax's 'perfect' life, with 'Biblical' scriptures as an instrument to propagate the plot points.

Though I'll admit the third act could have been better structured, Appalling pace and a higher than usual pitch in performances did affect its efficacy to some extent.

Nevertheless, I liked it, probably more because I mistakenly presumed it as one run-of-the-mill courthouse feature. Suffice to say, I was quite surprised at my misjudgement!
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The Birds (1963)
So people got scared by Ravens and Seagulls?
21 June 2024
Dear Mr. Hitchcock, you did not need to create a film to convince me that ravens and seagulls are incorrigible creatures, as I am well aware of their 'erratic' personalities.

Anyway, this happens to be my third Hitchcock film (following Rear Window and Vertigo) and unfortunately, it is yet another disappointment.

To be honest, I didn't even plan on watching it initially, but the abundance of positive reviews piqued my curiosity the other day, so I decided to give it a chance.

Little did I know that all I would get is a mediocre amalgamation of genres, where both romance and thrill fail to leave a lasting impact.

Maybe it's because I've been exposed to these specific genres too much, or perhaps it's due to the outdated approach that lies beneath, but I just couldn't connect with the tale or find myself caring for the characters, I adored the location, had fun with the technical sides but that's about it!
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Vertigo (1958)
I liked the ending!
20 June 2024
"One final thing I have to do... and then I'll be free of the past"

Following my disappointing time spent with 'Rare Window', I was skeptical about tuning in for the second 'Hitchcockian' session. Got to admit that I was pretty apprehensive, as doubts began to cloud my expectancies.

Fortunately, it fared considerably better than I anticipated!

I liked the story, loved the storytelling, felt for the characters, and was also privy to the romance portrayed on screen. This was a far better experience overall.

The major complaint that I had with my previous viewing (Rear Window) was that I could not feel the stakes, nor did I get a feel of the supposed suspense; however, here I did.

I liked the way the tale meets its end, a bit tragic, yes, but a befitting conclusion nonetheless!
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Rear Window (1954)
I apologise in advance!
20 June 2024
My first introduction to the 'Hitchcockian' world, and I stumbled on the very first tour.

Perhaps it is the seven decades dated approach or my sheer incompetence to understand what this film truly stands for, but I was, for the most part, underwhelmed! Apart from the interesting cinematography and set designs, nothing else caught my interest.

Some scenes get repetitive, performances aren't as strong as I expected them to be, and above all, I could not feel the stakes (save for the last fifteen minutes) nor was I able to comprehend the supposed suspense!

It was a surprise to witness a film that has been deemed one of the finest of the genre, not work for my conscience.
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Moonlight (I) (2016)
The third chapter let me down!
19 June 2024
"At some point, you gotta decide for yourself who you gonna be. Can't let nobody make that decision for you"

It was undoubtedly one of the finest examples of LGBTQ representation. The writing is excellent, the storytelling is even better! And then the visuals exude an indescribable tranquillity that I wholeheartedly cherish.

This film feels like it was crafted with immense care and passion. It feels as though it is being brought to life from someone's personal memories, feels incredibly personal, and I absolutely adored that. Despite revolving around sexuality and self-exploration, it never takes the provocative route. It remains sincere and sympathetic in its approach, which deserves some admiration.

My only complaint lies with the third chapter, titled 'Black'. It is where the intensity seems to die down. I loved the first two chapters, relating to the young child and teenage boy. I was able to empathize with their pain and rooted for their triumphs. However, in the last chapter, that connection suddenly fades away, as I couldn't get behind adult Chiron. I truly wish I could have!
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18 June 2024
This was quite challenging to sit through, and I say this with utmost respect to all the talented minds involved in here. Whilst I understand the intentions behind the project, the execution did not resonate with me as I had hoped or rather preferred.

Almost 95% of the screenplay is dedicated to lengthy discussions and character interactions that eventually become stagnant, redundant too as there was nothing exciting taking place from a visual standpoint.

Now, I do not necessarily have an aversion to dialogue-driven scripts, but there needs to be some context behind the words to make them meaningful, make them worthy. Otherwise, they would come across as nonsensical, nothing but gibberish, which unfortunately is the case down here.

Despite my best efforts to connect with the lead characters through dialogues, I struggled to find coherence in the overall story. Perhaps my lack of empathy towards our two protagonists further exacerbated the issue.

Make no mistake, I do have great admiration for both Buckley and Plemons, having enjoyed their performances in previous movies, but not here!
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Great ideas but they are not fleshed out!
17 June 2024
I like the versatility of the writing here, as it allows for multiple interpretations. It can be seen as a reflection of depression, childhood isolation, or even as a call for self-exploration, introspection. It can also be viewed as allegorical take on our tendency to hold onto nostalgia and the things that shaped our childhood and teenage years.

Having said that, inspite of having such compelling ideas, none of them realized their full potential, mostly due to the absurdly short duration of the film, it lasted around 90 minutes. The visuals were striking, and all the technical aspects were well-executed, thanks in part to the notable performances of the two leads as well. I have no complaint to make in those regards.

I feel, It is the narrative that would have benefited from more time to establish these concepts in a tangible manner. Perhaps, delving deeper into the psyches of the protagonists could have precipitated a more fitting outcome!
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I wish the ending was different!
16 June 2024
All the emotions, the witty exchanges, the petty arguments; it all felt incredibly authentic.

The storyline was simple, but it was a refreshing departure from the typical romantic tales we are so accustomed to.

The director excelled in capturing the dynamics of long-term relations, showcasing the nuances of married couples who have been together for over a decade.

Kudos to the actors as well, especially Vidya and Pratik, for delivering outstanding performances on their end which embodied the essence of a lifelike 'couplets'.

Having said that, the ending left a void, The final 25 minutes to be specific, were chaotic, lacking in consistency and tonal balance, which thereby disrupted the flow of the narrative, it leaves a lot to be desired.

If only it had taken a different turn...
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The Others (2001)
Loved the story!
14 June 2024
The story had me captivated from the very start, but it was the ending that truly sealed the deal for me. When it comes to old school horror, this one will definitely rank among the finest.

The location is absolutely stunning, and the story itself is filled with clever twists and turns that will shock you at crucial intervals.

Furthermore, The script flows naturally, and the emotions portrayed by all the characters are so compelling that you can't help but feel for their pain and sufferings. And let us not forget about Nicole Kidman, she was fantastic, as she always is.

Now, I do not have any major complaints, but if I had to nitpick, I wished the writing here delved a bit deeper into the characters' backstories. Not that it didn't, but I expected more!
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Built well upon the first!
11 June 2024
It's quite impressive how the sequel managed to amp up the action with an abundance of guns and explosions, all while staying true to the tone set by the first movie. It was just as gripping and effective as a zombie horror piece.

The sound design is absolutely phenomenal, and even though the editing can be a bit chaotic at times, it alleviates the suspense.

However, the character development is where I feel it fell short to some extent. Having talented actors like Elba, Renner, and Byrne, only to not capitalise on their potential and deliver well-rounded characters, feels like nothing but a missed opportunity to me.
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28 Days Later (2002)
Loved the raw, gnarly approach!
11 June 2024
I admire the swift establishment of its direction right from the outset, as it avoids unnecessary exposition and immediately sets the narrative in motion.

The script is concise and propels the story forward at a rapid speed, ensuring that the audience remains engaged from the get go.

I particularly enjoyed the raw and unblemished portrayal of the apocalypse, which stands out in contrast to the typical zombie features we see in the mainstream space.

My only complaint is that there could have been more dissection of the 'virus' in question. Some additional information or discussions would have largely benefited the storytelling.
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Good Time (2017)
Didn't work out for me!
11 June 2024
One of those sad instances where ceiling-high expectations eventually weighed down on the film's merit.

I have heard so many amazing things about it that while tuning in, I was anticipating nothing but brilliance, and that might have had an adverse effect on my viewing.

While I adored Pattinson and the movie's skilful technicalities, especially the background score, which had its own identity, a unique footprint, I found myself constantly craving coherence in the storytelling.

It's all so messy, a bit too chaotic. Perhaps that's what they intended to go for, but their approach didn't work out for me.
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Something missing!
10 June 2024
The captivating melodies, undeniable chemistry, and Gaga's mesmerizing vocals are what drove the storyline forward.

Gaga and Copper's connection on screen is truly commendable, creating an organic dynamic that seemed to have sprinkled magic whenever they grace the screen together.

However, every single time the focus shifts from their relationship to their individual characters, the impact diminishes significantly. The magic that previously enveloped the screen seems to fade away, leaving a void in the storytelling.

The emotional depth and turmoil that the writing aimed to convey fell short resulting in a mediocre screenplay which failed to resonate. I really wish it did.
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More sensibility was required!
9 June 2024
"I miss you. I miss not touching each other. Not seeing each other, not breathing in each other. I want you. All the time. No one else."

Adèle and Léa's electrifying chemistry propelled the narrative forward, as their dedication to their roles shone through in their notable acts.

While the film excels in capturing romance and sensuality, it falls short in providing substantial LGBTQ representation and a deeper storyline. This may leave some viewers with lingering doubts and reservations.

It would have been advantageous if the three-hour-long screenplay had allocated a bit more time to showcase the challenges and difficulties faced by individuals belonging to the community.

A more sensitive and heartfelt portrayal, coupled with cohesive storytelling approach, would have greatly benefited the narrative as a whole.
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More tragic than sensual!
8 June 2024
If you are anticipating a steamy, passion-filled ride, you will be let down. There is no intercourse involved in the 'act', the tone is more melancholic than seductive in my view.

Moreover, their intentions aren't fulfilled. Despite clear aspirations, their objectives fall short of breaking free from traditional constraints.

Suffice to say, it left me yearning for that extra push in the storyline.

Even though It did make me contemplate on how some individuals, through the acts of seduction, resort to pain, bodily humiliation to escape their grief, their inner turmoil.

Humans are truly peculiar creatures, and these narratives only reinforce that notion.
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Aloners (2021)
We all need human connection!
8 June 2024
Human beings thrive on connections, it's in our nature. In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle, to isolate in the name of survival. But deep down, we all crave human touch, that sense of belonging.

"Aloners" by Hong Seong-eun expertly captures this essence. It serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of human connection in a society that is increasingly losing touch with humanity.

Perhaps it's high time for us to take a page out of our protagonist, Jina's book and begin to truly live. Let us embrace the chaos, the messiness of human relationships, all the highs and lows, and rediscover the beauty of empathy and human connection.

"To tell you the truth, I am not cut out for eating alone. Or sleeping alone or taking the bus alone. I don't like smoking alone. I am no good on my own. I just pretend to be."
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Mass (2021)
An effective piece of roundtable discussion!
6 June 2024
A session of reconciliation brings together the parents of the school shooter and one of the victims, allowing them to gather the courage to face each other and comprehend each other's point of views.

As the discussion unfolds, secrets are revealed and new details about the tragedy come to light.

What I appreciate the most about the writing is how it places the audience in a neutral position, enabling us to pay attention to both sides of the conversation, without preconceived bias marring our conscience and clouding our ability to draw a fitting conclusion.

Scripts such as this rely heavily on powerful dialogues and performances, and I must say that 'Mass' excels in both of these segments.

And I also admire how the movie avoids vilifying the perpetrator, which is a common tendency in many stories. Despite committing unimaginable sins and inflicting unspeakable pain on others, they still have the right to share their struggles, their reasons.

No one is born a killer; adverse circumstances, social isolation, and a lack of proper upbringing all contribute to the creation of a murderer.

The sooner we acknowledge this, the better it will be for our children as well as our next generation.
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I'm sorry
6 June 2024
Experimental movies can be a bit tricky to grasp. The filmmakers often have a specific message they want to communicate, but not everyone will understand. It takes a lot of skill to convince the regular audience of the intended meaning, and unfortunately, I don't think "Upstream Color" quite achieves that.

Instead of coming off as one genuine attempt at something meaningful, something constructive, it mostly comes across as a pretense. The film lacks the necessary execution to engage and make the audience contemplate.

The pacing is off, the editing feels disjointed, and worst of all, I found myself uninterested in the characters.

Despite my respect for everyone involved in the production, I have to say that I couldn't connect with it. Perhaps there's nothing concrete to hold onto, or maybe it went over my head and if that is the case then there's no shame in admitting that.
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Margin Call (2011)
Raises the tension in a gradual manner!
5 June 2024
If you are associated in any shape or form with any financial institutions, as their employees or as active customers, you will find it much easier to connect to the story as you have the required knowledge to make a sound assessment of the whole situation.

However, if you have no knowledge or have no firm correlations with the financial markets, the conversations, the chatters, or the jargon, to be specific, will make your viewing experience less pleasant, or rather confusing, if I were to put it bluntly.

Hence, tread only if you have your fundamentals (pun intended) well covered; otherwise, you may want to skip it.

As for the film, it does well in terms of raising the intensity in a phased fashion but I still feel there was much more to the story that left uncovered, true potential left unrealised!
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Awakenings (1990)
What an emotional ride!
5 June 2024
The film may have its fair share of issues, it may have not reached the highs it aspired for.

However, that does not diminish the heartfelt warmth it evoked in me. The flaws could not undermine the moments that brought tears to my eyes as well as filled me with joy.

If you can truly connect with the characters, if you can understand their pain and struggles, rest assured, it will evoke the same emotions within you like it did to me.

And let's not forget the incredible casting of De Niro and Robin Williams in leads. Their presence alone makes the viewing experience all the more relishing, especially for the latter, whom I deeply miss.

Mr. Williams, you will never be forgotten, you will continue to live through your movies, R. I. P. :')
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Feels dated!
3 June 2024
The story's got everything you would normally expect to see in early 80s mainstream horror.

Things moving on their own, odd noises coming from all over the house, and unexplainable events keep occurring; the approach is extremely 'Textbook' leaning.

While there is an underlying narrative to unfold and almost a century-old truth to uncover, it's primarily because of the generic setup and the dated feel, which had little to no impact on me.

As someone who adores the genre and has seen thousands of movies to date, it was just another movie to clear off from the list; nothing special, nothing particularly mention-worthy.
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An effective prequel!
3 June 2024
The movie faithfully follows (pun intended) the trajectory of 'Nunsploitation', a new 'trend' in the horror realm which has been gaining momentum for quite some time now.

It particularly brought to mind Michael Mohan's recent directorial "Immaculate", which I had the opportunity to watch and review just a month ago.

Both films share similar themes and treatments, with the main difference being that this one is part of a well-established franchise.

As a result, it not only had to work on its own as a standalone feature but also had this daunting task of serving as a 'prequel' to the first entry released way back in 1976.

And I must admit, it succeeded on both grounds.

The movie boasts solid writing, aided by a tight screenplay and impressive technical expertise, helped to set the mood and tone effortlessly.

My only complaint is that the supporting cast does not offer much, at least from a writing perspective. The burden of storytelling falls heavily on the shoulders of the protagonist, Margaret (played commendably by Nell)

With a bit more emphasis put on developing the supporting characters, it could have become something truly special, something worth remembering.
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Inferior compared to the original!
1 June 2024
I did not find a single scene in the film that frightened me or made me feel at unease.

I'm unsure why it is categorized as horror, since it lacks the necessary elements that usually define this genre and style of filmmaking.

While I understand the presence of biblical references and the incorporation of supernatural constituents, I do not believe that alone justifies labelling it as a horror piece.

Suffice it to say, I'm disappointed, especially considering how much I liked its predecessor. The previous film had superior kills and far better of a storytelling, this one pales in comparison!.
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The Omen (1976)
Effective storytelling!
31 May 2024
While the scares may not be overwhelmingly terrifying, the narrative keeps the suspense alive from start to finish.

Despite its formulaic and predictable nature, the story effectively develops around its initial premise, allowing for a meaningful narrative progression.

The tension is undeniably palpable, leaving audiences intrigued about the child and the potential mysteries surrounding him.

Additionally, the technical aspects are commendable, particularly the lifelike prosthetics that enhance the overall authentic feel of the production.

If there's any critique to be made it would be the desire for exploration of that malevolent child's powers and deceptions, which could have added further depth to the storytelling.
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