
9 Reviews
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Japanese don't seem to understand women-in-prison films!
1 June 2006
Director Daisuke Gotoh clearly doesn't understand the erotic psychology behind a successful (or even interesting) women-in-prison film. I mean, the primary component of dykey-women-molesting-other-women-behind-bars seems to have completely escaped him in this one! Yoko Saito is certainly well-cast as the pretty Scorpion, unjustly accused, convicted, and thrown into a California women's penitentiary on clearly spurious grounds. But once she's there, nothing even remotely interesting happens. Yes, there are some dykey-looking women about, as well as some pretty young female inmates just waiting to be sexually victimized by them. But it never happens. There's really no lesbianism whatsoever. Instead, it's the male warden and his guards doing all the dirty work. So why the women-in-prison setting? If he didn't want to include scenes involving girls with other girls he should have set this story in a nightclub or brothel. Obviously this director knows (or cares) nothing about this genre of films, and it was very disappointing as a result.
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Lesbian prison? I don't think so.
1 June 2006
If you're looking for a halfway decent women-in-prison film, look elsewhere. This one isn't campy-fun, it's campy-boring. What really irritates me is that some of the casting is excellent, with Margaret Baker just right as a predatory lesbian guard looking to enjoy the bodies of pretty female inmates like Misty Mundae and Ruby Larocca. But aside from some brief conversation, nothing remotely kinky or erotic ever happens! It's a waste of perfectly good female talent! And if you're not going to have at least one good girl/girl moment then WHY bother with a women-in-prison setting in the first place? The silly zombie plot would have been far more palatable had more attention been paid to the pretty girls-with-other-girls behind bars!
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Nothing remotely erotic about this one!
3 May 2006
If you're going to produce a campy women-in-prison film and cast beautiful actresses as innocent girls-behind-bars you've GOT to have at least one scene (preferably several) involving dangerous prison women (the warden, guards, or other inmates) wanting to have sex with them, right? Well, this film has NONE OF THAT! It's like a war film with no explosions, or a gangster film with nobody getting whacked. A pretty-girls-in-prison movie with no lesbian scenes whatsoever? Obviously whoever put this one together didn't have a clue. Or else they thought that watching women pretend to fight each other was exciting. (Hint: It isn't.)
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Christina (1984)
Erotic film about pretty young American heiress being kidnapped.
22 April 2006
This film reminded me somewhat of "Autumn Born," an earlier Lloyd A. Simandl film about another pretty young woman being held against her will. In both films the kidnappers include at least one dominant lesbian woman who wants the pretty girl for her own pleasures.

In Christina, I recall a scene in which two women battle each other for the right to possess Jewel Shepard. The winner takes her into a room, gives her a bath, and then seduces her. It was a very erotic, if not particularly explicit scene.

Later, after trying to escape, another woman captures and forcibly takes Christina. Jewel Shepard might not have been the greatest actress of her day, but she certainly had a hot body, one that could even attract other women!
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I am so embarrassed to admit that I LIKED this one!
9 March 2006
There are a LOT of really awful sexploitation films out there, and normally I would admit that this is one of them. Except that there was ONE SCENE in this film that I found to be REALLY EROTIC, and because of that one scene I'm upping my rating from a "1" to a "9" (my credibility would be completely shot if I went any higher!) One of the other reviewers (lazarillo) mentions a topless beauty contest in which the kidnapped cheerleaders entertain themselves by dancing almost naked. It is during that scene when one of the bad guys grabs one of the girls (a very pretty blonde) whom he has already declared to be his favorite. But the female kidnapper stops him (threatening to shoot him), and then she takes the frightened girl into the bathroom with her, offering to give the girl a bath. The ensuing scene is very tender and soft as she bathes and comforts the girl. As a lesbian seduction scene it was cut short by the appearance by one of the stupid guys, but it was INCREDIBLY EROTIC until that point! I've never seen another sexploitation film come close to matching it. In fact, it was hotter than most XXX films, not that that's saying much.
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Horrible movie overall, but Bo Derek looked really GOOD!!!
9 March 2006
OK, there's only one scene in this entire bomb-of-a-film worth watching, and that's the scene where Bo Derek (Jane) gets bathed by the women of the tribe that has captured her and the members of her group. She looked incredibly HOT, and the scene itself was surprisingly erotic.

Other than that, there's not much worth commenting on. Tarzan barely appears in this movie, and it's boring when he does. Richard Harris overacts something awful. Bo Derek is enjoyable to look at, even with her clothes on, but until that above-mentioned scene when the tribal women wash her beautiful nude body, I was completely bored. But that one brief moment alone lifts this one from a "1" to a "5" rating, at least from me.

That is all.
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Corpse Bride (2005)
I loved it! Funny, innovative, and highly entertaining!
13 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Tim Burton's videos are dark, to be sure, but they do a wonderful job of mixing lighthearted humor with macabre subjects like death and decomposition! The dead people in this movie seemed so much more likable than the living, and I couldn't help thinking that Emily (the Corpse Bride herself) was far prettier and full of life than ("little Miss Living") Victoria! As in Burton's other foray into this genre (The Nightmare Before Halloween) the special effects were both artistic as well as sinister-yet-amusing, with real personalities emerging from the excellent casting of the voices. I also thought some moments in the film were genuinely frightening, especially early on when Victor is fleeing his corpse wife, taking refuge in his fiancée's room where he then discovers to his horror that his corpse bride has followed him and has climbed the balcony and is about to enter the room! That was a brilliantly shot scary scene that reminded me of something out of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher!" I also loved the way they resolved Victor's dilemma at the very end when you don't know if he'll end up with a dead or a living wife. Bottom line - I really loved this film!
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Quite erotic at times, but typical Lloyd A. Simandl fare!
18 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
If you've seen one of Lloyd A. Simandl's films you already know the plot of this one: an attractive-but-evil lesbian takes charge of several beautiful young girls to enslave and play with however she wants. In the end there's a shoot-out and a lot of people are killed, but who really cares about the plot? Marcela Hodna plays Cassandra, the evil (and psychotic) lesbian who escapes from a psycho ward before wreaking havoc on anyone and everyone who gets in her way. Despite her murderous rampages, her encounters with other women are highly erotic! She undresses, bathes, fondles, kisses, and occasionally ties-up and/or whips her beautiful female captives. It's all quite enjoyable to watch! At one point she conducts a "garage sale" of sorts, selling her pretty female slaves to other women. The sight of slightly older women examining pretty young women to purchase is also incredibly hot! They strip and fondle them, running their hands along the bodies of the beautiful slavegirls! Very nice! The most disappointing thing about this film is the actual sex scenes themselves, which are a bit tamer than I'd like. Still, this one is overall VERY HOT as is!!!
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Creative and erotic Lloyd A. Simandl film!
18 September 2005
If you've seen ONE of these Lloyd A. Simandl flicks you already know what's going to happen in THIS one. They all follow the same basic pattern. Beautiful young east European women are enslaved and eventually sold off by a slightly older lesbian who also likes to occasionally play with the girls herself. Klara Hlouska plays the lesbian warden in this one, and she's quite good in that role. Her female guards also enjoy playing with the girls when they're off duty, and that's where this one gets really erotic. There's a scene where two of them (played by Vladimira Kopal & Alzbeta Ceruskova) return after lights out to the room where the girls sleep, and proceed to awaken two of the pretty young women and enjoy their lovely young bodies! It's got a dominant/submissive feel that's very erotic and enjoyable to watch! There's a plot that I really don't remember, but who really cares about the plot? Not me!
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