
5 Reviews
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I wrote this myself
14 October 2017
This movie was made on a shoestring budget. And they all shared the same shoestring. Some really stereotypical wannabe Irish 'gangsta' acting in this.

A couple things i noticed: The film has no sense of time passing. It feels like it all happened in one afternoon. Irish police DO NOT get involved in enforcing evictions or serving bailiff summonses. It's a Sheriff who enforces non payment in Ireland not a bailiff.

....sorry i'm not wasting anymore time on this. I'm gonna end it here.

Actually the ending is stupid and only a moron would do that knowing who the person was.

I reckon they only had one shoestring and it was used to hold the plot together.
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Forcing atrocities into Art-house mediocrity(at best).
16 September 2017
Looks nice......they got the Asia sky hues just right. But the whole film plays out like the poor unfortunates are bored at the worlds most basic holiday camp than at a holocaust site. It's a Lifetime TV safe version of events. Also as an aside, i wondered as i was watching the film, why the director changed her Cambodian kids names to an American variant instead of keeping their original Cambodian versions.....BORED to death(camp).
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Iron Man 2 (2010)
Very much let down
30 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Not as much of an impact as the first one. There's just too many robots and it takes away from the whole Iron Man is something special element. Everyone is Iron man in this. also didn't Scarlett J's hair...or her acting. Mickey Rourke is good though. Hes always enjoyable to look at. Was very annoyed when they turned the whole extremis virus into some sort of illness that could be cured with a new element. What??? There's a whole series of Iron man comics based on extremis and its turned into a form of Siryisis. War machine is not believable, he looks like hes about to cry in every scene. Paltrow is overacting and what is with the.....this never happened in the comics. This is Spiderman 3 syndrome
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Not as good as hyped
12 March 2010
I went to this movie expecting something intelligent and stylishly executed. I left feeling underwhelmed and disappointed. The story has been done before, so its not clever anymore and i'm not being arrogant when i say it was obvious from the start. Its edited very amateurishly (I don't agree with those saying it was representative of the main characters frame of mind) and there is far too much use of CGI on outside scenes in cars and both. It seemed to me as well that there were some scenes just thrown into the movie that had no actual purpose. e.g the scene in the car with the warden talking about violent. maybe it was too intelligent for me...
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over sentimental
15 October 2006
this film seems like it has the best of intentions. in trying to create a realistic warzone and the conflicts that emerge within units on the same side. but it turns out to be over dramatic and predictable. it feels like a 'korean' saving private ryan. while saving private ryan had realistic battle scenes and weak drama. this movie has good to mediocre battle scenes and some ridiculously over wrought dramatic sequences. (beating up the north korean soldier in the pit to prove a point to his brother). It'll leave you with a sweetly taste in your mouth like when you watched World Trade Towers. .finally what are the odds of the brother finding the other in a battle zone and then having time to have a chat. it doesn't do the horror and panic of war any justice and is just another example of using regrettful points in history to exploit drama and make a sale.
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