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23 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
oh my god! that is all I can say.. As a former player of the old RPGs that this movie is based on I feel I want to puke.

They have totally changed just about everything. One thing is said to have made the mutant chronicles world and that is the drawings of Paul Bonner, something they have completely skipped in this movie. Secondly, the movie takes place in the history of mutant chronicles, when the darkness awakens and by that time, the world still had high tech weapons and not "steam air ships". That was something they was supposed to be forced to adapt in the future due to the effect on the worlds AIs by the darkness..

The heroes in the movie was not supposed to exist in that era, and they even messed up Valerie Duval who is supposed to be from Bauhaus (a french woman) and not some shitty looking Asian (they actually dug up the ugliest Asian actor in the world for the role as a french woman fighting in a suicide squad)

What else.. no not much else to say.. a decent b-action movie if not for the fact that they messed up the mutant chronicles world which I used to love.
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pretty standard kungfu movie.
4 February 2005
The story is as always not important in these old kungfu movies, but it's about a young boy that's being bullied and eventually learns the secret of monkey style kungfu so he can face the bad guy of the movie.

It has some fun spots, and overall it's a good movie if you like the old kungfu stuff :)

My version of the movie was dubbed to English, but the dub was alright. Actually some of these movies are better when they are dubbed, comments like "My Tiger will eat your snake" before they start to fight can make me laugh so my stomach hurts.

The opening credits had one of the funniest music tunes i've heard, combine this with two men playing monkeys and you have a great opening of a funny movie about monkey kungfu :)
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