
4 Reviews
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Utterly irredeemable.
6 October 2023
Me and my buddy were doing a horror comedy night and watched this one. The first Thankskilling was terrible, but we were both drunk and got a chuckle out of it. This movie was so bad we actually skipped whole sections of it and didn't feel like we had missed anything. Absolutely godawful. Even totally drunk it wasn't funny at all.

Most of the movie is just crappy finger puppets talking dirty. That's it. That's the whole movie. As for the plot, there really wasn't one; something about losing the second film and going through portals, I really couldn't have cared less.

If me and my buddy had made a drinking game out of how many times we'd audibly groan, we would've died. Instead of the electric chair, executioners should play this movie on a loop and let the death row prisoners kill themselves.
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Enjoyed it
16 October 2018
People are saying that it's "offensive" and "too happy" to be real, and that surprises me. As someone who lives with mental illness (severe major depression with severe psychotic features), and was in psych ward for quite a while, I didn't find it offensive. I found it to be remarkably accurate in portraying some of my own struggles, with mind-dulling medications, unwanted outbursts, deep paranoia, odd tics, etc. that I have had for over ten years. As for the "overly happy" stuff? Too many movies and TV shows focus on being "dark" and "edgy", so I found it refreshing to see someone going through struggles being positive about it. I won't pretend to have had the most difficult life, but it hasn't been easy. I saw this movie a few months after I was released from psych ward (2016), and I can honestly say it gave me a bit of hope to find my own silver lining. The world needs more positivity.
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Raised Wild: The Dog Girl of Ukraine (2012)
Season 1, Episode 2
Dramatizations were drawn out to no end, but overall very intriguing and fact-based.
12 January 2014
I've only watched the second episode, so I can't speak for the whole series, but it did seem professional. I would've given it a 10/10 if they didn't waste so much time on overdone dramatizations. It gets the 9/10 because it was based on facts and seemed to treat Oxana with as much dignity as is possible in a TV documentary.

I watched it mainly to find what happened to Oxana Malaya, and I did. So if you are watching this for a similar reason, watch on. You won't be disappointed.

If you are watching this because you stumbled upon it and it looked interesting, don't stumble elsewhere.

If you are watching this because you have to/you don't have anything better to do with your life, watch it anyway. It will give you a new perspective on your life and how valuable freedom really is. It did for me. I will never look at my life in the same light.
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Good movie. Not much for "horror", but good overall.
14 October 2013
A note to anybody who has read the book: This is not a page for page movie version of the book. It is only loosely based on the book. That being said, I actually enjoyed this movie. It kept to the book (which was awesome) just enough to give a sense of familiarity, yet was original enough in it's own right that it still gave a few surprises. I actually liked the movie ending a lot better than the book ending, because it actually wrapped things up quite nicely. Even though the acting wasn't spot on, the actors still gave a decent representation of the book characters, especially Mr. Peretti. His performance as a crazy scientist was over the top and brilliant. For anybody watching this expecting a horror movie, you might be a little disappointed. There are a few "jump scenes", bit overall it's a pretty family friendly movie. So overall I recommend this movie.
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