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Inside Out (I) (2015)
A great movie to get a better concept of how we work
9 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
As a psychology student I was very intrigued to watch this movie. I had heard a lot (positive) about it, so my expectations were high, and although it was different than expected, it was also fulfilling my expectations. Of course it is simplifying the way our brain works, but I think they still did a great job representing certain faculties of our brain.

What I think was also great were the characters, they weren't flat, but you can definitely see how Joy and Sadness develop throughout the movie. I also love that in a way the movie contains two plots that are however intertwined in a very unusually close way. I also love that the movie shows how different feelings interact with each other and how sad moments can have something happy and valuable to them, while other happy moments might have a sad touch as well.

Finally, I think that it is not inappropriate for children, as some people have stated here. I think people underestimate how capable children are of understanding these kind of things. Especially young children, they understand on a different level, but sometimes even better than some adults do. I love that this movie is not promoting any kind of consumer goods, like sugary food or certain role images (a girl that is into ice hockey, love it!) which is what other movies still need to learn!
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