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The Beach Bum (2019)
Korine still has it, although there's been a minor downhill
24 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is truly of an acquired taste of sorts. As far as I know it's really uncommon to understand the underlying symbolisms of all the chaos, actions and reactions shown in movies by Korine. This isn't a comedy, it isn't fun although it made me smile and laugh a few times. It's sort of a raw depiction of humanity as a whole at its core. Going around aimlessly, breaking stuff, having sex, getting ****faced, lying, cheating and just hanging around while being "creative". It's how we came to be and how we will continue to be as long as we all get to keep the right to lead our own lives.

Moondog, the guy who has the most and the least amount of problems at the same time, is our protagonist. With that ebb and flow he comes and goes like the waves and tides he sees around him on the beaches everyday.

He's become, or always has been, the water Bruce Lee once encouraged people to be. Like water, he's flowing. Unstill even when he just sits on a chair with a cat on his lap, untouchable when having sex and so unrecognizable that he's become one of the most recognized people in the world the movie takes place in. He's the droplets of water carried to us by waves that then flow by and away. It's all so very, very poetic and detailed, painful and colorful it just slurs even the thought. This is Harmony Korine doing again what he's done for over two decades. It's fantastic and terrible, poetic and symbolic, all put into a chaotic mess of a one and a half hour film.

The ending is at least nothing less than what I expected. A flame going out with a bang of awe. Nothing more a man like Moondog could've ever been or done. Was it caused by madness? Mourning? Hate? Addiction? Loneliness? Like many things that have happened before, we will never know.

What felt out of place however were the shark scene and the blind man driving and flying scenes. They pulled me out with their absurdities for a while. So 9.
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Snowpiercer: Many Miles from Snowpiercer (2021)
Season 2, Episode 6
3 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The feeling of isolation was portrayed quite well. It felt good to imagine oneself in such a place, alone in solitude. However, the landslide and the falling antenna were just plain silly. They were obviously forced pieces of drama that needn't be for any other reason than to extend the episode. Better content could've been brought from other places. I would have preferred books, videos, diaries etc. of the deceased. Thoughts and words from the damned. Why did they never find the source for the rats that even they must've noticed? A story whom Melanie basically would've experienced in the same way as the viewers would.

Yet it was good. The best episode thus far.
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#Alive (2020)
B-class zombie time waster
14 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
For a viewer that looks for relatable and realistic patterns in movies, most of the good stuff is in the beginning. Even though I had to accept that only three people out of hundreds if not thousands decided to stay safely indoors for a zombie apocalypse, the rest of human interactions either mean Koreans behave very anti-socially on bad days or all the drama was forced. Make of it what you will, but I really don't know which is worse.

How does the fat guy open a door that only opens outward? His bones, joints and muscles would've been broken before such a door would've let loose even a bit.

How does a zombie fireman pull a table via a rope so hard it knocks a girl out by hitting her hip? How does he climb up a wall using the said skinny rope? Thin ropes have very little surface area to grab onto and gravity actually does pull a man, especially a toned firefighter, pretty hard.

How does the helicopter appear in the final scene? The heroes didn't hear it coming before it was 20-30 meters away behind them. Helicopters can be heard from much, much further away. Also it was flying upwards from a yard below surrounded by buildings. It would've had to have landed there or hovered for quite a while.

Like that, you'll find little cause and effect from #Alive. The rest is just forced drama. It's built from events with no prior preparation, no reason for something to happen. No cause. Thus this isn't a clever movie by any stretch of the imagination. Which it could've been if it just tried.

Worth watching? No. Worth wasting your time on? Yes.
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Snowpiercer (2017–2024)
Beautiful and broken, yet real
26 May 2020
The opening sequence was bad. Forced and foggy, like chaos should surely be. Yet there was no real build up to it. People getting shot and maimed as the first thing you see. It's of poor taste and lack of visible causation.

Beyond that things got... smarter. Time passes, characters begin to appear. An ignorant and arrogant leader in the first car and a people fighting to survive in the last car. Fine. Fools have led and been led since the beginning of intelligent life. The cars, they keep everyone alive. Somehow the main engineer of the Snowpiercer project has created a train that could move and keep the occupants alive and moving around the globe for a very long time. Yet no man nor woman could calculate every detail into such a gargantuan plan, so this is what could happen. Among a people so afraid and roasted by the fear of the world outside and inside the train, drama will ensue.

It's a good show. Alas with some problems, like the original movie. The movie was better than these two episodes, though. Still, the acting holds up well enough to not take away from the experience. Maybe it's just a personal thing for me as a fan of Frostpunk and many other apocalyptic settings, but the first sight of the frozen wasteland was somehow more breathtaking than anything I had seen in maybe a decade.

I hope this show will get better, just like I wish everything was getting better, yet not everyone in the film business knows what they're actually doing. Hope is uncertainty and like the characters of this show we can only wait and see what their future really holds. The only reasons I currently watch it are the apocalyptic scenarios, not much the plainly written characters straight from some B-movie writing school's cook book. This series has the roots of something masterclass but the execution of an ignorant or forced writer.

Would certainly love more extreme movies like this however. Humanity is getting spoiled by the hour.
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Forget the below average animation, this is a clownfest
28 April 2020
I feel like this was made for an entirely different audience than what GitS really used to be for. Maximize fan service, damned be realism and immersion.

Just so you know, I only watched maybe 10 minutes of the first episode. Maybe it gets better. Likely it won't. I don't take chances with my time so my hopes were ruined.

I liked the first GitS movie that came like 25 years ago or something. That movie instantly generated a gritty atmosphere with immersive details that could become reality in the future. This here, however, has androids talking out loud to themselves in the middle of a desert while on her car's back seat there's a brightly colored spiderlike robot.

First off, you don't make your main heroine, the Major, talk to herself out loud like that. Silence is an option, especially when they're alone and enjoying that very silence in the middle of a desert. Then a truck drives by, she comes up to it and everybody starts talking in a casual japanese manner I presume. It's weird as with usual japanese anime. So sure, whatever. Maybe it has something to do with the culture.

Then some enemy cannon fodder guys come around to chase them, shoot their guns in the air insted of the truck and not really using their weapons almost at all to try to take out the very truck or people they're chasing. They had no plan besides maybe just drive, scream and die. It's the opposite of anything that could be called intense.

All the while the good guy team is just talking about how "cool" they are while making fun of each other. Then the damn spiderbots they had in the truck start talking about everyone's personalities sounding like little girls while waving their mechanical hands around like they were trying to communicate really badly. Also when they eventually start shooting their guns they make these excited japanese schoolgirl noises.

There are just too many faults here for me to enjoy it or even care to talk about it in more detail. Sure if you're into that kind of stuff then all power to you. I wish I were too, but I really can't stomach the cringe and lack of sense this has for me. And the music wasn't for me either at any point.
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