
59 Reviews
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Appalling and.embarrassing.
6 April 2023
Australia has produced some gold sketch comedy over many many years - Comedy Company, Fast Forward, Skit House - genuine funny comedy.

This effort is appalling, unfunny and.just plain embarrassing.

Comedy is hard but this show makes it look like it's impossible. After watching a whole episode I didn't even crack a smile, just cringed through the entire episode.

The format is a good idea but the laughs are non existent.

So when you get the urge to watch some Aussie comedy source some of the classic stuff that still holds up to this day, not this terrible & poor excuse for comedy.

Real Aussie comedy- we need you. Save us from this rubbish.
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Dull retelling of an anything but dull war time story.
29 January 2023
The real story of Operation Mincemeat is fascinating and unique.

As far as this film goes what ends up being fascinating and unique is how they have turned such a interesting war time story into such a dull and uninteresting film.

Instead of focusing on the nuts and bolts of the operation it focuses more on drama between the characters participating behind the scenes - drama which is mostly fiction. Essentially the whole intent seems to of been around creating a fictious drama around the frameworks of actual operation's story.

Acting is good - Firth is always brings his A game- but it's not enough to redeem this wasted opportunity.

Do yourself a favour - listen to the excellent podcast instead.
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Upright: Tomatoes (2022)
Season 2, Episode 2
Terribly disappointing follow up to Season 1..
4 December 2022
The second season is so vastly poorer than it's fantastic first season, it's almost like your watching a different show

The writing and direction is poor and lacklustre. The chemistry between Michin and Alcock that was such driving force during previous season is barely present and feels forced.

It's so disappointing after the smart, sharp writing from Minchin & direction from Matthew Saville from season one we how have a show that seems to have lost it's spark.

Upright Season One was great Aussie TV. Season 2 is ordinary Aussie TV and is, unfortunately, that one extra season we didn't need.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Frustrating and unbelievable.
14 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film was going fine until all of a sudden the villiian of the film becomes the protagonist and victim and then we're expected to go along with that.

The filmakers are expecting way too much from their audience with this film.
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The Innocents (2021)
An original and riveting film.
8 July 2022
Hollywood can't/won't do original anymore but thank God for the Europeans.

This film is at times unpleasant to watch but this also is part of it's DNA and ultimately makes it a riveting and.compelling film If your sick of the horror remakes, the cliches and lazy horror films being dished out by Tinsel Town, do yourself a big one and give this original film a go.

It's really good.
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The Offer (2022)
Another good show hijacked by feminist propaganda
12 June 2022
This show was really going ok.

It had a good story (accuracy debatable) some excellent performances and was generally very enjoyable until it had to insert the present feminist agenda.

It was jarring and completely unnecessary.

It's so disappointing we can't enjoy shows and films without being constantly hit on the head by others agandas.

There's a time and place but not in a story set 50 years ago about the making of a mafia film.
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The Offer: Crossing That Line (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
#Meetoo agenda episode.
5 June 2022
Hope the producers issue an apology to actor they alluded to hitting Talia Shire while making The Godfather How about keeping modern dsy social issues out of a show about the making of a 1972 film about gangsters.

Ruined a perfectly good episode.
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Uncharted (2022)
Lame generic actioner.
24 April 2022
Ruben Fleischer's hit and miss career continues with Uncharted - a generic film lacking suspense & thrills.

You seen it all before... and it's been done better.
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Scream (I) (2022)
Scream because this is a bad film.
20 March 2022
The first 2 Scream films were good but got progressively worst.

The tradition continues.

It's nice to see the original cast doing their thing but they can't save this abysmal effort. Wes would not approve.

The original was the best. This one is the worst.
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Another modern masterpiece of ordinary film making
13 March 2022
Poorly directed. Poorly written.

An empty exercise in modern filmmaking that brings nothing to the sci-fi / time travel genre.

And is it just me or is Ryan Reynolds schtick getting a bit tiring.

Anyway, this film is not very good. Watch something else.
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Lifeless and dull.
15 February 2022
You would think with the pedigree attached we would of got more than we got from this film but all we get is a dull and lifeless film that fails to connect emotionally.

This was a disappointing film for me.
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Bad film.
18 January 2022
I felt like I was watching a The Matrix rip-off film.

Lacks the punch of the other films with a uninteresting and poorly executed story.

New characters are bland & boring.

One of the worst sequels I've seen.
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Mary (I) (2019)
Why Gary why?
7 January 2022
If you want cliches. If you want bad dialogue. If you want cheap lazy scares. If you want to see good actors embarrassing themselves in a rubbish film. If you want to sit back and wonder what the hell was Gary Oldman thinking.

This is the movie for you.
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The Lie (2018)
The further it goes the worst it gets.
28 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This film is just full of dumb people doing dumb things. The further the film goes it gets worst and dumber.

And the plot is completely unbelievable with a twist that is just ridiculous.

Why talented actors make films like this is beyond me.
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Foundation (2021– )
Dull and slow going.
26 December 2021
There's a good series in here somewhere but it's just not interesting.

Disappointing tokensim is present in the production as most of the male main leads from book have been replaced by a black female cast.

I might just go read the books instead.
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Boring Bond. More like a generic actioner.
14 November 2021
This film is slow, overlong and boring. Undoing a lot of the edge and grit Craig brought to the franchise.

Script and story are not up to scratch and even some of the support characters are lame and under done.

Please bring back the Bond we love.
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Interesting but too long
27 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Certainly is interesting but feel it could of been more interesting if it had been edited to a couple of hours.

But what was disappointing was when a journalist had the audacity to accuse those who questioned whether Matusunga did the murders without help of being sexist. Ridiulous.
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Pyewacket (2017)
A chilling scary film
23 October 2021
Creepy atmospheric and one damn scary film.

This film does what many, if not most horror films do today- genuinely scare the hell out of you.

It doesn't fall back on the jump scares many so called scary films these days lazily default to. It's scares are built on tension and some creepy moments.

So cuddle up on the couch with a loved one and get yourself scared.
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A recipe on how to ruin an iconic horror character.
22 October 2021
This film gets nothing right.

The script is rubbish. The direction is so cliched and derivative and contains no originality. They've created a Michael Myers who is more like a poor imitation of the character. And even the iconic score has been bastardized in the opening credits.

This is a terrible film. The worst in the entire series.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
Is Wan waning?
15 October 2021
Wan is a good director.. This is not a good movie.

Predictable. Derivative. Cliched. And horror tropes galore.

That's about all that needs to be said about Malignant.

Avoidance is recommended.
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Free Guy (2021)
Good concept. Bad film
28 September 2021
A good concept but that's about it.

Ryan Reynolds is Ryan Reynolds (same schtick - different movie). Script is bad, direction is poor, it's overlong and there's a whole lot more wrong with this film than I have space to write.

I've wasted 2 hours of my life on this film. That's sad.
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Kate (I) (2021)
14 September 2021
Ticks all the boxes a bland, cliched actioner has to offer.

You've seen it all before. Find something better.
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Could of been better.
9 September 2021
There's certainly an interesting doco in here but it's very poorly produced.

None of the participants in doco are identified and producers try to be way too cute in how it's all presented.

Subject is interesting but program presentation lets it all down.
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Perry Mason (2020–2023)
Excellent show.
27 June 2021
High marks for all aspects of this show.

The acting is first class, it's nicely photographed and superbly written.

HBO have another winner on their hands.
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Spiral (2021)
Bad. Bad. Bad.
22 June 2021
I'm still not convinced this wasn't a Naked Gun type parody.

Chris Rock's portrayal as tough guy cop is laughable. His hard, bad attitude and cold stares provoke more chuckles than intimidation.

The story is cliched & derivative. There is zero suspence and tension and the Jigsaw killer and traps are weak and lack the spirit of other Saw film.

Avoid this terrible film.
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