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This movie was one long weird journey
30 January 2015
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So I like Kat Dennings hair and make-up and that made the movie worth it, she played her usual snarky sarcastic mess the character that she always plays so expect nothing different for her she is definitely typecast.

The lead male character was just....nothing to look at, nothing to feel any kind of way about he was boring. Even when he was doing humor he was just boring. Think Benedict cumber-snatch but American and not British.

If you have no expectations for this movie and you just kind of want background noise to sleep too or you want to just waste some money and time than this is the movie for you but overall it's a snooze fest even the ghost effects were terrible.
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The Equalizer (2014)
Denzel Washington is the finest piece of Prose you will ever watch
19 January 2015
First and foremost Denzel Is the finest actor this side of Kingdom Come he effortlessly excels in this movie as with all of his movies, but this one was excellent because we got to see quiet genius behind the brawn. We got to see the strongest muscle and that was his brain and that is what sets this movie apart. I never watched the TV show so I'm looking at this movie with an open and fresh perspective. This movie gave me everything I needed and it satisfied me to the very end. It was complete, well written, and efficient. There was no grandstanding just good old fashioned maneuvering and outwitting your opponent it was like watching a chess match but with a grand master and a novice at the board.

If you go in without any expectations I believe you will enjoy this movie for what it's meant to be and that's just a good time. Nothing more nothing less. Fine acting, fine directing, and well written what more can you ask for?
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Another Dysfunction family Play turned movie
19 January 2015
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I realize this was a play turned into a movie and I haven't seen the play and I was hesitant to watch this movie and I should have went with my first mind and skipped it.

I think it was your typical we grew up in a less than perfect family and now I have all of these issues because of my upbringing and that is what this movie boils down to basically.

The eldest daughter is of course going through a separation with her husband and her 14 year old way to mature for her age daughter is resentful, pretentious and obnoxious so your typical teen who loves to smoke cigarettes and of course smoke weed.

The middle sister has spent her life taking care of her parents she never left town and she has all of these things going on in her life but as typical with middle children she is ignored and so she is long suffering finally finding love in the arms of her first cousin who is really her half brother thanks to her aunt and fathers affair. No one is the wiser until the aunt tells the eldest sister the long known but not spoken secret that their cousin was really their half brother and in fact what was cousins in love with each other is really brother and sister in love with each other.

The youngest sister lives in a world all of her own she is for lack of a better world a ditz the kind that ignores the obvious to get along and pretend that everything is right with the world. Her latest fiancé is really a pedophile which is shown after he smokes pot with her niece and then tries to see the 14 year old's breast. The only thing that saved that 14 year old is the native American helper that the husband hired before he rowed out on a boat and then drowned himself.

Basically this family is messed up and there is no denying that. Julia Roberts as the eldest winces a lot and looks put upon and just like a sheet of granite because she is the oldest and the toughest. The middle girl is lovelorn before she starts sleeping with her cousin/brother and the youngest is willing to ride off into the sunset with a pedophile because she wants to go to Belize and this pedophile can help her dreams come true.

There is no resolution in this movie. Everyone abandons the mother, and everyone goes their own way with their lives a little less ordered and with some kind of emotional wound inflicted from this gathering. It's a snapshot into dysfunction in the Midwest, I don't know why this kind of work is applauded. I don't know why anyone would want to sit here and willingly watch a jerry springer type movie of dysfunction just watch a reality show or a talk show if you are into dysfunction and horrible people. This was a waste of time for me and I feel like there should have been some kind of resolution but there wasn't and I feel like I will never get closure next time I will follow my first mind and not watch a movie I know I won't like.

I don't care who was cast in this movie this story is horrible and should only be shown as punishment or to inflict emotional cruelty on your enemies.
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Wolves (2014)
This is a decent watch
21 December 2014
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I thought this movie was decent. You have to really appreciate the special effects in this movie. The werewolf make-up was excellent I don't know how anyone could watch the wolves and think that they were unrealistic looking. Like who has seen an actual werewolf up close and in person? People kill me with their unrealistic expectations. The special effect make-up was by far the best I've seen as far as werewolf's go. The story is typical hero save the girl fare just with werewolves. If you want a deep story this is not it, if you want to be entertained than watch this it's not for a deep introspection it's purely for entertainment.
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Strictly here for the autobots
30 November 2014
First and foremost if they just made an all autobot movie I would be so happy with it. Take out the lame human actors they are the ones who drag the story down in my opinion. I don't care about the human factor I'm here for the autobot's and all things transformer. I think at this point they are just forcing the human element hopefully the next movie will just be nothing but transformers taking place in space without lame humans watering down the story with lame actions and whining.

I watch movies for entertainment value and this movie entertained me.That's the point of movies to entertain if you go to the movies looking for profound meaning than your time is better spent at museums and library's. I'm not going to nit pick and tear apart this movie that's pointless and lame to me. This is a franchise they have to keep building on it and really I don't care much about the story line I come to see Optimus Prime and the rest of the awesome Autobots fighting. That's all I really care about. I don't need anything else. Just let the Autobots be cool and do their thing. This is not a movie about profound life changing things it's about a childhood cartoon that was popular and now it's a live action movie. Stop expecting it to be something it's not.

Also The humans in the story annoyed me and made me want to slap them. Whenever there is a human element in the transformer movies it just serves as a remind that humans are some petty greedy destructive creatures who are so whiny, ungrateful and just plain pathetic. Here these alien defenders are trying to save your planet and what's the thanks they are given? Time and time again you set out to destroy them. You are not allies but instead another enemy. I really hope the next movie is just all Autobot's leave the humans out of it.
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What If (I) (2013)
Pretty decent offering
27 November 2014
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This was actually a pretty decent movie. I for one thought they were going to just leaving the ending dangling and ambiguous but they tied it all together quite nicely. I liked seeing Dan in something other than of course H.P. It was a little weird for me considering his leading lady looked like a little girl for most of the movie I was like is she in her late teens? She looks so young it didn't help that her long time boyfriend looked positively ancient next to her. I felt like he was robbing the cradle with this young girl. I liked how the most screwed up individuals in this movie got married and had a kid like if that isn't real life.
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white people being white plain and simple
24 November 2014
I don't know if this was supposed to be art or just some kind of lets just throw it out there and see where it goes because we have money and time to burn. It was a pointless drama I kept waiting for the epiphany and it never came. If you want to get high and have something on in the background than sure turn this on but it's not even interesting. There is no value in this picture and I can usually find something good in the smallest places. This was just white people being white. I mean there is no other way to describe it except that. The best character in the whole movie was the baby. I don't have anything else to say about this movie except don't watch it.
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If you are into strange Asian porn then you will love this movie
20 June 2014
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I watched this whole movie and I was trying to find some redeeming qualities in it but there were none. We start out with a rape by a thief, then the girl that is raped runs off to work in a brothel so she can meet her rapist again and let's add in he also stole something of value from her family. Then there is the weird guy In the fur coat who is sort of like I guess supposed to be a puppet master pulling the strings or fate of these individuals but that is not made entirely clear in this movie. There is a monk who was a sodomizing pedophile, a jealous prostitute, the thief and the sakura princess turned whore.

Truth be told this movie seemed to be made to justify looking at Asian women have sex and listen to them moan. It wasn't cohesive, it had to many bit players who's stories didn't connect. Especially the man in the fur coat maybe if he had of been tied in better then this whole movie would have made sense but it was just completely out there so I guess if you're a guy you'll love it and if you're a woman and you like to see small breasted women then you'll love it as well but story wise look else where.
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Wow so yeah
4 April 2014
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I just finished watching this movie and while the photog in it was super gorgeous I don't know how realistic this movie is. The main character decides that she wants to gain weight so that the photog will like her so she starts putting on weight rapidly in 2 weeks she goes from size 44 to 66 and being a model that's an issue. While I applaud the film for what it's trying to do I don't think it went the right way about it. You're supposed to love yourself regardless of your weight and not change that on a whim for a man. What if this man still wouldn't have dated her even though she changed for him. I think this movie could have been approached differently and I'm not sure how it was received when it came out but I was upset when the photog told this woman to eat 20 steaks just to date him in one sitting. No one in their right mind would suggest such a thing and I don't think she should of had to eat all of that meat in one sitting just to prove how bad she wanted to be with him. What if she had of had a stroke eating all that meat at one time. I just think that this movie could have been approached better.
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Admission (2013)
I thought I would hate it
8 March 2014
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I thought this was going to be some snarky base about the elitist system of college and how they rate students and the scale that they're up against to get into these institutions of higher learning while that was apart of this film it wasn't the bigger picture I actually found that this story had a lot of heart to offer and that it gets it right. It shouldn't be about scores and academic list and criterion and a who's who of prestige it should about the individual and the process of learning. So I applaud this movie at taking a stab at a serious institution of evaluating students that needs an overhaul.

I thought Tina and Paul's chemistry was excellent and I hope to see more of the kid that played nelson in other movies.
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Best Man Holiday will make you ugly cry
28 January 2014
First and foremost those naysayers (mass media)who termed it a race movie were dead wrong but this is America home of the overt and not so subtle racism. For those of you who are free minded enough to enjoy a movie, a moving touching film about, faith, family, and friendship then look no farther this movie will give you all of those things.

You will get to see a great ensemble cast that works hard at their craft and gives you great movie consistently. This movie has a very human story and if you can't Identify with any of the themes this movie touches on then you shouldn't be watching movies anyway you should be some where watching pigs rut in the mud. For those who want a great story you need to watch this movie, you need to put it in your movie collection you need to give it as a gift, you need to write it up in your church bulletins whatever you do this movie needs to be seen by the masses so make that happen.
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Don Jon (2013)
Not your typical dude bro movie thank goodness
22 January 2014
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I really thought this was going to be a dude bro movie but it was more then that it should a beginning a middle and a climax. The character showed emotional growth and I for one appreciated how the lesson was sugarcoated but it was still there it was organic not just shoved down your throat and he didn't end up with the typical hot babe he ended up with the broken and wounded older lady but in her brokenness she opened him up and allowed him to find himself and get a better understanding of why he did what he did and that ladies and gentlemen is how you write a real movie with real characters who show growth in the movie and not just pay it lip service.
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a movie done by the formula but with a little heart
17 November 2013
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We all know the story we've seen it a million times but what set it apart was that the dorks in this movie weren't just dorks but awkward beyond awkward but they still managed to fall in line with each other making the age old cliché there is someone for everyone rang true. This movie is awkward because the two lead actors characters are so awkward and then his dad is just a horrible parent who teaches his son stupid "macho" quips to live by. If you want something to distract you and you don't want to think then this is a good movie to watch. I liked the girls hair in this movie it was full of body. Interesting cast mostly all new comers.
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Dredd (2012)
Maybe I've just become hard to please
14 November 2013
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You have people living in squalor and poverty 96% unemployment rate, gangs have taken over and then the police get to be judge, jury, and executioner. That is the worst fear ever God forbid the police get to become judge and jury, but I digress. It was a lot of violence a lot of guns, guts and blood. I wasn't impressed with this movie it seemed pointless and just a vehicle for gratuitous violence and special effects to justify 3D. I was not impressed I was not entertained I was bored and paid this movie half my attention. If you want to watch a movie that is more like a mindless video game then this is the movie for you. There is no depth here, just plain out violence nothing more nothing less.
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The Cloth (2013)
This sucked
7 November 2013
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I gave it a 3 for the make-up and effects but the rest of this movie was just boring. I have watched many films like this and this is the first time I just wanted it to hurry up and be over. It seems like they edited this movie down because of budget concerns this movie literally jumped from scene to scene giving you a feeling of being disoriented. Which means you can get the gist of the movie but its like in the middle of making this they through their hands up and where just like, let's just wrap it up forget making it a decent movie. The editing was terrible the lead male character was terrible, don't watch this movie watch something else because that is 86 minutes you can't get back.
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Dark Skies (2013)
Man if it's not monsters, then it's the supernatural, now it's aliens
7 November 2013
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So listen I hate to generalize but if the majority of movies that come out are about white people I can't help but to think that this is what is going on in your lives. It is not enough for the monsters to want to eat you up, its not enough that you love to play with the occult, now you got aliens watching you and kidnapping your kids. I can't help but think it's karma for all the things that your race has done to other races. So let me be the first to say I am not mad at all the monsters, aliens, and demons that come exclusively after y'all. It makes me feel that much safer knowing that they gonna come for y'all first and I'm fine with that.

This movie was sad because the son got kidnapped and they tried they hardest to fight but they were in a losing battle all along. So I don't know if they left room for a sequel and I might be a little jaded but I was bored by this movie.
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You're Next (2011)
This movie blows in all the worst ways basically
7 November 2013
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I don't know the types of people who are rating this movie highly, but this movie was trash. I was bored and all I could think was is this the other half thinks about? Murdering their whole family because they didn't like them? I mean you have to be a real sociopath to just want to slaughter your whole family and their spouses. Innocent people that have nothing to do with how your family is screwed up and obviously these whiny individuals that hired killers to slaughter not only their family members but the damn neighbors. If that isn't sick and twisted then I don't know the definition of sick and twisted clearly.

Maybe I clearly can't identify with this movie because I'm the wrong nationality but seriously if this is how people with money think then I'm better off staying in my tax bracket. I hated all the characters in this movie, I hated the movie, and I was glad it was over. It was a waste of my time.
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Total dude bro movie of course with all kinds of elements thrown in
5 November 2013
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So this has to be like a toilet bowl movie, one of those ideas you get while you're doing your business. I get what they tried to do and some parts did make me laugh it was so over the top. They tried to do comedy, horror, a smoker film with some morality thrown in all in the same movie. How you cursing and smoking joints in heaven? How you going to heaven and you don't even believe in God and isn't half of the cast if not all members of the Jewish faith if I'm not mistaken? This movie had potential but I think you have to be high off your rocker to truly enjoy it. Watch this movie totally blown or you won't enjoy it. Rihanna looked cute in the movie so did Mindy Kaling. I wonder if Michael Cera really a cocaine fiend?
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This movie is like all other Kristen Wiig movies
4 November 2013
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If you want typical Kristen Wiig then this movie is one you will enjoy. Wiig is the master of tragic comedy. Taking real downtrodden beaten down women who are struggling in their lives and making jokes about it while just being sad and spiraling out of control. I was a little uncomfortable seeing Blaine AKA Darren Criss as her love interest considering Darren is in his 20's and Wiig is in her 40's so that left me a little uneasy. I mean older women can be cougars all day long but when you are so used to seeing Darren play a gay high schooler it can be a little troubling seeing his as a man let alone the love interest of a much older woman.

The guy that played the brother was brilliant like an idiot savant his character was a really enjoyable one I could have watched a movie based on him alone it wasn't clear what exactly was wrong with him it was never stated.

Watch this movie if you are into Kristen Wiig and you enjoy her genre of sad down trodden women who laugh it off and get through it by treating everything like a big joke.
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Embrace of the Vampire (2013 Video)
Don't waste your time on this movie
4 November 2013
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This movie was awful basically an excuse to see small breasted white women topless. There was an added lesbian scene to spice things up that's why IO gave the movie at least a two but she didn't remember she was with the girl, then she almost loses her virginity in the woods no less but the vampire spoils that. Then she goes over to the vampires house after he slaughters all her friends and they proceed to make out and she stabs him then he bites her she opens the curtains he burst into flames then she just lays there gushing blood end of story. This movie was a flipping waste of money. Again just an excuse to see a bunch of small breasted white women topless just watch porn.
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