
25 Reviews
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Dark Waters (2019)
18 March 2023
I will start by saying that Robert Bilott is a hero! That man has my utmost respect for his dedication and effort to fight one of the biggest corporations and continues to help those affected by DuPont's sheer negligence and greed. On their website, the first sentence you'll read is: "DuPont is using science and innovation to make the world a safer, healthier, and better place to live". Made me LMAO from Oceania to West Virginia. I mean, it is comical and tragical at the same time. But, isn't that what we are facing on a regular basis?! Powerful companies whose only concern is how much money they make and the unbelievable rigid legal system that we so rely on?! And, if you want justice, you have to dedicate your life to fight for it.

This movie is not for entertainment purposes only as it should serve to make people aware like a true documentary should and it did exactly that for me. The story is excellent and while a little slow paced, I found it necessary to understand it properly. The cast is fantastic btw. If you would like to see a bit more, there is a documentary called 'The Devil We Know' and it's free to watch on YouTube.
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The Serpent (2021)
27 February 2023
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It is refreshing to watch a recently made true crime series that is full off intense moments and that keeps you interested throughout. Loved the cast, the costumes, the setting, acting and the fast paced storyline. So many details were included and it is evident that this production did not miss a thing. While some parts have been adjusted and do not align with 100% accuracy, such as, the way Charles was arrested, that did not take away from the script and relevancy. One thing I found extremely frustrating is that Charles ended up being released from prison last year due to his 'old age'. Makes you wonder what one life is worth in court of law.
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No depth
26 February 2023
I am surprised that this docu received an above average rating. The inclusion of the tapes has been a fantastic tool and that is the only thing that made this documentary worth watching. There is no depth and the storyline becomes boring and monotonous very quickly. Despite that, I finished watching it but was left with more questions than answers. I wish that the future producers of crime documentaries would read these reviews and take notes on how to produce a killer story and include all the elements and not waste a great story because at the end of the day, this documentary had some serious potential.
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47 Ronin (2013)
20 February 2023
I have watched this movie few times for various reasons. Mainly because it contains elements of a true story and because of the deliverance of superb acting by the whole crew, especially Keanu and Hiroyuki. The storyline is fantastic and it will take you on a journey of true duty, justice, honour and loyalty. While I am not a fan of fantasy, it was incorporated so well and it fits perfectly with the script. It's no wonder the production took different turns throughout the shooting and the amount of money, time and effort invested paid off at the end. I was surprised that the ratings are mid range as this movie certainly deserves more respect from its viewers.
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Magic who?!
19 February 2023
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Regardless of wether you are a fan of Magic Mike or not, you will find yourself wondering what the purpose of this production is. Nothing, except for some dancing scenes, is aligned. Starting with the awkward chemistry between Hayek and Tatum, to the overall acting and script. At the end, it's not a movie you want to pay for and see on the big screen. It's comical at times and superficial to the core. Even the dancing scenes could have been given more detailed attention and not to mention that the film has no, and I mean no connection to the previous Magic Mike franchise. Hollywood is losing its magic and this movie is one of those that proves exactly that.
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Justice not served
19 December 2022
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It's not easy to write a review for this kind of documentary because our emotions are triggered by the content, and I think most people offer their opinion based on the story alone, rather than the features of the docu series. The documentary is somewhat a slow burn and for the most part, all the details have been covered. The portrayal of the victims is very well made and it is good to see them speak out on camera. The acts are disturbing, shocking and plain perplexing. You will find yourself cheering for the dedicated officers that were determined in finding the perpetrator, to thinking how in the world is it possible that people in authority and managerial positions were so blindsided and the horrible acts they committed will make you sick. I see a lot of people write on here how gullible those girls were, but if an adult, a manager, a full grown/mature person could fall for this hoax, why wouldn't a minor who has no sufficient life experience and is taught to obey authority figures?! If big corporations like Mcdonalds did their job, their store managers would do the right thing and in turn their employees would not suffer and many people would not have gone through this horrible ordeal. In any case, justice has not been served and those who have a good lawyer can truly walk free.
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Partners in crime...
27 November 2022
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It's hard to judge this documentary and it would be pointless to repeat the scenario that most people interested in this documentary already know. On one side, the story itself is infuriating, showing how status, money and power gave both Jeffrey and Ghislaine the opportunity to do whatever they pleased. Can you imagine how egocentric and psychopathic one has to be to think they could get away with grooming and using young girls for their own sickening pleasures?! On the other hand, the documentary touched base on many topics surrounding this case, and while it lacks depth, there is enough details from Ghislaine's former friends, as well as recounts of some survivors that make this documentary a solid watch.
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Ozark (2017–2022)
Fantastic script!
23 November 2022
I came across this show by chance and started watching it simply to see Jason Bateman in a more serious role, and man am I impressed. This show is super interesting with lost of twists and turns that will keep you on the edge wanting more. The story line is well put together and has a surprising flow. The realistic depth of the story is what got me hooked in the first place. Besides Jason Bateman, Julia Garner is definitely worthy of every praise for her highly skilled acting. While I have not completed watching all the seasons, quality is not hard to recognise and the ratings on here speak for themselves.
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Yes and no
16 November 2022
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Love a sports movie and would watch any that are out there as I found them to be inspirational in many ways. However, I expected a bit more from this movie, mainly because rowing and the cast, particularly Michael Shannon and Alexander Ludwig.

While both delivered a solid performance, the plot was somehow disappointing. It certainly isn't a masterpiece but it is watchable and there are parts in the movie that will take you on an emotional ride. I was hoping to see a better ending or perhaps more of it since it was left up to the viewer to experience it in their head. If you haven't seen the best of Alexander Ludwig, I would highly recommend 'Vikings'.
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The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
It will top your charts
10 November 2022
Absolutely amazing show! Started watching this series straight after 'Vikings', and to be honest I thought no viking show will top it until The Last Kingdom proved otherwise. From superb fighting scenes to acting and everything in between, the actors and producers did a phenomenal job. Every character will paint a story and add to the big puzzle. The only minor thing I didn't like is the over dramatisation of certain events and even characters, and at times, it felt that the producers were not sure on how to top the previous season, but overall you will appreciate even those parts. DESTINY IS ALL!
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If you think the devil doesn't exist, think again!
17 September 2022
With a string of suspicious deaths, Lori Vallow, together with her new husband, find themselves at the centre of media attention. This Series consists of three 50 min episodes and each episode will reveal everything that you deep down suspect. While it's somewhat predictable (especially for those who have watched crime documentary and are familiar with criminals of this sort), and slightly slow in its revelation, it is very well made. At times, frustrating, but in the end justice is somewhat served or perhaps not enough. I hope that after the scheduled trial in 2023, we will get to see additional episodes.
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Untold (2021– )
The downfall of humanity
27 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This story portrays everything that's wrong with our society today. From incompetent journalism, people's judgements, catfishing, to unstable characters like Ronaiah.

The producers did a great job here. It is evident that they tried their best to be objective in putting this story together. However, I gave it my all to understand both sides, but most definitely couldn't get there. When you watch the series you will find yourself questioning Ronaiah's point of view and regardless of how much you want to believe or understand him, and spare him the judgement and anger, you will not succeed.

Not once in the whole series have I heard Ronaiah acknowledge that he destroyed everything that Manti has worked for his whole life. Man, the pure evil behind Ronaiah's actions and the selfishness and not to mention the self pitty... 'oh, I wasn't in the right state of mind', bla bla bla. How can you even think to justify this craziness which can never be repaired?! The fact that Manti forgave him just shows what a huge chatacter Manti is and he came out stronger at the end.
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Midsommar (2019)
Pointless stupidity
19 June 2022
Wow! This must be the worst 'horror' movie I have ever laid my eyes on. I wanted to see it as it had a high rating but man was I wrong. The start was promising and I did not mind the super slow intro, but I could not find one element to capture my curiosity and interest. I sat through the whole movie hoping for something, anything. Waste of time.
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The devil himself
13 June 2022
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This documentary is well made but incomplete. While certain facts remain, I wonder how is it possible that the government allows such cults to exist. It's not enough to say, well you can believe what ever you want, because you violate the rights of a child that is born into this and has no say whatsoever. How is it possible that Warren, like some drug lord, can run his cult from within prison walls?! It makes me sick to know that firstly, these cults still exist, and secondly, people in power continue to brush their hands of it.
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Post Covid comedy
11 June 2022
I sat through the first three comedy acts and couldn't really bring myself to continue. Being a Bill Burr fan I understand his type of jokes and one could say that I am fluent in satire but this is just some other level of 'comedy'. It feels like some last minute put together show that is non rehearsed, first time, let's try to be funny in a stupidly different way. Some of the acts were simply cringe, from jokes, to stage presentation and the overall act. It's just a tasteless show.
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Creepy predator
7 April 2022
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It is unbelievable that this psycho abused so many children almost all his life. No one can convince me that some people he associated with did not suspect or know what was going on, and willingly turned a blind eye. The documentary failed to present more allegations and more details, as well as more victims. Certain government reports suggest that it was way more than 400 victims. Read that again, more than 400!! The privilege and status this man was given is sickening. It's true what they say, people with money and power can get away with almost anything, and in his case that's proven to be the truth and nothing but the truth. It makes you question how many like him are out there today doing the same thing and getting away with it.
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It's black, it's white...
27 March 2022
Rachel Dolezal feels different about her race and obviously struggles with her identity. The documentary was boring, but I sat through it as I was hoping to be convinced or persuaded to understand her point. However, some valid points were made by real black people and Rachel most definitely deserved to be laughed at for the stupidity that she portrayed. As if the African-American community didn't have enough of BS from white privileged narcissists. Don't waste your time on this doc!
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Systematic failure
26 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Great portrayal of a systematic failure. The documentary is detailed and every aspect has been covered. It may be a little slow but it was necessary in order to understand the context. Trust me when I say you have not seen a case like this, and it will send you through an emotional rollercoaster.

This documentary got me deep. I though that I am desensitised from horrors like this due to the extensive knowledge and viewing of documentaries of this sort. However, I still find myself thinking about Gabriel and not to mention the heartbreak I felt after learning the facts.

How is this possible?? How is it possible that we have government agencies and workers whose job it is to protect the innocent and those who cannot protect themselves fail big?? How is it possible that every administrative part is in place and all the important information is at our hands yet this poor boy was collectively sent to the grave by the negligence of the system??
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From sky high to bottom low
20 March 2022
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From the very second of the first episode, I knew what a manipulator Anthony will turn out to be. The big and stereotypical question I asked myself was: how can a smart, gorgeous and successful woman fall for this loser? It didn't take me long to realise that Sarma fell for him based on her thought that Anthony was rich. Why else would she marry a guy who is in no shape or form similar to her. Or is he?! Her focus and dedication shifted soon and I believe that deep down she was aware of what's going on. However, her ignorance throughout the interview was evident hence why I did not feel sorry for her. I feel sorry for Jeffrey. Man, if I had a person like him believing in me to the extend he did for her, the sky would be the limit. Not to mention the workers, her mum and other investors. What a waste of talent and life.
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True crime worth your time
27 February 2022
If you are into true crime with a lot of action and over the top drama, then this is not for you. This story is rather slow but very intriguing, especially if you are interested in fraud. Julia did a superb performance and while many diss her accent I think it was perfect for the role and character she played.
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If you are looking for 'love', try Tinder...
7 February 2022
There is a saying: 'as long as there are fools, the smart will live'. This documentary portrays the unfortunate reality we face in our society. There are more and more scams, frauds and cons and while many here criticise the victims, they don't realise how these criminals operate. It's a different level of manipulation and the fact that Simon has an enormous amount of experience, he knew who to target, hence why it was super easy to scam these girls. I don't want to victim shame but there were so many red flags from the beginning and unfortunately these things happen when you focus too much on materialism and jump when he snaps his fingers because he is 'rich'. So sad...
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Acting on point
3 February 2022
I decided to see this movie only because of the cast and not because of Gucci itself. The movie is very lengthy but it's worth seeing Al Pacino, Lady Gaga and Jared Leto doing what they do best. Jared was my favourite and it's great to see him shining in a new light. Some scenes are a bit cringe but overall it's well made. While the timeline is off and certain details and characters left out, I appreciated the additional drama which enhanced the shock factor. Go see it for yourself.
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After Life (2019–2022)
10 November 2021
A very good production by Gervais. I like the combination of sarcasm, satire, seriousness and sadness all mixed into a realistic scenario. I love that every episode begins with him watching the video of Lisa and ends with a meaningful song. Really enjoyed this show.
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Pedophilia over child protection
1 November 2021
This documentary is very well put together. Sickening facts, yes, but something that needs more air time in order to make people aware. The sad part is that, it's not that people are not aware, rather chose to distance themselves from the truth. After all, it's hard to understand how a normal and educated adult can do such immoral acts and justify it. More shockingly, be protected by the highest institution that cannot be more hypocritical, while the victims are barely staying afloat and waste their lives trying to figure it all out.
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The Motive (2020–2021)
No ending in sight
31 October 2021
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I love a true documentary but it ended without ending and I don't appreciate that. In fact, I call bs on that. I do not care if the murderer is a child or a grown man, someone somewhere did not do their job in finding out the reason. Don't get confused here, certain people knew but didn't speak out, so what's the point of this documentary? This child is not the only one who killed his family and I am sure he is not the last so why should I be in shock?! Like any other documentary, there are certain elements well done but I cannot give it a higher score due to it being incomplete.
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