3 Reviews
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Cranford (2007–2009)
I'm an Austenite but...
22 December 2007
I am at heart an Austen girl, and I will admit that I find that the BBC's adaptations often far outrank any other, and Cranford was no exception. I have yet to read the books but have dropped heavy hints to Santa. The BBC has, if I'm honest disappointed me recently, but for one Cranford' quality programme I can almost forgive for everything else. Pure excellence. Cranford had me in tears for every episode, and often begging for the happy ending which given the often dark nature of the narrative was unlikely to come, and often didn't. Wonderful performances, from the Sirs and Dames, down to the youngster who played Harry Gregson, and with wonderful characterisation, which made the characters lovable and known and even gives unseen characters and histories unseen depths which are sometimes unavoidably and sadly missed in period pieces. A wonderful job. One request, may 'Cranford' never meet Hollywood, they won't be able to do it better than the BBC! Does anyone know when it comes out on DVD?
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Learners (2007 TV Movie)
Fantastically feel good,
11 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
So fantastically feel good, and that's quite beside the DT RAWR! factor. An absolutely fantastic show, that had me cheering at the end! No huge spoilers here Wonderful! Honestly, Jessica Hynes seemed a little shaky and caricature like at the beginning but she settled quickly and rapidly became likable, while Tennant's Chris, veered away from the religion bashing that some shows fall foul of. The police escort for the owl, and drinking Bailey's from a bell had me in stitches. Easy to watch and become involved in, perfect Sunday night telly. One I would buy to cheer myself up on black days. Tennant and Hynes bounce off each other perfectly once again!
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Medium (2005–2011)
Fabulous show
22 August 2006
I can't wait for season 3 to come out but am outraged that they asked the star the fabulous Patrica Arquette (I know it's probably not spelt right) to loose weight when continuing in the role. She's great as she is and the fact she chose to defend the fact the character wasn't a lollipop head and why it would be odd if she were. My favourite show of the moment. I cried at the last episode of season two and from that moment on hoped to God it wouldn't be discarded after two season like many of my other favourite shows have. So pleased it hasn't been and waiting with baited breathe for it's return. Well done NBC. I would like to know what the real Alison DuBois thinks of the show though?
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