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Invincible: This Missive, This Machination! (2023)
Season 2, Episode 3
This episode... is boring. 5 or 6?
18 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This not very good. And it sucks because i know a lot of people are getting hung up on the omni man cliffhanger...but everything before that is SO BORING. Half the episode is a plot about Alvin the Alien, which is cute but its not as if he's a mega fan favorite or anything. It kind of feels like the writers are overestimating how much show-only fans like this character. The purpose of his section is some pretty good worldbuilding and some minor development in the Viltrumite plot. Then you have Debbie going to group therapy and Mark being in college. And its not like any of the ideas are bad but the issue is that the pacing is just atrocious... Why do the scenes drag so much? I still like this show but I'm starting to feel like not every episode needs to be 40 something minutes. There are like 15 minutes of mandatory material in this entire episode, and so many scenes are just characters talking and talking about stuff that doesn't matter at all.

If it were up to me, I might say put the Alvin part of the episode second and the normal Earth stuff first (outside of the end of that section), but also make the earth stuff shorter or at least more substantial. Alternatively, you can just start the episode with Allen and cut out the college stuff in the beginning and have the earth stuff as the second half, and that's a 35-minute episode. And it's not even that I'd remove any scenes per se it's that a lot of these scenes just feel too long. Compare to this to season 1, where the pacing felt mostly airtight and the Omni-man mystery was a ticking time bomb.

I had similar complaints for episode 2 but this was way, way worse. Mind you, I don't read the comics, so I'm talking purely from a show-only perspective, and I'm still a fan of the show, but this episode was not all. And just because this episode ends in a way that has me excited for the next one, doesn't mean this episode gets a pass. This episode has an 8.6 right now so I guess most people don't feel this way idk or they're excited about the cliffhanger.

In summary, I still like this show, and the next episode could be a 10/10, but it still wouldn't change the fact that this is episode has bad pacing and is easily the worst episode in the entire series so far by a significant margin. I wouldn't even remove anything from it per se, I would just make the scene direction and editing snappier.
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There's a good movie in here....somewhere
8 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This film is a good movie hiding under a bad one, It has really good acting, good chemistry from the leads, great cinematography and an interesting set up., There is a good movie in here somewhere, but it's held back by insufficient worldbuilding, action scenes that are completely skipped over, and, most irritatingly, lack of agency/importance for Sam, the baby daddy. Like I get he's not the main character, but I honestly don't get why he was given so little to do. He has no agency and *SPOILERS his ***** isn't even on screen?! Why?? His entire character feels like an afterthought (he's not even on the poster lmao) With a bigger budget and a stronger script, this movie could have easily been decent. And the issue isn't that people didn't "understand it", because like I said, I see the vision, but the execution was disappointing. No hate to the people who made it though, there's things I liked about it. I wouldn't even mind if this film was remade....
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And take note, I was a Narusaku fan
9 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This film is hands down the greatest Naruto movie ever... or at least yet. And that is saying something since I can't say how many Naruto movies are definitely better than the previous. Not that many. And take note, I was a pretty serious Narusaku fan, which should say something too. I'm a say what I liked about this movie. 1. Animation: As far as the Naruto anime goes, I agree with a quote saying that it's sort of a mixed bag. It's good and sometimes average and sometimes just off. The art and animations of this movie make this the most appealing thing ever to come out for Naruto under Studio Pierrot. It is beautiful, to say the least. Not just among Naruto movies but Anime movies as well. It's also quite colorful. 2. Characters: This movie takes place of course within the Naruto universe but it is especially interesting because the events take place two years following the end of the main series, besides the epilogue, so after the war. We get to see a number of our favorite character nostalgically go on a mission again. It's nice to see them in action again especially if you're a Naruto fan and liked them before. Especially the protagonist himself. The title, The Last also connotes how this movie is The Last stage of trials which mainly concern Naruto and the final stage of his maturity as we get to see him truly become a man in more than just his skills as a shinobi as he finally confronts his feelings towards Hinata, who has had feelings for him since they were kids. And Sakura was great. Warning: Not all that much of Sasuke and Kakashi. 3. Sound: The music in this movie is at least, really good and refined from the original soundtrack plus more. It touches different people in different ways ranging from Great to Tear- jerking. I was closer to the latter. 4. Action: Action was fantastic, especially if you're a sucker for fast paced punches and kicks, jutsu powers and explosions. It's also nice to see how much stronger favorite characters have gotten over the two years, especially Naruto with his new right arm. There probably weren't as many fight scenes as in other Naruto movies, but their were enough. And whenever there were, the studio made sure the characters absolutely KILLED IT. 5. Plot: This movie has a more solid plot than all Naruto films before it by a longshot. Because it's the first one ever to be canonically situated in the plot of the main Naruto story. I'll get to the romantic stuff in a bit, but for now I'm mainly talking about the conflict. The moon is crashing down to Earth and the ninja world must act to save themselves. Most importantly, there's no around Naruto and Hinata's relationship in the story. This movie got me understand NH and accept it more easily. It's also much a needed wrap up for their relationship. Another uncommon plus to it is that even viewers who are unfamiliar with the Naruto story will understand and be able to follow this film, since it tends to all the relevant points with references and/or flashbacks. Conclusion: In every main and standard aspect of this move criticizable, The Last: Naruto The Movie does a stupendous job. It is stunning,kinda funny for a newcomer, hilarious for a fan of the series, dramatic, has a bunch of epic scenes, and most importantly, it is profound. Profound uniquely so for a Shonen Anime Movie. Whether you are a new to Naruto, or you too go way back, and regardless of who you wanted Naruto, or any of the characters, to end up with. Go watch this movie if you haven't. You might even learn something, ya know. 10/10
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Naruto: Shippuden: Chibaku Tensei (2010)
Season 1, Episode 167
7 September 2014
If you know the basic summary of this episode then what you read here is not a spoiler. Naruto is nearing the climax of the battle against Pain to avenge his late master, Jiraiya who left Naruto with the task of bringing peace to the ninja world. Now while he's grown stronger, this episode shows his reaction to the consequences of his bold act to face Pain alone. Not insulting. Naruto's rage completely overcomes him and his anger allows the Kyūbi's will to overcome him, rampaging viciously on Pain throughout the episode.

Naruto's fight against the all powerful Pain, who just committed the unspeakable before Naruto's eyes, leaves no more arguing of ideals between these two. This episode has stunning visuals, animations and art(despite a few odd moments with the art), it was a classic and destructive battle between a godly figure, and a Godzilla type of monster, though the latter is the terms of themes, it's a great episode too. Naruto has reached his breaking point in trying to find a way of achieving peace, which is hard in a world of ninjas. He says he'll break the chain of hatred yet succumbs to this chain completely, shown in how he tries to murder someone who he has hatred for after supposedly murdering someone he cares about. Even when winning against Pain, Naruto is still losing against him in terms of philosophy, which can get the viewer thinking about how peace really can be achieved. Some parts of the animations seem a bit Looney Toonish and strange, but this episode was one of the best of the series, around top 10, it falls under the category of a Nuke Episode in Naruto. Stunning action and visuals too(usually) 10/10
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Sword Art Online (2012– )
It's not just a game.
23 July 2014
Sword Art Online. When I first heard the name my first thought wasn't that it was an anime, it sounded like all those online social games that I see ads for like Trivian or Fusion Fall. If you thought something like that too, you're actually not too far from the truth. The anime is based on an initially 14 year old boy dubbed as Kirito who was a beta-tester for a Virtual Reality Online Social Game Breakthrough that was invented in the fairly near future. The specific game is called Sword Art Online, a brilliantly designed VR MMO conceived by genius, Akehiko Kayaba. Kirito was apparently a Beta-tester for the game. He is all about games and is quite the pro. Who'd of thought being a game geek would save your life. The thousands of players across the world who are logged into SAO access their menus and discover that the Log Out option is gone. They learn that the creator has chosen to enact his dream to construct a world of his design where he could rule. If a player dies there, they die IRL(in real life) and if their headgear is removed IRL they will also die. Kirito generally lives his life in the game as a solo-player. At least try imagining normal games and you'll get how the world of SAO is. Like the Sims!

Promotion, promotion promotion...It really is important in anime, especially when the Manga isn't even SJ. Among the anime that are new and not THAT popular, SAO is definitely among the best. In fact, among fairly new anime, It is comparable with let's say Kill La Kill(I know nothing about it tho), Akame Ga Kill and even possibly Attack On Titan. But like I said, Promotion. There are so many moments in SAO that'll make the viewer go like, "OMG he did not just do that!" Or "Whoa, what happened!" One of the main things I love about it, especially the first half, is that you can totally relate to it if you have enough gaming experience. Like forming parties with other players or how in games a lot of things aren't done the full way-like in those cooking games when you don't actually chop the food like that but just move the knife once- or those moments in open-world games when you accidentally wander into a trap room or enemy territory. Or how there are always those objects in video games that can't be tampered with like the referee in a fighting game or a building in the background(immortal objects). There are also levels, stages and crazy boss battles with health bars, good players, red players, money and etc... It takes two of the things I love most in the world(Video Games and Anime) into one. There's enough suspense and a lot of romance. The action is also well done and epic in the main fights as the characters struggle to make a living and survive in this new world. It can be quite sad and emotionally packed at times, making the series all the more dramatic as the characters fight to beat the game and free themselves of SAO and learn more about the reasons for Akehiko Kayaba's actions. There are some really fun, epic and tear-jerking moments. The first half is so freaking sweet. The second half unfortunately may annoy some viewers as it isn't as emotionally packed, serious(not until the end at least) or interesting. The second part actually feels more like a Super Mario game. All things considered, it is an undoubtedly mad series, preferably the first half to me, but not by too much. I'm torn between a 9 and a 10 here. All things considered, plus too improve the current score, I'll be cool. Overall, I'm not sure who is more brilliant for their creation: Kayaba or series creator Reki Kawahara! SAO=10/10!
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2nd or No. Greatest Naruto Movie!:"Who is a ninja?"
23 July 2014
Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie 6 is the sixth Part II/Shippūden film and ninth overall Naruto movie. It is also the first film with the story created by the original series creator, Masashi Kishimoto. Kishi has poured his profound ideals and morals into the Naruto series from Day 1 and Road to Ninja has pretty big ones. The movie has good action, comedy and drama and is interestingly and steadily paced.

Ya know that classic plot thing where the character resents the way their life is, gets a taste of life when he gets what he wants and hates it, then things return to normal and he's grateful for what he has, RTN uses this but it goes much deeper. The film relates to the canon plot more than any other anime movie I've seen, except some DB movies. Fans of Naruto will get this, knowing how Naruto's parents died at his birth and the 9-tailed fox was sealed into him, causing him to be alone and the love he should have gotten replaced with hate and shunning. He has a sincerely happy attitude in the series, but it hits him hard in the movie which is plot-constructive. Sakura has parents but resents their annoying her all the time. Also in relation to the main plot, one of the series' main antagonist, Tobi, tests his Infinite Genjutsu on them with a prototype. The IG's goal is to make a fantasy world, making Naruto and Sakura perfect test subjects.

The movie follows the jinchūriki and kunoichi learning what life would be like if they received what they wanted: Sakura's parents dead and Naruto's parents alive. The movie faces the two with the choice of running away in a dreamland or facing the harshness of life as it is and accepting reality. Naruto has what he's wanted and deserved for so long after enduring 26 or so years of hardship. That's also a main theme of the film and why it is called "Road To Ninja". One of the lines at the start of the movie is Naruto recalling what it means to be a Shinobi or Nnja, recalling his master saying, "a ninja is one who endures".

It's Hilarious to see the main characters in these new personalities and dynamics and the action and emotion is top-notch as well and there's sufficient character-development. This is hands down one of the best Naruto films and like the series itself, any viewer can watch this and take something from it. Nice job Kishi. He shows that despite how we all love these characters, their Shinobi and ninjas are meant to endure, being why he puts them through this. Keep enduring guys! 10/10.
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Prophecy Of Death!
20 July 2014
Naruto Shippūden the movie is noticeably darker than most Naruto movies. It is the first Naruto Shippūden film and fourth Naruto film overall. It was a pretty hyped up movie. The main part of the plot that got fans interested during promotion was the rumor of the death of the series' main character, Naruto Uzumaki. Now the annoying thing about this film is that the plot follows the classic mission for Naruto in the series: protect or escort a client-usually a female-usually a princess. Naruto is assigned with Sakura, Neji and Lee to protect a princess named Shion who has the limited ability to foresee the future, limited meaning that he can only see death. Apparently the priestess/princess wakes up from one in which some unfamiliar blonde leaf Shinobi in orange(Naruto) dies fighting this frigging scary demon called Moryō. It really added a mystery factor to the movie. Hence, Destiny...Prophecies...The Boy's...End!(trailers) To add to the horror aspect of the movie, the antagonist is stirring up some crazy ritual jazz and the priestess Shion in basically an exorcist who has to stop Yomi. Overall, the movie's plot is a general repeat of the whole protect the girl thing, even adding the whole thing where she's mean, spoiled and ungrateful for what he has until Naruto changes her with his ideology. But this is movie is more thought out and is on the darker side of Naruto movies for sure. The glimpses of Naruto Uzumaki's death and his friends mourning at his grave really hype up people to watch the film and find out what happens to the main character and how he avoids such a terrifying end to his life by this dark creature. The constant deathly visions of the near future also keep you curious. Action in this film is pretty cool too as it was nice to see Naruto, Sakura, Neji and Lee(original series main characters) face these new foes who sought world destruction. There are a bunch of cool and epic moments and touching parts too concerning sad back-stories. I do recommend this movie though to most if not any type of viewer as it should be entertaining enough.
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Theme is Bonds
28 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Naruto Shippūden The Movie: Bonds was a very hyped up movie because of the rogue ninja himself, Sasuke. To be honest, it was an enjoyable film, but not one I can necessarily rave that much about, so this won't be long.

All chaos breaks loose at Naruto's home village, Konoha at the hands of the Sky Ninja. The movie is basically about a mini war between Leaf and Sky. Also, Naruto, Sakura and Hinata are sent on a mission to a village and meat a girl and her sensei. So that's the main plot. The title of the film generally matches the central theme of the film, hence why Sasuke himself makes an appearance, despite having "severed" his bonds" with Naruto, Sakura and Konoha. Just in case, hat's not a spoiler by the way, Sasuke is in the film. He plays the typical role of an anti-hero; not on the good side but having a common purpose with it, on Orochimaru's orders.

At the same time, this girl Amaru works on her bond with her sensei, who encourages her dream to become a good doctor, despite her gender. She admires him a lot, as is further shown after countless battles and trials, though she has a tomboyish punk personality and lashes out at Naruto a lot. But as with I think pretty much all Naruto movies, Naruto makes it his personal mission to try and change someone's attitude. Plus, some weird biology seems to keep going on with Amaru and they've gotta find a way to stop or suppress some strange demon called the Reibi, or Zero-Tails. Another issue to add is how Konoha can deal with the airborne attacks of the Sky Ninja.

Animations are decent in this movie, similar to those used in the previous Shippūden film. Action is okay of the most part. This movie also has one of the longest end battles among Naruto movies, possibly depending on weather you count the end as one big fight or two. Mine is not the latter. You get to see some awesome fighting, mostly taijutsu and what Naruto can do against such a dangerous opponent with his own power and will. He emphasizes on the significance of love and bonds. He's pretty rouged up at the end just in appearance as he keeps fighting. I suppose Amaru is in a way an encouragement to young girls who want to be doctors. Jiraiya is a huge influence on all of Naruto's actions in this movie. And we get to see a nostalgic duo that most Naruto fans have been dying to see fight side by side.

So overall, action was okay I guess but got really awesome at the end, animations were decent, plot was well done but not phenomenal. If you exclude the central themes that is, every Naruto movie has a theme...still unsure about Blood Prison's theme, but I'll figure it out and you'll see when I review it!. Here, it is bonds, which is also a fairly big theme in the canon plot of Naruto. I wish I could give my score in decimals, not sure how to yet, but whatever. I give this film a review of 9/10...more or less!
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Lab Rats (2012–2016)
3 January 2014
Lab Rats is hands-down the most entertaining Disney XD show out there in my opinion. Lab Rats has a great combination of comedy, adventure and superpowers. The name may not do the series justice and might give you know idea on what the series is about. But Lab Rats has an awesome plot.

The show is flipping hilarious for a Disney show. The funniest characters to me are Leo(Williams), Dr.Davenport(Sparka) and Eddy(forgot who plays him.). It tells jokes that for once not only little Disney kids can laugh at. Funny moments that are actually clever, not dry and overused.

The overall plot is jokes and a seemingly normal sitcom show. The story is based on 13/14 year old Leo Dooley who with his Mom, moves into his new super-rich new Dad's house. He discovers 3 bionic super-human teenagers with bionic superpowers and abilities in his basement. Leo learns to get used to life with his cool bionic friends, his billionaire step-dad and they go on crazy adventures in school, home and when the team goes on missions to save the world.

Leo and the Trio get into plenty of silly adventures and try not to get in trouble or reveal their bionic secrets. Adam has super strength, Bree has super speed and Chase has super smarts, the 3 S' of Superpowers! They can also do other things.

Leo is young and has no abilities. He's mischievous, clumsy and reckless and useless if not the cause of the problems the gang has many times at first. Nonetheless, Leo is the star of the show and although there are very very few scenarios in which he provides anything useful in combat, he's the one that holds the story in place and matures over the story until he becomes part of the group and eventually the guardian of Adam, Bree and Chase when his step-dad Dr.Davenport is absent. He teaches the "Lab Rats" to have normal lives as regular teenagers and have fun, but tries to keep the out of trouble at times. They save one another's lives at different points in the show.

The plot in most of season 1 is funny and entertaining, but season 2 is when it gets much more serious. They make enemies and meet foes who seem nice but aren't who they appear to be. The Lab Rats discover more about their past and about their abilities in hope to master them. They struggle between normal life and saving the world.

So overall this show has a great plot, decent comedy and plenty of superpowers and action! It's a show that signals much-needed change in Disney shows. It's not perfect, but there are bound to be a few bad jokes here and there, they can't all be winners. Unfortunately, the show is in some ways, low-budget which is demonstrated mostly in scenes with special effects. Overall, it comes down to judging this show with all things considered. And all things considered, it is a Disney XD show. Any issues that might be considered major defects in the score are issues every single last one Disney Sitcom has, being why I grant this show a 10/10!
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Kickin' It (2011–2015)
Could be better
3 January 2014
Kickin it it my opinion seems to be Disney's attempt to attract fans interested in action. Kickin it has a lot of potential. The fights scenes can be pretty cool at times, but other times they're just fake. The show has an incorrect balance of karate and comedy. Most of the actors are bad actors and like all Disney Sitcom type shows, tells a bunch of lame jokes.

My main issue with the show is Jack. Jack is the character that makes me hate the show the most. And hatred for him is heightened further by the fact that he's probably like the main character. He's a very skilled martial-artist and has a near perfect moral compass. Why would you make your frieken main character a perfect person. Jack is the most cleeshay character in the series. His skills in karate put him in a league to high for any of his peers, even the blonde. If the show wanted to make Jack like this at the end of the series, okay. But he has been like this for day one. The episodes feature episodes in which Jack is shown to stick to his promises and do all the kind and Noble things...well, most times. At the same time, his friends make the wrong decisions and act more like teenagers, unlike Jack. Jack never loses and always seems to end up right in the end. Even when against his masters. I can at least appreciate the episode when one of his friends say "And let the Almighty Jack win yet another thing? Now way!" He said something like that.

Anyone here that knows story or is a good critic knows this simple fact: PERFECT PEOPLE, MAKE HORRIBLE CHARACTERS! WHY?! BECAUSE IT LEAVES NO SPACE FOR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!! WHICH IS IMPORTANT IN FICTION AND STORIES. We already know Jack's by far the best! Which is bad since the story's still young. The only time we ever came close to seeing a flaw in Jack is how he badly takes defeat, and even that was proved wrong when he was right in the end of it.

Milton, seriously? Even Jaden Smith had to train for Karate Kid. I may not have gotten his name right, so just t be clear, I'm referring to the tall, blondish nerd. If I ever got my @$$ kicked by him, I'd never show my face in public again. Kickin' It has it's fair share of fake judo flips, but whatever.

This show has the potential to be a show even Disney haters can appreciate but has a messy story, lame jokes and cheesy moments from Jack. Overall, I give it a 6/10, at a stretch. 6 is poor by the way.
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Bleach (2004–2023)
Epic And Bad@$$!
29 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Among anime series or Shonen series, Bleach is an epically interesting anime about 15-17 year old young man that has the curious ability to see ghosts. because of this, she sees a Soul Reaper on a mission named Rukia.(Their job is to either help the dead pass on to the afterlife, or vanquish evil souls called Hollows with swords called Zanpakuto. Long Story short, Rukia saves Ichigo from an attacking Hollow with her powers and gets pretty injured. Unable to fight, Rukia asks Ichigo to take her powers and save his family, which he agrees to do. Ichigo from then on became known as The Substitute Soul Reaper. The show basically revolves around him trying to balance his secret life as a basically Stand-In Grim Reaper and his average high school life. While Rukia regains her powers, it's up to Ichigo to save lives and help the dead move on. It's a tough job that he didn't bargain for at first, but he later chooses he wants to protect people, and executes his duties as a Substitute. Now don't get fooled, the story changes pace as you go on. Spoilers, but we find out that what "Team Substitiute" did was forbidden. The story goes from normal adventures to a more serious battle to save Rukia from execution at the hands of Soul Society, the place where Soul Reapers come from. They mean well, but when the i$h hits the fan, Ichigo doesn't care. He meets a bunch of friends in his class with strange powers of their own and they team up to rescue Rukia in The Soul Society Arc. Bleach is a great anime, but honestly, it has a plot I can't explain or even tell enough in just a few paragraphs. Unlike most other anime, Bleach is a story in which the main character has no one specific goal he must achieve. It's not bad, just different.

The action in Bleach is phenomenal and EPIC(bait gory though)!! If action anime is what you want, you'll love this anime. Bleach gives us some of the most epic scenes with Ichigo. He's not okay with the heartless way things work in Soul Society and shows everyone that even though he's just human, he became one of the most powerful and dangerous Soul Reapers of all time! You'll learn to love the dynamic of the main characters and their abilities. One annoying thing is that the characters, especially Ichigo, tend to get a crazy power-up every single arc, which gets Super annoying at times. The animations of the show are fantastic most times and make fights beautiful. Music is also pretty fresh and helps a lot to hype up intense moments in the anime. All anime have issues with fillers, but another issue with Bleach is that it's fillers don't even fit in the canon plot of the series, like returning characters who are supposed to be gone like Rukia in The Bount Arc. Plus, most of it's filler arcs aren't that entertaining and appear when the canon story is really intense. You also have to consider that the story is almost a knock-off of YuYu Hakusho. They both have a notorious but average high-school kid that can fight and they get involved with spirits and get jobs dealing with them. But I can't say it totally copied though, because it has a lot of awesome original content itself.

Another thing you gotta love about Bleach is the dynamic and relationship between characters. Ichigo cares deeply for each of his friends, especially his main gang of five, and oddly, he has a pretty awesome back-story with each of them, like Sado(or Chad), who fight for each other's backs and Orehime, a pretty beautiful girl in his grade that has a crush on Ichigo. There's also Uryū, the Quincy( a near extinct race of people who kill hollows that rival Soul Reapers) who has a rival-type bond with him. There's a lot of emotion to the series and one thing about Bleach is that of all anime-viewers, it appeals best to high-school teenagers, and maybe those kids and teens that were forced to grow up early cause they lost their mom or dad or maybe both and had to man up. Ichigo's like one of the first non-rambunctious happy-attitude main characters to care so much about his pals, and he's ready to push himself beyond his limits to turn his anger and love into strength, probably why he pulls power-ups out the @$$ all the time.

So over all, Bleach is an Extremely great anime with tons of blade action, hand-to-hand action, a nice but repeatedly shifting plot, a wide variety of characters, a stupid amount of confusing names and facts for things, not much romance(understandable) and pretty funny!

Name:Bleach Main Character: Ichigo Kurosaki Hair Color: Orange Eye Color: Brown Score: Awesome, Epic and Bad@$$! 9.3/10 or just 9
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Naruto (2002–2007)
Start Of An Amazing Tale...
26 December 2013
Naruto is a great show. It centers around a 12-13 year old boy in The Hidden Leaf Village of the Ninja World who's had the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox sealed inside his body since infancy. No one sees him for him, they see and treat him like he's a monster or some type of freak by being mean or ignoring him. He's an orphan that lives alone and becomes a prankster for attention. His dream is to become Hokage, the village leader, one that will surpass all previous Hokages and be the world's greatest ninja, so no one will shun or disrespect him, to make all those who look down on him eat their words. A great tale indeed. It's once again a great show with an amazing story and an incredible combo of characters to love. It has an issue with fillers, but it can't really be helped if you understand how things work. The fight scenes are one of the best I've ever seen in any anime, and if you can't appreciate the fluent action in them, you'll definitely love the ninja strategies and tricks in them. The fights are not only Entertaining on plot, action and even comedy, but when the characters use more of their brain, they give you a sense of what true ninjas were all about with. Strategies that will surprise and blow your mind. One of the most outstanding features about Naruto are the themes and ideals like Naruto's never give up, or not abandoning your comrades, and the pain of being alone and hated or changing your fate and most of all, bonds. Naruto introduces philosophical themes and ideals never before seen in Shonen genre'. It even as comedy and romance if that's what your into, like Naruto and Sakura's developing relationship(Naruto's crush although she hates him at first then grows to care about him) or the developing relationship between Naruto and Sasuke, rivals yet friends. It shows that Naruto never goes back on his promises and inspires people to never give up. An amazing thing to note is that The main characters are all very young kids, 14 at the highest and yet they're put through challenging situations, fights, trials and tests that develop their strength and character for better or worse. it means to be a shinobi(ninja)

When combined action, story and ideals, Naruto is easily one of the greatest and most addictive anime's of our....well of all time! A very high 9 if I could but IMDb seems to do integers only. Amazing+!10/10
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26 December 2013
Naruto Shippūden Movie 3: Inheritors Of The Will Of Fire was a very well done film. It was a movie with a lot of action, plenty of characters and awesome animations fluent enough to give the viewer pretty nice visuals. A major thing to appreciate about Inheritors of the Will Of Fire is the plot. A unique thing about it that other films of the franchise are missing is that instead of making up some completely new plot out of nowhere, it centers on existing main characters of the canon plot instead. I also love how it places all characters under a choice in one way or another in this movie.

It centers around the 'Will Of Fire' belief and how Kakashi(Naruto's Sensei) is trying to sacrifice himself for his village at least if not the Ninja World. He taught Naruto and Sakura very early on in the series that those who break the rules and abandoning their missions are considered trash, yet those who abandon their friends and comrades are considered worse than trash. Naruto must make a choice to listen to his master now and stay out of his way, or to follow the words he taught them before and go after him. His classmates like Shikamaru are also put in a decision to help or to stop them. This is one of the only Naruto Movies that's Key Plot CANNOT exist with out the story of the original series. Sure the plot technically is non-canon, but, it's something that teaches you or at least reminds you of something the canon Naruto series is always saying at full force: You can't abandon your comrades. It is why Masashi Kishimoto, creator of Naruto states in the credits "I hope this movie stays with you forever" Amazing Movie and one of the best 'Naruto' films yet.
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