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Fun Christopher Pike adaptation
16 October 2022
I don't leave as many reviews here as I used to. You only need to scroll a few to realize that most people here are not actually giving honest scores.

I feel Christopher Pike deserves more than that.

I found The Midnight Club to be fun, thought-provoking and a solid Christopher Pike adaptation.

I read all of his books in the 90s and this really does get the spirit of his work.

If you are a fan of Heather Langenkamp, Pike, or acting in general...getting to see everyone playing multiple parts is cool - give it a go. Very different than Flanagan's other work. Glad to see he is branching out a bit.
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Elite (2018–2024)
Season 5 is back to form!
10 April 2022
I absolutely loved the first three seasons. Season four was so forgettable and disappointing. However the fifth season is back to form! Funny, sexy, with heart and perfectly over the top. The newer actors are more settled in their roles. And Valentina is fantastic.
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Gays doing drugs...yawn
6 January 2022
I absolutely loved the first three seasons of Elite. I enjoyed the special stories last year. These aren't that great. And it's incredibly disappointing to see gay guys reduced to drug using, partying stereotypes. Especially after the first season seemed so progressive.
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The Wheel of Time: Shadow's Waiting (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
Episode 2 is great!
20 November 2021
The first episode was a bit clunky, but this one really nails it. Love seeing these characters come to life. Looking forward to more. And for the haters to disappear, which they will eventually.
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Fauci (2021)
I've actually seen the film...
5 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have actually seen the film and no, Fauci does not get away with a one-sided account. The footage from his work on discovering HIV as a virus, being held accountable by Act Up and then accepted by the queer community is the best part of the film. Especially as it parallels today. The irony with all the people today attacking him is that even though they have literally no background in science the documentary shows that he would still listen to them and help them. As a movie lover I am disgusted by people "reviewing" this film having not seen it. Please go somewhere else.
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Good first episode
11 August 2021
IMDb should really remove the user reviews because they are pointless. 1 and 2 stars? Sign of the times, I guess. I give it a 7. It's exactly what I thought it would be. A nice little slice and a throwback to the first season.
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Fun and well done!
1 August 2021
I agree with the reviewer who mentioned how it seems to be the thing these days to significantly under rate things on IMDb for the sake of doing so. I'll give it to seven. I really enjoyed it. It's not perfect by any means, but fun and well acted and in my wheelhouse.
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14 June 2021
I wasn't sure what to expect from these small episodes. But so far so good. Very, very funny.
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Funny Boy (2020)
Targeted reviews
28 December 2020
It is very clear the reviews here are a targeted attack on this film. For any reasonable person coming here, do not trust 1 star reviews. It is a tactic. And all the more reason to see and support this film.
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The X-Files: My Struggle IV (2018)
Season 11, Episode 10
A great season
13 September 2020
This is one of my favorite seasons of the series, and I am a long time fan since the beginning. Other than My Struggle III, which is oddly shot and edited, the rest is the episodes are great! Including this final episode. Not sure why all the hate. It's like many of you just wanted to hate it and didn't see some of the creativity and ingenuity of the stand alone. And now we won't get another season.
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Forbidden (I) (2018)
Forbidden, a review
22 July 2020
I first met Vibha Gulati at New York Film Academy. I was auditioning for what would be my very first film (not counting a couple of random projects in college), portraying a Hare Krishna in "Lord Krishna."

I don't remember much about the audition itself, but I remember many things about the shoot. I was terrified. I didn't want to do "too much" in front of the camera. My first shot was walking on the streets of New York City. Just walking. Who knew something I did every day would be so daunting.

Once we moved inside I can remember the ease of Vibha's direction. We were both pretty new to this, but she had an ease about her from the very start. I don't remember having any dialogue, but Vibha assured me that my thoughts would be conveyed on the screen. She was right. I have never forgotten that bit of guidance over the years.

Vibha's latest film, currently making the rounds at various film festivals, and having recently made its Los Angeles premiere, is "Forbidden." I've watched the gestation of this project on social media for some time and was unbelievably excited for the opportunity to watch it.

Forbidden is a short dramatic thriller that follows a Sikh woman named Jasleen, who is running away with her Muslim lover, Fahwaz.

Jasleen's culture and religious conscious family wants her to marry within the Sikh community and are shocked when she suddenly disappears.

Vibha's inspiration came from her own life. "Forbidden is inspired by the true story of my friend who was brutally murdered for being in love with someone her family did not approve of."

The "Forbidden" website described honor killings as "acts of vengeance, usually death, committed by male family members against female family members, who are held to have brought dishonor upon the family.

A woman can be targeted by her family for a variety of reasons, including: dressing in a manner unacceptable to the family, wanting to terminate or prevent an arranged marriage, desiring to marry by her own choice, having a friend of a different culture or social group, having a profile on social media, engaging in a homosexual relationship, wanting a divorce, being raped, abducted or arrested or not playing by the rules of the household."

The film opens with Jasleen (Salony Luthra) running away from her family with Fahwaz (Gopal Divan), her boyfriend. Set to a beautiful score, Fahwaz attempts to ease Jasleen's mind, reminding her "You jump, I jump. Always."

I found myself smiling and hopeful, thinking that maybe this couple could make it, but when they pull over at a gas station to use the restroom, I wanted to tell them to get back in the car. Keep going. I know how things like this work in horror movies, and you can't stop for breaks!

Vibha makes it clear from this very scene that daylight and public places are not a safe zone, not for this couple. Not in this film. But at the same time, we continue to think that maybe, just maybe these two stand a chance. Maybe her brother will protect her. Maybe the father, in time will get over it. Maybe they can make it to their destination. Maybe.

As I neared the end of the film I began to realize something...that nod to Titanic? "You jump, I jump"...It doesn't end well for Jack and Rose either.

Vibha has written and directed a heartbreaking thriller, experimenting with genre. It is at once both a romance and a thriller, the suspense palpable from the very start up until the credits. As we head into the final minutes of the film, I felt like I was watching a beautifully shot snuff film. Think "The Last House on the Left." The 72 version, not the terrible remake. Unafraid to get close and show us the truth of this story, it becomes both difficult and unavoidable to watch.

A friend of mine recently commented on Twitter that people who complain about artists, particularly writers "getting political" know nothing about art or writing.

It seems that in today's age, if we continue to marginalize people for who they love, we could end up in a very, very dark place here in the "free world."

"This work is my tribute to this amazing woman," Vibha says, "who had the courage and the conviction to follow her heart and stand up to her family."

Here's to everyone who is courageous enough to love.
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The X-Files: Nothing Lasts Forever (2018)
Season 11, Episode 9
Fantastic, creepy and in the end touching
2 June 2019
This is another amazing episode in the great 11th season. The negative reviews are baffling to me.

This is creepy, funny and has one of the best scenes ever between Mulder and Scully at the end.

My only wish would have been a better opening episode to the season and we may have gotten a 12th one.
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The X-Files: Rm9sbG93ZXJz (2018)
Season 11, Episode 7
1 June 2019
From the cinematography, to the acting, this is my favorite episode of the 11th season.
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The X-Files: My Struggle III (2018)
Season 11, Episode 1
30 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After the great My Struggle II, we are given this mess. I like season 11, but this was the nail in the coffin...for now at least. Despite many strong episodes to come the viewers started to disappear. Understandably so.

Bad writing. Bad cinematography. Bad directing. Just bad.

My least favorite X Files episode by far.

The twist about William actually makes sense. And was always a possibility. Just not the one we wanted. But in the context of this episode it fails.
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The X-Files: My Struggle II (2016)
Season 10, Episode 6
A great finale
30 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Season 10 starts by telling us this is a conspiracy of men....and although I wish it had been the alien colonization we were promised in The Truth, it is still a riveting finale.

My Struggle III takes a disappointing turn by making it all a vision, but this finale really took us there.
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The X-Files: Babylon (2016)
Season 10, Episode 5
A great episode - and clearly misunderstood
30 May 2019
This is a fascinating X Files episode. The direction, the cinematography. Heck, the subject matter. But it is fantastic.

Much of season 10 is great and wild and risky.

Because it didn't look exactly like The X Files of the past critics and some fans overly criticized it. The knives were out from the start. But there is NOTHING like this on television. This episode in particular.

This fan was taken in.
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The X-Files: Sunshine Days (2002)
Season 9, Episode 18
Still brings tears to my eyes..."we owe it to the world..."
27 May 2019
The proof. Scully's face when Oliver takes them to...and when Skinner is...well, no spoilers here.

Almost finished with season 9...hoping for an episode like this closer to the end of season 11 as well as I know I am in for a bittersweet ending.

Season 9 is better than I recall...especially near the end. And significantly better than almost anything currently on television.
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The X-Files: Release (2002)
Season 9, Episode 17
An incredible episode
27 May 2019
After almost finishing season 9 I can say whole heartedly that we were not fair to Robert Patrick, John Doggett or season 9. This episode solidified that for me.

Fantastic characters, especially Cadet Hayes....
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The X-Files: Improbable (2002)
Season 9, Episode 13
Another underrated season 9 episode
26 May 2019
At first I thought they were trying to recreate the quirky comedic episodes of seasons past, but this is a truly singular tone for The X-Files.

The show truly could have continued with Reyes and Doggett had the writing and directing continued in this fashion.

Burt is great, of course! The music is fantastic.
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The X-Files: Audrey Pauley (2002)
Season 9, Episode 11
Great season 9 ep
26 May 2019
So great to see Tracey Ellis back on the show!

The acting in this episode is really superb. In an underrated season this is a standout episode.

Makes me wish Doggett had made his way to season 111.
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The X-Files: Hellbound (2002)
Season 9, Episode 8
X Files lite...but not bad
25 May 2019
I am in the midst of a full X Files rewatch and 7-9 are much better than given credit for. I didn't love 9 the first round...but I am really enjoying it.

This episode is a perfect example. It's nice for the show to return to its darker roots. And Doggett and Reyes are good...

This is a bit The Field Where I Died meets Tooms. But not as good as either. It's X Files lite.
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The X-Files: This Is Not Happening (2001)
Season 8, Episode 14
An incredible episode- Gillian at her best
18 May 2019
One of the best X Files episodes. Gillian deserved an Emmy for this season. This episode in particular.

Monica is also a great addition to the show.
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A good standalone. Gillian and David are great.
17 May 2019
I'm in the midst of a rewatch of the entire run, and feel compelled to write a quick review to balance the overly negative ones.

The original critic reviews were too harsh as are the ones here.

This is a solid film with great performances by our leads. Gillian and David along with Carter have given us a very interesting look at where there characters have ended up emotionally post series finale.
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Beautiful sequel
2 March 2019
Such a unique, challenging and beautiful story. Very well acted...the Cinematography is a vast improvement on the original. The story takes its time...which I loved.
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Degrassi: Next Class (2016–2017)
Great iteration of Degrassi
23 January 2019
Feels very true to the current high school experience.
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