
24 Reviews
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Les Grands Mythes (2014–2021)
Great but manipulated
27 April 2021
I was shocked when they suggested the Egyptian Gods was created or based upon the Greek gods.

This is absolutely untrue as the Greeks stole the thousands of years of research from Alexandria wheb it was attacked. The school of mysteries.

But generally the tories are well done but clearly about the Egyptianvgods which was adapted by the Greeks.
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Great movie!! Why all the negative reviews
10 March 2021
If the characters skin colour was different this would be in the 9-10 stars.

This is a great movie, great actors, great storyline. I absolutely love it, this film will become a classic but REAL critics know that.
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Black Is King (2020)
Great message
27 January 2021
Sorry, but not a fan of Beyonce. This is not really a movie but a strong and poignant message. I really loved the concept of loving heritage and african culture. There should have been more African beats and language. It was too Americanised.

But I love the message, proud to be of African heritage
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Loved it!!
31 October 2020
A great film, innocent and fun. It reminded me of a modern day Lost Boys, but with better actors. Don't listen to the bad reviews, watch it and judge it for yourself.
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Ugly Delicious (2018– )
It is a great show
25 April 2020
Its beyond your taste buds. It is a history lesson in foods from across the world, said honestly and bluntly. Egypt btw is part of Africa not the middle East. Amazing episodes, really insightful.
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Ugly Delicious (2018– )
Its great
25 April 2020
I have no complaints except, Egypt is part of the African continent. The 'middle east' is west Asia.
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Angels Fallen (2020)
Bad acting... 80's bad acting
10 March 2020
I'm not sure if the actors were told to do under act and over act. It was just unbelievable. The positive is it helped me fall asleep, I have a great 35 minute kip. I know it hasn't got a big budget but they could have made it up with the acting. No such luck. I'd say if you want a classic silly bad acting movie to watch then this is it, otherwise don't bother. I was shocked as some of the actors were good in other films but this... terrible just terrible
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The Gentlemen (2019)
7 March 2020
When the big reveal took place, believe me it wasnt a reveal it was obvious from the beginning. Unnecessary racism, bit boring and fuelling for the current climate at the moment. get better. A director should evolve, not devolve. Played out, predictably throughout. Acting is good but made no difference to the snooze fest plot/ storyline.
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Bombshell (I) (2019)
Shout out loud sisters! Ignore the 5 stars and below
1 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I am shocked with some of the reviews, this film highlights the predatorial ways of people in power. This is a sad and powerful film. Women or men that are being objectified in this way should stand up, in this case it is women. Women threatened with their careers, unless they perform sexual acts! This film shows the strength and courage to change the sexist narrative.

Confidence to to fight and take down the establishment.

Great watch! It is a true story, with some fictional aspects.
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Batwoman (2019–2022)
Don't listen to the bad reviews
19 October 2019
Its great to see a female superhero! The program is currently focusing in origins and a build from there.

Give it ago, you might be surprised
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What's with the bad reviews?
30 August 2019
This film kept me jumping all the way through! The fact that it's a folk lore, and behind myths can be truths. It's well acted, the non-priest was a bit ropey but generally a good film.
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The Boys (2019– )
I've been waiting for so long... and you delivered!
28 July 2019
I read the graphic novels back in 2006-2012, own all 12 books. It blew my mind then and I have a strong feeling the series will do the same. The TV series is flowing large parts of the graphic novel whilst twisting in modern day issues and ideology. I am so glad that they have managed to get Simon Pegg in the series, made me so happy! It's a shame he isn't the Scottish Hughie but he is there.

The thing is the reviewers who havent read the graphic novels have no idea how the story is brilliantly fu*ked up and definitely changes the idea of what 'superheroes' have been depicted to be. Changing the narrative to self serving, egotistical megalomaniacs with humankind being the last thought on their minds. It gives the 'superheroes' a human touch in relation to the 7 deadly sins.

All I have to say is... OMG watch it. It's amazing but make sure you read inbetween the lines and figure out this huge political statement it is making. Get the graphic novels too 😉 as I don't think they are 100% following it just aspects which is amazing!
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The Twilight Zone (2019–2020)
What's with all the bad reviews?! Great episodes!
28 April 2019
All I see are 'disappointed' reviews It's sad to see a great comeback, which has clearly evolved with the times being panned by people who are not open to change.

All the episodes leave you talking. They are great and different ideas!

I would 100% recommend all the episodes. It's a refreshing change from the rubbish we are being plastered with day in day out.

It's a shame the haters out there can't see the uniqueness of each episode.

Cant wait for the next episodes and seasons!! Bring it on!!
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The Twilight Zone: Replay (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
Don't listen to the negative reviews, this the best episode so far!
22 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode shows and highlights the level of racism that any person of colour faces due to racial profiling. The negative reviews display and highlights it too. A young man heading off to college, with his proud mother. The pair have a video camcorder, which seems to have an ability to rewind time as they go through different events as they journey towards the college the son is due to attend but each route ending negatively. The duo are hounded by a police officer who seems to turn up in every scenario, the mother is the only one that is aware that the camera can in fact turn back time. The mother eventually explains what is happening to the son after one of the events ends up with him being shot dead by said officer. She takes an impromptu route to her brothers, who she has not seen for years and the real story starts to unfold. Fear. Guided by her brother, the trio take an underground route to reach the college. Just as they come out of the underground tunnels, they head towards the gates of the college. At the crowded gates the three edge their way towards the gates and the officer shows up again, calling on the three to stop. The mother gathers up courage, with her brother by her side. The officer has his gun drawn ready to shoot, at this point 2 other police vehicles turn up, they come out with guns drawn. The mother confronts the officer stating the clear fear they all seem to have with people of colour being educated, whilst the crowd films the event. This episode is very powerful and highlights the fear that racists have about people of colour being educated and making a positive stamp on the world. We are all human and deserve to be educated without fear of uneducated racists.

This for me is powerful as it shows people of authority abusing their power and displaying fear and using it literally as a weapon. The college displays how all humankind needs to be educated to realise that all humans fundamentally want the same thing, to be productive for their future and have a real chance in life.

We all deserve life without profiling. We all deserve a life full stop.

Black/Brown people shouldn't be oppressed, it's gone on too long... but the Police Officers fear displays everything and says a lot. What white racists fear... not being a superior... hence why oppression is still continued around the world. Systemic racism rather than acceptance and the actual joining of the human race.
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Stories are good, but too much female objectification and fantasizing rape...
23 March 2019
All the animations are put together well. The stories are individual and unique, leaving you wanting more.

The only problem is most of the stories are objectifying women... lots of scenes of naked females and potential rape, sometimes glorifying it, which is disappointing and unnecessary.

The stories themselves are original, and could have been more.

An interesting move by Netflix, but as stated, women in a larger majority of the shorts, do not need to be objectified.

Women watch and enjoy animation too.

Make sure the next series has more equality for women, portraying us more than just objects of sexual immature male fantasies.

Grow up guys!!
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Great introduction to Captian Marvel!!
10 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I love it when Marvel gives the backstory first, so you can fall in love with the character and match how their dynamics can fit in further Marvel films. This film has so many twists and turns, it's confusing to know where Carol Danvers/ Vers true origins are really from, but it comes together perfectly in the end. The sad thing is that she had lost so much of her memory that rebuilding her life will be difficult and they failed to pick up on that.

I think this film is great way to introduce Captian Marvel to Avengers End Game, the cinema goers cheered as we now have hope and a twist to the final instalment of the Avengers franchise!

One gripe; Jude Law was bad casting. I think another actor would have played the role more convincingly.

The film has a lot of humour, which is great and continues the positive political debates of differences.

Fury and Coulson as younger agents is brilliant to see, their innocence and how they were before they become 'part of the furniture' is eye opening lol

Loved it!!
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Weird City (2019)
America's version of Black Mirror
6 March 2019
The episodes are interesting and definitely worth the watch. It is quite clear the ideas have been inspired by the Black Mirror series.

The episodes are good but more fantastical then hard hitting. I really enjoyed them but would pick Black Mirror over weird city any day. But I would recommend viewing Weird City, the acting is good, the ideas are interesting.

The first episode was a great one, 'The One', the rest are fun to watch.

I'm interested to see where they go with it.
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IO (2019)
Ignore the bad reviews! This is very poignant for today
1 February 2019
I think when people think dystopian they expect far too much action. This film has been delivered in such a way that it leaves you thinking about how humans are destroying the earth and how we need to sit up and pay attention.

I don't think it will be our future, at least I hope not, but it sends out a clear message. We should protect our planet, embrace it, look after it, appreciate all natural, respect it.

Fantastic acting, minimal but effective actors.

You will find that this film in a decade or two, will soon become a classic, a potential documentary.

It may be fiction now, but the ideas of climate change and where we could be heading. It is compelling.

A great film, it's a shame others didn't think so.
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Charmed (2018–2022)
Give it a chance
16 October 2018
Always the way, remakes aren't always a good idea. They need to let people know, it is inspired by the original. 1st episode has a lot to live up to, just like the original. I say give it a chance as I feel the new crew can bring more.

Not great, but I will be watching to see where the series go.

People moan a lot about acting but I've seen much worse, these ladies need to become their characters and it will happen. Also I've noticed that anything with people of other origins other than white always get panned. Grow up people it's a multicultural word.
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The Titan (2018)
Why all the bad reviews? This film is very good, sci-fi fans will love.
5 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I think people are not getting the idea of what makes a great film. CGI and overloaded action, isn't always the way.

This film explores the idea of humans moving to another planet. The film is set in the future, and human kind have damaged the earth to the point that we have to leave the planet.

Military candidates offer themselves as subjects for 'improvements', so they can survive on Titan one of Saturn's moon's .

The scientists are aware that the human DNA has to be 'adjusted' to suit Titans atmosphere and to be able to survive and use the 'water'.

Sam Worthing plays the role well, along with the rest of the cast. Not all but most.

The film shows us about human sacrifice to save others and also how playing god will always have terrible consequences. The film also focuses on the unknown and wanting to control the uncontrollable. Killing the subjects because they can't be tamed, or controlled shows that humans having an need of hierarchy and supremacy over the 'newer humans'. Which of course negates their experiments, as change is expected but the changes that take place were not truly anticipated.

The idea of the story is great, yes there could have been a little more air time on the experiments and the effects, including timeline for the outcome, as there were a lot of people willing to undertake the procedures.

People wanted more of life on Titan, but I think the film was delivered well.

Highly recommended, if you want to see a film that delivers a basic but potentially real scenario, because let's face it we are destroying the planet.

This film delivers
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Breaking In (2018)
Great acting, executed well! Recommended viewing
21 August 2018
Not sure why there are so many bad reviews. The film's boosts some great actors and new actors. The storyline has been done a lot but the execution was great. I was on the edge of my seat waiting in anticipation what would happen next.

Really good film!!
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Tag (I) (2018)
Easy film, great cast, won't be disappointed
19 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
If you want an easy and funny film to watch, then this is it. Following the story of a group of friends who never wanted to stop 'playing' and manage to keep a game of TAG going for 30 years. It's a great story on an amazing bond of friends throughout their lives.

The plot is really good. The Jeremey Renners character is quite funny how he breaks down his 'detective' theories and how to escape.

The film, in my opinion, delivered. I would recommend it. Watch with family and friends ... I'm sure at the end you will try and figure out how to implement this with your group of friends and family.
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Cloak & Dagger (2018–2019)
Great start, can't wait to see where it goes
16 August 2018
It's a shame I see so many negative reviews. The series has done things right, to slowly introduce the characters so you can bond with them. I read the comics and to see it on screen is brilliant.

Keep it up!!
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Traffik (2018)
Worth a look - better than expected
14 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This film highlight the scary truth of trafficking of young girls and women. This is based on true events and should not be taken lightly of how deep the rabbit hole actually goes. Paula Palton's acting needs a bit of a boost, at the beginning she is a little annoying but as the films moves on her acting improves. All other actors were on the mark.

I would recommend this film. So many things we take for granted in life. Be vigilant people Trafficking is a Billion pound industry and our leaders are involved in this.
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