2 Reviews
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Struggle (I) (2010)
Realistic downward spiral.
26 May 2013
I found this to be an enjoyable film to watch, that at times had me smile and other times crying. Maybe its because I used to have a similar lifestyle and could empathise with the characters. I enjoyed the way the story unfolded and the interjection of the Super 8 home movie films that have been spliced into the film. I liked the gritty acting of the main characters who made the film for me, although don't expect Hollywood A class. But it was this acting that made the film for me, no pretentiousness at all. It also gives an insight into the more seedier side of the city - which realistically could be any major city in the world.
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Dr. Crippen (1963)
was he guilty
17 March 2005
Despite the overwhelming evidence supporting the murder of Mrs. Crippen there has to be a question of intent. Whilst the film gives what seemingly is an accurate portrayal of the crime it seems to be biased towards the like of Filson Young who perceived Mrs Crippen as a wanton woman. The portrayal of the state of the house is accurate according to the reports in the papers though the over acting by the captain of the montrose and the failure of pleasance to grow a beard whilst evading the long arm of the law indicates poetic licence. Anyone who hasn't studied the background to the case will find it an OK watch but there are too many inaccuracies to the academics!
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